“We’re currently in my kitchen. I’m going to fuck you, here in the kitchen. I really don’t know why, but I like fuckin’ in the kitchen. For me to fuck you, Cassie, I need your clothes in a pile on the floor. Most of them, anyway. So, take off your little shorts, those shoes, and if you think it’s necessary, yank off the top. When you’re done, we’re gonna fuck. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she responded sheepishly.


  “What’s with the authority?” I shrugged.

  “Huh?” she said as she pulled off her shoes.

  Standing a mere six feet from me, it was easy for me to be critical of everything about her which I disliked. I gazed at her as if disgusted, and to be honest, I was pretty close. After an exhausting three or four second glare, I expanded my question to hopefully allow her to comprehend my curiosity.

  “I asked if you understood, and you said yes, Sir. Why’d you say Sir?” I asked.

  She shifted her eyes to the floor and held her gaze.

  “I just read a book about a guy who was dominant and he taught a girl how to be submissive. I was just trying to please you,” she said.


  Another one of those.

  The world needs one more confused twenty-something year old who thinks she wants to be submissive.

  I tilted my head to the side and reached for my beard. “You wanna make me happy?”

  She glanced up and nodded her head eagerly. “Uh huh.”

  “Get un-fuckin’ dressed,” I snapped.

  I would have guessed, and I suspected pretty accurately so, there weren’t too many men who enjoyed a rough sexual tumble with a woman much more than me. Slapping a woman’s ass, pulling her hair, and fucking her as long and hard as I was able was roughly the extent of my sexual desire. The much wider offerings of the BDSM spectrum were left to the professionals and the kinksters, they weren’t for me.

  There was something about using the zit-faced girl with dirty hair as my willing sex toy for the next hour or so that had me feeling pretty good about my decision to ask her to come over. As she removed her shirt and tossed it on the floor, she glared at me as if confused.

  “Uhhm, you’re still dressed,” she shrugged as she did her best to cover her non-existent tits.

  I pointed to the island in front of me. “I’m well fuckin’ aware…”

  “Come over here and bend over,” I said as I slapped my hand against the counter.

  Although she seemed somewhat reluctant, she walked around the island and promptly stopped in front of me, smiled, and turned around. There was no way her short little legs were going to allow her to bend over the counter. One of the things that originally her attracted to me, and now came to mind, was her long torso. The fact she was less than five feet tall – and had a long torso – left very little to make up her bottom half.

  In short, her legs were all of two feet long.

  Leaning onto the countertop naked, she turned and peered over her right shoulder.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “Hold on a minute,” I said as I raised my index finger in the air.

  I walked out to the garage, grabbed a step stool, and promptly returned. After carrying it to the side of the island she was standing on, I tossed it onto the floor beside her, kicked it closer with my feet, and told her to step on top of it.

  “Hop on top of that, it’ll make this a little fuckin’ easier,” I said.

  “Okay,” she responded.

  After a quick survey of the situation, she stepped onto the stool. Her ass was now at the proper height for me to fuck her, but I had almost no desire to do so. I leaned forward and studied her face.


  I had no desire.

  ‘You gonna do whatever the fuck I tell you, you submissive little bitch?” I asked in my best imitation of what I expected to be a Dom voice.

  “Yes, Sir,” she responded.

  “No matter what it is, you better fuckin’ do it, understand?” I barked.

  “Yes, Sir,” she snapped.

  Jesus. This is all too easy.

  “You’re going to fuck one of my biker buddies, understand?”

  “Okay,” she said.

  I reached in my pocket, pulled out my phone, and called the only person I knew would come on a moment’s notice.

  Corn Dog.


  After a twenty minute wait for him to arrive, my boredom had peaked at an all-time high and I was ready to tell the zit-faced bartender to get her ass out of my house and go home. My promise of providing Corn Dog a piece twenty year old submissive pussy was the only thing that prevented me from doing just that. As I stood and watched her standing naked on the stool while we waited for him to arrive, I realized there was nothing even remotely attractive to me about her.

  Now watching from the edge of the living room as Corn Dog tried to orchestrate the fiasco, I couldn’t help but find humor in the ordeal, but felt no desire to involve myself in any way. My mind continued to fade to thoughts of Kat, wondering how she was doing after the run-in with her former boyfriend. Attempting to rid my mind of any outside influences so I would be able to enjoy the show, I turned down the music, peered through the doorway, and into the kitchen.

  To satisfy my request – and more than likely his desire to have a threesome – Corn Dog arrived with an overly eager attitude and an additional female, Sloan. Sloan was Avery’s best friend at one point in time, but as Avery’s interest in Axton became apparent, Sloan didn’t respect her or the developing relationship. Avery and Sloan lived together at the time, and Sloan’s slutty attitude around Axton finally ground on Avery’s last nerve. The friendship soon dissolved, leaving Sloan alone and desiring a boyfriend who resembled Axton.

  Toad, the MC’s former Marine and Sergeant-at-Arms stepped in, fucked Sloan a few times, and found her to be a very willing – but extremely annoying – sexual partner. One day, after wrapping Sloan’s head in Saran Wrap and fucking her until she was damned near suffocated, Toad lost interest in her, and simply dropped her off at Corn Dog’s house.

  Sloan, being the true slut she was, didn’t seem to care who she was with, only that the person was a biker, and he was willing to fuck. Corn Dog, having just been released from prison, was more than willing to put up with Sloan’s annoying personality as long she was willing to satisfy him sexually. After Toad introduced them to one another they had been inseparable.

  Corn Dog stood on the stool I had provided Cassie. In front of him lying on her back, was Sloan. Her head - in an almost upside down position - dangled from the end of the countertop. As Corn Dog slowly and steadily pumped her mouth full of his schlong, saliva ran from her mouth, down to her nose, and along her forehead. Cassie stood the other end of the island with her face buried in Sloan’s lap, and was at least attempting to eat Sloan out. As Corn Dog continued to pummel Sloan’s throat, he craned his neck toward Cassie and sighed heavily.

  “God fucking damn,” Corn Dog whined as he pulled his cock free of Sloan’s mouth.

  “What?” Sloan responded as she wiped the slobber from her face and forehead.

  He waved his hand toward Sloan and leaned to the side. “Hey. Whatever your fucking name is, come here.”

  Cassie raised her head, stood, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She lowered her shoulders in apparent shame as she shuffled toward the end of the island.

  “Yeah,” she said as she sauntered toward him.

  “You eat pussy about like I eat escargot. Is there a fucking problem?” he asked as she approached.

  “I…I uhhm…it seems weird. I’ll do it if you want me to, it’s just…” she stammered.

  He raised his hand in the air and shook his head. “Nope, you’re done with the pussy licking. I can’t fucking stand it. It’s painful to see, and I’m about to go limp watching you do it.”

  He alternated glances between them and tossed his hands in the air, clearly frustrated. Sloan slid off the edge of
the counter, stood beside Cassie, and waited for his instructions. After studying them both for a moment, he pointed to the counter.

  “Sloan, you get up there on your back with your pussy facing me,” he said as he turned to face Sloan.

  Sloan climbed onto the island, rolled onto her back, and let her legs dangle off the end of the island.

  He glanced at Cassie. “You ain’t afraid of sucking a dick are you?”

  “Uh-uh. I like giving head,” Cassie responded.

  “Show me what you got,” Corn Dog snapped back as he pressed his hands against her shoulders.

  She dropped to her knees and began sucking Corn Dog’s dick like she owed him money, and giving him head was the pay off.

  Having watched her attempt to suck my big cock in the past - and encountering a few issues with the size - made seeing her go to town on Corn Dog’s average sized shaft with ease a little unnerving. It left me wishing – at least for the time being – that I had an average sized cock. Sex, in itself, satisfied me. Finding a woman, however, who was able to satisfy me and make use of my entire cock wasn’t easy. The few who were able to do so were reserved – at least in my mind – as my go to women.

  As I stood back and shook my head at the porn-fest as it unfolded, Sloan resituated herself on the countertop, rising up and onto her elbows so she could enjoy Cassie’s deep throating Corn Dog’s cock. As Cassie continued to bob her head and moan, Sloan gazed her direction and grinned.

  Satisfied this wasn’t going to end anytime soon, I sat down on the loveseat and rested my chin against my hand. I found it oddly satisfying that although I was entertained by the show in the kitchen, I wasn’t in the least bit aroused. Uncertain if it was my newfound disgust with Cassie or a combination of Cassie and Sloan – who I had no respect for – or the fact I perceived both women as possessing minimal amounts of pride, I relaxed into the arm of the chair as if I were sitting on the riverbank fishing.

  “Alright, alright, you’ve got a pretty good head game,” Corn Dog said as he pressed his hand against her forehead, forcing his dick to spring free from her mouth.

  “Stand up,” he barked.

  She wiped her mouth free of saliva and stood. It appeared she was beaming with pride as she gazed up at him grinning.

  “Now get up on top of her - on your hands and knees - and shove your pussy in her face,” he said to Cassie as he motioned toward Sloan.

  Cassie stepped onto the stool, struggled for a moment to climb onto the counter, and eventually straddled Sloan’s face. Lying on her back, Sloan reached up, wrapped her arms around Cassie’s waist, and commenced to burying her mouth between Cassie’s legs. Cassie immediately arched her back and began moaning. At least it appeared Sloan was able to understand and follow directions.

  Seemingly pleased, Corn Dog glanced in my direction, shrugged, and stepped onto the stool. As he stood with his rigid cock in his hand, he tilted his head to the side and grinned.

  “You sure you don’t want in on this, brother?” he hollered.

  I grinned and shook my head.

  “Not today, Dog. It’s her punishment for pissing me off, she’s got nothin’ comin’ from me,” I shouted in return as I waved my hand in the air.

  It sounded good in theory, but wasn’t remotely close to the truth. I wanted nothing to do with Cassie, and would probably never see her again - unless Corn Dog brought her around. I imagine some men might look at me as somewhat of a hypocrite, fucking women and never allowing any kind of emotion to exist - all the while claiming I never hurt women - but in my mind, telling them what they were going to receive, and what they were not going to receive made all of the difference in the world. It was always their choice to become involved with me sexually, everything was explained in advance, and nothing was ever forced. As I watched them continue, it was almost as if I had an awakening of sorts. As I realized once again the live porn show wasn’t arousing me in the least, my eyes became unfocused and my mind faded to questions of why.

  What had changed within me, I wondered. Was it Cassie? Did I find her so repulsive that I couldn’t watch? As I searched for answers of a question that had yet to be asked, I realized not only did Kat satisfy me, but I truly looked forward to the time we spent together. Beyond sex, we seemed to share the same love for music, hatred for authority, and desire to live a simplistic life.

  Corn Dog’s shouting brought me back to reality, and the charade that followed confirmed my current lack of interest in such activities.

  “Your loss, brother,” he said as he grabbed the back of Cassie’s head and forced his dick deep into her throat.

  While Sloan did her best to please Cassie and stay in Corn Dog’s good graces, he arched his back and groaned.

  “Fuck yeah. Suck that cock you little slut,” he groaned as he glanced down at Cassie.

  Sloan’s face stayed buried against Cassie’s mound, never letting up one bit. As Cassie bucked her hips against Sloan’s face, she repeatedly bobbed her head back and forth along the shaft of Corn Dog’s cock - her chin all but resting on Sloan’s pussy as she did so.

  “Bury your tongue in her pussy, baby. Bury it deep,” he bellowed toward Sloan as he fucked Cassie’s face.


  Now living a far cry from the prison he was in only a month prior, it appeared he was having the time of his life. If anyone deserved to enjoy life, it was Corn Dog. The epitome of a stand-up guy, he had done a five year bit in state prison for a crime he really didn’t commit - and could have easily rolled over on - but chose not to. A man had sold him a crate of legal firearms – pistols to be exact – and Corn Dog intended to re-sell them for profit. After doing so, it was determined the pistols were stolen, and he was subsequently arrested and questioned. All he had to do was provide the man’s name he had purchased them from, and he would have been set free. He refused to provide anything, and chose to spend the time in prison, and take care of the thief after he was released from prison. Most men would have crumbled at the thought of doing time for a crime they didn’t commit.

  But, being the hard motherfucker he was, he simply raised his chin, rolled back his shoulders, and did his time in prison. Now free and making up for lost time, he seemed to be enjoying what life outside the prison walls offered him.

  He pulled his dick from Cassie’s mouth and bent his knees slightly. As Cassie arched her back from the pleasure Sloan was providing her, Corn Dog pulled on Sloan’s thighs, sliding her ass forward slightly. As her pussy reached the end of the island, he leaned forward and began fucking her. While Cassie continued to enjoy Sloan’s tongue, she watched the Dog fuck Sloan violently, moaning in apparent ecstasy the entire time.

  After a few minutes, he pulled his cock from Sloan’s cock socket and grabbed Cassie’s head. As she gazed at him with wide eyes, he straightened his knees and shoved his cock in her mouth.

  “How’s that pussy taste now?” he grunted as he smashed his hips into her face.

  “Mmm,” Cassie moaned.

  After a few seconds of moaning and groaning on both of their parts, he pulled himself from Cassie’s mouth, grinned, and shoved it between Sloan’s legs.

  He alternated between Cassie’s mouth and Sloan’s crotch, fucking each one for thirty seconds or so before switching. This very predictable and rather boring pattern continued for some time. When I was about ready to throw in the towel and go relax out at the pool, he reached for Cassie’s head and held it firmly in his hands. As he spoke, he continued to fuck Sloan slowly and steadily.

  “You like the taste of cum?” he growled.

  “Uh huh, I do,” Cassie responded eagerly as she continued to grind her mound in Sloan’s face.

  “Good,” he said as he began to fuck Sloan with much more force.

  A few more seconds, and Corn Dog arched his back and wailed like the dog he was. Now standing on his tip-toes and attempting to catch his breath, he pulled his hips back and grabbed Cassie’s hair in his hand.

  “See that?” he grunted as h
e jacked his cock free of the few remaining drops of cum.

  She gazed down at Sloan’s cum covered snatch and nodded her head.

  “Well, there you go. Make your little slut self useful and suck that cum out of Sloan’s twat,” he said as he pushed Cassie’s face between Sloan’s legs.

  As Cassie began to go down on Sloan, Sloan moaned in pleasure. While I shook my head in slight disbelief, Corn Dog pulled on his jeans and walked barefoot into the living room.

  “Good lookin’ out on the little submissive bitch,” he said as he buckled his belt.

  I nodded my head.

  “Can’t believe you didn’t join in. What’d that little whore do to piss ya off?” he asked.

  “Nothin’ really,” I shrugged, “Just sick of her. She’s yours now.”

  He narrowed his eyes slightly and tossed his head toward the kitchen. “Giving her to me are ya?”

  I gazed past him and into the kitchen. Sloan and Cassie were on the island making out. It seemed although Cassie didn’t enjoy eating another woman out, she was no stranger to kissing one on the lips.

  “Yeah, but it looks like you might have a fight on your hands,” I said as I pointed past him and toward the women.

  He glanced over his shoulder and began to shout.

  “God damn it, I told you to suck the cum out of her pussy. You weren’t supposed to spit it in her mouth ‘till I got back in here. You need some training, don’t ya?” he growled as he stomped toward the kitchen.

  In my opinion, there wasn’t any amount of training in the world that would fix Cassie. For whatever reason, she had become unattractive to me, rendering her useless. As Corn Dog scolded the women for proceeding without him, once again my mind shifted to thoughts of Kat.

  “You guys want to hang out at the pool?” I asked as I stood.

  Sloan pulled her tongue from Cassie’s mouth and turned to face me.

  “Can we skinny dip?” she asked excitedly.

  “You can do whatever you want. I need to run somewhere for about an hour or so,” I said. “You alright with that, Dog?”