Nigerian Railway Corporation, 77

  Nigerian Situation: Facts and Background, 77

  Nigerian Youth Movement, 45

  “1966,” 62

  Nixon, Richard, 103, 221, 231

  Njoku, Eni, 77, 96–97

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 42, 136, 146, 163

  Nnokwa (village), 192

  Nok kingdom, 1

  Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU), 46

  Northern People’s Congress (NPC), 46–47, 51

  Nri kingdom, 2

  Nsibidi writing system, 192

  Nwamife Books, 185

  Nwana, Pita, 53

  Nwankwo, Arthur, 185

  Nwapa, Flora, 27, 112, 113

  Nwosa, Benjamin Chukwuka, 156

  Nyerere, Julius, 97–98, 145–46, 163

  Nzekwu, Onuora, 63

  Nzeogwu, Major Chukwuma, 179

  coup of 1966, 65, 79

  death of, 184

  Nzimiro, Ikenna, 145, 147–48, 192–93

  Obasanjo, Olusegun, 109, 132, 217, 223

  Obi, Chike, 29

  Obiechina, Emmanuel, 27, 114, 145, 147

  Obote, Milton, 167

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 106, 107–8

  Obumselu, Ben, 27, 145

  Ogan, Dr. Okoronkwo, 65

  Ogbanje (one who is reborn), 116

  Ogbunigwe bomb, 156–57

  Ogede, Ode, 55

  Ogunde, Hubert, 52

  Ogunewe, David, 227

  Ohamiri (goddess), 192

  Oilmen, capture of, 218–20

  Oil production

  and division of Eastern states, 91–92

  foreign interests and Biafrian conflict, 99–100, 102

  Nigerian half ownership, 235

  Ojukwu, General Chukwuemeka (Emeka) Odumegwu, 80–81, 118–20

  and Ahiara Declaration, 143–45, 148–49

  background of, 118–20, 159

  and Biafran Organization of Freedom Fighters (BOFF), 159–60

  British aid, refusal of, 126

  critics of, 125–26, 222

  flight to Ivory Coast, 98, 223–24

  food relief, caution about, 211

  Gowon, relationship with, 122–24, 224–25

  and Nigeria-Biafra war, 124–26, 128–32, 135, 210–11, 213, 219–20

  Organization of African Unity (OAU) meeting with, 96–98

  and secession of Biafra, 91–92, 128

  Ojukwu, Sir Louis Odumegwu, 43, 80, 118

  Okam, Hilary, 167

  Okara, Gabriel, 25, 109, 114, 167

  Okeke, Simon, 150

  Okezie, J. O. J., 26

  Okigbo, Bede, 23, 26

  Okigbo, Christopher, 23, 25, 28, 56, 79, 107, 112, 248

  background of, 114–15

  in Biafran military, 117

  Chinua’s friendship with, 114, 116, 180–81

  Chinua’s last encounter with, 182–83

  and Citadel Press, 176–79

  death of, 184–85

  personality traits of, 115–16, 116

  support of Biafra, 116–17

  work of, 115

  Okigbo, Pius, 23, 114, 117, 248

  Okoli, Christie. See Achebe, Christie Okoli (wife)

  Okoli, Elizabeth, 188

  Okoli, Samuel, 69

  Okoli, Timothy Chukwukadibia, 31–33

  Okongwu, Chu, 26

  Okongwu, Jonathan Obimdike, 15–18

  Okongwu, Sonny Chu, 17

  Okonkwo, Major Albert Nwazu, 131

  Okoye, Major, 159

  Okpara, Dr. Michael I., 91, 119

  “Old Order in Conflict with the New, The,” 33

  Onabanjo, Bisi, 37

  Onenyi, Okudo, 146–47

  Onosode, Gamaliel, 27

  Oral tradition. See Igbo traditions; Storytelling

  Organization of African Unity (OAU), 96–99, 136–37

  Oshuntokun, Oluwokayo, 28

  Osinyi, Udoh (great-uncle), 7, 12–14

  as ozo (religious official), 12–13

  Otamiri deity, 18

  Owerri (Biafra), 149, 217–18, 223

  Oyo kingdom, 1–2

  Oyolu, Dr., 159

  Oyono, Ferdinand, 53

  Ozo (religious official), 12–13

  Palm-Wine Drinkard, The (Tutuola), 57, 113

  Pan-African flag, 151

  Parks, Rosa, 103

  Parrinder, Dr., 33–34

  Passport of Mallan Ilia, The (Ekwensi), 109

  Paton, Alan, 53

  Paul VI, Pope, 134, 219, 230–31

  “Penalty of Godhead,” 84

  People’s Redemption Party, 46, 244

  Phelps, Gilbert, 37–38

  Poetry, African, great works of past, 53

  Pogroms, Igbo genocide, 67, 82–83, 92, 95, 123

  “Polar Undergraduate,” 33

  Portugal, Nigeria-Biafra war, response to, 104–5

  Protest literature, 58–59

  Queen’s College (Lagos), 20

  Queen’s Own Nigeria Regiment, 119

  Radio broadcasts, during war, 183, 259–65

  Radio Nigeria, 183

  “Refugee Mother and Child (A Mother in a Refugee Camp), 168

  Rent-a-crowd, 69, 248

  Republic of Biafra, 143–68

  administrative functions, 150

  Ahiara Declaration, 143–49

  Biafran Organization of Freedom Fighters (BOFF), 159–60

  Biafran spirit during war, 171–72

  capital city, 149, 176

  Chinua, on new-nation committees, 143–49

  creation of, 91–92, 128

  ethnic groups of, 150

  flag of, 151

  intellectual foundation of, 143–49

  military and armaments of, 153–60

  national anthem of, 151–53

  National Guidance Committee, 144–49

  -Nigerian war. See Nigeria-Biafra war

  population (1967), 150

  post-war devastation, 227

  relief efforts, 154–55, 164–66, 194

  secession, Nigerian position on, 96–97

  secession, supporters of, 91, 97–98

  Road, The (Soyinka), 109

  Robertson, Sir James, 49–51

  Rocheau, Monsignor Georges, 134

  Romain, Jacques, 164

  Rotimi, Ola, 114

  St. Jorre, John de, 120, 128–29

  St. Michael’s School (Aba), 16, 17–18

  St. Philip’s Central School (Ogidi), 15–17

  St. Philip’s Church (Ogidi), 11–12

  Salih, al-Tayyib, 113

  Sardauna of Sokoto, 51, 81

  Sardaunians, 51

  Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 25

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 139, 164

  Scandinavia, Chinua as Biafran envoy to, 164–65

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., 231

  Schreiner, Olive, 53

  Scramble for Africa, 1

  Segun, Mabel, 27, 113–14

  Selassie, Haile, 211

  Senegal, Chinua as Biafran envoy to, 160–64

  Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 160–64

  Shell Camp, 193–94

  Shuwa, Mohammed, 132–33, 136, 139, 173

  Simpson, W. C., 25

  Simpson, William, 23

sulu, Walter, 163, 258

  Slater, A. P. L., 25

  Smith, Arnold, 167

  Smith, Harold, 50

  Society of Nigerian Authors (SONA), 57, 63

  Sofola, Zulu, 28

  Sokoto Caliphate, 46

  Solarin, Dr. Tai, 114

  South Africa, Mandela as model leader, 258

  Sovereign National Conference, 252–53

  Soviet Union, Nigeria-Biafra war, response to, 104, 154

  Soyinka, Wole, 28, 52, 63, 107, 115, 164

  antiwar activism of, 109–10


  of Biafrans, 195, 199, 209–10, 226, 231

  as weapon of war. See Genocide

  Stewart, Michael, 214

  Stone, R. H., 25

  Story of an African Farm (Schreiner), 53

  Storytelling, 8–9

  African epics, 53

  as beneficent fiction, 57

  Chinua’s early exposure to, 8–9

  Sunset at Dawn: A Novel about Biafra (Ike), 156–57

  Swados, Harvey, 105

  Swamp Dweller, The (Soyinka), 109

  Tambo, Oliver, 258

  Thant, U, 211–12

  Thelwell, Michael, 38

  Things Fall Apart

  appeal to readers, 39

  publishing of, 38

  reception/reviews, 38–39

  typing of manuscript, near fiasco, 35–37

  writing of, 35–39, 61

  Thiong’o Ngúgí wa, 113

  Thomas, Dylan, 113

  Thurmond, Strom, 221–22

  Tiffin, Helen, 38

  Tigrigna writings, 53

  Tiv people, 47

  Trial of Christopher Okigbo (Mazrui), 56

  Trials of Brother Jero, The (Soyinka), 109

  Trouble with Nigeria, The, 74, 249

  Tutuola, Amos, 53, 57, 113

  Tyler, Priscilla, 38

  Uchendu, Major Jonathan, 173

  Udoji, Jerome, 91

  Uganda, Chinua as Biafran envoy to, 166–67

  Ugoh, Dr. Sylvester, 150

  Ukwu, Dr. Ukwu I., 159

  Uli airport, 154–55

  Ume-Ezeoke, Philip, 70

  Umuahia (Biafra), 149

  United Nations, neglect, and Nigeria-Biafra war, 211–13

  United States

  Chinua as Biafran envoy to, 167

  Nigeria-Biafra war, response to, 102–4, 139–40, 210–11, 221–22, 231

  University College (Ibadan), 26–29, 33–35

  University Herald, 33

  University of Biafra, 111

  Urhobo people, 47

  Uwechue, Raph, 125

  Uyanga people, 150

  Uzochukwu, Benjamin, 24

  Visser’t Hooft, Willem, 166

  Vonnegut, Kurt, 105–6

  Von Rosen, Carl Gustaf, 154–55, 165

  “Vultures,” 204–5

  Wachukwu, Jaja, 26

  Walcott, Derek, 164

  Warrant chiefs, 2

  Washington, Booker T., 163

  Wasp (Anwu), 108

  Waugh, Auberon, 105

  “We Laughed at Him,” 196–98

  Welch, James, 34

  West, Richard, 171–72

  West Africa. See also Nigeria

  ancient kingdoms of, 1–2, 47

  in British empire. See British colonial rule

  Ghana independence, 40–41

  newspapers of, 42

  West African Pilot, The, 42–43

  “Who Cares About Biafra Anyway?” (Blum), 212–13

  Wiesel, Elie, 249

  Wilkins, Roy, 104

  Williams, Grace Alele, 27

  Wilson, Angus, 38

  Wilson, Harold, pro-Nigerian position of, 99–101, 105, 106, 213–14, 229, 232

  World Bank, on missing Nigerian national funds, 249–50

  World Council of Churches, 165–66

  World War II, 44, 48

  Yako people, 150

  Yoruba people, 45, 47

  Igbo dominance over, 74


  The Education of a British-Protected Child

  Collected Poems

  Anthills of the Savannah

  The Sacrificial Egg and Other Stories

  Things Fall Apart

  No Longer at Ease

  Chike and the River

  A Man of the People

  Arrow of God

  Girls at War and Other Stories

  Beware Soul Brother

  Morning Yet on Creation Day

  The Trouble with Nigeria

  The Flute

  The Drum

  Home and Exile

  Hopes and Impediments

  How the Leopard Got His Claws

  (with John Iroaganachi)

  Winds of Change: Modern Short Stories from Black Africa


  African Short Stories

  (editor, with C. L. Innes)

  Another Africa

  (with Robert Lyons)



  Chinua Achebe, There Was a Country: A Memoir

  (Series: # )




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