
  Holding her tight around my waist I take her up the stairs and to my bedroom. The first time I fuck her isn’t going to be up against a wall, there will be plenty of other occasions for that. I’m not even inside her yet but I know this isn’t going to be a one-time thing. Not as far as I am concerned.

  When she’s on her back, her shorts are quickly discarded and the view of her in only her underwear is incredible. Leaning over her almost naked body I can feel the heat radiating from her and pressing my chest against hers I can feel the rapid beat of her heart.

  “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  “I want you to take me…now. I can’t take much more,” she whines.

  “I can do that.”

  I lean over the bed and hope there is a condom in the drawer. Just as I am about to break every speed limit going to the store I find one under a load of junk.

  “I think you’re overdressed,” she giggles, as she starts unbuttoning my jeans.

  I help her out and shuffle out of them leaving my tight black boxers to go next. Biting her lip at the bulge standing proudly, she continues and pulls my dick free.

  Her soft hands tightening around me nearly has me spurting all over her in seconds. I push her back on the bed and wrap up before descending down on her.

  “You ready?” I ask.

  She hasn’t finished nodding before I’m finally inside her and shuddering at the feel of her clenching around my dick.

  Not having sex in a while and with how good she feels I am only a few strokes in and I am nearly done. I halt mid-stroke thinking of anything but the situation I am in now to distract me from embarrassing myself. My mouth descends hard on hers to hopefully distract her from the lack of fucking but all it does is causes her to wrap her legs around my waist and use her feet to push my ass down at the same time she bucks her hips up.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, when I tense and remain motionless.

  “I’m really trying not to come, you feel better than I imagined and it’s taking everything I have not to blow.”

  “Oh,” she giggles, “Am I that hot or do you always finish this fast?” she teases, slowly flexing her hips upwards on my dick.

  Fuck this shit. I completely withdraw from her and slide my arm under her back. I flip her round onto her stomach and pull her up onto her knees. Bracing one hand on the small of her back, I use my other hand to guide my dick into her from behind.

  I’ll show her fast. I thrust into her hard and build my rhythm rapidly, it doesn’t take long to lose myself inside her and lose control. Each thrust sends me balls deep and I’m not the only one lost in the moment.

  Knowing I won’t last much longer, I pull her up remaining inside her making sure her ass is nicely arched out. As I continue to pump into her hard, I reach round and begin rubbing her clit.

  It seems to be the right move, she screams out and pushes her ass further into my groin.

  Along my arm I can feel her stomach tightening and flexing as she nears climax. I give her everything I have and release my load as she whimpers my name and releases at the same time.

  Her head falls back on my shoulder and she begins laughing.

  “I hope you’re not laughing at me,” I grunt, still riding the high I found inside her.

  “No,” she says, trying to get her breath back, “That felt so good yet I can’t believe I just done that with you.”


  “Because I only met you a couple of weeks ago,” she says.

  We both lay down and I pull the covers over us. I lean against the headboard while she leans up on her front using her elbows for support.

  “I don’t see why we should miss out because of something as silly as time. I think we’ve proven how much we wanted that. There’s nothing wrong being attracted to someone and acting upon it,” I tell her, “Besides, I want more of you and you want more of me,” I smirk.

  “Oh, do I now?” she smiles, “I don’t know what’s going on between us if anything, but Zachery always comes first,” she says.

  “I’d say something is definitely going on between us and I wouldn’t expect any less,” I tell her and I truly don’t.

  From what I have seen of the two of them, he is her world and it is the way it should be between a mother and her child.

  “So you know I can’t stay in here with you tonight.”

  “I figured that,” I admit, “Are you going to stay around to find out what this is?” I ask, gesturing between us.

  “I think I will,” she smiles.

  It doesn’t take long before the moment is broken and Zachery cries out for his mom.

  “My cue to leave,” she laughs.

  I grab her arm as she goes to untangle herself from the sheets. I need one last kiss before she leaves.

  She reluctantly pulls away and searches for her clothes. Her top and bra are downstairs still so I get up and give her one of my tee’s to sleep in.

  “Thanks and thank you for letting us stay,” she smiles from the doorway.

  “I prefer you here to that motel.”

  She smiles once more before disappearing down the hall to the spare room.

  Through the wall I can hear her soothing Zachery. I listen as he settles down again to her soft voice. For the first time in months I fall asleep content and sated.


  I know by the bed beginning to dip that Zachery is waking up. Unfortunately, I don’t open my eyes fast enough and he begins to cry. Usually I would let him cry for a few minutes to show him I wouldn’t come to him just because he cries, my mom said it isn’t good to do that.

  But, I remember where we are and get up before he wakes Slade in the next room.

  Just a mere few hours ago I was in that room with him and the memories make me smile. He made me feel sexy for the first time in a long time. It was in his touch, but mostly in his eyes that I could see his need for me and being wanted that bad by someone is a big turn on.

  Zachery begins to cry again and I quickly pick him up into my arms.

  “Come on baby, let’s go downstairs,” I say to soothe him.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom so we can freshen up, I take Zachery in the kitchen and put him down with his bricks.

  It feels awkward going through someone else’s fridge but whatever I use I will replace.

  “I can’t see no juice baby, do you want milk instead?” I ask, expecting no reply.

  He will happily drink anything I fill his cup with. Once he has his drink, I spy a coffee machine on the counter with a pot of coffee beside it. I hope Slade doesn’t mind me making a fresh pot.

  I sit at his table waiting for the pot to brew and start to think of breakfast. Slade times it perfectly as he walks in just as the coffee machine finishes gurgling. He is half dressed in sweat pants and is bare chested. The way his tattoos dance across his skin as he moves is memorizing and brings flashes of last night back and gets me all hot.

  Pouring himself a cup of coffee he faces me and is wearing his lop-sided grin again. I think he’s done this on purpose to torment me.

  “Good morning.”

  “I hope Zachery didn’t wake you. I brought him down here so he wouldn’t disturb you.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, it wasn’t Zach who woke me.”

  Stepping over the bricks on the floor, I purposely brush past Slade’s arm to pour myself a coffee.

  “How was last night for you?” he asks quietly.

  “Looking for compliments?” I tease.

  “Hardly,” he grunts, cock sure of his talents, “I know how much you liked it when I was inside you.”

  As he speaks his hand slyly lifts his tee-shirt I’m still wearing and strokes my lower back.

  Without making a big deal about it I step away from him.

  “You can’t do that right now.”

  “Why? Zach can’t see anything.”

  “I know that. The longer you keep touching me the m
ore I want you.” I admit.

  Wow, I can’t believe I just said that out loud and to him.

  “Is that so?” he chuckles.

  Everything about him sends me into a lust ridden overdrive and I am helpless to control myself.

  When I don’t answer him he makes himself comfortable on the floor next to Zachery. He bides his time and waits for Zachery to share his bricks. Slowly this happens and all the while their interaction is quiet with Slade only speaking.

  I refill both our cups with coffee and bend down on the other side of Zachery handing Slade his.

  “What are your plans today?” he asks.

  “First I’ll have to sort breakfast out then I’ll probably head over to the motel and see what’s going on,” I tell him, and he frowns.

  “Don’t go to the motel, there isn’t any point if your things are gone.” He shrugs.

  “I still need to pick my car up,” I frown.

  “I’ll have someone go and get it for you, just stay away from there, okay?”

  He looks genuinely concerned and I find myself not wanting him to worry about us.

  “Okay, in that case, I think we’ll go shopping seeming as we need new clothes now.”

  “Will you be coming back here when you’re finished?” he asks coyly.

  “Unless I leave town I have nowhere else to go,” I shrug, trying not to show that I really want to stay.

  His deep belly laugh echoes around the kitchen.

  “You don’t sound pleased about that. I thought you enjoyed yourself last night?” he smirks.

  I roll my eyes at his teasing and sip my coffee to hide the smile that is spreading across my face.

  “As long as you know I’m not here for your pleasure only.”

  He cocks his eyebrow and thinks for a moment.

  “Well, it’s my pleasure for you both to stay here. You don’t have to worry about me pouncing on you…unless you want me to, then I’ll be all over you.”

  I can feel the blush heat my cheeks at his openness and I am unable to form a comeback.

  “Or, you could think of it this way, I’m here for your pleasure, I don’t mind if you want to use me for my body,” he chuckles.

  I must admit, I do like the sound of that. I did relish the pleasure he inflicted on me last night and the thought of having his pleasure anytime while I am here is tempting.

  I shake all sexual thoughts out of my head and focus on my number one. Zachery.

  “For now, I need to feed my son and you don’t have anything to eat here. If you can have someone pick my car up soon, that’ll be great.” I smile, trying to change the conversation.

  “I’ll take you, I could do with something to eat,” he says, getting up to his feet. “Get dressed and I’ll meet you by the truck.”

  Walking into the diner, all eyes are on us. I step closer in Slade’s shadow feeling self-conscious of everyone’s stares.

  A couple of girls eye Slade from head to toe in his low-hung jeans, tight black tee and his leather cut. I could see the admiration and appreciation in their eyes and their flirting smiles in his direction as we passed. I felt slight satisfaction when I looked at him and saw he hadn’t noticed them.

  We sat at a table and settled in. The two girls continued to eye Slade up and began giggling about something they were whispering about. I focused on the menu and tried to ignore them.

  Ordering and waiting for our food took no time at all this morning. I didn’t try to hide my happiness when Slade took no notice of his two admirers, instead, choosing to entertain Zachery by rolling the ketchup bottle back and forth between them and making him laugh when he didn’t catch it.

  The light, harmless scene before me reminded me of what I used to imagine Billy being like that with him when I laid awake late into the night.

  I can’t keep dwelling on the what-might-have-been anymore. I’m not usually one for moping around, it is all about the future and making the most of what I do have. I have my son and enough money in the bank to start over again somewhere.

  Who the hell knows what will happen next, but while Zachery is still too young for school we can be wherever we want. Willows Peak isn’t a bad place to stick around in for a while. I can think of it as a long overdue vacation. I am going to enjoy this freedom. As long as Zachery has everything he needs, then there isn’t a reason I can’t let go and enjoy life.

  “Here he is,” Slade says, turning his attention to the entrance.

  I follow his line of sight to the window and see my car parked outside.

  “How did he get my keys?” I ask, as two Lost Souls make their way over to us.

  “I gave them to the prospect while you were getting dressed and it looks like Sparky came along for the ride.”

  I watch as Sparky pulls out a chair from another table and drags it across the diner.

  “What’re you doing here?” Slade asks him.

  “Good mornin’ to you too sunshine,” he laughs, “I was at the motel when the prospect turned up for Kristen’s car.”

  I take more interest when Slade asks if he knows any more information regarding the fire yesterday.

  “Nothin’, no one saw anything. According to the manager, one minute everything was fine then in the next…boom. The place is on fire.” Sparky replies.

  “It was probably kids messing around and it got out of control,” I say, then I regret I opened my mouth at all. They both look at me as if I am crazy.

  “Probably sweetheart,” Sparky finally says.

  After that I finished my breakfast in silence while Slade and Sparky carried on talking about the motel.

  Trying unsuccessfully to get Zachery to eat his pancakes, he pushes his plate away and watches Slade. Being focused on the guys at the table, I hadn’t realized the prospect whose name I don’t know had disappeared to wait at another table. I’m slowly learning how their club works but it feels awkward him sitting by himself. Billy had been a prospect, is this how they treated him too?

  “Kristen?” Slade calls out, snapping his fingers in front of my face.


  “I was asking if you were finished? Spark’s just spoke to Bonnie and she’s up for shopping too if you don’t mind her joining you.”

  “Of course not, it’ll be nice to see her,” I smile.

  Slade takes care of the bill under my protests of going halves while I wipe Zachery’s sticky fingers clean.

  Sparky leaves to wait outside and Slade waits for Zachery and I. As we walk out of the diner, chills run up my spine as Slade places his hand on the small of my back.

  “I’ve got some shit to do today but I won’t be late back,” he says, handing over my car keys.

  “That’s okay, don’t rush on my account.”

  “It seems that I can’t help but rush when I’m with you,” he smirks.

  I let brief images flow through my mind of last night, remembering this, I hope not to finish too quickly.

  “It does seem that way doesn’t it,” I agree, chuckling.

  He leans in and kisses me softly but quickly.

  “Go on, get shopping and let me know when you’re back.”

  His authoritative tone has the opposite effect on me. Usually I’d go against him for trying to tell me what to do. Sighing heavily, I’ll do what he asks.

  Chapter Ten


  In the last month alone nine members of the Devil Bastards have been picked up and shipped off to jail on various charges. It seems like the Lost Souls aren’t the only ones caught up in this shit but everyone who is connected to us as well. We are no closer to finding out who has it in for us or who set fire to Kristen’s motel room.

  No one wants a repeat fight we had with the Raging Riders but this bullshit drama that keeps poking up is beginning to wear a lot of my brothers down, including me.

  Ricky is still in jail claiming his innocence and while we believe him, his chances of walking free anytime soon aren’t looking good. We’re not relying on
the cops to do their job. It will be the Lost Souls who will find out who set Ricky up and by the time we’re finished with them, they won’t be confessing to anything. Until then the only way we can help Ricky now is to find a loop hole in the justice system.

  Then there is Kristen. Hot as hell Kristen. She is still staying at my place and while I admit I’m getting used to having her and Zach around. I do feel like she will up and leave at any moment. I can tell she feels like she’s getting in the way and no matter how many times I reassure her that I want her to stay, it doesn’t seem enough.

  It isn’t only her body I love to play with, it’s her whole attitude and self-confidence I like. She doesn’t let anything get her down and the way she rolls with life is refreshing. Since our first time together, we have only slept together twice. I sometimes sense she hides behind Zachery, but I know she wants me so I’ll wait for her at her pace. Like I said, she is refreshing.

  Unlike now, Linc and some of his guys rode into town an hour ago demanding our help.

  He greeted me in respect when they arrived but has stayed clear of me since, I don’t think he has forgotten the last time we met.

  Currently Cas and Sparky are trying to assure him we’re doing everything we can to find the culprit setting us up.

  “What am I meant to do?” Linc roars in frustration, “Every time one of us leaves, the cops are waiting to pick us up. It’s like they fuckin’ know our every move.”

  “Well, if they know all your movements then maybe you’ll have to look a little closer to home?” Sparky warns him.

  Linc shakes his head in disagreement and begins pacing the bar again.

  “No, I trust every one of my guys. Can you say the same?” he retorts.

  “Of course I can,” Cas snapped, “This is gettin’ us nowhere. For the foreseeable I’ll re-arrange our runs, change every date and time and we’ll keep it between us and see what happens then,” Cas offers.