Strange as it may appear, it was with tears in his eyes that Edward, thevictorious Prince, attended the obsequies of his two cousins, Henry andAmalric de Montfort, after the fatal fight of Evesham. He and Henry hadbeen playfellows in childhood and comrades in youth. The tie betweenthem had not been broken even when one was a captive and the other hisjailer. Warmly as he had espoused his father's cause when it came to aquestion of arms, Edward had always felt a deep respect for the policyof his uncle, and would have kept the peace between the rival factionshad he had power to do so. It was with sorrow of heart that he looked onwhilst the grave closed over two such brave young warriors. He hadalready given orders that every attention should be bestowed upon thewounded Guy, and had even expressed a hope that he might be permitted tojoin his mother as soon as his wounds were sufficiently healed for it tobe safe for him to travel.

  Although elated by his victory, and the object of an immense amount ofpraise and laudation, Edward was not puffed up by his success, andstrove to influence his father to act with moderation andliberal-mindedness. He had not been able to save the corpse of the Earlfrom dishonour and despite; but he was resolved to let all the worldknow that he was not ashamed to show affection and respect for the sonsof the great noble, or disposed to put on one side his own nearrelationship to them.

  He would not be dissuaded from attending in person the obsequies of hiscousins, and it was when standing at their grave that his glancesuddenly rested upon the bowed head and pale face of Leofric.

  "I would speak with that youth," said he to Hugh, who chanced to be nearat hand; "bid him come presently to my tent."

  So later in the day Leofric once more stood face to face with the King'sson.

  Leofric had never attempted to fly from the scene of the battle. Hescarce knew whether he was ranked as a prisoner or not. No one hadspoken to him or molested him. It seemed as though the common bond ofbrotherhood had now asserted itself amidst the ranks of the rival hosts.The leaders of the rebellion (as it would soon be termed) woulddoubtless receive punishment in the form of fines and confiscations whenthere was time to consider their cases; but the Prince was in favour ofa general amnesty to rank and file; and though the adherents of theBarons were melting away like snow in a thaw, no attempt was made tokeep them. They were, for the most part, suffered to depart to their ownhomes. Numbers had laid down their lives in the slaughter of the battleday; the rest were free to return whence they had come. Leofric wasmeditating a journey to Oxford as soon as he should be fit for the longride; but both he and Jack had had little heart to think of their ownaffairs, their distress at the loss of the cause and of so many truefriends and comrades having for the time being driven all else fromtheir minds. They had, however, the previous evening decided that therewas nothing left for them to do here after the morrow, and had settledthat upon the following day they would set forth for Oxford, taking withthem a few mementos of their fallen hero, and carrying to Mistress Alysthe last message and token of her whilom lover Amalric de Montfort.

  This summons from the Prince, however, might possibly cause a change intheir plan. Jack looked a little apprehensive as he heard it; butLeofric had no fear. He had faith in the good-will of Edward.

  "Thou canst come too, good Jack," said Hugh, who had brought the messagefrom the King's son. "He has some words to speak to many of those whohave served under the De Montfort banner. Be in nowise afraid. He is aright noble Prince, and meaneth well to all."

  When Jack and Leofric reached the tent where Prince Edward had preferredto establish himself--leaving the quarters in the Abbey for his fatherand the older nobles--they found awaiting them, just without, several ofthe Oxford students who had joined Amalric at the last, and had beenpresent at the fatal fight of Evesham. Together they all entered thepresence of the Prince, conducted by Hugh le Barbier and GilbertBarbeck, who seemed to have the oversight of this matter. Gilbert hadjoined the Prince shortly before the march on Kenilworth, bringing himsupplies of money which had been entrusted to him by his father. It wasreassuring to the students to see these comrades of theirs at such amoment, and to feel that there was no ill meant them.

  Within the tent stood Prince Edward, his face grave and thoughtful, butwearing a look of friendliness also. He returned with courtesy thesalutations made to him, and then began to address the youths who stoodsilently before him.

  "My friends," he said, "I have desired to see you and to speak with youface to face, and therefore have I had you brought thus privately to myquarters here. England has just been through a time of terrible trial,and I hope and believe that the benefits of this great struggle will notquickly pass away. War is a fearful thing at all times, but tenfoldworse when waged betwixt brethren. I trust that the sword sheathedto-day will not be again drawn in such a fashion. Brethren should livetogether in unity and peace. Is it not so?"

  He looked around him as he spoke, and only Leofric dared to make reply.

  "Yes truly, sire, if peace can walk hand in hand with honour andfreedom."

  Edward gave him a piercing glance.

  "I know what thou wouldst say Leofric Wyvill, and in part thou artright.--I stand before you here this day to testify to the love andreverence I bear to a great man who has passed away from this world, whohas died the death of a hero. Though I be the King's son, and though Imyself bore arms against the great Earl mine uncle, yet here I standbefore you, and boldly avow that the cause in which he laid down hislife was a noble one, and that I bear no enmity towards those who foughtat his side, even though they fought against me. Can you understandthis, my friends?"

  A murmur of assent went up from the wondering group. They had littleexpected such an avowal from Prince Edward; and yet, to those who knewhim and his history, there was nothing incompatible in his words andactions. Duty to his father and to his own position had forced him torise against the usurper of the royal prerogative and the custodians ofhis own and his father's person; nevertheless he fully and candidlyrecognized the justice of the cause in which his foes had embarked, andeven gave it in no small measure his sympathy.

  "You will ask why I say all this to you," he said; "but I will soonexplain myself. You come from a city which has been forward in the causeof the Barons, a seat of learning, whose voice must ever weigh with thepeople. For the moment the cause you have at heart is, or seems to be,lost. Its leader is dead, its army cut to pieces, its fugitivesstraggling back to their own homes. Yet the feelings which gave rise tothe movement are not dead. They live immortal in the hearts of a freepeople; and if the teachers and leaders of that people's thought preachonce more a national crusade, doubtless leaders could be found to bringan army again into the field."

  The youths looked at one another with a covert surprise. It was strangeto hear their Prince speaking to them thus.

  Edward noted their glances, and a slight smile crossed his handsomeface. He looked earnestly upon his listeners.

  "My friends," he said, "I speak to you thus freely because I havesomewhat to ask of you. I pray you use all the influence you possesswith your comrades and townsmen, and preach to them the doctrine ofpatience. If they will but be patient a few years, I trow that thecauses of complaint will speedily be removed. Listen, and I will furtherexplain. My father grows old. Twice has he been wounded; his powers arefailing him somewhat. It may be that his life will not be greatlyprolonged; or that if it is, he will take his son, mine unworthy self,more fully into his counsels. I cannot honestly believe that he himselfwill greatly change his methods or his habits. Change comes easilyenough to the young, but not to the old. I fear that many abuses will berevived, but I trust and hope that it will not be for long. I am growingof an age to claim my share in the government, and to speak openly to myfather. The people, I think, have some love for me, and I desire theirwelfare with my whole heart. In all things I shall seek to counsel myfather to wise measures, and to a policy akin to that which the Baronshave so long and vehemently urged upon him.
If in course of time Ishould sit upon England's throne, I will strive to profit by the lessonslearned in these days of struggle and adversity, and to rule wisely andwell. I have never loved my father's foreign favourites. I wouldsurround myself with native-born counsellors; I would withstand theunlawful tyranny of the Pope; I would have England to be a free andprosperous country--prosperous at home and respected abroad. That iswhat I shall seek to attain to if ever I sit upon her throne. Wherefore,my friends, preach patience to those from whom ye have come, if theyspeak bitterly of those things which have been done. Seek not to raiseup another leader, but wait till your Prince can with honour be theleader and head of his people. Believe me, I love the English nation,and will never patiently see the poor trampled under foot, or thecharters of the nation set aside. Only have patience, only wait awhile,and all will be well."

  These sincere and politic words were eagerly listened to by the Oxfordstudents, and received with a buzz of applause. It was indeed a hopefulsign that the heir to the throne should thus address them. They knewwell that for the present it would be hopeless to renew the struggle;and yet that the nation, having begun to assert her rights, even at thesword's point and in the teeth of royal oppression, would not easily becontent to forego the ground once won. But if she could be taught toregard the coming King as her best champion, how much misery andwretchedness might be spared! Leofric's face kindled at the thought,and there was an eager look in the eyes of all which told the Princethat his words had been understood and appreciated, and that he had wonhimself friends and advocates in the heart of one of the most importantcities of the kingdom.

  Then Prince Edward dismissed the greater part of his guests with wordsof courteous thanks and good-will; but he signed to Leofric to remainbehind, and Jack remained with him.

  "And now, my good friend," he said, very graciously, "I have longdesired to redeem my pledge, and to reward thee for the service thouonce didst render to me. Hitherto I have had small chance of keeping mypromise, but for all that it has never been forgotten."

  Leofric spoke a few words disclaiming any service; but the Prince cuthim short.

  "Twice hast thou rendered to me notable service," he said: "once whenthou didst risk thy life in the forest of Kenilworth to save me from thefurious assault of the boar; and again when thou didst bring timelynotice to Kenilworth of the attempt to be made upon mine uncle's life,which attempt, if successful, would have been laid, however unjustly, atthe door of my mother, or perhaps even at mine own, seeing that I was acaptive guest within those walls, having intercourse with friends fromwithout. I have owed thee this debt of gratitude for long. But the timehas come when thou shalt receive thy reward;" and the smile in thePrince's eyes was frank, and pleasant to see.

  "I have taken counsel, therefore, with our good friend and thy comradeHugh as to what may be done for thee. I would have bestowed upon thee afair manor, where thou couldst have lived at ease; but he has told methat thine heart is inclined to learning, and that at Oxford, perchance,a career of honour lies before thee. I would have placed thee in somevacant benefice if thine heart did incline to the Church; but as it isnot so, I must wait till thou art something older ere I can place theein some office which thy talents will adorn."

  Leofric made a grateful bow. To have the favour of the heir to thethrone was no small matter in those days. He might well look forward toa career of great success and honour if he were marked out by the royalfavour.

  "Meantime," added the Prince, "I have instructed the steward of BeaumontPalace to pay to thee one hundred marks year by year; and when thou hastbecome a notable disputer, lecturer, doctor, perhaps, and when thou artready for a change, there will be promotion and honour awaiting theeelsewhere. I shall not forget one who was so faithful in his friendshipto a losing cause, and who was so well beloved by those whom I lovedwell."

  A sudden quiver in the Prince's voice betokened a wave of unwontedemotion. He had been deeply attached to the De Montfort family, despitepolitical differences, and he knew how Leofric had followed Amalric, andhad been with him at the moment of his death. This formed a strong linkbetween them now, and as Leofric would have stammered out his thanksfor this great and wonderful gift, the Prince held out his handsuddenly, and said,--

  "Farewell, good Leofric; we shall meet again. Be thou as true andfaithful as thou hast ever been, and happiness and success will surelyattend thee."

  Leofric bent the knee, pressed his lips to the hand of the Prince, andthen, making a deep obeisance, he retired from the tent, Jack followinghim open-mouthed with amazement.

  He broke into loud exclamations of delight.

  "One hundred marks a year! Why, good comrade, thou wilt be rich forlife!" he cried. "Thou canst take a Hall of thine own, and become richand prosperous. Or thou canst wed Mistress Alys--"

  But there Jack was brought to a sudden standstill by the look upon hiscomrade's face. Leofric flushed crimson, and then turned pale, and saidalmost sternly,--

  "Jack, Jack, thy tongue doth run away with thee. Dost thou not know bywhom the Mistress Alys was beloved?"

  Jack grew red in his turn, but he muttered beneath his breath, halfafraid that Leofric might hear,--

  "Marry, I know well enough who loved her, but maidens do not alwaysreturn the love of their finest suitors."

  Leofric's cheek was rather flushed; Jack could not say whether he hadheard these words or not. He returned to his first theme.

  "At least thou canst hire a Hall, and scholars will flock to thee. Thouwilt be renowned for thy lectures, and wilt become a Regent Master, ifthou dost not 'incept' in theology or law, and wear the Doctor's gown.Thy fortune is secure now, and some day, doubtless, when the Prince hasascended the throne (which pray Heaven may be soon), he will raise theeto great honour and dignity; for methinks he hath a princely heart, andhath taken a mighty liking for thee."

  "But thou shalt not leave me, Jack," cried Leofric, "even though we havea grander lodging than we have known before. Thou wert my first friend.Thou hast stood at my side in many an hour of peril. If I have won thecrown of success, thou hast merited a share in it. Thou art a bachelorthyself, and thou shalt assist me in my lectures, and use my school forthine own. We will not part company. We have travelled too long the sameroad. Thou hast throughout been my faithful friend. Thou wilt not desertme now?"

  Jack gripped his friend's hand hard, and there was a huskiness in hisvoice as he declared that he desired nothing better than to remainalways by his comrade's side.

  A few days later the camp broke up; but Hugh had declared that Leofricand Jack must pay a visit to his house before they journeyed to Oxford,and Jack was desirous to travel by way of his own home and see hisrelatives ere he took up his abode once again at the seat of learning.

  So first they journeyed to Worcester, eager to hear news of Lotta, whosestrange history had been related to them, and whose tidings, brought toPrince Edward so promptly, had been the immediate cause of the defeat ofDe Montfort.

  Already the country had begun to assume a more peaceful aspect. Tracesof war's ravages were everywhere only too visible, but it was plain thatthe overthrow and death of the Earl of Leicester had for the momentcrushed in the hearts of the people any idea of further fighting. Theyrevered his memory, they mourned and wept for him, they regarded him asa martyr and a hero; but there was no one upon whom his mantle couldfall, and the hopes of the nation gradually began to centre in PrinceEdward; for the King's life had already lasted beyond the ordinarylimits attained in those days, and it might well be that before long hisson would succeed him upon the throne.

  The news of the victory at Evesham had preceded Hugh to his home, butnot that of his personal safety, so that his arrival sound and whole wasthe signal for great demonstrations of delight throughout the household.

  Hardly had the little cavalcade ridden into the courtyard before Lindawas at her husband's side, welcoming him with tears of joy; and she hada very gracious and joyful greeting to give to Leofric and Jack, both ofwhom seemed so closely
linked with her past life.

  The board was quickly laid, the hungry travellers sat down, andbreathlessly did father, mother, and wife listen to the story of thebloody fight at Evesham, and the death of the great Earl and his sons.

  Linda's tears fell as she heard of Amalric's death. She had known himwell in old days, and there was something about him which always won thehearts of those with whom he came in contact.

  "I can be thankful now," she said in a low voice to Leofric, "that sweetAlys never truly yielded him her heart. She loved him as friend andbrother, but she never gave him the treasure he longed to possess. Therehave been moments when I have been almost sad at heart to see this, butnow I can rejoice."

  Leofric's face changed colour a little.

  "My Lord Amalric said somewhat of this to me as he lay dying," heanswered, in a low voice; "yet I had thought that he and the maiden werevery much one to the other, and that their betrothal was nigh at hand."

  "In truth they might, had things gone otherwise, have been betrothed bythe act of their elders; but the heart of Alys was not truly his. I havenot lived with her as sister and friend all those years without knowingthat much."

  Leofric said no more. A thoughtful look settled upon his face, and intohis eyes there began to creep a new look. He did not care to ask himselfwhat the hope was which suddenly awakened in his heart, but it seemed insome strange way to change and glorify his whole life.

  Hugh now claimed his wife's attention. He asked news of Lotta, and heardthat she was recovering strength slowly, but that her mind seemedstrangely affected. She appeared to be losing hold upon recent events,and was going back more and more to their childhood's days. She spokeconstantly of their mother, and asked for her, and wondered when sheshould "go home!" Linda did not think she now remembered that she wasthe wife of Roger de Horn, and heard the news of his death with feelingsof great relief.

  "I trust it is not wicked, but I cannot grieve for him. I do not thinkLotta would even understand if told: from that night when you broughther here and went away, everything seems to have been gradually fadingfrom her mind that belongs to the stormy and unhappy part of her life. Ibelieve now that if I were to take her to mother and Aunt Bridget atEynsham, where I lived so peacefully and happily myself, she would beperfectly happy there; and that mother would be the happier for having adaughter to love and tend."

  For Linda had recently heard that her mother was a widow, and hadretired to live with her sister at Eynsham. Balzani had never reallyrecovered from the shock of hearing the manner of his son's death, andhad shortly afterwards taken a fever and died. It would no doubt be acomfort to the widow to have one of her children back again with her,especially if she needed motherly care and tendance.

  So it was quickly arranged that as soon as Lotta could bear the fatiguesof a journey, she should be carried by easy stages to Eynsham; whilstLinda should take this opportunity of paying a visit to Alys, who hadearnestly prayed her at parting not to be too long without coming to seethem.

  Leofric and Jack would visit their old homes--the farm and the monks ofSt. Michael--and join the other party as they approached Oxford. Leofrichad the messages and the token to deliver to Alys from Amalric, andgreatly would he have feared this part of his task had it not been forLinda's words.

  They often talked of Alys as they paced the alleys of the gardentogether during the few days that Leofric remained the guest of Hugh,recalling the past days of their student life in Oxford, and howstrangely fortune had dealt with them, throwing them together, and intothe company of the Constable's daughter.

  Now Linda was the wife of a prosperous gentleman, who by the favour ofthe Prince had good prospects of rising to knighthood; and Leofric, frombeing a poor clerk, almost of the begging class, was a Master, a man ofsome substance, as riches went in those days, and could, as Linda oncesoftly suggested, "mate with any maiden, even of a noble house, for hislearning and the prospect held out to him of princely favour."

  Then a red flush crept into Leofric's cheek, and he made answer,--

  "There is only one maiden in all the world for me; and how can I dare tohope that she will have thought to spare for so humble a suppliant asmyself?"

  "Thou hadst better ask her what she thinks of the suppliant," said Lindasoftly. "Methinks a faint heart beseems not an earnest wooer."

  Leofric gave her a searching look.

  "Mistress Linda, what dost thou mean?" he questioned. She looked at himwith a smile in her eyes.

  "Thou hadst better ask Alys what I mean."



  The breath of spring was in the air. The verdant meadows had put ontheir rich new dress, and the flowers were springing up as if to welcomethe returning strength and heat of the sun. The fritillaries gemmed theriver-banks, and the stretches of woodland were blue with the carpet offragrant wild hyacinth. The song of the cuckoo was in the air, and onnorth slopes the star-like primrose lingered yet. The chill east windswere changed to soft, summer-like zephyrs from the south, and everythingin nature spoke of joy and hope and coming summer-tide.

  Between its green banks, fringed sometimes by stately forest trees;meandering sometimes through wide stretches of green pasture, wherecattle fattened upon the rich herbage or stood knee-deep in the shallowtide, the silent Isis slipped leisurely along.

  Passing the Abbey of Eynsham, it widened out to a considerable breadthas it pursued its leisurely course towards the city of Oxford, seemingto linger lovingly in these pleasant reaches, far from the tumult andstir which surrounds the abodes of man.

  The sun shone lovingly down upon the green world, and upon the shining,silver river, on this bright day in May. A boat was drifting slowlyalong the tide, propelled sometimes by the strong arms of the rower, atothers idly lying upon the bosom of the stream, gently floatingdownwards with the slow, still current. Half-way betwixt Oxford andEynsham two fishermen on the banks awaited the return of the tardy boat;but engrossed by their occupation, and soothed by the soft stillness ofthe afternoon, they were in no haste for its arrival. They had met withconsiderable success in pursuit of their craft, and a number of shiningfish lay upon the bank beside them.

  Edmund de Kynaston and Jack Dugdale were the fishermen; the fair Alysand Leofric Wyvill were the occupants of the boat.

  They had all started forth together, with the intention of paying avisit to Lotta and her mother; but in the end the temptations of theriver had proved too much for the anglers. Instead of waiting till theyreached the pool near Eynsham, they had been landed some miles lowerdown; and whilst Alys and Leofric pursued the original plan, theyremained engrossed by their sport, in no hurry at all for the return oftheir companions.

  Nor did those companions appear in any haste to rejoin them.

  Eight years had passed away since Leofric, an almost penniless lad, hadfirst entered Oxford, uncertain whether or not he should ever succeed inmaintaining himself there. Now, although not yet five-and-twenty, he hadachieved many successes and distinctions, and was regarded by theauthorities of the place as a promising young Master, secure of honoursand rewards. He had become the recipient of royal bounty, and was in aposition of modest affluence, which seemed to him almost like riches.

  Already he had in part carried out the plan suggested by Jack when firstthe knowledge of the Prince's generosity had been made known to them.One hundred marks represented something like sixty pounds, and sixtypounds in those days was equivalent to several hundreds in our times. Itwas positive wealth to Leofric, and enabled him to enter at once upon anew phase of his career.

  Since the exodus of students from Oxford a couple of years before, theHalls and houses had not filled up to quite their former strength, andthere were still buildings to be had at moderate rentals. Leofric founda couple of houses in Cat Street, which their owner was glad enough torent to a man of substance. One of these Leofric retained for adwelling-house for himself and his friend and assistant Jack, turningthe lower floor into a commodious lecture-hall,
and repairing andfurnishing the upper story for his own use, although it was larger thanhe required at present.

  The second house was speedily furnished as a Hall for clerks andstudents, and already was full to overflowing. The personal popularityof the young Master was great, and his determination to accept as hispupils only men who really desired to study, and who would refrain fromjoining in the tumults and riots of the city, made something of a newdeparture amongst the keepers of Halls, and attracted at once the bettersort of student, to whom a quiet place of abode, where study was therule, was regarded in the light of a boon and a blessing. The Chancellorhad expressed great approval of the rules boldly laid down by Leofricfor the regulation of his house, and Jack was invaluable to him inassisting him to carry out his plan.

  Leofric had recognized the fact that in order to keep his pupils withinreasonable bounds he must make their quarters comfortable. How couldthey be expected to remain at home after dark if lights and fires weredenied them, and if the rooms they lived in were kept foul,ill-smelling, and wretched? So simple were the ideas as to plenishingand furnishing in those days, that Leofric found it easy to provide forhis pupils comfort sufficient to render his Hall the favouritethroughout Oxford. He insisted on cleanliness, and by doing his ownshare to ensure it, stimulated the lads to second his efforts. They paidhim rather more than some Hall Masters asked (save those who were reallypoor yet honestly studious, to whom he showed himself liberal andgenerous); but they received a liberal diet, comforts undreamed of inother places, good fires in cold weather, lights after dark, liberty toplay reasonably quiet games in the lecture-room if desired, and awell-aired and cleanly dormitory to sleep in.

  Already many nobles and prelates had sent their sons to Leofric, and hehad been obliged to refuse applications from some of the most notablemen of the day. The Chancellor was urging him to open another Hall; andalready it was being whispered that if the schemes already beingdiscussed for the foundation of regular colleges should be carried out,Leofric Wyvill would be the man to place over such an institution.

  Leofric was keenly interested in these proposed schemes, and had heldmany discussions with those in authority upon that very subject. It wasevident to all that the present condition of Oxford must be reformed;that the massing together in one place of hundreds and thousands of ladsand men, under no regular discipline and control, was likely to lead tograve evils, and had been the cause of an infinite amount of bloodshedand confusion.

  Walter de Merton and John Balliol had already given endowments, and thequestion of the establishment of colleges, where students should residebeneath sufficient oversight and control, was being earnestly discussed.Probably other benefactors would come forward when once a start had beenmade; and there seemed little doubt that in the near future Leofricwould obtain a high place as Master or Dean of one of these proposedbuildings.

  Leofric's personal popularity was great, and his position rather unique.He was the favourite of the Prince, from whom he received an annualbounty; so that all those who supported the royal cause regarded himwith favour. But he was also known as the friend of the De Montforts, asone who had fought side by side with young Amalric at the battles ofLewes and Evesham. A halo of glory therefore surrounded him in the eyesof those who favoured the popular cause, and all men listened to himwith respect and enthusiasm, as to a man who had seen great things, hadshared in the most notable movement of the day, and had covered himselfwith glory and renown. For all sorts of stories were afloat about hisprowess and valour, many of which he had combated in vain. He was fainto submit at last to be regarded in the light of a hero, thoughmarvelling not a little at having won such a reputation.

  His position, however, was assured. Although a layman, and resolved toremain one, he saw before him a career full of possibilities. He knewthat his advancement would be more rapid if he consented to take orders,but he had never wavered in his resolve against so doing. A man mightnow advance to high distinction even in the University, and yet remain alayman, and Leofric had never been tempted for a moment to the clericalvocation. Perhaps some amongst his closer friends knew the reason why.

  He had been admitted to the Castle for long as the friend both of Edmundand his father. The Constable liked and respected him, and his successeshad made him rather a notable man. The death of Amalric had taken somehold upon the minds and hearts of the De Kynastons, who had loved himwell, and regarded him almost in the light of Alys's betrothed husband.

  She herself had been much affected by the story of his death, and hadlooked pale and pensive for some time. But to-day her cheek had regainedits bloom, her eyes were bright and soft, and her voice and laugh showeda heart where happiness had made its home, and from which sorrow andpain had been banished.

  A journey by water to Eynsham was always a treat to Alys. Linda and shecorresponded as regularly as the uncertainty of messengers would permit;and when she heard from her former companion, she always sought to takenews of her to the mother and sister dwelling beneath the Priory walls.

  Lotta had never recovered from the effects of her strange illness. Hermind remained a blank as to the events of her stormy girlhood. She waslike a gentle child, living in the present, or in the more remote past,happy with her mother, and always eager for news of her sister, yetwithout any real comprehension or memory of the events which hadtranspired during the past eight years.

  The news to-day was of an exceptionally happy nature. Linda was themother of a fair son, and Hugh had received knighthood and the gift of agoodly Manor at the hands of the Prince. There had been extensiveconfiscations of the estates of the supporters of the De Montforts, andthe Prince had not forgotten Hugh when he came to distribute this spoilamongst those who had served him at the critical time of his career.

  Having brought tidings of these good things to Lotta and her mother,Leofric and Alys were on their way to rejoin their companions; but thebeauty of the day, and the warmth of the sunshine upon the flowingriver, tempted them to idleness. They were talking of past days, and ofhow the friendship between them had grown and grown.

  "The first time I saw you," said Alys, "was when you lifted me from mypalfrey, that day when he was frightened and nearly threw me to theground. How little we thought then of all that would happen later!"

  "Indeed yes," he answered earnestly. "Looking back to those days, it allseems like a dream; and yet, Alys, I think I loved thee from that veryday. Dost know that thou hast always been to me a bright particularstar, set high above me in the sky, yet leading me ever onwards. Alys,sweetheart, I have waited long, but tell me I have not waited in vain.Hope has sprung up in my heart of late. Sweet Alys, dost thou love me?"

  A beautiful light leaped into her eyes. She put out a hand and laid itupon his.

  "I think I have loved thee always, Leofric," she said.


  * * * * *


  BY E. Everett-Green.

  A CLERK OF OXFORD, and His Adventures in the Barons' War.

  THE YOUNG PIONEERS; or, With La Salle on the Mississippi.

  IN TAUNTON TOWN. A Story of the Days of the Rebellion of James, Duke ofMonmouth, in 1685.

  SHUT IN. A Tale of the Wonderful Siege of Antwerp in the Year 1585.

  THE LOST TREASURE OF TREVLYN. A Story of the Days of the Gunpowder Plot.

  IN THE DAYS OF CHIVALRY. A Tale of the Times of the Black Prince.

  LOYAL HEARTS AND TRUE. A Story of the Days of Queen Elizabeth.

  THE CHURCH AND THE KING. A Tale of England in the Days of Henry VIII.


  DOMINIQUE'S VENGEANCE. A Story of France and Florida.

  THE SIGN OF THE RED CROSS. A Tale of Old London.

  EVIL MAY-DAY. A Story of 1517.


  THE LORD OF DYNEVOR. A Tale of the Times of Edward the First.


  _Published by_

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