Page 16 of Deadly Secrets

  They danced through two more songs together before changing partners with Alex and Christina. Stella was dancing with Steve now, but she had eyes only for Dimitris, and as soon as the song was over, she came and claimed him from Christina. Dimitris and Stella danced together for a few more dances and were the last ones to return to the table. Not by Stella’s choice, Helena thought, judging by the gloomy expression on her face.

  The waiter came and brought some liqueur for the women and brandy for the men. Dimitris, Michael, and Yiannis sat together discussing business. Alex was advising Christina on some legal matters concerning the hotel. Steve, Sophie, and Helena were involved in making plans for the next day.

  Stella was sitting by herself, pouting. Suddenly she moved to ask Michael to dance. Their host seemed uncomfortable but still followed her to the dance floor. Helena could tell Dimitris was furious. Is he angry because Stella interrupted their business conversation or is he jealous? Helena wondered. She glanced at Sophie who was watching the couple on the dance floor.

  Michael and Stella were the only ones dancing, and Stella was leaning against him and swaying her hips in a very sensual way. The lights were already dimmed, and the waiters had lit oil lamps on the tables. The atmosphere in the restaurant had changed to a more romantic one, and Stella could be very seductive when she wanted to.

  Helena felt bad for Sophie. She seemed very upset with the whole situation.

  How could Stella act like that? That girl was a menace. We shouldn’t have invited her to come with us, Helena thought. She peeked at Sophie, and she was sure that Sophie was thinking the same thing, especially since she was the one who had invited her in the first place.

  After a couple of dances, Michael led Stella back to the table and continued his conversation with Dimitris and Yiannis. However, Dimitris, who seemed in a foul mood, moved to leave.

  Everybody was ready to go as well, and they all thanked their hosts for their hospitality.

  Michael walked them to the little carts, which were waiting outside to take them back to their bungalows.

  “I would rather walk,” Helena said.

  “I’ll walk with you,” Dimitris stated and took her by the arm, leading her towards the path.

  “I’ll walk with you, too,” Stella cut in.

  “You stay put!” Dimitris told her angrily. “You’ve done enough already. Besides, you can hardly stand on those shoes any more, much less walk on the stone path.”

  Nobody else said anything. They all climbed in the carts and left towards the bungalows.

  Helena remained silent for a moment. She hated the way Stella acted, causing trouble all the time and trying to be the center of attention.

  Dimitris led Helena down the lit path in silence. She took in a deep breath, enjoying the air and the sweet smell of roses. As they got further away from the main building, things quieted, and all they could hear was the waves pounding on the beach. At a crossroad, Dimitris turned towards the beach and away from the bungalows.

  “I would like to take a walk on the beach, if you don’t mind,” he said, responding to her silent question.

  “That would be fine,” Helena replied truthfully. Though tired, she knew she was too upset to go to sleep right now. Maybe a walk on the beach would calm her down.

  They slipped off their shoes and walked on the soft sand. The water was lit by the moonlight, and the whole place was majestic. Her tangled nerves started to relax. The night breeze made her shiver, and Dimitris put his arm on her shoulders and drew her close to him, keeping her warm. They walked like that down the beach, enjoying the moment.

  Helena was at ease, being there in his arms. She peered up at him. He was staring back at her, and the intensity in his gaze accelerated her pulse.

  Dimitris stopped and pulled her closer. Their eyes locked, and then he bowed his head and pressed a light kiss against her lips.

  Helena didn’t protest. His lips felt so nice on hers, she wanted to stay there forever. He raised his head, looked deep into her eyes, and then kissed her again. This time his kiss was different—both passionate and demanding—while his hands pulled her against his rock hard body. Butterflies took flight in her stomach, and a jolt of desire rushed through her body.

  When he released her, she was out of breath and had to lean against him for support. He tenderly turned her around, facing the water, and wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her so that her back was leaning against his chest. They stood there, enjoying the moment, watching the endless sea and the starlit sky.

  The night was cool, and Helena shivered.

  “We have to get back,” he said and released her from his arms.

  Helena didn’t want to leave, but at the same time, she was really tired. “You’re right,” she agreed. “We should be getting back.”

  They headed back towards their bungalows, walking in silence. Dimitris left her at the entrance of her bungalow with a light kiss, and Helena walked inside and towards the stairs. She was halfway there when she heard a noise, and turning around, she saw Stella sitting on the sofa in the dark.

  “What are you doing up this late?” Helena asked.

  “Waiting for you,” Stella responded bluntly, and Helena could tell she’d been crying.

  “Go to bed,” Helena said and went for the stairs. She was in no mood to talk to Stella tonight.

  “You leave him alone!” she heard Stella yelling after her.

  Without a word, Helena walked upstairs and into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She knew Stella was capable of forcing her way in to say whatever she had to say.

  Helena took off her clothes, and putting on her lace nightgown, she went to lie down on her bed. She stared at the moon through the open window, thinking about everything that happened during the day and the moments she spent with Dimitris at the beach. She was so happy and relaxed.

  It’s been really nice, she admitted—a lot better than she’d expected when she first heard about them taking this trip all together. If it weren’t for Stella, this place would be paradise.

  Her thoughts flew to Sophie, and Helena wondered if she’d already fallen asleep or if she was still thinking of Stella in Michael’s arms. Helena knew how much that hurt, since she had to endure the torture of watching Stella in Dimitris’ arms earlier that evening.

  “Dimitris…” she whispered and squeezed her arms around her body, feeling a heat wave rushing right through her. She closed her eyes and saw his handsome face, smiling at her. She smiled, too, and took a deep breath, letting out slowly.

  She was almost drifting off to sleep when she suddenly felt wide awake. Something was wrong. She knew it but couldn’t quiet pinpoint what.

  Anxiously, she climbed out of bed and walked over to the window. She wrapped her arms around her body and stared out into the night. What is it? she wondered, puzzled, when it dawned on her… the diary. Oh, my! she thought and rushed to the closet. She took out her suitcase, and throwing it on the bed, she frantically searched for the little book. Unfortunately, the diary was nowhere to be found. Uneasiness washed over her like a cold wave. Where could it be?

  She sat on the edge of the bed and tried to recall when she’d seen it last. She remembered holding it in her hands the night before, but what happened afterwards? Did she put it in the suitcase or did she leave it on her bed? She couldn’t summon up anything. She was sure, though, it wasn’t on the bed next morning. She would have seen it when she made her bed.

  “How could I be so stupid?” she whispered, frustrated. “I should have been more careful.”

  Desperately, she meticulously searched her suitcase. Nothing.

  There is no need to panic, she tried to reason with herself. It probably fell on the floor and is somewhere in my bedroom. I’ll find it when we get back… Unless Martha finds it first. The thought made her feel really uncomfortable. She didn’t want to be in the position, having to explain to Sophie she had found the diary and kept it to herself. What a mess! she contemplated, and s
tanding up, she started pacing back and forth nervously.

  It was a lot later when, exhausted, she finally went to bed.


  Helena woke up next morning by a knock on her door. Oh, God, no! she thought. Not again! She was in no mood to deal with Stella right now.

  She had to get up to unlock the door. Sophie was standing in the doorway, and from the looks of her, she hadn’t slept much, either. Helena asked her to come in and went to sit on her bed. Sophie sat in the rocking chair by the window, looking outside.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Helena asked and waited for a few minutes in silence. I hope this has nothing to do with the diary, she prayed. Don’t be ridiculous! she reprimanded herself. How could it? Sophie had no idea Helena had found the diary, far more lost it…

  “Michael asked me to marry him,” Sophie said simply, glancing at Helena.

  “Oh! Sophie! That’s wonderful!” Helena cried out and jumped up to hug her aunt, putting all other unsettling thoughts aside.

  “I know,” Sophie said. “Michael is a wonderful man, but I’m not sure about this.”

  “What’s wrong?” Helena asked. “Don’t you love him?”

  “I love him very much. I always have,” Sophie replied, “but Michael is a very busy man, traveling all the time on business. Sometimes he’s gone for months, and I don’t know if I can handle that.”

  “I understand that can be hard,” Helena said. “However, you love each other, and you’ll find a way to make this work.”

  “You saw him with Stella last night,” Sophie said.

  “Stella is stupid,” Helena pointed out. “She’s always making a fool of herself.”

  “I agree,” Sophie replied, “but women like Stella will always be around, especially wealthy, good-looking men like Michael, and I don’t want to sit around waiting for him, wondering what he’s doing.”

  Helena gave Sophie a reassuring hug. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said. “Michael loves you, and he would never look at someone else, especially someone like Stella. You have to give him a little more credit than that.”

  “I know. I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but it still bothers me,” Sophie continued. “We’re not even married, and I stayed up half the night, thinking of him with Stella in his arms. I don’t want to live like this.”

  “Well, have you talked to him about it?” Helena asked.

  “About Stella?” Sophie asked, surprised.

  “No, not Stella, about his traveling so much. Maybe he wouldn’t travel that often when you’re married. Besides, sometimes he might be able to take you with him,” Helena said.

  Sophie stared at her and remained silent for a few minutes.

  “You know,” she said. “That might not be a bad idea after all. I’ll talk to him today. He’s expecting an answer, anyway.”

  Helena laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s get ready for breakfast. I’m starving.”

  “You should be careful,” Sophie laughed. “If you don’t watch it, you’re going to end up like Martha,” and they both laughed, thinking of good old Martha, who was close to two hundred pounds.

  Sophie left, and Helena took a quick shower and put on her bathing suit with a short dress over it.

  The thought of the diary kept on bugging her, but she decided there was nothing she could do about it right now. She had to wait until after they got back to Mykonos and search for it.

  She went downstairs to find Sophie ready to go. They went to the other bungalow where everybody, including Stella, was waiting for them. They walked to the main building and went to the restaurant; the doors there were opened to the balcony, and breakfast tables had been set under the island sky. They saw Christina having breakfast with Yiannis, and they joined them.

  “Michael had to go to town and will be back later on,” Christina explained. “I think he had to go pick up the blueprints he was telling you about last night,” she continued, turning to Dimitris.”

  Helena ate a big breakfast and asked for a second cup of coffee. She smiled, thinking Sophie’s remark about her getting fat.

  “What are you thinking about?” Dimitris asked.

  “Oh, nothing!” Helena replied. “I’m just so happy we came here. It’s a beautiful place.”

  After breakfast, Yiannis took them down to the dock, and they all boarded a speedboat. Christina didn’t come with them, since she had a lot of work at the hotel. Yiannis took them for a ride up and down the coast, and they had a chance to enjoy the view of the hotel from the sea. Then Yiannis turned into one of the canals, which were made in such a way to cross each other. Following the canals, one could see a large part of the hotel grounds.

  Yiannis showed them the tennis courts, the basketball court, the playing grounds for the children, the area for having outside barbeque parties, and the stables where they kept horses that the hotel guests could rent by the hour. They also had instructors for first time riders.

  Afterwards, they left the canals and moved back to the open sea. He took them by the little islet where Dimitris, Sophie, Alex, and Stella had swum the day before.

  By the time they got back, it was already eleven o’clock. Yiannis went on to the hotel, and everybody else headed for the beach. They left their stuff under their umbrellas and went swimming.

  At noon, they had lunch at the beach bar. Christina and Yiannis came to join them, and Michael showed up half an hour later. He said hello to everybody, apologizing for being late; walking over to Sophie, he gave her a light kiss on the mouth.

  They all had lunch under the shade of the palm trees and the huge umbrellas of the bar area. Helena enjoyed her sandwich and drank all of her juice. The heat left her feeling really thirsty.

  After lunch, they went inside the main building and downstairs to the playroom. The men shot some pool, and the girls enjoyed a game of Monopoly. The room had air-conditioning—a nice change after the heat outside.


  Later in the afternoon, they went back to the beach, accompanied by Michael, Yiannis, and Christina. They swam and played volleyball in the water before getting some canoes to race each other up and down the beach. Christina and Yannis left them after a while and went to overlook the dinner preparations and a few other matters.

  Michael took Sophie for a long walk along the beach. Dimitris, Alex, Steve, Stella, and Helena went to the beach bar to have some drinks.

  They waited for Michael and Sophie for a couple hours, and after they were nowhere to be found, they all decided to head back to their bungalows.

  Helena went upstairs and took a shower. Since it was still early for dinner, she put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and went to sit on the two person canopy swing on the front porch. The sun was preparing to set, deepening into a dark red color as it approached the surface of the water.

  Helena sat there, enjoying every minute of it, when she heard someone coming. She turned and saw Dimitris in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, his hair still wet from the shower. He climbed up the steps and came to sit next to her.

  They sat there in silence, watching the sun set. After a while, the sky darkened, and the colorful lights hidden in the bushes came on.

  “I’ll switch on the light,” Dimitris said and sprang to his feet.

  “It’s better this way,” Helena said and held him by the arm. “We can see the stars.”

  Dimitris laughed and sat back down. It was true; the stars were easier to see this way, and the sky was filled with them. Dimitris put his arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head against him. They shifted only when they heard Steve and Alex coming.

  Helena saw the unhappiness on Steve’s face as he went to sit on a lounge chair on the other side of the porch and felt sorry for him. She had already explained her feelings to him, but she understood it didn’t make it any easier for him, seeing her in Dimitris’ arms.

  She shouldn’t have asked him to stay for her party. She had no right to put him through this
. He had agreed, but he seemed to suffer too much.

  I have to talk to him, as soon as we get back, she decided. If he wants to leave earlier, that would be fine. I have no right asking him to stay.

  Alex didn’t seem very happy seeing them like that, either. He came up the steps, and without a second look, he went inside.

  Helena felt uncomfortable, because she didn’t like to hurt people. Then again, she hadn’t promised Alex anything. She knew he was attracted to her—he had already admitted that back at the cove—but she only saw him as a friend, and she would explain that to him the first chance she got.

  Boy, life can be very complicated sometimes, she realized, frustrated.

  A few minutes later, Sophie came outside on the veranda. She had taken a shower and was wearing a long, white dress.

  “Hello, everybody,” she said and smiled shyly.

  “Well, it’s about time,” Dimitris laughed. “I was getting ready to send a search party for you two.”

  “We went to see the lighthouse, and it was so beautiful there… we lost track of time…” Sophie admitted.

  “Well?” Helena asked.

  Sophie looked at them, one at a time, and took a deep breath. “Michael and I are going to get married,” she said simply.

  “Well, that’s great news!” Dimitris jumped up, excited, and gave her a big hug. Helena was thrilled, too. She hugged her aunt and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Steve joined in, congratulating Sophie. So did Alex, who hearing the commotion had come back outside with a drink in his hands. Stella joined them in a little bit and congratulated Sophie when she heard the news. She had a bright smile on her face, which, however, seemed fake to Helena.

  Oh! Come on! Helena reprimanded herself. Don’t be like that! Stella might be stupid, but she’s not mean. She must be happy for Sophie, especially since Sophie has always been so good to her. However, deep down inside, her instinct told her otherwise.