Page 7 of Midnight Velvet

  She nodded and scanned the list. “Typically, a privately held company will set up a dummy corporation to hide the true owners. No laws prevent them from doing so. International and American mixed companies sometimes form a merged company. They’re listed as the owners, which is what you see here.”

  “Which means Mercado International is the primary owner of the trucking company?”


  “Can you find out who the owners of Mercado International are?”

  She nodded. “Yes. It’ll take some time, but I can do it.”

  “Good. You can get started on it in the morning.”

  Their eyes met. His thigh touched hers. She felt feverish, sweaty and moist in places that had no business moistening. She had to get a grip on her libido. Come on, Nevada. Where’s that famous control you’re always spouting off about? Now would be a good time to use it.

  She cleared her throat. “You’re welcome.” She started to get up but he grabbed her arm.


  Oh God, please don’t make me stay here, sitting next to you, soaking in the depths of your eyes, breathing in your scent, making me want…

  What did she want? “Yes?”

  They were so close she could almost count the number of long, curling lashes surrounding his dark eyes. He’d moved his arm behind her neck, his hand playing with the trailing wisps of hair that had come loose from her high ponytail. She shivered.

  He smiled. “Cold?”

  “Nuh-uh.” Now, there was a coherent response. Brilliant, Nevada.

  He massaged the muscles in the back of her neck. She couldn’t help it; she rested her head on the palm of his hand and let him work his magic. She closed her eyes and imagined his touch on other aching parts of body.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Yes.” What wasn’t there to like? His fingers sent a rush of sensation throughout her body faster than the blood flowing through her veins. Her bodily fluids went into overdrive in preparation for something she couldn’t deny she wanted and her heart accelerated to racing speed.


  With her eyes closed, it was just like she used to imagine him. His voice was low and husky, whispering in her ear, calling to her desire, her needs.

  “I want to kiss you again, Nevada.”

  Then kiss me, dammit! Make love to me. Do what neither of us should do but both of us want. “You do?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She smiled at his answer. “Well, then, now what?”

  He continued to rub her neck. She couldn’t open her eyes, afraid of what she’d see reflected in his.

  Finally, she heard him sigh and remove his hands. “It’s late. Let’s get some sleep.”

  Sleep? Sleep? Was he kidding? Her eyes flew open in shock and her mind screamed, Fuck me, you idiot! He was already halfway to the bedroom. He paused at the doorway and stared back at her with a mixture of regret and heat.

  “Night, Nevada.”

  She couldn’t form a coherent word to save her life, so she simply nodded. He pivoted and went to bed.

  He’d touched her, sent magical impulses through her brain and body. He’d told her he wanted to kiss her. And then he left and went to bed. What was she supposed to make of all that?

  Frankly, she was getting tired of this teasing cat and mouse game he played with her. He either wanted her or he didn’t.

  She plopped her head on the pillow of the couch and grabbed her book. She gave up. Men. She’d never understand the way their minds worked.

  Maybe Charles would have better luck with Jacqueline. After all, he was a fantasy man, just like Tyler used to be. Only in her fantasy world would the man she desired make all her dreams come true.

  Except her mind refused to concentrate on the characters in her book. Her body was still inflamed by Tyler’s touch, her lips still feeling his mouth on her, his tongue coaxing its way inside and tasting her.

  Her nipples beaded under her top. Reaching up, she shut off the light, keeping her eyes glued to the door of his bedroom. His lights were off, telling her he’d gone to sleep.

  Obviously he hadn’t been as worked up as she was. Or maybe he was contemplating doing the same thing she was about to do.

  Quick, easy, just to take the edge off. God knows Tyler had been tantalizing her to the brink anyway. This wouldn’t take long.

  She reached under the hem of her shirt and lifted it, exposing her breasts to the night air. Her nipples rose and pebbled, aching for Tyler’s mouth. Instead, she slid her palms back and forth over the distended buds, feeling them swell and harden more. She rolled the nipples between her thumb and forefinger, plucking them into sharp peaks, the sensation shooting between her legs.

  Which was exactly where she wanted her hands. She trailed her fingertips lightly over her ribs and belly, then slipped them underneath the waistband of her boxers, searching and finding the heat of her sex. With a quiet sigh she found her clit and lightly caressed it. Dewy moisture slickened her sex as she moved one hand down over her slit, then quickly thrust two fingers inside her pussy, lifting her buttocks from the couch as she fucked herself with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other.

  She’d give anything to have one of her vibrators right now, something long and hard to slip inside her cunt and fuck herself to a blinding orgasm.

  But she didn’t. And she didn’t have Tyler’s cock inside her, which was what she’d really wanted. So she’d settle for imagining him opening his bedroom door and walking toward her, his naked body visible in the moonlight streaming through the windows. His cock was hard, ready, as he stroked it with his hand while he approached.

  Her legs parted and she petted her clit, keeping her gaze trained on him as he climbed above her, settled between her legs and drove home with one, quick thrust. He took her mouth at the same time, silencing her cries of pleasure as he stroked her, harder, faster, like a wild rollercoaster that dipped and careened around the corners so fast she couldn’t catch a breath.

  Nevada bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out as the waves of her climax crashed over her. Her pussy squeezed her fingers as the intense orgasm milked them, just as if her fingers were Tyler’s shaft.

  She panted through the remnants of pleasure pulses, withdrew her fingers and righted her clothing, wishing for all the world that her fantasies had become a reality tonight.

  Satiated, temporarily at least, she prayed for at least a few hours’ sleep.

  * * * * *

  Tyler tossed and turned in bed, glaring at the clock that signaled he’d been trying to sleep for the better part of two hours. Idiot. Moron. Dumbass. How could he continually make the same mistakes over and over again?

  Why did he tell her he wanted to kiss her? Where was his so called master control? Yeah, right. That was a laugh. He pulled his hands through his hair, his body heated to boiling, his hard-on refusing to go away.

  It was his own damn fault that he had been erect for several hours, his cock refusing to let him sleep.

  First, he had to lean over Nevada at the computer, smell her freshly washed hair, that scent of vanilla that lingered even after she left a room. Then, he had to touch her, rub her neck, feel the soft cotton of her pajamas and the heat of her skin through the material. Her skin. Like warmed silk. He ached so bad to touch her again he almost groaned out loud.

  Her hair had been draped silk over his arm as she’d rested her head on his hand; he could feel the tension in her muscles melt under his fingers. He wanted to ease that tension for both of them—that never ending feeling of wanting so badly it was almost painful.

  But that wasn’t going to do either of them good in this situation. They were temporarily forced into close proximity and both healthy adults. Of course they’d get the hots for each other. Well, hell. Who wouldn’t have the hots for Nevada, with her exotic looks and long legs?

  That didn’t mean he needed to do anything about it.

  Master of control, his ass. He was going
to have to do better.

  How could he control anything when he couldn’t even beat his unruly cock into behaving itself?

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, he reached down and firmly grasped the offending member in hand, bound and determined to squeeze the life out of it. Or at least a good come, so that maybe, just maybe, he could get a little sleep tonight.

  The shaft was hot, pulsing, his balls tight and ready for release. This wouldn’t take long. He’d been primed for a fuck since early tonight and, if he wasn’t so damn stupid, he could have sunk inside Nevada several hours ago. The way she responded told him she’d felt the same way.

  But a sound outside his bedroom made him pause mid-stroke. It started out almost a whisper, but then grew until it reached a crescendo. Tyler sat up and listened. It was Nevada and she was crying.

  He pulled the covers back and reached for his boxers on the floor before hurrying into the living room.

  “No, please. Please don’t leave me. Daddy, no! Don’t go!”

  Flipping the light switch in the bedroom illuminated the couch enough for him to see her. The light coverlet was clenched tight in her fists, her face scrunched up as if she were in pain. Tyler sat on the edge of the couch and gently touched her shoulders.

  “Nevada, wake up.”

  “No, Daddy no! Don’t go! Not like Mommy! Please Daddy, don’t you leave me too! I need you!”

  Her sobs tore at his heart. Her face was wet from the tears flowing down her cheeks.

  Tyler clutched her shoulders firmly and shook her. “Nevada. Wake up!”

  Her eyes opened wide as she bolted upright on the couch. Focusing on Tyler’s face, she threw her arms around his neck, pressing her tear-stained cheek against his throat. Without a word she held onto him, the sobs racking her body until she shook uncontrollably.

  He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and the other under her legs, pulling her onto his lap. Leaning against the back of the couch, he cradled her in his arms, holding her as tight as he dared. She pressed closer, seemingly unable to stop the flow of tears caused by her nightmare.

  Having no concept of what to do for her, he held her, rocked her as he would a child and stroked her hair, whispering softly that everything would be all right. His throat tightened as he felt her misery flow outward. What she must have suffered losing her parents. Had she held all this pain inside all these years?

  “It’s okay, baby, shh, everything will be fine.” At this moment, this one moment, time stood still. Tyler’s heart swelled with tenderness, an unfamiliar feeling. He wanted to take her pain away more than he had ever wanted anything before.

  Nevada finally calmed down, the sobs reduced to sniffles and hiccups. He leaned them both forward and grabbed the box of tissues from the coffee table, handing her a few that she accepted with a choked thanks. But she made no attempt to move from his lap and he wasn’t about to let her go.

  Her head rested on his chest, the rise and fall of his breathing bringing the top of her head up to his nose. With every inhale, he took in her sweet scent, and managed to grasp a little more tightly to her. If he wasn’t careful, she was going to make him cry. He almost laughed out loud at the thought. Big, tough agent reduced to tears by woman’s nightmares. Dylan would love that one.

  Finally, she stirred, placing her hand on his chest and giving herself a slight push to prop her head up.

  Tyler stopped breathing. Her eyes were luminous wet gold from her tears. They shone with a brightness he thought was a dream. She managed a tremulous smile, and tore him apart.

  “Thank you,” she sniffed. “God, I’m so embarrassed.”

  “For what?”

  “For waking you. I had a nightmare. I’m really not a crybaby. Geez, this is mortifying.”

  He continued to stroke her silken hair. “Nothing wrong with crying over a bad dream. Was it about your father?”


  “Do you want to talk about it? It might help.” He swept a leftover tear from her cheek. She leaned into his hand. God. Like a magnet. He cupped her chin and pressed a light kiss to her lips.

  “It’s stupid. Nothing, really.”

  “Nightmares are never stupid. Tell me about it.”

  She tilted her head to the side and studied him as if she couldn’t quite believe he was real. Admittedly, this tenderness he felt toward her was a foreign concept to him, too.

  “It was about the night my father died. He’d been in a drunken stupor for days and as usual I couldn’t do anything to help him. He didn’t want my help. He wanted to die and I couldn’t do a thing to stop him.”

  “Why do you think he wanted to die?”

  “Because my mother died and she was his entire life.”

  “That can’t be true. He had you.”

  “I wasn’t enough for him to live for.” Her eyelashes swept down over her cheeks as she looked away, fresh tears dropping onto his hand.

  He tilted her chin up and forced her to meet his eyes. “You are worth living for.”

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I know how much he loved my mother. When she died, he died too. It just took him a little longer.”

  “Nevada, it’s not your fault.”

  “I know. I tried to control it, but I couldn’t keep it from happening.”

  He leaned back. “You think you can control how people feel? You have no power over the things people do. You can give them your opinion, tell them how you feel, but in the end it’s their choice.” He saw that often enough in his work. Everyone had a choice. Some made the right ones and unfortunately, a lot of them made the wrong ones.

  She touched his cheek. “You make it sound so simple.”

  He laughed lightly. “Simple? Not really.”

  “Well, anyway,” she said, her voice as soft as the pajamas she wore, “thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I suppose we should try to get some sleep now?”

  He looked at her, her eyes wide with the pain she tried so hard to hide. And something else. Something he knew he’d see in his own reflection. A desperate longing, a desire to belong to someone. To hold someone.

  Goddamit! He didn’t want to have these feelings. But he’d held back long enough.

  “Not yet,” he replied, pulling her against his chest and capturing her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Chapter Six

  Tyler’s warm lips melted into hers, stealing her breath away. Nevada tasted the salt of her own tears, making the kiss even more bittersweet.

  She wanted to tell him so many things, but her mind wouldn’t concentrate on forcing her voice to work. All she could manage were mumbles and moans of pleasure as his hands caressed her back, splaying against her heated skin.

  It meant so much to have him wake her from the torment of the past. How comforting it had been to be held in his arms as she cried out her grief for the parents she missed so desperately.

  But now, all she could focus on was how it felt to be in his arms. She grasped his corded biceps, the muscles bunching as he shifted her down against the couch. He had such strength, power that could easily snap her in two. Yet was so gentle as his body covered hers, holding his weight off her with little effort.

  Tyler’s midnight eyes burned into her as his hands spoke what words could never say. His arousal pressed against her hip, his tight, determined expression providing no apology for his desire.

  Her body cried out for him, wanting him in ways she’d never wanted another man. Wholly, completely, she craved a merging she’d backed away from before.

  With any other man in her past, it had just been sex. With Tyler, it was so much more. It both frightened and thrilled her at the same time.

  “Touch me, Nevada,” he whispered with a desperate sense of urgency. She did, sliding her hands up his arms to clench his shoulders, then down his chest, winding her fingers through the sprinkling of dark, curling hair.

  Her palms circled his nipples, gliding lightly against the hardening nubs. He g
roaned and she delighted in her power. Desperate to feel the length of him pressed against her, she grasped the back of his neck and pulled his mouth against hers. When their lips made contact, she raised her hips until her sex met the raging steel of his cock. The voltage level of desire shot higher.

  He moved and her body wept its desire.

  “You know I love these pajama things,” he said, his voice dark as the moonless night, “but they’re in my way.” He swept the tank top up and over her stomach, then eased his way down to press his lips against her bare flesh.

  She gasped as he lifted the shirt over her breasts, sliding his hands along with it and grazing her nipples with the palms of his hands. The ache pulsed within her and she lifted her hips once again, rocking against his hardened body.

  “If you don’t stop that,” he rasped, “my foreplay technique is going to be very brief.”

  “I don’t need foreplay.” She moved against him again, communicating the urgency of her need.

  He entranced her with the ferocity of his gaze as he pulled her arms over her head and swept her top off with one swift move. His eyes shimmered in the darkness, a glimpse of moonlight through the cloudy haze. She watched in complete fascination as he covered her nipple with his lips.

  “Tyler,” she moaned, threading her hands through his hair. She pulled him closer until his mouth completely covered her. He laved her breast with his tongue, drawing a fire from within that only he could douse.

  Why hadn’t she felt this way with anyone else before? She was no virgin, and yet this was the first time she’d ever completely given herself over to the sensations of a man’s touch.

  She felt the chill over her breasts as he removed his mouth and leaned away, his face taut with desire, his eyes like glowing black coals in the semi-darkness.

  “I want you, Nevada,” he said sharply. “Tell me right now if you don’t want this.”

  After all the starts and stops, she knew exactly what she wanted. Without hesitation, she reached for him. “Then take me,” she answered swiftly as she brought her lips up to meet his. This was the moment that would change things between them. She should have thought about it, planned it, decided whether it was a good step or not.