Praise for E.J. Stevens

  and From the Shadows

  “E.J. Steven's From the Shadows is lyrical magic that will bring chills to your spine and a sigh to your soul. Ms.Stevens paints a vividly haunting picture of love, loss, joy, sorrow, and a myriad of emotions in between. This is a collection to be cherished by fans of poetic storytelling, who aren't afraid of the dark!”

  --Lisa Phillips, author of Obsession Everlasting

  “For anyone that loves dark poetry, I think you’ll love this book of poetry written by E.J. Stevens as well….there’s depth to these poems, with a story to be told in each one.”

  --Gracen Miller, Moonlight Lace & Mayhem

  “With From the Shadows, poetess EJ Stevens has produced a slim volume thick with dark thoughts and full of finely wrought imagery….It's a collection of pieces full of power and humor, and leaves the reader anxious to follow Stevens back into the shadows for more.”

  --Andrew Valentine, author of Bitter Things

  “My favorite paranormal poet.”

  --Bonnie Lea Elliott, Soul Circle

  “Wonderfully, strangely, darkly beautiful with powerful imagery throughout….the epitome of poetry.”

  --Shannon Bailey, Bailey’s Books



  Myth and Legend

  By E.J. Stevens

  Sacred Oaks Press

  Shadows of Myth and Legend

  Published by Sacred Oaks Press at Smashwords

  Sacred Oaks, 221 Sacred Oaks Lane, Wells, Maine 04090

  Copyright © 2010 E.J. Stevens

  All rights reserved

  Stevens, E.J.

  Shadows of Myth and Legend / E.J. Stevens

  Photography by Amanda Stevens

  Front Cover Photo Manipulation by Bill Sanborn


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Earth & Below

  Queen of Elphame

  Vampire’s Thrall


  Jiang Shi

  Love of a Shifter

  Last of the Rowan Berries

  Shadow Queen of the Sidhe

  Spriggan Guardians

  While You Lay Sleeping

  Loup Garou

  Elven Bride

  Zombie’s Cold Embrace


  Air & Spirit

  Barghest and Mauthe Doog

  To See a Fetch

  Gargoyle Sentry

  Siren Song

  The Reaper

  Warding charm


  Woman in White

  Fire & War

  The Phoenix Cycle

  Fafnir the Wyrm

  Vampire Court


  Goblin King

  Curse of the Seer

  The Dullahan

  Prince of Lies

  The Morrigan

  Water & Ice

  Sating the Selkie

  The Winter Queen


  Ghost Ship

  Garden Pixie

  Banshee at Water’s Edge



  Kiss of the Korrigan

  Swan Maiden


  Earth & Below

  Queen of Elphame

  Beautiful Queen of Elphame

  Rose wreath garland in her hair

  Regal and resplendent

  Astride her ivory mare

  Radiant sunlight shining

  From each silken golden tress

  Vibrant green ivy adorns

  Her flowing white linen dress

  Guardian of cunning folk

  Midwives and spirit healers

  But woe to those evil men

  Pillagers and plant stealers

  Those men who dare wreak death here

  Who strike down both man and tree

  Must do more to please our Queen

  Than swear oaths and bend a knee

  She will order that they dance

  Until they are out of breath

  Then command they continue

  To suffer a painful death.

  Vampire’s Thrall

  Tracing rivers of blue veins

  Encased beneath marble skin

  Searching for signs of life that

  No longer reside within

  Caressing your cheek and brow

  Of cold pale alabaster

  My sweet one, my life, my love

  My dear immortal master

  I listen most intently

  My head resting on your chest

  For a heart that no longer

  Beats from deep within your breast

  Why did you bind me to you?

  How could you make me your Thrall?

  My love ran deeper than blood

  No need for this curse at all

  In life I was so happy

  Already under your spell

  Making this foul enchantment

  Burn with red-hot flames of Hell

  Every hour that I live

  I am overwhelmed with need

  Only you can bring relief

  You must come and feed.


  Legs bound with cold iron

  So you cannot flee

  Wings wrapped in a glamour

  For no human eyes to see

  Stranded in the mortal realm

  No magic to sustain your youth

  A terrible price to pay

  For seeking out the truth

  Exiled from all Sidhe lands

  Sent far from kith and kin

  Judged by both Seelie courts

  Guilty of our greatest sin.

  Jiang Shi

  Come along now Jiang Shi

  It is time to be led

  Back to your loving family

  To the woman you were wed

  You have traveled far from home

  Far from your hearth and bed

  We must return you to your wife

  Whose eyes are rimmed with red

  The priest rings the sacred bell

  Rice and herbs have been spread

  Your flesh is stiff and greenish-pale

  Long white hair hangs from your head

  We await you in silence

  Our prayers have been said

  Time to climb into this damp earth

  For Jiang Shi you are dead.

  Love of a Shifter

  Love of a shifter

  Changing with the season

  Howling at the moon

  You would lose all reason

  Though I longed to be

  Forever by your side

ing each full moon

  I had to run and hide

  Just this once I stayed

  Fool curiosity

  That which killed the cat

  Finally killed me

  To stay together

  When you emerged as beast

  Was my great folly

  I have become the feast

  With your belly full

  Your hunger now sated

  So sorry love, I

  Never should have waited

  Should have kept my vow

  To always stay inside

  When the moon is full

  Birthing your wolf side.

  Last of the Rowan Berries

  Waxwings have come and gone

  Eating the last Rowan berries

  Each pale branch now laid bare

  None left to ward us from faeries

  Each babe in her cradle

  Must be checked each morn at first light

  To be sure she wasn’t swapped

  With a Changeling child over night

  When the Rowan blossoms

  It shall already be too late

  For so many mothers

  No way to change their bitter fate

  Feeding on her sorrow

  The child a pale green parasite

  Changeling babes suckle life

  Leaving their host no strength to fight

  Rowan berries ripen

  Each bough laden with faerie bane

  Babes safe in their cradles

  Until the Waxwings come again.

  Shadow Queen of the Sidhe

  Blackberry lips

  Brimstone embers in her hair

  The evil temptress beckons

  For you to come into her lair

  Feet dancing on the dark crags

  Legs bare but for swirling mist

  She pouts at your indecision

  And offers up a kiss

  Wrapped in shifting shadows

  She sways from side to side

  Looks coyly through dark lashes

  Opens her mouth wide

  A growl escapes her

  As she reaches for your face

  Shadow Queen of the Sidhe

  Wraps you in her dark embrace.

  Spriggan Guardians

  If you dig for treasure

  Hidden under ground

  Avoid old sidhe and barrows

  Grave and burial mound

  A fate far worse than death

  For those who dare plunder

  The Spriggan guardians

  Who ever dwell under

  The Spriggan may seem small

  But they can swell in size

  If someone angers them

  And tries to steal their prize

  Leave them to their treasure

  Which they guard jealously

  Or risk that they may grow

  To murder you with glee

  Tearing you limb from limb

  Your shiny eyes they’ll save

  Adding to their treasure

  More souls to share this grave.

  While You Lay Sleeping

  While you lay sleeping

  The small folk seem to hatch

  As they all awaken

  And climb down from the thatch

  For children who are kind

  The Brownies do their chores

  Working throughout the night

  ‘Till their small hands are sore

  But Brownies will punish

  Children who tell lies

  They steal away their toys

  And dump sand in their eyes

  The wee brown men believe

  That what they do is fair

  Punishing the wicked

  Tying knots into their hair

  To those unkind to pets

  They save a special trick

  Spoiling each glass of milk

  Keeping you weak and sick

  Before you go to bed

  Do not forget to pray

  To become a good child

  Protected from the Fae.

  Loup Garou

  As the last traces of

  My humanity recede

  Thoughts shift to seeking out

  A victim on which to feed

  Changing from man to beast

  Becoming the Loup Garou

  I long to feast on flesh

  My next meal may well be you.

  Elven Bride

  Clans and families gather

  In this valley glade with pride

  And await the appearance

  Of the lovely Elven Bride

  Elegance of the high born

  Her beauty beyond reproach

  Bare foot lightly touching moss

  Exiting the bridal coach

  Slender legs bring her forward

  As all gathered weep and bow

  Dancing gracefully forward

  Ready for her wedding vow

  Clad in a fluttering gown

  Of red monarch butterflies

  Setting off the sparkle of

  Her shining emerald eyes

  Alabaster skin gleaming

  Her face luminous and pale

  Beneath the shimmering threads

  Of her spider woven veil

  Wet dewdrop diamonds glisten

  In her fiery orange hair

  Morning sun climbs in the sky

  To shine on our maiden fair.

  Zombie’s Cold Embrace

  The nights are dark and empty

  Since we laid you in the ground

  Darling how could you leave me?

  Is it lonely in your mound?

  Sleep now but a memory

  I lay in our silent bed

  Until I hear the scratching

  That fills my cold heart with dread

  I run to the front window

  As you lurch from side to side

  You scratch at my unlocked door

  I look for a place to hide

  From within our closet

  Still smelling of your cologne

  I peek out to see dead eyes

  Staring out of flesh and bone

  You grab me with foul hands that

  Have begun to rot and spoil

  Fingers battered and bloodied

  Where you clawed through wood and soil

  One final breath escapes me

  As you stab me with your knife

  Dragging me to your dark grave

  Your still warm newly-dead wife

  No longer sad and lonely

  Deep inside your burial mound

  You hold my body to you

  My pale lifeless limbs still bound.


  Over the maiden’s screams

  Came a pounding drumming sound

  A growing rhythmic beating

  Vibrating up through the ground

  A flash of brilliant white

  As the brigand raised his blade

  Fierce, proud, shining Unicorn

  Came charging into the glade

  He blocked the force of the blade

  With his own well muscled chest

  Preventing it from plunging

  Into the fair maiden’s breast

  The Unicorn circled back

  Nostrils flaring as he ran

  Trampling the evil brigand

  Leaving no trace of the man

  From upon its regal brow

  Grew a single spiral horn

  So beautiful yet bleeding

  Honorable unicorn

  The maiden approached him then

  Laying her hand on his head

  She kissed the Unicorn’s cheek

  Before blushing brightly red

  She sank down to the bare ground

  Lifting his head to her lap

  He closed his heavy eyelids

  Taking one last final nap.

  Air & Spirit

  Barghest and Mauthe Doog