Page 13 of My Escort

  I loved my mother dearly and this was where she had taken me. I thought it our sanctuary. She read me books and helped me write poetry from a young age. That version of me was forgotten and gone. My mother brought me to that place to better my literacy and appreciation for books. And I had learnt much from her. But since her death I dare say I hadn’t learned much more. I closed down the flickering memories, alongside my heart, which could not grow.

  Or so I thought.

  I had opened the door for my companion, and watched delight spread across their face as their eyes danced over the volumes of books that lined the long-standing walls. The booths had now changed in color, but the foundation stayed the same. I smiled at my companion cautiously as they oozed excitement and appreciation for the store.

  I had walked in there with my unsuspecting companion to face a million half-forgotten smiles and gentle words.

  It was hard not to allow the memories that flooded back as I stared at the booth. How my mother had loved this place. I looked at the back of my companion as they slowly stepped forward, admiring the books. In that moment I felt strength and appreciation for them being there with me. There was no one else I could ask, no one who I could take this step with.

  My companion did not know me well, yet I felt familiar with them. They did not know of my memories, so they could not guess at the turmoil I felt within.

  A smile was what captured my attention from across the table, that smile of my companion. That was when I knew I was safe, and back in a place that had always existed somewhere within me. The ghost of my mother’s smile lingered and I swore in that moment I could smell her perfume.

  We all have places we must go, further places to visit. The ones we resist returning to are the ones we fear. There is a ghost that scares us. With my companion by my side, I no longer feared my memories.

  I was once a child, but now I am an adult. I should not have feared my mother’s mortality. It is the transition of life, and the delivery of our well-deserved rest. She gave me many years of love that no one else could offer. I could now accept this small café for the loving atmosphere it represented. This piece of reality once channeled me to a place that terrified me from the recesses of my mind. But now? Now it is no longer tainted.

  On this day I could not hold my companion’s hand, because I was challenged by a new fear. Their smile brightened my soul. Their quick perceptions challenged me. Their stubbornness reminded me of an old companion. Their beauty enticed me. But yet I could not bring myself to reach out and touch them.

  A small token of gratitude—I bought my companion a hazelnut coffee. The same coffee that I had always saved my pocket money for. My mother had liked the very same.

  I couldn’t thank them on that day for the small steps they assisted me in taking. But I can freely write it now.

  Thank you.


  I lay in my bed in my black lacy underwear. The hot summer’s day caused beads of sweat to gather on my naked skin. I looked up at the ceiling as I spoke to my sister, Megan, on the phone.

  “Yea, I think the change has been good for me. I’m going to the Czech Republic for two weeks soon for my next article,” I said, playing with my silver necklace. “I’m really enjoying it.”

  It had now been six months since I had left Candice magazine. I had walked into Debra’s office with a confident stride to hand in my notice. Her face was priceless. It felt so good to tell her I was moving on to bigger and better things. Michelle stood by her offer, and the position as a traveling columnist at Be True magazine was now mine. Apparently she had been on bad terms with Damon after my departure from the Bahamas. After his apology, they were getting along fine again. She had been upset when I left, and when she found Damon wallowing on his own with a bottle of red, she had been less than impressed with his behavior.

  Damon’s escorting days were behind him, as he claimed he got everything he needed and more from me. It didn’t affect his writing ability; in fact, he said our relationship enriched his articles.

  “I am so glad it has all worked out for you. You finally have the job you wanted. Mum is really proud and is telling me to tell you to call her more. Shut up, Mum, I can’t hear her,” Megan yelled at Mum. “So, do we get to meet this new man of yours on Mum’s birthday?”

  I held my hand against the phone, blocking her from hearing my words. I looked over at Damon, who lay next to me reading a book. His black reading glasses were the only thing he wore. The sheets were covering the lower half of him, teasing me as my gaze swept up his body.

  “Megan wants to know if you are coming to meet them for Mum’s birthday,” I whispered.

  He gave me a cocky smile and flicked over another page. “You want me to meet your family already?” he asked in mock horror.

  “You made me meet your sister before we even started dating!” I retorted. I pressed the phone to my ear again to talk to Megan. “Yea, we will be there.”

  “Hmm,” Damon growled. “I don’t like it when you tell me what to do.” He put the book down on the side table. Slowly he crept toward my stomach then began kissing down my body. I pushed him away. But it was no use; my legs began to quiver as everything else throbbed for him.

  “Hey Megan, I’m going to have to go, but I’ll call you tomorrow.” After a quick goodbye she hung up the phone. I grabbed the back of Damon’s hair, lifting him so I could look into his lust-filled eyes. He smiled as I pulled his head back.

  “Don’t you?” I antagonized.

  He leant toward me on his elbow as I released my grip. His dark-brown eyes pooled into mine as he slowly kissed up my arm, his finger tracing over my bra strap. “I guess I might put up with it,” he said with a cocky smile.

  “You guess?” I demanded back, eagerly sweeping my fingers against his hard stomach and chest.

  “What I do know is I want to make love to you,” he said in a low voice whilst pulling on my lips. He began kissing down my neck, and my head tilted back in pleasure.

  “Prove it,” I said with a smile, the burning sensation growing stronger.

  His hand trailed down my stomach and grabbed at my underwear. “I will,” he promised, before giving me the pleasure I ached for.

  About The Author

  Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author working on her first series: “The Three Immortal Blades”. Kia began writing at the age of fifteen in high school- finding that all her warped and strange dreams were giving her a fantastic new world- and since then she has never looked back.

  Kia was born in a small town in Australia, moving around a lot at a young age until finding a stable town where she finished her schooling. Kia found herself enjoying and expressing herself through poetry, short stories and writing, photography, painting and drawing. All these mediums help Kia express the different world that she is so fond of.

  In ‘Senior Art’ Kia focused on feminism and female empowerment; exposing through her work issues and concerns that many people would rather just “sweep under the rug”.

  In one art installation, Kia made a bed out of Pokémon cards- the concept being that when she slept a new world would come to life and it was the only one she saw and constantly lived in.

  Also Available

  Awarded ‘The Best Fantasy Series of 2014’ and ‘Best Book Bad Guy of 2014’ by The Paranormal Bookshelf.

  Possession Of My Soul: The Three Immortal Blades

  Karla Gray is an ordinary young woman that is taken from her mundane life into a world of blood lust as she begins to struggle with a unique ability. Karla is a Shielder; an exceptional fighter born with the rare ability to project a Shield for protection. However, Shielders are not the only kind that possesses such a talent. The Shielders battle a war that has been raging for centuries against Starkorfs, who harvest humans and Shielders alike to obtain a near immortality.

  Alongside the charming Lucas and selfless Paul, Karla must unravel the purpose of her curse and battle an unknown presence manipulating her thoughts; a m
ysterious woman who may be dormant for now, but has every intention of possessing Karla- mind, body, and soul.

  Within this new reality that Karla faces the search for the Three Immortal Blades begins.

  Possession Of My Heart: The Three Immortal Blades

  After the great fight between Tyran and Misfeata, Karla’s body is recovering. Misfeata has manipulated and possessed her body — now, she lies dormant. But for how long?

  Paul and Karla continue to venture into the unknown. Karla is in pursuit of her parents, as well as a cure for her body in which Shielder blood now resides. She must find a cure for herself both physically and mentally as she struggles with the morals of this very different world.

  As Karla tries to avoid the war, she inevitably drags Paul into dangerous circumstances. A rare Elemental Breather is after Karla and out for war, but why? Now, not only combating the Starkorfs, Karla must contend with the Elemental Breathers and her own fighting spirit.

  In this time of hardship, Lucas comes back into her life. He is also targeted by the strange Elemental Breather, Taskatae, who calls herself ‘Mother.’ After his betrayal, Karla must learn to trust him again as he reminds her who she truly is now.

  Can she survive the constant battles from not only the physical world but from within? For a while Misfeata is dormant; Karla must try to keep hidden her true feelings. Karla is in turmoil as she faces who may truly possess her heart.

  Phantom Wolf

  Sia is a Phantom Wolf. Neither dead nor alive—and rotting from the inside—she is on the edge of her curse. Once a Phantom Wolf has been created, they hunt their blood pack and slaughter all their loved ones. Except for Sia, who woke years after her death to find herself rampaging through the land on a lonely path. She continues to run from the rival pack that hunts her because she is a Phantom Wolf.

  Attracted to a scent, Sia finds her old best friend, who is now a grown woman. Having once saved Keeley, Sia takes the role of protector yet again, despite Keeley’s involvement with the mysterious Alpha, Kiba, and his kin brother, Saith. An ambush separates the pack and the four of them blindly fight the new warriors that attack them: desperately needing to find out where the attacks are coming from, as Sia has vowed to protect Keeley. But at what cost?

  Now being chased, Sia finds herself conflicted by the mortal and spirit world while trying to protect her kin. Sia must confront her fears, as well as the human lover who killed her many years before. It is not only survival Sia contends with, but her own façade that must be broken so that she may find peace within herself once more.


  Eighteen years have now passed since the Phantom Wolf, Sia, faced her greatest challenge when she was forced to kill her lover, Kiba—the rightful heir to the throne. Sia murdered the dishonorable King Taleb for his transgressions before resting in peace among her Spirit Pack.

  Saith and Keeley now rule over the Kingdom, endeavoring to restore peace and allegiance throughout the land. Their actions are clouded in secrecy so that their daughter—whom they named Sia—should remain protected and unaware. But what are they preparing for?

  Sia, now almost eighteen years of age, must face her own journey to discover the mysteries her world has to offer. In order to uncover her true potential, Sia must confront her feelings for Trim. When her name is called, she sees him cringe as he remembers the love he once held for the Great Phantom Wolf before her.

  Mistrust and lies decay the Kingdom’s solidarity. Sia’s curiosity is piqued by the fear that shadows all wolves: the threat of the humans. So what happens when she comes across one?



  Kia Carrington-Russell, My Escort



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