Page 19 of Hundreds

  It was a fight.

  A struggle to climb from the quicksand of horror and remember there was another world out there. My eyelashes had glue on them, glue in the form of fear of finding out where I was, who I was with, and if everything that’d happened with a dragon-tattooed stranger called Elder Prest was a dream or real.

  “Pim. Look at me.”

  I came back to him, to the bed, to the hotel with a teeth-clattering lurch. My skin was coated in cold sweat, and whatever pleasure he’d conjured was muted beneath sick terror. I wanted to curl into a ball and vanish.

  It had only been a few seconds, yet I cowered as if Alrik had reincarnated in the room with us.

  Elder kept his fingers inside me, but he didn’t move. Brushing aside damp hair off my cheeks, he whispered, “Are you okay?”

  My throat was a bullfrog croak. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  “Didn’t mean to leave?”

  “It wasn’t a choice this time. I-I couldn’t stop it.” I looked away. “I only closed my eyes for a second.”

  He smiled sadly. “No, you didn’t. You disappeared for a few minutes.” His hand moved to disengage, to end his quest to make me come. “This was a bad fucking idea.” His hips moved, his erection harder than ever.

  “Wait!” I grabbed his wrist, preventing his fingertips from leaving me. “I don’t want to stop.”

  He gritted his jaw, his nostrils flaring. “I don’t think I can do this. I’m this fucking close to losing it, and I absolutely refuse to take you when you’re not ready.”

  Tears sparkled in my eyes, prickly and hot. “I know I’m asking a lot but…please…”

  He studied me. His gaze skating from my lips to my nose to my hairline and finally down to where his hand rested between my legs. “Goddammit.”

  I wouldn’t beg again. I wouldn’t force him to do something he wasn’t capable of doing. Letting his wrist go, I lay back and commanded every limb, ligament, and sinew to relax. To heat because of connection. To throb because of attraction.

  Staring at Elder helped. It grounded me. It kept me here and not there.

  Hesitantly, I reached for his shirt buttons. He stiffened as I undid one, then two, then three.

  His eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?”

  “I-I need to see you.”

  Needed to touch and stare and lock onto him.

  He pursed his lips as if he’d refuse. His forearm tensed to stop touching me.

  I undid the remaining buttons while he deliberated. With swift fingers, I loosened his tie, spread his shirt, and heaved a breath as his magnificent tattoo came into view.

  His sculpted stomach etched with muscles. He barely breathed. “You like looking at me?”

  I couldn’t stop my quick laugh. “Like? No.” I traced his dragon’s snout, adoring the way he shivered. “I love looking at you.” I let my fingertips explore his achingly hot skin, to press firm muscles, to introduce myself to his chest and ink. “I find you very…attractive.”

  I swallowed, shyness overtaking my boldness. I’d never had to seduce someone before or convince another person they did wondrous things to me just by being them.

  Elder swore beneath his breath, his head tipping forward as I pressed my entire palm over his heart. “You’re full of surprises, little mouse.” His fingers pressed back inside my pussy, swift and sure, wet and warm. “You want this?”

  I nodded, feeling more centred and less at the mercy of the snapping jaws of my past. “Yes.”

  He drove into me hard, activating everything he’d already built and layering another coil of pleasure. “Are you sure?”

  I dug my fingernails into the horns of his dragon, feeling connected and safe. “Yes.”

  His thumb circled my clit, making my legs clutch together and hips buck.

  “Do you want to watch?” He added more pressure, his fingers disappearing entirely inside me. “I can get a mirror if you’d like? Show how fucking good you feel.”

  I desperately wanted to shake my head in case he thought my silence was a request for such things. But he just chuckled at my discomfort and bent to kiss my neck. “Maybe another time, I’ll make you watch every little thing I do to you. Maybe next time, I’ll tell you how wet you feel on my hand, how hot your pussy is, how much I love the quiver of your legs as I do this—” He thrust up hard and fast.

  Instead of making me shut down, it was the scissors to the ropes I was bound in. They fell away, harmless and unwanted as I went lax and loose in his touch.

  This was what I needed to stand any chance at coming. It wasn’t myself who had the courage to fight for pleasure. It was him. He lent me his courage. He let me steal from him to be braver, stronger. Touching him. Listening to him. Feeling him. He was the charm that would set me free.

  His fingers kept moving, dragging me from the darkness and into a random scattering of fireworks as my body gathered and strained.

  “You like me talking to you, Pim? You like touching me while I finger you?”

  His voice was my anchor. His body my staircase. His presence my shield.

  Holding him allowed my body to climb and seek all while knowing he’d catch me if I fell the wrong way.

  A gush of heat clutched his fingers as my womb gave up pretending it didn’t know pleasure and gave in.

  Elder groaned as he felt my acquiescence. “There you are. Fuck, yes. Let go. Let me make you come.”

  So I did.

  I latched my hands on his chest and held on.

  I locked my eyes on his handsomeness, let his dark beauty steal my breath, and fell into a fantasy where a raven-haired thief inked with dragon scales dragged me writhing and gasping from my awful history.

  Sharp teeth punctured his perfectly formed lips as he followed my gaze to his tattoo and where our bodies kissed. His black gaze darkened even further, unable to hide his building lust.

  The impenetrable mask he always wore slipped for a second as he studied me just as hard as I studied him.

  This was more than a fight to make me climax. More than stolen slave and vengeful fighter. The way we stared braided us in something far deeper than sex. The way we found sanctuary in the other’s messy soul bound us far truer than any crude fucking.

  My heart opened, drawbridge down, moat dry, banners fluttering for him to enter and claim it as his own. I no longer wanted to fight. I wanted to fall and fall and find something I never thought I’d find.

  Something precious.

  Something eternal.

  Elder bent to kiss me, his thumb circling, fingers thrusting, my pussy tightening until I twitched with intensity. His lips barely grazed mine, then, as if remembering that this wasn’t supposed to be tender—that he was supposed to be proving a point and not falling in love, his mask refastened into place, and his touch turned harsh.

  My breath caught as he forced my body higher. His fingers arched, gathering electricity, somehow managing to pinpoint and focus my heartbeat directly between my legs.

  I tingled with a strange kind of heaviness.

  I panted with an odd kind of frustration.

  Dipping his thumb into my wetness, he pressed on my clit, and I lost any remaining decorum.

  “Oh, God!” I threw my head back. My fingers scratching at his shoulders.

  His smile was Hades itself. “That’s it, little mouse. Don’t fight it.”

  My nickname tightened my muscles yet again. Mouse. Past blended with present. Innocence plaited with lust.

  Up and up, I soared.




  I pulled him closer. Needing his heat. Needing him near.

  Elder let me clutch him. His leg locked around mine, his fingers losing any hint of soft and driving into me with grim severity.

  His cock wedged on my hip, throbbing beneath the material. “You have no idea how much I want to stick this inside you, Pim, but for your sake, I’m going to wait until you’re dripping fucking wet and coming down from an org
asm you’ve never felt before.” His nose skimmed mine. “Isn’t that fair of me? Nice of me?”

  I nodded crazily.

  So fair.

  So nice.




  Grabbing my wrists with his free hand, he slammed them once again above my head. Pinned to the mattress by his hands, hips, legs, and erection, I was completely helpless, hopeless, and utterly at his discretion.

  His sharp thrusts increased in ferocity, unashamedly bruising me with his desire to dry-hump himself into bliss.

  I gulped as his throat worked hard, his hair falling over one eye as he pressed his forehead against my temple. “You’re going to fucking come, Pim. It’s all in your head.”

  I clamped my lips together as a betraying moan built in my chest. Something new happened below.

  I tightened and relaxed all at once.

  I vibrated and tingled all at the same time.

  My sex squeezed and clenched, searching, seeking for something more rewarding than just fingers.

  “Feel that? Feel how your body is giving in?” Elder’s tongue traced the shell of my ear, his cock driving into my hipbone. “You’ve got me so fucking obsessed with you; I’m seconds from coming just from touching you.”

  His thumb circled faster. “So come, Pim. Come so I can. Christ, I need to come.” His two fingers became three.

  My torso soared off the bed.

  Yes, that was what I needed.

  Thickness and hardness and possession.

  He knew that.

  He read my needs better than I could describe them. I was in awe of how he made me react. Shell-shocked that I was capable of such euphoria.

  The first band of an electrical pinnacle found me.

  My mouth fell open as I strained for another.



  “There you go, listen to your body.” He drove into me. Again and again. “Don’t think. Don’t fear. Just feel.” His breath turned into gusting swirls. “I want you so fucking much. I want my cock balls deep inside you. I want you to shatter on my fingers. I want your tongue in my mouth, and your pleas in my ears.”

  His dirty tirade made more nerve endings zero into my core. The commanding bite of his voice drenched me in sexual thoughts, transforming his words into actions, imagining him on top of me, his hips pistoning into mine, his cock deep inside me. My mouth watered for his tongue, and I did something I never believed possible.

  I threw myself head first into passion. “Please…please…”

  His lips twitched with victory. “You’re ready to come for me? Ready to milk my fingers?” His face hovered over mine, his eyes black-shot and merciless.

  My chin tilted on its own accord, desperate for a kiss.

  The spindling anticipation in my womb thickened and twisted, ready to spiral into fireworks if only he gave me what I needed.

  “Do you want me, little mouse? Will you scream for me? Cry for me?” His fingers turned slippery with my lust, and I couldn’t tell anymore how he touched me, only that he did. He touched me deep, deep inside and massaged hidden parts of me.

  My head fell back as my eyes rolled and I gave up entirely. Whatever this was, I didn’t want it to end.




  I shifted restlessly, desperately. My attention riveted on his dexterous fingers and masterful manipulation. My breasts turned heavy and aching, my body empty and needing. I entered a galaxy where I was queen and ruler, and my earthly form had to do exactly what I bade.

  I want to come.




  “Let go, Pimlico.” He reared up over me, his fingers digging deep, his fingernail catching me and adding sharp punishment. His teeth latched onto my neck. His tongue licked my throat. His dominion made me burn until I sizzled like a charred piece of ash.

  So close.

  So close.

  So close.

  I panted and gasped as my body strained and willed the heavy cyclone inside to catch me and make me fly.

  Elder hissed with heat, wisps of desire seared from him to me. I couldn’t survive while he watched me like that, finger-fucked me like that, stole everything from me like that.

  His heavy-lidded glower was that of a beast wanting to eat me alive. His tongue slid along his bottom lip, making me crave. I wanted his tongue on me, inside me, consuming me.

  And when he bit his bottom lip, as was his signature trait, I gave up whatever piece of me I’d kept private and threw it wholeheartedly into his possession.

  “Good girl, that’s it. Do you feel it?” His voice switched to a purr, pleasuring himself harder, faster, more and more brutal against my hip. “Fuck, I want you so much.” His teeth landed on my ear, biting hard as his pace turned frenzied. The bed rocked, and my hip bruised where he masturbated against me. “That’s it. Come. I’m rubbing your clit, pinching it, hurting it, fucking bruising it if that’s what you need. Ride my goddamn fingers, Pim. Ride me and come so hard you forget to be silent and scream.”

  Something happened.

  The finale found me.

  My rolling eyes locked onto him.

  My breath caught.

  He scared me, ensnared me, and hurled me up the final crest of whatever my body strove for.



  I let go.

  And when I let go, I stopped breathing, thinking, living, existing, fearing.

  I became nothing more than clenching elements and gushing liquids and heated femininity.

  My lips fell into a soundless scream at the sensational heaven of it.

  I bucked and trembled and was shoved higher and higher up a mountain I’d never climbed before.

  He was tireless, relentless, finger-fucking me so deep I lost all concept of who I was and detonated.

  God, I detonated.

  I came.

  I shattered.

  I broke.




  It could’ve been seconds or hours, but the spooling bands of ecstasy finally left me boneless and mind-drunk in Elder’s fierce embrace.

  The moment I opened my eyes to a spinning room and out of focus lover, Elder removed his fingers, jerked at his belt, and scrambled for his zipper.

  He didn’t do it as a striptease. He did it because he was in pain. Brutal, lustful pain. I’d never seen anything so seductive as he yanked his cock out and flinched with overwhelming sensitivity.

  The length and girth of his angry erection dwarfed his large palm as he spread his fingers wide and squeezed so hard his knuckles turned white. His face flushed. He thrust into his hand once. Twice.

  He was so long and thick. Undeniably ruthless and terrifying. “Look at me, Pim. Watch me come for you. Next time, I’ll be inside you, and you’ll feel me mark you, claim you.” He was utterly shameless, blameless, and caught up in the fury of what we did.

  My nipples sprang into an unbearable ache, my womb snatched at emptiness, and in the boldest move of my life, I trailed drunken fingers to my breasts and squeezed.

  His nostrils flared, and the sexiest rasp of lust and danger fell from his lips. “Fuck, you don’t know what you’re doing to me. Do it again.”

  I wanted to be reckless for him. I wanted him to know I was looser than I’d ever been. Happier than I’d ever been. I was obsessed with him, and I wanted to brand myself onto his heart, so he never forgot me.

  If he wanted me to turn a body—that up until two minutes ago I’d hated—into a porn show, I would. If he wanted me on my knees or contorted into some painful shape, I would.

  Because I chose it.

  No one else.

  I would give him that gift.

  He wouldn’t take it without permission.

  We were equals.

  “Pinch your nipples, Pim. Touch yourself.”

  His commands bewitched m
y brain, making my hands obey without thinking. I arched my back, spreading my legs, confused as to who I’d become but embracing her anyway.

  “Fuck!” Elder bent in half, his hand jerking his cock.

  His hoarse growl curled my toes as the first splash of his semen sent me convulsing with a full body spasm.

  My heart rate relocated behind my eyes and throat, making me utterly breathless as thread after thread of white shot from his crown and splattered onto my belly. He clutched his cock and brutalised himself, thrusting into his palm as if he would die if he didn’t find a release.

  His stomach turned rock hard as the final wave of his orgasm spurted from him to me, lacing me in pearly cum.

  I had no desire to rush and wash it off.

  I had no need to vomit at being marked.

  I lay there trembling from the best thing I’d ever experienced and suffered clench after residual clench as he shoved his trousers down to his knees and shifted on top of me. He hadn’t even finished coming before his hand unwound from his cock and his fingers plunged back inside me.

  I cried out from pleasure then froze as his cock nudged my inner thigh.

  I froze.

  He froze.

  Our breathing was loud and out of control.

  “I need you.” His voice was barely a sound, but it echoed with desperation. “I need to come again. Please, Pim.” His fingers withdrew, smearing my previous orgasm, ensuring I was wet and ready and practically shivering for him to fill me.

  I curled into him and bit his shoulder, not caring the dragon blew smoke at me, or his ribs were gory in their detail.

  He groaned deep and low, a ragged sound of torment. “You’re gorgeous when you let go.” His fingers wrapped around his cock, guiding his crown to my entrance. “Let me do this. Stay with me.”

  I jerked, but in my unwound state, I couldn’t remember why such a sensation should make me upset. It felt good. It felt right. It felt like home.

  With the tip of his erection inside me, his hands shot up and dug into the mattress beneath my head. Fisting my hair, he tugged hard, forcing my back to arch and hips to open. “You’ve come. You’re ready. You’re mine.” His teeth clamped over my neck with no finesse or tease.

  I flinched as his tongue lapped over the bite of his canines, and I shivered as he murmured harshly, “I’m going to fuck you now. Hard.”