Page 26 of Sensuality

  Truth be told, there was another issue. Taye’s business partner, Michael, brought this woman named Marissa back with him from a business trip and they started living together. She was nice enough but she was also gorgeous and Taye could not keep his eyes off her. I knew that he had always had a thing for Latin women. He had dated them exclusively until he met me. Because we spent so much time together as couples, I could tell that the attraction was mutual. I did not like it; I did not like it at all.

  However, who was I to talk? Even though Taye had a wandering eye, I definitely had a wandering pussy. Brian was not my only affair; far from it. There was this dude named Kenny whom I met at the grocery store. It is a shame that I could not even go to a store like Home Depot or Safeway without trolling for dick. Ladies, those are some of the best places to find a good dick, while you are shopping for a dozen eggs or some lightbulbs.

  Now Kenny was serious about his shit. Since we had met at the grocery store, I related to him that I had always wanted to re-enact that scene from Sea of Love where Ellen Barkin showed up at this grocery store to meet Al Pacino with nothing but a trench coat on. Kenny met me at the Safeway and I waited for him in the produce section. While I squeezed some melons, he squeezed mine and then fingered me while I was putting collard greens in a plastic bag. When we got up to the register, I couldn’t resist being bad. I told the male cashier to take a whiff and held Kenny’s fingers up to his nose. He was a young man, probably a college student, and his eyes lit up when he recognized the scent. If I ever tried to do something like that with Taye, he would have a fucking fit.

  Kenny and I left Safeway and went to Watkins Park. It was in November and they had already put up the Festival of Lights for Christmas. We paid our five dollars to drive through the breathtakingly beautiful display. All the cars were driving through there extremely slowly and while Kenny drove at a snail’s pace, I sucked his dick. Up and down my head went, taking him into my throat like a bobblehead doll. I would sit up every now and again to see the displays, like Santa Claus playing basketball or tossing a ball with a reindeer. I love being naughty.

  My affair with Kenny lasted a few months, until I tired of him as I had with Brian. I still fucked my husband, or fed him, as I liked to call it. My sex was his medicine. Part of me felt a tinge of guilt, but the other part figured that he was cheating as well, especially when he came up with some off-the-wall shit involving Michael and Marissa.


  I came up with the idea one day while Michael and I were playing racquetball. I blurted it out while the ball was in the air halfway between us and he missed the next shot.

  “How would you like to swap women for one night?” I asked nonchalantly.

  Before the ball could even hit the floor, he said, “What did you just say?”

  “Haven’t you ever wanted to fuck Alicia?”

  He paused. “Alicia’s gorgeous, but she’s also your wife. I would never disrespect you like that, man.”

  I looked him straight in the eyes. “What if I didn’t think it was disrespectful? What if I was willing to let you fuck her?”

  Michael chuckled. “And you expect me to let you fuck Marissa in exchange?”

  “Yeah, something like that. After all, an even swap ain’t no swindle.”

  “Listen to the two of us, talking about ‘letting’ someone fuck our women. They do have rights, you know?”

  I shrugged. “True. They would definitely have to go along with it.”

  “Have you spoken to Alicia about this?” Michael asked, meaning that he was beginning to feel me on the prospect.

  “Not yet. I wanted to discuss it with you first,” I replied. “If you’re not interested, there’s no point in talking to Alicia.”

  “You do realize that Alicia might divorce you behind some shit like that?” Michael shook his head. “I’m not sure Marissa would do it. She’s pretty caught up.”

  “She looks at me,” I said. “I can tell that she’s attracted to me.”

  Michael looked angry and then laughed. “We are two arrogant motherfuckers, you know that? We both think we’re God’s gift to women.”

  “Hey, whoever said God couldn’t hand out two gifts?”

  Michael and I both laughed and exchanged high fives. We decided to think about it for a few days and see where that left us. However, I knew what I wanted and thought that I might be able to convince Alicia to do it.

  That night I brought Alicia dinner in bed—her favorite. From our first date, I had determined that she loved Spanish food. Her grandmother was from Spain, so that explained it. Even though she grew up in a household that served both soul food and Spanish food—her mother being African-American and her father being Hispanic—she leaned toward tapas and paella. That night I had stopped by her favorite restaurant and brought home some gazpacho andaluz, spinach with pine nuts, fish in salsa verde, and churros con chocolate.

  She had been through a long day at the office so I gave her a foot massage while she ate. Then I sucked her toes one by one. I love Alicia’s toes; they’re beautiful and succulent. I enjoy doing anything that gives her pleasure. After she finished eating, she stared at me and asked, “You going to give me some of that Daddy Dick tonight?”

  Damn, nothing could get my dick harder faster than Alicia talking dirty to me. In the beginning of our marriage, that was an obstacle for her to overcome. Over time, she had learned to talk nasty, but it was a rare occasion when she actually did it.

  She sat up on the bed and pulled her cashmere sweater over her head, exposing the lovely white lace bra underneath. The way white looked on her chocolate skin was such a turn-on.

  “My breasts have been sore all day,” she said. “They need to be sucked. You going to suck them for me, Daddy?”

  “I’ll suck whatever you need sucked,” I said. “I already did the toes.”

  She giggled. “And you did a great job. That’s what made me so damn horny.”

  That’s when I attacked her, on our bed. I pulled her pants off, along with her tights, and was sucking on her pussy in less than thirty seconds. She pulled my hands up to her breasts, where she had popped them out of the bra, and I caressed them. Alicia’s moans are an art form in themselves. Her moans are the most erotic thing I have ever heard. While I was eating her, I thought about her moaning like that for Michael and it almost made me sick. Was I really prepared to share her just so I could get a shot at Marissa?

  The entire time that Alicia was sucking my dick, then riding my dick that night, I kept imagining her doing those things to Michael and him licking and sucking all over my wife. It was not a visual that I wanted, but I realized that you only live once, and it had been years since I had touched another woman. I did not want to cheat behind her back, and besides, Marissa was the only woman I was attracted to, outside of Alicia. In order to get to her, it would have to be a trade. Michael was supposed to be discussing it with Marissa that same night, so I knew that I had to keep my word.

  “Alicia,” I whispered, right before she dozed off after getting her fulfillment from “Daddy Dick.”

  “Yes, baby,” she replied.

  “I need to ask you something.”

  “What, Taye?”

  “Michael and I have been talking and…”

  “And what?” Alicia lifted her head off my chest so she could look me in the eyes. “And what? What’s wrong?”

  “Promise me that you won’t get upset.”

  “I promise,” she said way too quickly, without having a clue about what I was about to say.

  “We’ve been together for a long time, and you know I love you, right?”

  “Yes, right down to my stanky drawers.” She laughed. “You and Michael have been talking about how much you love me?”

  “That, and some other things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like the possibility of us switching partners for one night.”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Alicia lashed out at me. “No, you d
id not just ask me to fuck your friend. Aw, I get it. You want to fuck that bitch so you’re willing to trade me off for her ass!”

  “It’s not like that, Alicia.”

  “Then what is it like, Taye? Explain this shit to me because from where I’m sitting, that’s exactly what the deal is.”

  I sighed and tried to think of a way to keep my marriage together. I had a feeling that it might be over. Alicia confirmed that when she said, “If you want to fuck Marissa, why don’t you just marry her ass? Michael’s only shacking up with her, so she’s available. Go trade up, motherfucker! You conceited bastard!”

  Alicia punched me in the mouth and then kept on and on until we ended up grudge fucking to ward off disaster. After we had finished our second round of sex for the evening, Alicia shocked me.

  She said, “If you really want to do as you mentioned, I’ll do it.” Then she did not speak another word. I fell asleep with a huge grin on my face.


  When Taye asked me if I would fuck Michael, I almost creamed in my pants. He had no idea what a huge favor he was doing for me. I had wanted to fuck Michael for a long time. If things had been different, I might have been married to Michael instead of Taye. Still, I had to make it look good, so I threw a minitantrum, seemed insulted, and then, after he fucked me real hard, I “reluctantly” agreed to lay bare my soul and fuck his best friend.

  They decided that Michael would come over to our house and Taye would go over to theirs so that us women could feel more comfortable in our own beds. I broke out the champagne for Michael, put on some sexy Jamaican music, and waited for him on the sofa in the family room.

  “Hello, Alicia.”

  His deep, sexy voice woke me up. I sat up on my elbows and stared at him. He looked scrumptious in a navy linen suit and leather sandals. He was tall, dark-skinned, and had a neatly groomed goatee that I had often imagined rubbing against the inside of my thighs while he ate me out.

  “Hey, Michael.”

  He came closer to me, but hesitated. “Are you sure you want to do this? I can leave, if you want. It’s not too late.”

  I patted the space beside me on the sofa. “Have a seat.”

  Once he sat down, I could smell his Burberry cologne, the same cologne that I had imagined licking off his body over and over again.

  “Michael, I have to be honest with you. When Taye first approached me about this swap thing, I was not as upset as I pretended to be. If he is stupid enough to let me fuck you just so he can get some other woman’s ass, then that’s his problem. I don’t mean to talk down about Marissa. You obviously care about her, but they have been flirting in front of our faces from day one.”

  “I never noticed,” he said with a grin.

  “Well, trust me, they have. Now I am sure that the two of them are over your house trying to blow each other’s backs out, thinking that they are pulling off some elaborate plan to cheat right in front of our faces. I also realize that we don’t appear to be any better people than them because here we are. So, let me ask you, why are you here?”

  Michael stared at me, but did not respond. I lay my hand on top of his.

  “Michael, you’re not the type of man to go for some shit like this so let me fill in the blanks for you. You’re here, not to fuck me, but to make love to me.”

  He grasped my hand. “I love you, Alicia.”

  “I love you, too. I’ve always loved you, Michael.”

  “So what do we do now?” he asked.

  “We take our time, do all the things that we should have been doing for the past ten years, and make up for lost time.”

  I leaned over and flicked the tip of my tongue in his ear.

  “And then tomorrow,” I added, “we’ll do whatever we feel should be done.”


  When I rang the doorbell at Michael and Marissa’s house, my dick was already standing at attention. Just the thought of fucking Marissa was all the stimulation it took. Then she opened the door and had on this smoking red teddy that was so sheer that I could see her pert, dark brown nipples playing peekaboo with me.

  “Come on in,” she said in that seductive accent of hers. “I’ve been waiting. What took you so long?”

  “I got here as fast as I could.”

  “Just don’t come too fast once you climb inside my sugary walls.”

  With that, she turned around and I followed her scrumptious ass into the living room. Her ass was bouncing up and down and her cheeks moved in perfect unision. It was a lovely vision and I made a mental note that I was definitely going to “hit it from the back.”

  “Taye, I want you to do me a favor,” Marissa said.

  I gazed into her light brown eyes. “Anything for you, baby.”

  “Michael’s a great lover.”

  I hated it when she said that. Even though Michael was my best friend, I did not want to hear shit about him being a great lover. For a man, any man, to hear about another man’s skills in the bedroom, was a letdown.

  She bit her bottom lip. “But…”

  I loved hearing that “but.” It meant that something was lacking and I planned to make sure I filled in the blanks.

  “But what?” I asked. “What do you need Big Daddy to do for you?”

  Calling myself “Big Daddy” put her on notice that I had a big-ass dick. Truth be known, that was my only reservation. There was no question that I was slanging something major between my legs, but I had no clue how I measured up to Michael. All men have that “size factor” issue. No matter how mandigo they might be, someone else is always holding more meat. As much as women try to deny it, they love big dicks.

  “I’ve always had this fantasy,” Marissa said. “Ever since I was a little girl, back when I would watch my abuela baking cookies.”


  Marissa giggled. She had such a beautiful smile. “My grandmother.”

  “Oh, okay. So, what’s your fantasy?”

  “Come into the kitchen and I will show you.”

  She beckoned me with her index finger and I followed.

  There was a bowl of flour on the table and a huge sack of additional flour beside it. There was also a bottle of vanilla flavoring and a bag of chocolate chips.

  “What’s all this?” I asked, excited. Alicia would never have gone for any freaky shit.

  Marissa picked up the bottle of vanilla. “I want to get naked and cover our bodies with flour. Then I want to play find the wet spot. You ready for this?”

  I grinned. “I was born ready.”

  Once Marissa and I were covered in flour, which was a strange-ass feeling, I had her lie on the table on top of a cookie sheet. I poured some of the vanilla flavoring on her clean-shaven pussy and sprinkled some chocolate chips on top. Then I commenced eating my homemade chocolate-chip cookie dough. It was better than any ice cream.

  Speaking of ice, I went to the freezer and got a couple of ice cubes. I rubbed them over Marissa’s nipples while I ate her out. She moaned and screamed out with delight. A couple of times she tried to pull away from me—I was giving her one hell of a tongue-lashing—but I was relentless with her pussy.

  The ceiling fan was on high but I was giving the fast-moving blades a run for their money with my tongue. Marissa’s pussy had a totally different taste than Alicia’s, but they were both good. For a moment, I did feel a twinge of panic. If I was in Michael’s kitchen eating his woman out with vanilla and chocolate chips, what the hell was he doing with my wife?

  My panic vanished when Marissa propped herself up on her elbows, gazed into my eyes and whispered, “I want you to dick-feed me, Papi!”

  Within ten seconds, I had switched places with her. She did not hesitate to wrap her succulent lips around me and it seemed like she was starving for dick. Damn, Michael was one lucky man if he was getting head like that every night. Alicia had never been one to suck my dick a lot. It was more like she would do me a favor, instead of her actually enjoying giving me pleasure. I would often have to
beg for it.

  “Oooh, you taste so good,” Marissa said when she came up for air. “I love your big dick, your daddy dick!”

  “And I love you for loving my daddy dick,” I replied. “You can have all the daddy dick you want, baby. Wait till I get you on your back. You might go into shock.”

  “Umm, I’ve never had someone put me into shock before. You really think you can do that, Papi?”

  “Shit, no doubt,” I bragged, now confident that I would fuck her better than Michael or die trying. “I only hope you can handle all this dick up in you.”

  Then…it happened. I came when I wasn’t ready to come. I shot a load that was unbelievable and damn near hit the blades of the ceiling fan.

  “Damn, Papi!” Marissa said, then laughed. “I barely got started.”

  I got down off the table. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to get hard again and then I’m going to blow your damn back out.”

  She pouted. “I sure hope so, because Michael can fuck me all night long.”

  The disappointment in her voice was ego-shattering. That was it. I had to rise to the top of my game.


  I was still wrapped in Michael’s arms when Taye came home the next morning. We were awakened by the door slamming, not closing.

  “Alicia! Alicia, where are you?” he yelled out from the bottom of the stairs.

  Common sense should have told me to try to cover myself quickly, even though Taye was the one who had arranged the entire swap thing. But I did not want to cover up anything; I wanted him to see me with Michael.

  He came storming into the room. “What the fuck is this?” Taye asked angrily as Michael and I sat up in the bed.

  Michael stated groggily, “Hey, Taye. Back already? I thought we weren’t due to see you until later this afternoon.”

  “Well, this is still my damn house.” Taye came at him. “Don’t the two of you look cozy?”

  “Taye, don’t start tripping,” Michael said. “Did you have a good time with Marissa?”