Page 15 of The Crimson Thread

  Gripping her arms, Ray held her away from his body. “Hold on! She’s fine. She’s safe. I’ve been looking for you.”

  “You? Looking for me?” What was he talking about?

  “You’ve caught me at sort of a bad moment, I’m afraid,” he said, gesturing around him. “But I’ll bring you to Eileen.”

  At a modest, well-kept apartment building two blocks away, Ray, now once again known by his real name, rapped on a first floor door. “Mrs. Kleinbaum, it’s Rudolph Stiltchen,” he called.

  A short, plump, middle-aged woman opened the door and smiled at him. “Oh, you are not burned. Thank God! I was so worried when I heard about your shop! Come. Sit! I’ll get you a washrag.”

  He turned to Maria, George, and Bertie behind him. “I’ve brought some friends. Is that all right?”

  “Welcome! Come in. Come in,” Mrs. Kleinbaum greeted them.

  Bertie’s eyes darted around the apartment as she entered the living room. It was clean and spacious with handsome, if old-fashioned, furniture.

  The sound of children laughing rang out.

  A boy of about five ran from the dining room around the bend into the living room. Four other children chased him, giggling gleefully.

  One of them was Eileen.

  She froze when she saw Bertie, her eyes wide with happiness. “Bridgy!” she cried.

  Bertie ran to her and, stooping down, wrapped her in a hug as tears of joy ran down her face. “Oh, Eileen, my girl, my sweet, sweet girl!” she sobbed.

  George and Maria said good-bye and left together. While Rudy washed in Mrs. Kleinbaum’s bathroom, Bertie sat with Eileen on her lap and listened to the woman who had been taking care of Eileen. “Mr. Stiltchen leaves Eileen with me while he runs the shop in the day and picks her up in the evening on his way home,” she said. “She’s such a good little girl, aren’t you, sweetie?”

  Eileen smiled at Mrs. Kleinbaum but kept her head resting on Bertie’s shoulder.

  Rudy came out and asked Mrs. Kleinbaum if he could speak to Bertie privately. The woman lifted Eileen from Bertie’s lap and carried her into the other room.

  “What happened?” they asked each other at the same time.

  “You first,” Bertie said.

  “I came down to help organize the strike with the Amalgamated Society of Tailors,” he said. “When I learned it was Wellington Industries we were dealing with, I went to find you, but they said you weren’t with the company anymore.”

  She shook her head. “I was fired.”

  “Good,” he said. “I’m glad to hear it. You’re better off.”

  “I know.”

  “I was speaking at that tavern when the police came in and tried to break up our meeting. Everyone fled, and when they were gone, there was Eileen standing on a table. Imagine my shock at finding her there. I went over to the Wellington estate and asked for you there. But they said you had gone. The housekeeper told me you were sick and down on your luck. She seemed almost pleased about it.”

  Bertie nodded. “Yes.”

  “I thought that you maybe needed to leave Eileen with me, that you had seen me there and left her behind for me to find.”

  “So you took her.”

  “So I took her,” he confirmed.

  “I fainted just around the corner from the front door,” she told him.

  He laughed grimly. “I went out the back way with her in order to avoid being arrested. I looked around Atlanta for a day but had no luck. So I came back here, thinking you might return to your apartment, but when I got there it was rented to a new family.”

  Tears rolled down here cheeks. “And here I thought you had stolen her from me. That you were collecting your debt, she being like my firstborn.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  Her tears came faster and heavier. “Because I wronged you by taking your work and claiming it for my own.”

  “I offered it to you,: he reminded her. “You didn’t steal it.”

  “I should have been truthful about it,” she disagreed. “You always said you would collect a price, that we would negotiate my debt.”

  “And you thought Eileen was my price?” he asked incredulously.

  Looking down, she nodded.

  He offered her a handkerchief. “All I wanted was your love,” he said. “I thought you knew that. When I lost hope of ever collecting that, I spoke in anger. I never expected you to believe I actually meant it. Once you made me see that it was hopeless between us, I needed to get away, to forget all about you. I went to Boston for a while and then Chicago. I got involved with the tailor’s union and began to make better money, enough to open the fabric store – the on you just witnesses burning to the ground.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “Now you’ve lost everything and must start from scratch.”

  “Not quite everything. Through the union I bought something called insurance. It will pay the money I need to start again.”

  “Thank heavens,” she said. “And can we also start again?”

  He put his arm around her and drew her near. In her heart she knew – finally – that he was her dearest friend; he had always been on her side, from the first moment they’d met. His intensity had frightened her, but she understood him now, saw him at last as he really was: a true prince of the spirit.

  “I’ll always be at your side,” he promised.

  As she looked into his eyes, she realized that at his side was where she wanted to be, as friends – and much more than friends. She loved him. She suddenly realized that she had loved him for a long time, though her mind had been denying what her heart had always known.

  “Now that we’ve found each other again,” he began, “do you think it would be possible that – that – you could – ”

  “That I could love you?” she supplied.

  He nodded. “I have loved you from the start. I think you know that.”

  “I have been such a fool,” she said.

  “How?” he asked.

  “Not to realize that I always felt the same toward you,” she admitted. “Yes, I could love you, I love you already.”

  A soft smile crossed his face as he pulled her toward him and they kissed. Secure in his arms, Bertie realized that after so much traveling, she had found her real home, the place she had always belonged.


  So there it is…this faerie’s tale of two princesses who lost each other for a while but were happily reunited. It is also the story of a prince from another kingdom altogether, but descended from an equally noble line. They had come to the grand new land to find their fortunes, and find fortune they did.

  Paddy and the boys worked their way to California, where they remained with the railroad until 1897. that was the year that Liam and Seamus, young men by then, heard of gold being found in the Klondike River and went up to Canada to find some for themselves. They found enough to make all of them rich.

  Bertie’s dress business was a sensation. She and George did so handsomely that Bertie soon moved out of the basement workspace into a spacious, light-filled new shop. They hired a team of seamstresses at union wages and paid them generous bonuses if the company’s “profit margin” was good that year.

  George finally gave up on Catherine Wellington. This was easier for him to do once he met Maria on that day as they all rushed to the fire. In fact, in 1883 he and Maria married. It was the same year that Maria opened her restaurant, Maria’s, on Mulberry Street.

  The insurance paid Rudy back for most of what he lost – enough, at least, to start again. This time, instead of fabric, he invested in what he knew and loved – tailoring and dressmaking. Eventually the two companies – the one owned by Bertie and George and the one owned by Rudy – merged. They did so well that they surpassed Wellington Industries, which went out of business in 1884, due in large part to disastrous mismanagement by James Wellington Jr.

  Bertie changed her name yet again. For the rest of her life she was known as Bertie Stiltchen. Ber
tie and Rudy married a year after they were reunited and declared their love.

  For the rest of her life, Rudy treated Bertie like the princess that his keen intuition had always told him she was. I marked it in my Book of Faerie, as is always done when noble members of different kingdoms wed.

  They raised Eileen as their own child, in addition to the three sons they had together. She grew into a healthy, spirited young woman. Years later, when she was twenty-four, Eileen went to live with Finn and his right children in Hollywood because she wanted to be a movie star in silent films. This was a dream she achieved, using the screen name of Laura Miller.

  Rudy and Bertie, Maria and George, lived happily in New York City for the rest of their long lives, watching their company’s sign flash in the orange setting sun: RUMPOLE-STILTCHEN: SPINNING GOLD OUT OF STRAW SINCE 1882.

  And so ends my faerie’s tale of an American Dream.

  Table of Contents

  The Crimson Thread





























  Suzanne Weyn, The Crimson Thread



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