“Not on your life, sweetheart,” said Luther. “We’re going to get married before I go home, and I’m taking my family along! Hear that?”

  They talked a long time, but Luther had his way.

  “You know, Luther, you said you were going to support the children, but you won’t have to do that. They each have an income that comes in regularly. It isn’t millions, but it’s enough to take care of their necessities. So they won’t be a financial burden to you.”

  “Well, that’s okay with me, but I rather liked the idea of supporting them, so we won’t worry about that.”

  The next morning Luther called up and secured a price on the house that Erminie had always wanted, and when that was settled he called Lincoln Silverthorn.

  “I’m going to be married, Link, now in a day or two. I thought you’d like to wish me well. And I want you to know that you certainly preached a message to one soul, for she’s the most different girl you ever saw. She’s really come to know the Lord. What? Yes, she’s the girl. Now you needn’t throw any fits. You’ll like her, and I know what I’m talking about! By anyway I’m marrying her, and taking over the family of children. You know her mother has just died, and her father had pneumonia going across the ocean to China. He was buried at sea. No, I’m not marrying her out of pity, old man. I love her, and if you don’t believe me come down to the wedding.”

  Then Link’s voice boomed over the wire.

  “Make it two days later, Lutie, and we’ll be with you. McRae and Curlin and I. No, not Carey. She’s gone down to the shore with the Redferns for the summer. Sure I mean it. I was just being sent on a business errand out to your neighborhood, so it’s quite possible. McRae’ll be crazy about it and so will Curlin. Anything I can do for you? Okay. We’ll be seeing you!”

  “Okay!” said Luther as he turned grinning away from the telephone at last. “We’re all set to go! Wedding reception and all. I guess that minister will do for the ceremony, won’t he? We’ll have the wedding supper at the nearest hotel on our way. Now, hadn’t we better be seeing about a mover and arrange with him to get here just as we’re ready to leave? I’ll get a regular mover from home. They always have vans going back and forth. They’re probably coming over this way with a load pretty soon, and can take ours back with them. So, we’d better be looking over things to see if anything is to be sold or given away. Don’t throw anything you really want to keep, you know. There’s always plenty of room in a van. But when we get home you can buy all the new furniture your little heart fancies.”

  They had a wonderful time getting to work right away, and in spite of the shadow of memories that still hung over them they were all cheerful and excited over the fact that they were going back east and that Luther was to be their own brother and stay with them all the time.

  And back at the Silverthorn home there was great excitement.

  “You don’t mean it, Link! Not really? Lutie is really marrying Erminie? Oh, what will Carey say? She’ll be horrified. I think she had her mind half set on Lutie herself, ever since she found out he’d inherited a fortune!” laughed McRae.

  “Well, don’t tell her, McRae. I’m sure Lutie is levelheaded about this and he had been praying about it. I think it’s great!” said Link gravely.

  “Well, so do I,” said McRae. “I’m sure she must be different. But anyway it’ll be great to go to the wedding. Maybe she won’t like it, but I think we can make her glad we came.”

  “Of course!” said Link. “You’re a great little sister! It’s a curious thing. This whole story began with a wedding. Another in the middle of things, and another at the end!”

  “And still another soon to come!” whispered Curlin to McRae with a sly twinkle in his eye. “Hadn’t we better announce ours? And all by way of the Silverthorns.”

  GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL (1865–1947) is known as the pioneer of Christian romance. Grace wrote over one hundred faith-inspired books during her lifetime. When her first husband died, leaving her with two daughters to raise, writing became a way to make a living, but she always recognized storytelling as a way to share her faith in God. She has touched countless lives through the years and continues to touch lives today. Her books feature moving stories, delightful characters, and love in its purest form.

  Also Available from Grace Livingston Hill


  April Gold

  Ariel Custer


  Beauty for Ashes

  Beloved Stranger

  Blue Ruin


  Chance of a Lifetime

  Christmas Bride

  Coming Through the Rye

  Crimson Mountain

  Crimson Roses


  The Flower Brides

  GI Brides

  Girl of the Woods

  A Girl to Come Home To

  Gold Shoe

  Happiness Hill

  Head of the House

  Honor Girl

  Job’s Niece



  Love Endures

  Man of the Dessert

  Matched Pearls

  A New Name

  Not Under the Law


  The Prodigal Girl

  Rainbow Cottage



  Sound of the Trumpet

  Spice Box

  Story of a Whim

  Strange Proposal

  Street of the City

  The Substitute Guest


  Tomorrow About This Time

  Treasure Brides Collection

  Where Two Ways Met

  White Flower

  White Lady



  Grace Livingston Hill, By the Way of the Silverthorns



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