Page 55 of Dark Swan Comic 1-4

  Girard listened thoughtfully, nodding as I spoke. “Yes, of course I can do this. I can have them for you tomorrow.”

  “Whoa, I didn’t expect—”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Your majesty, you forget that we don’t forge and work metal like humans do. I order the metal to bend, and it does. The rest is in skill and patience.”

  I supposed he had a point. I thanked him profusely, telling him that Shaya would settle the price with him later. Once he left, I then set out to find Shaya myself, still needing a report.

  Before I could, I was intercepted again—this time by Ysabel. She was alone, which I took to mean Dorian had returned to the Oak Land. That was something, at least. I didn’t want him camping out around here—particularly after my teary-eyed weakness last night.

  She came to a halt before me, arms crossed. Whatever fear she’d had from our last lesson seemed to have completely vanished. Maybe Dorian’s visit had reassured her. Or maybe she figured she had little to fear from someone who’d spent all of last night moping and drinking away her sorrows.

  “My lord says I still cannot leave until we’ve worked together at least one more time.”

  “Bummer,” I said and started to pass her. “I’ve got to find Shaya.”

  She blocked my way again. It was déjà vu of the last time she’d accosted me about this. “Shaya’s gone right now. The sooner we get this over with, the better. I know you have nothing else to do with your time right now either. You’re simply waiting for your kitsune to throw you some sort of bone.”

  Alright, now she’d pissed me off, largely because she was right. “That’s not true. I have plenty of things to do. Besides, I don’t know if I really need your help anymore. I think at this point it’s all just practicing on my own.”

  With my mind, I reached out, feeling the different types of air around us. I stayed well away from her but pulled together several groups. Now that I understood their individual natures, it wasn’t that hard to combine them into larger gusts. I blasted the air through the hall, creating a gust of wind that rivaled the one she’d smugly showed me that first day. Her expression showed disdain, but I swear, there was fear in her eyes again. I remembered what Shaya had said, that I was learning too quickly and too well.

  “That is…acceptable,” Ysabel said at last. “But it was clumsy. And you can’t combine it with water yet to truly control the weather.”

  She was right on that, but I felt I had a good enough understanding of both to just keep practicing. “It’ll come with time. I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “My lord said one more time…” That scornful expression faded now, replaced by uncertainty. “There is something else…something…well, you haven’t even come close to it yet.”

  “I inherited storm magic. Water and air. What else is there?”

  “Follow me, and I’ll show you—if you can handle it.” There it was, the old attitude. It was almost comforting.

  She took me back out to the courtyard we’d been in last night. A servant I’d seen around the castle was painstakingly setting more tiles into the ground, expanding the patio area. We stood well away from him, and Ysabel continued keeping her arms crossed over her chest, posture still rigid and defensive.

  “I’ll be glad when this is over and I can return to the Oak Land. It’s obvious my lord misses me.” Her eyes glinted wickedly. “He made love to me last night with a passion I’ve never seen before. It left me screaming and aching in ecstasy.”

  I rolled my eyes and stopped myself from saying, Yeah, because he was thinking of me. “Let’s just get this over with so you can leave and get all the screaming and aching you want. What else was there I needed to know?”

  “There’s something else in the air,” she said. She bit her lip in thought, trying to articulate her meaning. “I can feel it, but I’m unable to touch it. Probably you can’t either.”

  “Can you be a little more specific?”

  “It’s always there…it’s like the pieces of the air are…prickly. Sharp to the touch. There are more of them, though, before a storm.”

  I stared stupidly for a moment, and then the human part of me put it together. “Lightning…you’re talking about making lightning,” I breathed. What was the scientific term? “Those are charged particles.”

  The term meant nothing to her, but she’d nodded when I mentioned lightning. Eagerness flared up in me, and I immediately felt out around me. Sensing all the air molecules was easy now. The only two I could name were oxygen and carbon dioxide. All the others had their own unique feel, but I couldn’t say if they were nitrogen or hydrogen or what. After a few minutes of groping with my mind, I shook my head.

  “I don’t feel anything like that.”

  Ysabel seemed pleased by this. “Like I said, you likely aren’t strong enough.”

  “It’s a clear day,” I pointed out. “There probably aren’t any around.”

  “No, they’re always there. There aren’t many today, but I can feel them.”

  I set my lips into a hard line, trying again. It was just like the old days with Dorian: endless waiting, save that he would have tied me up. Ysabel probably would have too if I’d let her, if only to use the chance to slit my throat.

  Air, air, air. Every particle unique, yet none of it had the sharp, prickly feel she was describing. Distantly, I remembered the one time I had summoned a storm. I’d been caught by an elemental gentry, on the verge of being raped while my mother lay injured. In my crazy desperation and panic, I’d summoned a storm that nearly leveled my house. I had little memory of how I’d done it, though. The whole thing was a blur, like some kind of dream that—

  All the hairs on my arms suddenly stood up. There. There, mixed in with other air above us was something…well, to put it bluntly, electric. It felt prickly, just as she’d described. I reached for it, trying to control it as I had the other particles, but it was slippery. It was like oil running through my fingers, and I understood now why she couldn’t do it. It was a very different phenomenon. Steeling myself, I tried again, and for one heartbeat, I drew them together into a knot. The smell of ozone filled the air, and then I lost my grip. No flash of light, no thunder.

  But Ysabel’s face was aghast. “You…you did it. You shouldn’t have been able to…”

  “I didn’t really do anything.”

  “You shouldn’t have been able to do that…not yet…. I can’t even touch them.”

  Too fast and too easily. Just like my father.

  “I’m nowhere near to being there yet.” I hoped I sounded reassuring. “This is going to be harder.” I couldn’t say how I knew; it was just something I felt. Wielding air, creating wind…that would come with practice. Lightning was a different beast. But when I did…

  I suddenly shivered and was astonished at the exultation that ran through me. If I could learn to create and control lightning…Jesus Christ. That kind of power was unimaginable. It was a large part of what had made Storm King so feared. Being able to do that would be unbelievable. Amazing. Exquisite. Being like a god…

  I snapped myself out of those thoughts, aghast at what I’d been thinking—again. Talk about megalomania. I was no god. Craving that kind of power was wrong; everyone said so. Well, those from the human world, at least. Yet, if I could summon lightning, I could blow a fair number of those fucking demons out of existence. Surely that was a good use of my power. Unfortunately, what I’d said to Ysabel was true. It was going to take awhile, and until I developed some other amazing weapon, those demons were going to keep coming back and—

  I froze, suddenly forgetting about the phenomenal power I’d just touched. I had a weapon right in front of me, something that might seriously get rid of those demons once and for all. Unfortunately, it was not an easy one to use.

  “Son of a bitch,” I said. “Jasmine.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jasmine nearly leapt ten feet in the air when I came tearing through the hall that led to her cell

  “You!” I exclaimed. “You can summon water demons.”

  She widened her eyes, speechless for a change. It appeared as though I’d interrupted her doing…well, nothing. In a fit of guilt, I’d sent some books down to her to pass the time, but reports from the guards said she did little but sulk. Well, that and try to cajole them to let her out. I guess she figured she’d deal with Volusian after she got one of the guards to crack.

  Recovering herself a moment later, she adopted a sneer reminiscent of Ysabel’s. Considering their mutual hatred of me, maybe I should have sent her down here to entertain Jasmine.

  “Maybe,” Jasmine conceded. “Why? Afraid I’ll use them to break out?”

  “No,” I said. “But I need them to get rid of some fire demons.”

  Roland had told me the best way to oust the demons would be by summoning their opposites. I’d dismissed the idea then, knowing it was beyond my capability. At the same time, I’d considered the possibility that Jasmine could do it…though it had seemed a useless sentiment considering I’d had no clue to her whereabouts or any reason to think she’d help me.

  But now? Well, things were different.

  Art’s attitude had left me feeling helpless and ineffectual. Now, I suddenly felt as though I had the means to take control and actually right some wrongs in this kingdom.

  “So?” Jasmine asked, not seeming startled in the least. “That’s got nothing to do with me.”

  “Not true. You’re going to help me. We’re going to face them and their master, and you’re going to summon water creatures to take down those demons.”

  Jasmine’s expression was almost comic in its disbelief. “Why would I help you?”

  I tried good cop first. “Because it’s the right thing to do. They’re hurting innocent people.”

  “So? Like I said, that doesn’t affect me.”

  “Spoken like the selfish child you are.” She flushed. Considering her obsession with having a baby and ruling over both worlds, she didn’t like having her age or capabilities mocked. “I thought you wanted to be the queen of this land once.”

  She glowered. “Yes. And I would have been if you hadn’t stolen it!”

  “Why? Why be queen if you have no intention of doing anything? Did you just want to wear a crown and have people grovel?”

  She didn’t acknowledge that and instead replied stonily, “I’m not helping you.”

  I stepped toward the bars, smiling sweetly, even though I was about to enter bad-cop mode. “Oh, you are. Whether you like it or not.”

  “What, you’re going to force me or something?”

  In a matter of seconds, I had my Glock out and pointing straight at her. She paled and backed up against the wall, looking very much like she wanted to melt into it. Behind me, I heard a slight shuffling among the guards. Guns were a very human weapon, made of steel and alloys and other substances that were anathema to the gentry. They were equally deadly to humans—or, in Jasmine’s case, half-humans.

  “You’re crazy,” she said.

  I shrugged. “I’ve got a job to do, and you’re key to getting it done. You can cooperate, and maybe I’ll improve your living arrangements. Give you a room instead of a cell.”

  I could see thoughts and schemes spinning behind her eyes. Jasmine was young, inexperienced, and self-centered…but she wasn’t stupid. I had to think somewhat cheerfully that that too was a family trait.

  “And if I don’t do it, you’re going to shoot me?”

  “Well, everyone says I should kill you anyway.”

  My voice was calm, my face hard. I didn’t know if she would believe me or not. Hell, I didn’t know if I believed myself. She knew I had little love for her after everything she’d done, and I’d long had a reputation as a ruthless fighter and—as many gentry saw it—murderer. Jasmine swallowed. She was trying to look calm too, but her eyes betrayed her.

  “How do you know I won’t summon them and have them turn on you once my cuffs are off? You know I can’t wear them and still have that kind of power.”

  I released the safety on the gun, which was still pointed at her. “Because I’ll have this on the back of your head the entire time.”

  Long silence fell. Volusian was so still that I’d nearly forgotten he was there.

  Finally, Jasmine said, “I hate you.”

  “So…that’s a yes?”

  I took her silence as a confirmation and put the gun away, putting the safety back on and feeling a bit surprised at the pounding of my own heart. Had I really just pointed a gun at a fifteen-year-old girl? Roland and Kiyo both believed dealing with magic could change the kind of person you were. Was messing with lightning and air turning me into someone who could easily threaten others to get my way? No, I decided. This had nothing to do with the magic. This was necessity. I needed to oust those fire demons, and this was the way to do it.


  A soft voice pulled me from my churning emotions. “Kiyo!”

  He stood there in the hall, and I wondered how much he’d overheard. It didn’t matter. I was just so insanely happy to see him. The heaviness in my heart lightened, and if there hadn’t been so many witnesses, I would have run into his arms. He looked amazing, dressed in human garb: jeans and a plain gray T-shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly. The silken black hair curled around his chin, and his skin looked like caramel.

  But his eyes…his eyes were hard.

  I gave Jasmine a warning look. “We’ll talk later.”

  “Fuck you, Eugenie,” she called.

  I caught hold of Kiyo’s hand and walked back upstairs with him. Seeing him released all the nervous tension in me that had been building up since last night. I’d been so wound up, so worried and afraid. Now, it was like all was right in the world once again. The news about the baby was hard on me, but I still wanted to congratulate him. The words were on my lips as soon as we were alone, but he spoke first.

  “Really, Eugenie? This is what it’s come to?”

  My head was still giddy over seeing him. “What do you mean?”

  He pointed back toward the dungeon door from which we’d just emerged. “That! I never expected to find you with a gun to a teen girl’s head.”

  “It wasn’t exactly to her head,” I said. “And she can help us get rid of those demons. Even if she can’t summon true water demons herself, we both know she can call other water creatures.” Kiyo and I had fought off some such creatures—including one that had caught us in a compromising position in his car and nearly killed both of us. “Those could give us the edge.”

  “And if she doesn’t, you really are going to kill her?”

  I sighed and stopped walking, leaning against one of the tapestry-covered walls so I could face him. “Do you really think I’d do that?”

  “She seemed to think you would, and to tell you the truth, I kind of did too. I don’t think you realize how scary you can be.” He stood in front of me, with little distance between us, and there was an odd mix of sexual chemistry and antagonism in the air. “There’s a strange feel to you…have you been practicing magic?”

  I didn’t answer immediately, which was as good as an admission of guilt. The look he gave me was almost more horrified than when he’d thought I was going to shoot Jasmine. “A little.”

  “A little! Eugenie,” he hissed, leaning close. “There’s no in-between with this stuff. You keep doing it, and you’re just going to fall farther and farther down the rabbit hole.”

  I laughed and threw my arms up, gesturing to the castle. “I fell into Wonderland a long time ago.”

  “You know what I mean. I thought you weren’t going to do it anymore. I thought we agreed it was bad.”

  “You agreed,” I corrected, feeling my own temper start to rise. “I had a chance to learn more, and I decided to take it. And like I said, it’s only been a little.”

  “Learn from who?” he asked suspiciously.

  “A woman from Dorian’s kingdom. She has some abi
lity with controlling air and has been showing me how to use it. I might be on the verge of calling lightning too.” In front of his furious gaze, there was an instinct to be sheepish…and yet, I felt kind of proud at what I’d accomplished.

  “Of course. Dorian. Somehow, I’m not surprised.”

  “Hey, Dorian’s been nice to me lately.” My defense of the gentry king surprised me—as did the truth of it. With so much in chaos recently, I’d found Dorian’s presence almost comforting.

  Kiyo rolled his eyes. “Yes, and I’m sure he’d love to be nicer still. Look, you start putting all those magical elements together, and you’re going to have some serious power on your hands. You’re going to be like—”

  “Do not say like Storm King!” I cried. “I wish everyone would just stop assuming that’s inevitable. Plenty of gentry use magic without becoming tyrannical warlords. Give me some credit here.”

  “I’m just worried about you,” he growled.

  “And do you know what I’m worried about? I’m worried about people starving here, about people not getting enough water. I’m worried about brigands and demons preying on innocents. I’m worried about girls disappearing and possibly being abducted by those who face no accountability. And all of this is on top of trying to still live my human life and keep every goddamned Otherworldly guy out of my pants. So don’t come here and start dictating to me. You’re never around. You have no idea what I’m going through!”

  I was shouting, and it was a wonder none of the servants had come scurrying to see what was wrong. My breathing was heavy, and I’d clenched my fists without even realizing it in my anger.

  “Why are you here anyway?” I demanded.

  Kiyo’s dark eyes were hard to read, but I could see some of his earlier fury had cooled. I wasn’t sure if he’d reconsidered his accusations or simply decided I wasn’t worth arguing with. “I came to see if you wanted to visit the baby.”


  For whatever reason, it was like a bucket of cold water on the rest of my anger. I sighed. “Kiyo…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you—”