Page 15 of The Wolf's Pursuit

  "I am not necessarily, er, retired." Hunter walked around Gwen and approached Montmouth, hands raised in surrender. "However, it would be best for us to continue this conversation in the privacy of your study."

  Montmouth sighed and led the way. Hunter followed. Rosalind linked her arm within Gwen's as they trailed behind the men.

  Montmouth turned, starting to close the doors in front of the women's faces, but Gwen held her foot out, blocking it. "I think not. After all, I do not trust you alone with him. Who knows? You may slip and accidently shoot your pistol."

  Curses exploded out of Montmouth's mouth. He looked to Rosalind as if to say, "Help!" but she merely tilted her head as if to say, "Give me a reason to slap you."

  He held the door open wide for them to enter.

  "You have ten minutes before I accidentally—" Monmouth glared at Gwen. "What did you say before? Oh, yes, before my finger accidentally slips on the trigger of my pistol."

  Hunter looked at Gwen and winked. "I only need five."

  Montmouth cursed. "I was discussing your story, not your speed at seduction."

  "Apologies." Hunter nodded and gave Gwen another grin. Heavens, she felt heated all over. She fanned her face, much to Hunter's amusement.

  He cleared his throat. "I came here to tell you Gwen had died."

  "Clearly she lives," Montmouth spat.

  "Are you planning on interrupting me the entire time?"


  Hunter took a seat. "An hour ago, I was not at your residence, but speaking with my grandfather. He has been helping me with a current assignment. As I said, I am not truly retired, at least not yet." Hunter sighed. "I went directly from our meeting to the park to save Gwen. I had reason to believe she was in danger. It seems Redding may have gotten himself into a bit of trouble, and she was to be with him on her walk. The minute I arrived, I tried to locate him, but was too late. For the minute his carriage began to drive away, it exploded."

  Gwen gasped. "Is he alright?"

  Hunter shook his head slowly from left to right. "I highly doubt there are any survivors. There was debris everywhere. Whoever placed the explosives did a deuced good job. I admit to being so…" his voice cracked, "upset, that I came here straightaway to deliver the news."

  "Then explain the so-called twin who was here earlier. By the saints, he even acted exactly like you!" Montmouth shook his head in confusion and cursed again.

  Gwen smiled to herself and whispered, "He did not smell the same."

  "What was that?" Montmouth asked.

  "Nothing." She looked to Hunter, and his eyes brightened. She wanted to touch him, to feel his lips on hers again. Was that why he'd kissed her? He'd thought she was some sort of ghost? Or were his true feelings finally showing through, since he'd thought he had lost her?

  "I have a twin." Hunter cleared his throat and folded his arms across his chest. "But up until a few minutes ago, I thought him dead. I don't suppose he left a way to contact him?" Mask slipping, Hunter appeared eager to see his brother. It pained her heart to be of no help.

  Gwen shook her head. "I am sorry, Hunter. I truly thought it was you. I did not think to ask, and I believe if I would have, he would have merely given me your information."

  "Right." Hunter cursed. "Why would he appear here? Now? What did he say to you?"

  Gwen felt herself turn red with both embarrassment and anger. "He accused me of trying to seduce him."

  Hunter laughed.

  Of course he laughed. The cad. "Apologies, Gwen. It is just that, well, you would not know how to seduce a man if he begged you."

  "Care to give it a try?" she countered, stepping toward him, ready to rip his tight jacket straight from his body to prove a point. And to feel his lips on hers again, but first she would strangle him, of course.

  "Easy." Montmouth placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you do not care to witness his death, you will cease from taking another step."

  She took another step.

  Hunter grinned wolfishly then beckoned her with his finger.

  Montmouth turned his head just in time to see Hunter make the gesture and cursed. "It is like herding children! Must I separate you two?"

  "If you must." Hunter relaxed into the chair. "But know that it only makes finding her that much more… rewarding."

  Gwen scowled and began searching for a weapon. If she could not prove her point, she would simply force him to admit she was just as skilled as he. Besides, she knew how attached he was to that handsome face of his. All she needed was a knife, a dagger, a rusty nail…

  "Am I to understand that my dead brother resurrected himself, somehow read the code that was safely in my grandfather's possession, pretended to be me, and then accused our dear innocent Gwen of taking advantage?"

  "Yes, that sounds right," Gwen said through clenched teeth. "Though it pains me to admit there are two of you in this world."

  "Clearly our masculinity offends you."

  "Your entire being offends me, Wolf."

  "Have a care what you say… Red."

  "Pet names?" Montmouth sputtered. "You have pet names for one another?"

  Hunter shrugged.

  Gwen refused to take her eyes away from his. If he was going to be difficult, then she was going to be the thorn in his side. He winked and licked his lips as if he were staring at a tasty morsel.

  "…After all, it pains me to admit there is just nothing more that can be done," Montmouth said. Had he been talking? Blast. Why did Hunter have to have such plump lips? And beautiful eyes, truly beautiful. Not the type that looked feminine in any way, but dangerous — mystical even. His grin set his eyes off, adding a spark of mischief and wickedness.

  "…I believe the end of the week will suffice. Do you agree, Gwen?"

  What was Montmouth asking?

  Hunter raised his eyebrow, no doubt waiting for her to ask her brother-in-law to repeat his statement. Not wanting to look stupid, she merely nodded. "I could not agree more."

  "Really?" Montmouth and Rosalind said in unison.

  She looked to Hunter for help. But it was as if he had suddenly discovered he had hands, for all the intensity with which he was staring at them.

  "Yes," she answered.

  Montmouth was silent for a while and then scratched his head. "Well, in that case, I should see to making the proper arrangements. Come along, Rosalind. They should probably have a moment alone to speak. Though I will place your maid at the door. You have at least earned a few minutes for being so amiable after everything, my dear."

  He walked over and kissed her forehead before leading Rosalind out of the room and closing the door behind him.

  Hunter burst out laughing. "Tell me, Red, do you have any idea what you've just agreed to?"

  "Of course."

  "Truly?" His voice was suddenly in her ear. She quickly turned around and glared.


  "So stubborn." His eyes raked her from head to toe. "I like that in my… women."

  "Women." Gwen snorted. "Typical. You would pluralize that statement. We all know your interest lies with several, not just one."

  "Oh, I don't know about that." His smile disappeared as his golden eyes flickered to her lips. "I imagine there is one specific woman I very much desire to taste again." His hand cupped her face as his thumb rubbed her lower lip and then his mouth was on hers.

  Previous irritation with the man faded as his lips worked against hers. His hands caressed her neck and moved further down. She trembled against his touch as the warmth of his tongue singed her.

  Too soon, Hunter pulled back. "What shall we tell Wilkins?"

  "About Redding?" she whispered hoarsely, leaning shamelessly closer to him, craving the touch of his lips more than her next breath.

  He kissed her softly, this time trailing his tongue along her lower lip before coaxing her head against his and wrapping his arms around her.

  She moaned into his mouth.

  He retreated and chuckled softly. "No, R
ed. About our marriage."

  Chapter Twenty-two


  So I irritate you? Is that it? At least I invoke some sort of strong emotion within you. Though I swear to you, by the end of the Season you will be begging for my kiss, longing for my touch, and if you are lucky, I may just give you exactly what your body burns for. And more. Now, you may shoot this letter out of anger; you may burn it out of pride. But tell me, what will you dream of when you close your eyes? That's what I thought. Sweet dreams, Little Red…


  Her kiss ignited something long dead within him. It had always been that way with Gwen, absolutely explosive. As if they could not have a normal conversation without pulling out some sort of weapons, and when they were not fighting, they were flirting. Whether it be with their words or their actions. It was impossible to quit the woman.

  Now he wasn't so sure he wanted to.

  But marriage? It would be a cold day in Hades.

  He'd tried that once. And failed miserably. Though he hadn't the heart to embarrass her in front of her family. He would simply allow her to cry off. No doubt she would have a fit when she heard the news, but her lips were so blasted tempting, and he had thought her dead.

  So he'd kissed her.

  And now, the look on her face, one of pure horror and not elation, made his decision all the more simple. After all, marriage was impossible for a man who'd lost the other half of his soul long ago.

  "Marriage?" she repeated, taking a step back.

  "But of course!" He laughed. "You agreed to it. I was here. I would know. By the by, you were also present. Wonder what you found so blasted distracting?" He brought his hand to her face and then trailed it down her neck, stopping just above her breasts.

  She slapped it away. "I must think, and I cannot do that when you are…"

  "Seducing you? Kissing you? Touching, begging, biting, tasting…"

  "Breathing!" she yelled and pushed against him, but he held her firmly in his embrace.

  "Never worry, my dear, all you need to do is cry off. It will not be so hard. Standing up to that giant of a duke will be good for you. Yes?"

  "But…" Gwen chewed her lower lip. Blast, how he hated it when she did that. It made him want to kiss her more, and if he kissed her more he might just change his mind about marriage.

  Sharing her bed every night was a temptation of gigantic proportions, and he was still a man. A broken one, at that.

  "No." Gwen shook her head. "I cannot do it."

  "My thoughts precisely. We cannot marry." Hunter should feel glad that she agreed with him, but instead felt nothing but emptiness. It was as if she had died all over again.

  He released her and stumbled back, fighting with every ounce of strength he had left to look happy when inside he was slowly crumbling into dust.

  He tried to smile again, but he felt it did not reach his eyes. He laughed mockingly at himself, cursed, and turned around. Where the devil was his mask when he needed it most?

  "You misunderstand me, Hunter." Gwen took a step toward him and lightly touched his arm. "We must marry."

  He looked down at her delicate fingers as if they burned a hole of desire straight through his jacket. "We cannot."

  "It is the right thing to do. Be reasonable! You have kissed me quite soundly in front of our entire staff. Not to mention my sister and brother."

  "A secret." His voice shook. "We could keep it a secret. Pay off the staff…"

  "And lose your honor in the process?" Gwen tilted her head. "Besides, weren't you the one who said we had crossed so many lines already?" The minx brought her hand up to her dress and pulled the sleeve down.

  What the devil was she doing?

  She smirked. "We are attracted to one another, that much is true."

  His eyes never left the exposed skin of her shoulder as it radiated promises of velvet smoothness and desire.

  "And…" She reached to her other sleeve and tugged it down. "It will allow us to work more closely together. After all, your brother has risen from the dead, yet is still missing. You are being shot at, and for all we know, Redding is dead as well."

  The woman had a point. Besides, if he married her, she would be under his watch, which also meant she would be under his care. She would want things. Things like children, and a happy home — his soul.

  Yet he had nothing to offer her but his protection.

  Perhaps that would be enough. It would have to be.

  Gwen reached for him and placed her hands on his chest. "It is a brilliant idea."

  He closed his eyes and moaned. "It is an attraction. Are you willing to base a marriage on that alone?" Even as he said it, he knew it was much more, but he wasn't willing to speak it aloud, lest his worst fears became realized. That he had fallen again, and this time, there was nothing to catch him but the cold, hard ground. Because in the end, he would not be enough. He would fail, and he hated to think of what would happen when he did.

  "Yes," she answered, boldly kissing him across the mouth. "I am." Her tongue, all velvet sweetness, plunged into his mouth and tangled with his.

  If he hadn't been convinced earlier, he was now. For his hands had a mind of their own as they tugged harder on her sleeves. Why wasn't she naked already? Why hadn't they sealed their agreement, and where had she learned to…

  "Oh, my—" Her legs wrapped around his body as he lifted her against him and deepened the kiss.

  "Gwen, I—"

  The door flew open.

  Montmouth yelled something, most likely a curse or a threat, but Hunter was too focused on Gwen's mouth.

  "Release her or I will shoot you before your wedding day. I believe I have been gracious enough, giving you five minutes."

  Hunter set Gwen down and grinned. "Told you it only took five."

  Montmouth sputtered. "You seduced her, then?"

  "No." Hunter took a step back, needing the distance air would give him. "She seduced me."

  Gwen grinned proudly. "It took me two."

  "Two?" Montmouth repeated. "Two what?"

  "Minutes." Hunter walked by him. "I will see you tomorrow. We have arrangements to make for our… wedding."

  Chapter Twenty-three


  Let us be honest with one another for once, shall we? I do not dream. If I allowed myself to dream, I fear I would not think on happy things but on war, blood, killing, and sacrifice. If you desire for me to be honest with you, then you must be ready to hear my confession. If you ever see me dreaming, please, have a care and wake me, for nightmares plague me in my sleep, and it seems the only thing able to scare them away is a living nightmare, in the shape of a wolf.


  Gwen had taken complete leave of her senses! What the devil had she been thinking? She hadn't. Not one logical thought had crossed her brain while she was in Hunter's arms.

  That was the problem. She either wanted to strangle the man or kiss him senseless. Brilliant way to start a marriage. How long, she wondered, would they last before pistols were drawn?

  Yet she swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat — she refused to shame her family further. Lies, so many lies, and all of them because of her, because she chose to keep a part of her life separate from her family. Because she chose to work in order to put food on the table after her father's murder the year previous.

  She straightened her skirts and walked up to her room, closing the door behind her and leaning against it.

  But Hunter? He had secrets as well, ones he thought he kept well hidden until his mask crumbled, leaving nothing in its place but the shell of a man broken. She wondered what would happen when he could no longer hide anymore. Would he ever love her? Come to care for her? Or would she always be cursed with this aching, this longing in the pit of her stomach for something more?

  In a way, it made sense. Her sisters were both gifted with wonderful marriages. Rewarded for the lives they'd lived. While Gwen, well, she was going to marry a man who was more wolf th
an man. A gentleman who was more likely to have a wife and a mistress on the side, than to be loyal to one woman alone.

  She touched her lips. Hunter's taste was still present. Gwen closed her eyes again.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  She stepped back and opened it.

  "Oh good! No tears." Rosalind stepped into the room and shut the door firmly behind her. "Tell me you cannot seriously be willing to go into a marriage with a man who is better looking than any man has a right to be? Tell me you would like to cry off. All you need to do is say yes."

  Gwen squinted. Hadn't her sister been in agreement with her husband?

  "I see. No words. You must be in shock. Nod your head if you want to cry off."

  Gwen bit her lip.

  "Blink, can you at least blink? Oh heavens, where are the smelling salts! Is it possible to faint with one's eyes open?"

  Gwen blinked several times and shook her head. "Have you lost your mind?"

  "You ask me if I've lost my mind?"

  Gwen nodded.

  "Me?" Rosalind pointed at herself and laughed. "This from the woman who is days away from marrying the Duke of Haverstone? The Great Wolf? The same man who left a ball nearly naked nine years ago? They say he can speak over eleven different languages and has a mistress in every country! Even America!"

  "Stop." Gwen couldn't hold the laughter back any longer. She wiped a tear of mirth away from her eye.

  "See! You are crying!" Rosalind pointed an accusing finger her way.

  "From laughter, yes." Gwen reached out and grasped her sister's hands within her own. "I know what I am doing. I truly do not want to bring shame upon my family. He has kissed me, several times if you must know. I set out to find a husband this Season and I landed a duke. Why would I cry?"

  "Because you do not love him." Leave it to Rosalind to pounce on the one thing that was bothering Gwen.

  She released her sister's hands and straightened to her full height, which still did not match Rosalind's. "Sister, you are a romantic at heart. Your husband rode into your life on a white horse, literally."