Page 5 of My Escort

  “Why do you do that?” I moaned. He didn’t do it very often and even when he did escape into the hall he stopped and freaked out until I collected him. I placed my apartment keys in my mouth so I could pick up my fat orange cat and my black clutch at once. I lightly dropped him on the ground in front of me before closing the door behind me and throwing the clutch along my kitchen bench.

  I attempted unzipping the dress a few times, awkwardly pinning my elbow back to reach it. After turning on my laptop whilst still fiddling with the zip of my dress, I raced to my kitchen to make a hazelnut coffee. Finally I unhooked the zip in time to enter my password.

  After a few rough tugs of the dress I felt air on my skin. I breathed out like a beached whale. I pulled on my comfortable gray sweatpants and a loose orange shirt. I pulled all the pins out of my hair, sending my wild, wavy hair free, before tying it back up loosely with a hairband. A quick grab of coffee and then my eyes were searching over my screen, intensely trying to consume as much information as possible. I looked at my clock, noticing it was already 11 p.m. I only had one hour to get the webpage live. A flashing light of blue caught my eye on my cell phone. Someone had called. I dismissed it, knowing I could deal with it later.

  I had focused on the screen again when a knock on my door startled me. “Who would be coming to my apartment at this time?” I wondered. I looked at Pudding in confusion, realizing at that moment I was far too reliant on the fat cat. He did not flinch in the slightest from his sprawled position on the couch.

  I looked through my peephole. Dark-brown eyes stared back at me and my heart beat faster as I registered who it was. I looked down at my less than fabulous attire, wondering if I should race back and attempt to squeeze into the dress or... “Too much effort,” I quickly dismissed. I opened the door, unsure of what to expect.

  Before he spoke he swept his eyes up and down me with a small smile. “You didn’t sign the check,” Damon said, looking in amusement at my lazy attire.

  Suddenly I remembered him taking a step toward the cab in an attempt to flag me down. I forgot to sign the check. “Sorry, I’ll just grab a pen,” I gushed. “Come in.”

  I went to my bedroom and assessed how I looked in my full-length mirror. I was unimpressed by my appearance. At least I still had my makeup on. “Well, I guess this is what happens when you haven’t surrounded yourself with men for two years,” I bickered inwardly, trying to justify my hormones.

  I grabbed the pen which rested on my journal from my bedside table. I hadn’t written in it for a week because I hadn’t found the time. I could have grabbed the pen by my laptop, but then I wouldn’t have been able to evaluate just how bad I really looked. I straightened my shirt slightly, and looked at my hair in defeat. I gave up.

  I walked out with the pen, but stopped short when I saw Damon sitting comfortably on my couch, rubbing a purring Pudding’s belly. Without warning he attacked Damon, evidently not enjoying a particular area of his belly being rubbed. I kept my amusement to myself. “He does that,” I said, collecting the check off my kitchen bench and signing it.

  Damon rubbed his hand that Pudding had scratched whilst looking over my apartment. “It’s nice,” Damon said, eyeing the fish tank. “What’s this?” He was now looking at my laptop, which had numerous pages. I glanced over his shoulder and grimaced when I saw How to Insert a Website Page for Dummies.

  “Um... Debra, she wants me to add a website page to our website, but I have no idea how,” I admitted, offering the check to him.

  “May I?” he asked, indicating the chair and laptop.

  “Do you usually barge into your clients’ homes and make yourself comfortable?” I joked, permitting him to do so with a smile and a nod.

  “Only the ones who do a runner on me,” he grinned, assessing the open screens. I briefed him on the task whilst he began clicking on the pages and opening the website page I had to work on.

  “I can do this for you now if you would like?”

  “Are you serious?” I asked stepping back and excitedly standing on my tiptoes. “No, I couldn’t have you do that. I have already taken enough of your time.”

  “No, really I don’t mind. It will only take me ten minutes,” he assured me, quickly clicking on the images and links I had already put in a folder. “Do you have a pair of glasses by any chance?”

  I looked at him oddly, somewhat surprised that he needed glasses. I guess I didn’t see past his handsomeness to suspect he would have even a small imperfection. I pictured him to have, well, a perfect everything. I walked over to my thin black glasses that were on the coffee table. “I have mine?” I offered.

  “Thank you, that will help,” he said, taking them and clicking on more pages.

  I had no idea what he was doing so I looked at his side profile instead. His back was straight as he sat at my desk. His hair was still smoothly combed and his cologne still lingered in the air. I thought for a moment that even my fish were staring at him in bewilderment. “How does an escort acquire the skills to do this?” I asked, trying to focus on what he did.

  “I’m not a full time escort, you know,” he growled, giving me a quick glance.

  I couldn’t help but bite my lips to contain a smile. “So you’re a computer nerd as well?” I inwardly mused in disbelief.

  “What are you smiling at?” he asked as a smile crept across his face. The small glasses on his face made him look like he had little bug eyes, and had the effect of making his jaw look oddly, comically large.

  “Nothing,” I responded looking away so I wouldn’t laugh. “Would you like a coffee, I have hazelnut—”

  “I love hazelnut; that would be great,” he said appreciatively before assessing the screen again.

  “Hazelnut is my favorite flavored coffee as well,” I thought childishly. I felt so different around Damon, more carefree and irresponsible. And even now as he sat at my laptop, dressed in a formal suit, I could see yet another side to him. A side that I would never have seen if I hadn’t forgotten to sign that check. I thought he was only all cockiness and taunts, but this side of was nice to see. Even an escort could be surreally human.

  I was preparing his coffee when he called out to me from the computer. “Did you write this?” Damon asked, looking over his shoulder as I swirled the spoon in his coffee.

  “Yea, although Debra won’t be happy with it. It isn’t the original piece. That was somehow magically lost,” I said sarcastically.

  “It’s good. Your voice really shines through,” he complimented me before busily typing once again.

  He was the first to compliment me on my writing other than my family. After my father died, I was hesitant to show my work to others. He had been my most supportive fan. I liked to imagine he was still approving each piece that I wrote.

  “So, what do you do full-time?” I asked, bringing his hot hazelnut coffee to him. “More importantly, how did you become an escort?”

  “Ah, my dear Clover, that information is strictly confidential,” he smiled, grabbing the coffee out of my hand. His fingers lingered over mine for a moment as he looked at me intently. We both looked away at the same time. He cupped the coffee before turning once again to the screen.

  I could not believe that this was happening. He was so handsome and my mind swung from fantasy to fantasy. If he were in this chair all the time, how comfortably I could just stare. I noticed he had placed his expensive-looking wallet on my fish tank. “He is a human, not some magical being; of course he would carry around a wallet,” I scolded myself.

  After only fifteen minutes, we had drunk our coffee and he had enlightened me somewhat about the process of adding a webpage. He patiently explained how I could upload things onto it if I ever got stuck again. Not only was he handsome, and humorous, he was smart and knew how to find his way around programs that I didn’t even know existed.

  He took the glasses off, and placed them on the desk before brushing his hand through his brown hair and leaning back into the chair. He
yawned just as I did. “Well, now you can say we are even for that discount you were after,” he smiled through his tiredness.

  “Wait,” I said seriously, “You didn’t give me a discount in the first place!” I joked, enjoying his company. “Thank you, for all of this. You have not only saved me my job, but I had a really good night.”

  He looked into my eyes, but this time he wasn’t smiling. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more, but, instead, he straightened himself again, breaking our eye contact. “That’s my job,” he said, extricating himself from my office chair and collecting the check on the bench. “Once again, I am glad you are happy with my services and if you need to be escorted again, here’s my card.” He fiddled in his jacket pocket before dropping the card onto the bench.

  His whole demeanor had visibly shifted. He was once again covering the glimmer of the person beneath the escort. I tried to understand why he had changed so quickly. I thought I felt the tension between us, perhaps even a connection, which made me a fool for even thinking it. “I paid him to escort me,” I reminded myself as I stared into the empty cup in embarrassment.

  “Yea, thank you for everything. I hope it will get Debra off my back for a little whilst yet.”

  “Yea, well I think we put her off a little and you definitely beat her at her own game,” he said, shuffling closer to the door and straightening his jacket. “So, I’m going to go, but I hope you have a good night.”

  “You too,” I said collecting the door as he stepped into the hallway. I closed the door slowly before leaning against it, still cupping my mug. I was confused as to how quickly everything changed. We only really spoke of the work I had to complete. I looked at the laptop, slightly aggravated at myself. I had looked into it way too much.

  I washed out my mug in the sink before grabbing Pudding and pulling him into a hug as if he were a fluffy teddy bear. “Let’s go to bed, Pudding,” I said, combing over his head. “You seemed to like him.”

  As I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas, I was surprised to find my thoughts still lingered on Damon. “I only spent a total of five hours with him, he who is an escort,” I told Pudding.

  Chapter Seven- The Act That Was Paid For

  When I woke that morning and began hurriedly dressing for work, my eye was caught by something black on my fish tank. In Damon’s rush to leave my apartment the night before he had forgotten his wallet. As it was still early, I decided it was best just to text him to let him know I had it instead of calling.

  I laughed to myself at the irony. First of all, I hadn’t signed his check. Then, he had left his wallet behind. Now I was holding his payment hostage again. I tried to ignore his wallet as I hastily swallowed some juice. I eyed it warily. My interest was piqued. I wanted to have a quick look through it to find out who he really was.

  Although my hand crept close to it twice, I told myself, “no.” It was not my wallet nor could I go through it, no matter how curious I was. I text Damon, informing him it was at my apartment and I would be back at about 6 p.m. tonight if he wanted to collect it. The thought of him coming back to my apartment sent my heart fluttering.

  I left my apartment and the cold air outside was a slap of reality. The whole way to work I mulled over his speedy exit. I joined the hordes of other miserable Candice employees in the reception area. Just another day at work. With coffee in hand, I straightened the purple ruffled blouse I was wearing and my gray pencil skirt. The work elevator seemed cooler than usual as I looked above at the reflection of myself. My light brown eyes still had black bags under them from sleep deprivation. Even my foundation and concealer couldn’t cover it this morning.

  I took another sip when the elevator door opened. The office lights were still on, but it seemed for now it was only me who had arrived in my department. I glanced at my watch. It was just after 7 a.m. I looked through the glass walls of my office and through to Debra’s office. She was there already looking over her paperwork. I begrudgingly admired her work ethic. Behind her the sun began to glow orange as it rose above the awakening city. “Another early morning we get to spend together,” I observed to myself.

  I stopped at Cassidy’s desk to look at the purple flowers that sat on her round desk. It was a large circle that enclosed her, and it looked more like a bar with its white marble tiling. I walked in through the small opening and grabbed her small gift from my bag. It was her birthday today, although she hadn’t told me how old she was. It was only something small— gold hoop earrings. I hoped she would like them.

  I sat it beside the purple flowers, which I noted were from Debra and Gary. I left my own small note beside the gift I offered her. I kept my note short and sweet: “Happy Birthday, Beautiful. Clover.” I collected my coffee again and walked to my office.

  Debra took a sip of her coffee whilst giving me a harsh stare. My temperament was much more sensitive today than usual and I swallowed my annoyance. I would usually ignore it and focus on my work as much as I could, but now she just crept under my skin. All I could think of was the impression that Damon had—that I was unhappy at work. I slumped into my chair and stared at the photo of Megan and me on my desk. I had never taken the time to think of it before, so why now? Because Damon had said something?

  The glass door between Debra’s office and my own silently opened as she entered without invitation. She positioned herself on the corner of my desk, crossing her legs intimidatingly. She was silent for a moment—all part of the torture. “The article posted was not the one I sent you; did you take it upon yourself to write your own story?”

  I bit my tongue, not wanting to say the first thought that came to mind, which was an accusation. I was nearly certain it was her that hadn’t transferred the correct details over.

  “When I opened the files, it was not there, so I improvised,” I retorted sharply.

  “Clover, do you think this magazine is run on improvised decisions? You’re very lucky I am not issuing you with a written warning for such behavior. It will still have to be changed today, so really you have created more work for everyone else.”

  I bit my tongue again, before turning my laptop on. I avoided her eyes so she couldn’t guess at the image I entertained in my head, and that was knocking her off the table. Was it just me or was she even more merciless today?

  “I understand,” I said with control. “Anything else?”

  “Yes, Marcial has handed in his resignation. He is supposed to give two weeks’ notice but there are some outside circumstances to consider. So, I would like it if you could organize a small party of sorts by this afternoon for him, just to say goodbye,” she said casually, taking another sip of her coffee and crossing her legs again.

  “You want me to have that organized by this afternoon?” My tone was rising again in agitation.

  “Yes, oh, be sure to invite your dazzling boyfriend. You two left so quickly last night I never got to say goodbye. I still can’t believe that you obtained such a fine specimen,” she said, brushing through her fringe and neatening her bun. “I still can’t believe it.”

  “I’m sorry to inform you that he won’t be able to make it. He has a busy work schedule,” I quickly said, annoyed at her tone.

  “Well then, perhaps he is not as dedicated to you as you had us believe. But don’t be alarmed, we all have short fun relationships to get us by here and there. Not everyone is meant for a loyal, long-term relationship,” Debra said harshly.

  Before I could respond she had already left me in the silence of my own office, after slamming the door behind her. I bit my lip, holding back the bitter taste her conversation left in my mouth. Why did I stand for this? Why had I never complained before?

  “My boyfriend, huh?” I thought of Damon, agitated with myself for thinking of him straight away. Now what was I to do? I couldn’t call him and ask him to attend this party.

  I started scrolling through my contacts to find “Lismoore’s Catering.” They were used to catering for us at short notice, than
ks to Debra. Whilst emailing them my mind constantly raced over Damon’s brown eyes, his husky voice, that taunting smile, and how he rubbed his facial hair. My lie had cast a ripple effect. What was I now to say, “We broke up”? Wouldn’t that only give Debra more satisfaction? I didn’t think through the long term repercussions of this lie.

  I looked at my phone hopelessly, for some reason expecting a message or a missed call. I was hoping to hear from Damon, I realized. “It’s because I have his wallet,” I convinced myself. I rolled my eyes at my infatuation. Was it because he was someone new, someone I could laugh with? I scratched at my hair in confused agitation. Why was Damon all I was thinking of?

  After a few hours and finalizing a few more arrangements, our fellow workers began trailing in, and eventually the lady of the day, Cassidy, sounded her arrival with a squeal of delight. I clicked out of my screen and walked out to her desk.

  “Happy birthday!” I said excitedly to her. She tucked her curly blonde hair behind her ears, smiling as she opened the jewelry box.

  “Thank you! I love them,” she beamed, exchanging the earrings she wore for the hoops.

  “So, how was last night? I already snuck in a peek of him by the photos Liam printed. He is so cute.”

  “Ah yea... It was interesting,” I said, trying to hide away as I blushed. “I had a really nice night.” I drifted into silence as one of the journalists exited the elevator and headed to the journo’s room.

  “So did you get lucky?” she asked with a sly smile before poking out her tongue.

  “Goodness, no, he is an escort, not a prostitute,” I said, instantly regretting how loudly I said it and looking around to see whether anyone had heard. Luckily no one showed any interest because they were in their designated rooms and deep in conversation about the night before.

  “What a shame. You guys looked cute in the photo,” she said whilst straightening her pink, mid-length dress and then jumping onto her bench casually. She looked like a child the way she flicked her legs back and forth.