Chapter Seven


  To say I was pissed last night that I didn’t get to see Kristen was a fucking understatement.

  Her flirting banter yesterday had me harder than I have ever been before, it took hours to get her out of my head. It did occur to me I could relieve myself in one the club girls but the actual thought of doing that repulsed me. In a strange way I didn’t want to taint my fantasies about Kristen in that way.

  If she wants me to tempt her to stay I have no problem doing that. I will tempt her so bad she’ll put down roots in this town and never leave.

  “You okay brother?” Sparky asks, “You’re staring into space pretty hard.”

  “Just thinking,” I tell him.

  “About the girl?”

  “She has a name you know, and I was thinking where the fuck is Linc and the guys? I’ve got shit to do and places to be,” I lie.

  “We’re early brother, they won’t be long, what’s this really about? You haven’t been yourself in a while.”

  “I appreciate your concern but I’m just fine.”

  Most of the time I forget about Billy, but then he’s forefront in my mind and I remember she has his kid. Then I remember they weren’t an item but then she turns me on so fucking much I forget everything.

  I feel his hand on my shoulder as the thunder of bikes pull up behind us.

  There is no one around for miles and we can do business in peace.

  About fucking time I think to myself swinging my leg over and off my bike. I don’t really do a lot at this point apart from act as backup in case any trouble occurs.

  Everyone greets everyone from each club and then Linc’s boys get on with transferring the weapons to their bikes.

  “Run into any trouble on the way down?” Cas asks Linc, lighting up a cigarette.

  “None, the ride was pretty smooth.”

  I can’t be bothered to listen in to their chit chat today or any other day to be honest. I don’t usually feel comfortable around them and today is no different. I don’t say anything to my brothers because it is only my personal opinion and they have never turned on us.

  “Is that Kristen girl still about?” Linc asks.

  My neck nearly cracks as it whips round so fast. Why the fuck would he want to know about her? More importantly, how the fuck does he even know about her?

  “I wasn’t aware you met her old man?” Cas says, casually.

  “She arrived as we were leaving last week, nice rack on her and her fierce mouth. Christ, I’d soon put that to good use,” he jeers.

  It is my next movement that I will look back on as the moment my life changed forever.

  Maybe it helps that I’m not as bonded with our supporting MC and maybe it wouldn’t matter because the thought of this asshole touching or even thinking about Kristen in anyway brings violence to my core like I have never experienced before.

  I launch myself at Linc and grab him by his cut, shoving him towards his prospect’s van. I shove him so hard into the side door that I hope it leaves a dent.

  “What’s your fuckin’ problem boy?” Linc chokes out, as I wrap my hand around his throat and squeeze maximum pressure.

  “I know what you like to do with your women, you go near Kristen I will personally cut your fuckin’ balls off and feed them to your wife,” I yell in his face.

  “Slade, get the fuck off of him now,” Cas orders.

  I stare at him dead in the eye for longer than necessary just to make sure he knows I am being serious.

  “And call me boy one more time and I won’t be listening to my Prez. I don’t give a shit how old you are, I’ll paint the floor with your blood.”

  I squeeze his neck one last time before Sparky and Pope pull me off and lead me back to my bike.

  “I take it she’s off limits then?” Linc tries to joke, his voice coarse and grainy.

  I don’t give him the satisfaction of a reply. Cas walks off with him, no doubt smoothing over my outburst.

  “Cool it brother,” Pope offers.

  I’m sure I’m in for it when we get back to the club but right now, there isn’t anything anyone can say I would listen to.

  Once the weapons are in Linc’s possession it doesn’t take long before we are all mounting our bikes to leave.

  Linc walks over to me as Sparky and Pope move closer. Whether it’s because they have got my back or they are looking out for Linc I don’t know and I don’t care.

  “I didn’t know she was yours. When I’m next in Willows Peak I’ll keep my distance,” he offers.

  I nod my head, accepting his word.

  “She isn’t mine but she sure as shit isn’t anyone else’s,” I tell him, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “That little show you put on wasn’t even for a chick you’re fuckin’?” he laughs.

  “You know nothin’ Linc. I would leave if I was you before your laughing really pisses him off,” Sparky warns him.

  He eventually moves on and I am left facing my Presidents glare.

  “A guy only defends a woman like that that they care about,” Pope declares.

  “I’m just looking out for her, no one said anything about caring about her.”

  “That definitely looked like caring to me,” Sparky chips in.

  “Could have turned into a fuckin’ mess is what it looked like,” Cas growls.

  I stay silent, I am not going to apologize for what I did, no way in Hell.

  “Whatever the fuck that was, get a grip on it. If it happens again I might not be able to settle him down.”

  I really couldn’t give a shit. He settled down pretty quickly today when Cas went off with him. Linc knows where his lifestyle comes from and he will do as he’s told always.

  “I think he got the message,” Oak laughs, walking past to his bike.

  “Would you really feed his wife his balls?” Sparky asks seriously but with a hint of amusement.

  “I meant every word.”

  “In that case, I hope she puts out for ya soon brother,” Sparky laughs, climbing on his bike ready for the ride back.

  I don’t bother telling him it’s not like that because that’s exactly what it is like. I want to fuck her so bad.

  One by one our engines roar to life and we follow Cas onto the main road.

  We’re on the road no longer than twenty minutes before the sound of sirens are at our backs. In the mirrors I can see two patrol cars coming up beside us. Cas signals to carry on. He’s going to carry on as long as he can to give the Devils Bastards enough room to leave in the opposite direction.

  This only works for a couple of minutes. Cas signals to pull over and as we do the cops get out of their cars.

  It’s beginning to feel like I’m never going to make it back to Willows Peak at all.

  For over an hour we are searched. Our bikes searched and every brother’s details called through their radios to see if any of us have any outstanding warrants. We don’t and eventually we are on our way again.

  It isn’t uncommon to be pulled over whilst riding wearing our cuts and in numbers but usually there is only the odd patrol car passing, not two.

  By late afternoon we ride into Willows Peak. Instead of riding to the club I steer left, signalling behind me I was leaving and headed towards the motel.


  It wasn’t just yesterday’s chat with Alannah that had me thinking I didn’t know Billy at all. I have been thinking it since I first drove into their world.

  Over the last week and a half I am already sick of thinking about it, maybe there isn’t anything to think about where he is concerned. He simply died before his life began and before I could tell him about Zachery. And now, I’m left with the decision of where to start our life and how to explain to Zachery about his father when he’s old enough.

  I was disappointed last night when Slade was a no show. I should have known guys like him wouldn’t keep to what they say. I feel like slapping myself, nothing could have happ
ened anyway. I am a mother in a one room motel. What did I expect to happen? This town is driving me crazy, a whole load of hormonal craziness.

  I‘m latching onto the first guy I have noticed since I got pregnant and turning it into something it’s not. Get a grip Kristen.

  “Come on baby, shall we go find a park to play at?” I ask Zachery, who once again only looks at me not answering.

  “Can you say momma? Mom-ma?” I say, hoping this time he repeats it.

  When he doesn’t I hear my mom’s voice telling me he will talk in his own time.

  I know he understands me, he just doesn’t reply.

  After a quick change and a last minute check to see he has both his sneakers on still, I grab my keys and we head out.

  The day isn’t as hot as yesterday for which I am grateful for. When I woke this morning I noticed the air-conditioning hadn’t just been repaired, it had been replaced completely with a new system.

  Compared to back home Willows Peak is so small it is borderline empty. You can always get a table at the diner yet it is always busy. People are always checking in and checking out of the motel yet I never see them around town. I wonder how Billy came across this place.

  So many questions left unanswered now. I never thought I would be a single mom and now I always will be. Come on Kristen, time to get a handle on this.

  “Just me and you baby,” I say, as I click the last belt into place across Zachery.

  The ridiculously loud booms of a bike engine approaching causes me to jump and bang my head on the door frame. When I look up I see Zachery smiling.

  “Momma in pain makes you happy huh?” I tease, rubbing the back of my head.

  I turn to find it is Slade. All of a sudden it’s like I am back in high school and feeling queasy because the captain of the football team smiles at me. Only this time, I’m feeling queasy with excitement to see a bad boy biker who I only met last week.

  If I thought he was hot yesterday with his shirt off then today he just went off the scale. He stops in the bay a couple up from my car and every movement he makes has me fighting to remember how to breathe. The way he swings his leg over the bike nearly topples me over. It is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a guy do.

  The way his jeans hang around hips is fucking unbelievable, his leather cut which normally isn’t my thing has just become top of my list of gear on guys.

  Above all, it’s his lop-sided grin that gets me, his brilliant white teeth encased by those luscious lips of his.

  “Are you going somewhere?” he asks, striding over.

  “I was about to take Zachery out before it gets too late, then stop off at the diner for dinner. You’re welcome to join us,” I offer.

  “I’ve got a better idea, why don’t you both come over to my place, I can cook us something better than Hank.”


  My reply is instant. All rational thought gone the moment he turned up.

  As he walks over to his bike I expect to follow him over to his place instead after doing whatever he does on his bike he walks back over to me.

  He comes so unbearably close that I actually think he’s going to kiss me, but he takes my car keys instead.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “It will be easier if I drive. I’ll drive you back later and pick my bike up,” he explains, moving away.

  “Are you implying I can’t manage to follow you without keeping up?” I don’t know if I’m insulted or thrilled.

  “I’m not implying anything darlin’…get in.”

  “You’re quite bossy you know. Is it your natural charm or does it come with the bike?” I ask once I’m in the car.

  “A bit of both,” he laughs, “How was your room last night?” he asks.

  I did think Slade could have had something to do with the air-conditioning but I didn’t really believe he would.

  “What did you do? The manager couldn’t care less when I spoke to him yesterday.”

  “Let’s just say, my image is more intimidating than your assets,” he chuckles.

  His image definitely intimidated me at first, now he’s using it for me makes me smile.

  “However you done it, thank you.”

  We pull up in front of a well groomed townhouse. I look around for a shabby looking place but there isn’t any around. All my illusions of how these bikers are and how they live are slowly being shattered the more I spend time with them.

  With Zachery in my arms, I follow Slade up to the door and into the house.

  It’s totally not what I was expecting. The bad boy biker image he exudes does not reach to his home. It is decorated cleanly and neutrally. He has the original wooden floors unhidden from carpets, modern furniture with a huge TV hanging on the wall. Everything about it is so normal.

  “Your home is gorgeous,” I state, continuing to look around.

  “What was you expecting?” he asks, amused by my gawking.

  “Honestly?” I ask.

  “Honesty is always best.”

  “I expected shaggy carpets and curtains, broken furniture, holes in the wall and beer bottles everywhere.”

  “And yet, you still came,” he said, looking at me directly in the eye.

  “Yeah I did.”

  There is so much more behind the spoken words between us. I’m positive it isn’t just me feeling like this.

  I break eye contact first and take a minute to look around his photographs. Some of them are of his bike. It’s the ones of an older lady and of a woman who looks around my age that catch my interest. The woman who looks my age is beautiful, her dark hair falling in loose curls as she smiles widely for the camera. Before I know what I’m doing, I’ve picked up the photo.

  “She’s my sister,” Slade murmurs behind me.

  Relief surges through me, for a moment I was wondering if she was an old girlfriend.

  “She’s beautiful,” I say, putting the frame back down in its place.

  “Many guys agree with you,” he grunts.

  I turn and smile.

  “Protective older brother huh?” I guess.

  “As much as I can be from here. She doesn’t exactly see the wrong in people, only the good and she never picks a good one.”

  “Is this your mom?” I ask, pointing to the other photos.

  “Yeah, she lives in Texas now with Lily, my sister.”

  “Have you lived here all your life?” I ask, intrigued into his life.

  “Nearly, my mom moved us here when I was four years old after a bad divorce from my dad.”

  “Do you still see your dad?” I ask.

  “Not really, he has his life and I have mine. They don’t mix well.”

  If my dad was still alive I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.

  “Is there anything Zachery can get if I put him down?” I ask, quickly moving on from father talk.

  “No, he should be fine unless he can climb. I’ll get us something to drink.”

  I put Zachery on the large leather sofa, handing him his bag of bricks and carry on looking around.

  Slade comes back in with two beers and hands me one.

  “If you’re driving us back to the motel then you’re not drinking,” I warn him.

  His eyebrows shoot up into forehead as the bottle is about to hit his lips.

  “Don’t you think I can handle one beer?” he asks, cocking one eyebrow at me.

  “I think you can handle a lot of things but you’re not driving us if you have a drink, especially with my son in the car.”

  “Fair enough.”

  For the next hour I continuously ask him questions about this town and his life here. He answers every time and I’m left wondering what made him join a motorcycle club? I leave that question for a different day.

  Earlier Slade had put the TV on choosing a cartoon channel for Zachery, so far I haven’t heard a peep out of him.

  Slade’s been in the kitchen for the last twenty minutes, with the doorway just off the
living room I wander over and lean in the doorway so I can speak with Slade and still keep an eye on Zachery.

  “You constantly surprise me,” I tell him, watching him stir something in one of the pots.

  “How so?” he smirks.

  “You don’t strike me as a cooking type of guy, that’s all.”

  “You’ve judged us from day one haven’t you?” he laughs.

  “Pretty much, I’m sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay, most people do. And just so you know, I know how to look after myself. I can also use a washer and a vacuum.”

  “Quite the domestic biker aren’t you,” I tease him.

  “I have more talents than that,” he winks.

  “You’ll have to prove it,” I flirt.

  For once he looks like how he makes me feel, hot and needy. I don’t think it is just me.

  “If you stick around, I will.”

  I can’t help but smile at him. I feel like I should be embarrassed or horrified at how I am acting around him, but it is him who makes me feel comfortable to do so. Even with Billy I was never this forward.

  “I should get Zachery washed up for dinner,” I say, before fleeing into the living room.

  When Zachery is in ear shot the conversation doesn’t veer into flirting territory too much.

  There are no awkward silence through dinner. He tells me about the club, although I get the feeling he isn’t telling me everything. Zachery does his copying everything the biker does thing again, eating when Slade does, drinking his juice when Slade drinks his coke. Slade notices this time and eats slower so Zachery finishes his meal this time.

  An act so small to someone else is gigantic to me, not everyone would care enough to do that.

  “If your food is going cold, you don’t have to wait for Zachery,” I tell him knowing Zachery could take another fifteen minutes to finish.

  “If he eats more because of me then I don’t mind,” he smiles across the table.

  Slade had plumped up one of the chairs with pillows so Zachery could have his own seat and still reach the table.

  “Did you have a nice time with Alannah yesterday?” he asks.