Page 3 of Wyvern's Mate

  Troy wasn’t the only one who stared.

  She was tall, almost as tall as him, and tanned. Her figure was slender and athletic, but there was nothing boyish about the look of her. Her breasts were lushly curved, and her waist was slim. Her hair was long and dark red, hanging past her hips in thick waves. Her eyes tilted up at the outer corners, giving her an exotic air, and her lips were full and red.

  She wore a green dress that clung to her curves then fluttered at the hem, making her look gloriously feminine and sexy. Her sandals were strappy with heels that arched her feet high. There was sand on them and he wondered how far she’d walked in them. He felt the vitality emanating from her and knew there was little that would stop her.

  Her eyes glittered with intelligence and he sensed the dragon restrained within her. When her gaze locked with his, it seemed particularly foolish to have a plan to deceive her much less any expectation of surviving that feat. Troy’s heart skipped more than one beat.

  Her beauty widened that crack in the stone of Troy’s heart and sent hot blood rushing through him. He had been in solitary confinement for what seemed like half an eternity.

  How long since he had been with a woman?

  How long since he had been with a beautiful woman?

  But then, he was making assumptions. Her beauty might make it impossible for him to get her alone. Would she be repulsed by the look of him? The High Priestess of Nimue had certainly increased the challenge, but he refused to be daunted.

  Troy strode toward Drakina with purpose, as if there could be no doubt that she belonged with him. He halfway thought she would flinch, or turn aside, maybe run, but he’d underestimated this dragon princess.

  Drakina surveyed him and smiled.

  In fact, her eyes lit with fire, a sight that sent a thrill through him to his toes.

  Maybe her demise could be delayed a little bit.

  * * *

  Drakina spotted her prey immediately, leaning against the bar, watching the door.

  She had the odd sense that the Carrier had been waiting for her, that maybe there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but that made so little sense that she dismissed the notion.

  The fact was that her destined mate was far uglier than she could have believed. She shuddered at the sight of him and her determination quailed.

  The hologram had been flattering.

  But then the Carrier stepped toward her with such confidence that she was surprised. He clearly believed that she should find him interesting, though he was the least attractive man in the bar, and he strode toward her with such verve and grace that Drakina did find him intriguing.

  How often did she, a dragon shifter, meet a man who approached her with confidence? Was he fearless or a fool? Of course, the Carrier was unaware of her abilities, but she had to wonder whether the knowledge would have mattered. He strode toward her as if it were unthinkable that she should consider another.

  Or as if he intended to ensure that she didn’t.

  Drakina liked that.

  He moved like a warrior, all lithe grace and power. She liked that, too. Drakina watched him with rising anticipation, knowing that a man so in command of his body would be a memorable lover.

  This mating might not be so bad.

  The Carrier was taller than she was, at least in this form, his hair dark and his eyes even darker. His shoulders were broad, and he was muscled in a most pleasing way. There was a blue mark on his flesh, a tattoo on his forearm, and she liked that it was a dragon. Kismet. She considered the merit of claiming him in the midst of this place, but recalled that Terrans preferred to practice such intimacy in private. As much as she wanted to seduce him quickly, she knew it would be smarter to let him set the pace.

  For the moment.

  The Carrier paused before her and she smelled the warmth of his skin, the heat of the ripe seed within him. She could feel the air heating between them and heard him catch his breath. His pulse had increased its pace and his eyes had brightened.

  So, he did find her alluring.

  Drakina smiled. Sexual awareness needed no other language to reveal itself than the body’s reactions. She was warm herself, tingling a little, ready for him.

  He halted before her and offered his hand. “Dance?” he invited, his voice a low rumble that made Drakina want to purr.

  Dance. Of course. A mating ritual in so many cultures and societies. Drakina cast a glance at the other couples and knew she could sway as they did. In fact, she loved to dance, particularly with a masterful partner.

  Was he one?

  “Thank you.” When she put her hand in his, the Carrier’s fingers closed over hers in a proprietary gesture that she found most satisfactory. His hand was warm, his skin a little rough. He worked with his hands then, either a warrior or an artisan, both of which were admirable and noble occupations to Drakina’s thinking.

  She found her resistance to him melting.

  And that was before he swung her onto the dance floor and turned her expertly. Her skirt flared, baring her legs above her knees, and she felt wanton, daring, unleashed. She recalled the sirens of the market and knew that she couldn’t let her uncertainty show. She was bold, maybe even wanton. No one would ever know what she had done on Terra except gather the Seed. The other Terrans stepped back, making space on the dance floor for them, and Drakina surrendered to the pleasure of dancing.

  They moved together as if they had danced this way a thousand times. All the while, his attention was fixed upon her, his gaze filled with admiration. His fingers brushed her hip, her shoulder, her waist, his attention unwavering. He said nothing, but there was no need for words. The air between them almost crackled with awareness, and the heat was enough to bring salt to Drakina’s lip. She felt powerful and beautiful, alluring.

  And aroused.

  He made her look good, twisting her, dipping her, spinning her, his eyes lighting when she laughed with pleasure. The best warriors danced with such power and skill, and Drakina’s desire for him grew.

  She could hear his heartbeat and felt her own match its pace.

  She could hear his breathing, and felt her own match its rhythm.

  She was lost in his admiration, and felt the inevitability of their union become stronger. It would be fast and hard.

  Maybe they would couple twice, just to be sure the Seed was planted.

  The Carrier’s lips curved just a little in an appreciative smile as he watched her, and Drakina couldn’t look away from his mouth. There was something endearing about that smile, something that warmed her reaction considerably. He found her attractive. He was confident. His smile was sexy, perhaps because it was his best feature, perhaps because it seemed intimate, shared only with her. It seemed that all the rest of the occupants of the place disappeared.

  There was only the Carrier and his alluring little smile.

  She found herself studying his mouth, so fine and firm, so enticing. It was odd, because the hologram made it look as if he had an underbite, a most unattractive and bestial look, but there wasn’t a thing wrong with his mouth. It was perfect, in fact. She couldn’t wait to find out how he might kiss.

  The music changed again, the fourth or fifth tune they’d danced, yet the Carrier showed no signs of tiring.

  Much less of leaving the floor.

  The other Terrans watched them, some applauding, yet Drakina wondered how she might hasten his mating ritual.

  Subtlety wasn’t one of her strengths, so she had no qualms about making her desires known.

  * * *

  Troy and Drakina danced. Fast and slow, close and far. He swung her and dipped her, he waltzed with her and he rhumba’d with her. She matched him step for step, never out of breath, never flagging. She seemed to anticipate his every move, and they could have always danced together. It was exhilarating—and exciting. Magical.

  It made him remember what it was like to be in love.

  Not that love had anything to do with this quest. No. He wou
ld do what had to be done, and he would survive.

  Troy was simply charming her.

  Winning her trust.

  Although that sounded like an excuse even to himself.

  The amazing thing was that he wasn’t MindBending her. Not at all. Her reaction was genuine, and that astonished him. He wanted to savor it. He wanted to make this moment last.

  It couldn’t hurt to dance to one more song.

  The blush in her cheek, the touch of her breasts, the weight of her hand in his, the throaty sound of her laughter all combined to convince Troy that Drakina was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever known. When the tune changed to a slow dance, Troy was glad. He wanted her close, pressed against him.

  He placed his hand on the back of Drakina’s waist and drew her near. Their bodies bumped and he realized how well they would fit together, the touch of her breasts and hips sending new fire through him. She watched him and her smile broadened, doubtless because she felt his erection.

  Then she wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him even closer, rolling her hips once against him in a clear demand.

  And he’d expected a crown princess to be demure.

  She looked up at him again and he was snared. She had the most remarkable green eyes. The irises seemed to glitter, as if made of faceted glass. She dropped her gaze to survey him, which made her look sultry.

  Her coy smile sent fire through his blood.

  “You are aroused,” she murmured and he liked how low and lazy her voice was. Her words were melodic, almost as if she purred a song to him. She leaned into his embrace and touched her lips to the side of his neck. Troy could have sworn that the light kiss launched fireworks under his skin.

  “I’m only human,” he said, though that wasn’t quite the truth.

  She laughed. “I smell your excitement,” she whispered and he closed his arms more tightly around her. “It is enticing for a woman to know that a man desires her.”

  It had been so long since he’d been with a woman—solitary confinement did have that drawback—and he’d forgotten how powerful a woman’s touch could be.

  “How could I not?” he murmured and her green eyes sparkled. “I’ve never danced with such a beautiful woman.”

  “Do you feel lucky then?”

  “Of course.” Troy held her a little tighter and she arched her back, driving those breasts against him. He wondered for a moment who was being charmed. “What’s your name?”

  Drakina laughed a little, then he felt her tongue on his throat. “It doesn’t matter,” she whispered, her breath fanning his ear and making him shiver with anticipation. All he could think about was Drakina, her curves, her touch, her voice. Her fingers were in his hair, her hand firm against the back of his waist, her lips on his ear. “Tell me,” she murmured. “How do you make love to a woman?”

  They danced, turning tight circles on the floor, lost in each other.

  “Slowly,” he said, then swallowed. “Thoroughly.” He bent and nuzzled her neck, kissing her beneath her ear. She gasped and rubbed herself against his chest. The feel of her was driving every thought from his mind.

  Except one.

  It occurred to Troy that seducing her would be a way to win her trust. To disarm her. To make her vulnerable.

  He knew it was a rationalization. He couldn’t have stepped away from her in this moment to save his life.

  And wouldn’t. Not yet.

  “Never fast?” she whispered, mischief in her tone. She pulled back to look into his eyes and pouted, her expression playful. “I like when a man loses control,” she admitted in a husky voice and Troy couldn’t quite catch his breath. “I like when desire takes command.” Drakina watched her hands as she spread her fingers flat and eased her palms over his chest. Her lips were parted, and Troy could only think about kissing her.

  Slowly and thoroughly.

  The second time, he’d take her fast and hard.

  Drakina’s right hand lingered over his heartbeat, her smile knowing as it raced. “I like when my lover can’t hold back his desire,” she confessed in a husky whisper. Her eyes shone at the possibility and Troy wanted to be that lover. “I like when he’s driven to a frenzy.” Her voice dropped lower. “I like when his passion is consuming.” She gripped his shoulders then and stretched to her toes, locking those ruby red lips over his.

  Her kiss was sweet and hot, honey and fire, temptation and seduction and more than he could bear. Troy’s mind went white.

  His heart thundered.

  Then he caught her closer, lifting her in his arms so that she was on the tips of her toes. He slanted his mouth over hers and met the passion of her kiss. Drakina framed his head in her hands with a growl of satisfaction and he took a couple of steps backward as their kiss turned incendiary. She crushed him against the bar with her body, wrapped one leg around his and kissed him as if she’d suck him dry.

  Troy found his own mind being bent.

  Drakina’s hands were in his hair and she held him captive to her kiss, but even better, she seemed to be unable to get enough of him. She used her tongue, her teeth, her lips, as if she would feast upon him. Maybe devour him whole. Troy couldn’t think of a better way to go, much less a way to slow things down.

  Then he jumped when the bartender tapped him on the shoulder.


  “Family place,” the bartender chided. Troy blinked at him, not really understanding the words. He couldn’t understand anything with Drakina’s lush mouth grazing his throat. The bartender offered Troy a key.

  His room key. Troy blinked and looked around, realizing that most of the other people in the bar were watching him and Drakina with both surprise and interest.

  How could he have forgotten himself?

  “Thanks. Yeah.” Troy took the key and smiled at Drakina. Her eyes were dark, her intensity enough to make him consider the merits of hard and fast. “Maybe a little privacy?” he suggested.

  Her smile broadened, and her expression seemed triumphant to him, as if she’d been planning their departure ever since she’d arrived.

  But no, he was the MindBender.

  She just liked it fast.

  She wanted it now.

  She was used to getting whatever she wanted.

  In this moment, he didn’t have any desire to refuse her.

  Drakina brushed her lips over his, dismissing his thoughts. “If it’s close,” she murmured, running a proprietary hand down his chest. “I want you now,” she whispered.

  And then what? Troy had no doubt that he’d sleep, just a little, in the aftermath and might miss his chance to fulfill his quest. She might leave. Why was she even here? The gamblers must have arranged it somehow…

  He had to think clearly. Being alone with Drakina was a good thing. Being intimate with Drakina was impossible to resist. But he’d have to slow things down. He’d have to MindBend her, slide his notions into her thoughts, and continue the seduction his way. Take control.

  It was risky, to MindBend an amorous dragon shifter in the proverbial heat of the moment, but Troy wasn’t the best MindBender in the galaxy for nothing.

  Maybe he’d find something in her thoughts that would make it easy to assassinate her. Dragon shifters couldn’t be innocent, after all. There was some reason that the gamblers wanted her dead.

  When he looked into her eyes, so drowsy with desire, Troy had a feeling he’d need every argument he could find in order to win this bet.

  * * *

  The Carrier led Drakina to a chamber on the third floor of the hotel. It was a simple room, not very large, equipped with a bed and a large flat screen on one wall. Near the entrance were two doors, one that hid a closet and one that concealed a room for cleaning. At the far end of the chamber was a large glass window, which offered a view of the open expanse before the badlands. The room was on the back side of the hotel, and the window faced away from the town.

  The acoustics were terrible and the insulation non-existent. She could hear the
music almost as loudly as when they’d been near the band, and water flushed in a room down the hall. There was a distant clatter from the kitchen and the smell of fat frying. It made her stomach growl, but first things first.

  Food was better after sex.

  Slowly and thoroughly. Drakina had to rid his mind of that nonsense. Fast and hard. Against a wall. Consuming. Uninhibited. Passionate. Incendiary. That was the way she liked sex.

  That was the way she’d have the Carrier.

  As a bonus, she could return home sooner.

  She’d just have to over-rule his reservations.

  She knew he’d like it her way once he tried it. Warriors always did prefer a quick conquest.

  They were barely inside the room when she flung him onto the bed. He fell to his back on the mattress and she landed atop him, locking her hands around his head and feasting on that gorgeous mouth again. He made a little growl of protest, but Drakina made sure he was too busy to say much more. His body revealed that he liked her technique. She slanted her mouth over his and kissed him, using her tongue and her teeth to make him moan aloud. His hands trailed up the backs of her thighs, which made her shiver, then slipped under the hem of her dress and gripped her buttocks.

  She felt his heartbeat skip, then accelerate. She smelled the arousal within him and knew she was making progress in driving him toward her goal. She straddled him, pressing him down into the bed. She felt the size of him, the readiness of him, and this time, she was the one who growled. He pulled her closer in silent demand.

  This would be a mating to remember. He was huge and hard, which meant there was absolutely no cause for delay. Drakina slipped her hand between them and unfastened the front of his jeans. It was a complicated closure, to her thinking, with a button and some interlocking metal tracks, which seemed ill-advised for such a location. Again, she reasoned that there was no accounting for cultural differences. Maybe it was how they ensured slowly and thoroughly. Drakina sat up, tugged his pants over his hips and freed him.

  She stared.

  He was magnificent.

  Perhaps this was why he was her destined mate.