Page 18 of The Other Life

  Dad was talking quietly with Larry. They got along well. It was good for Dad to have someone who distracted him from his sickness, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even now I could see that his temperature was up, from the sheen of sweat on his forehead. Karen looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. What if she was just waiting for the right moment to tell us the truth?

  I tried not to think about the Weepers and Dad’s fever, but at night those worries kept me awake. For now, I leaned back in my chair, trying to enjoy the atmosphere. I smiled when my eyes landed on Rachel.

  She sat beside Tyler and talked to him animatedly. He seldom replied, had hardly talked since he’d told us about the fence, but he seemed to listen to her. She looked so much better than when I’d first seen her, but her screaming often woke us at night. Every member of our little group was haunted by memories of their past, but we never talked about it. The future was scary enough. We didn’t need the past to worry about.

  Geoffrey finally slunk into the kitchen, head bowed as he sat down. Joshua followed this with a frown. What had taken Geoffrey so long?

  Karen sank down beside Larry, kissing his cheek with a soft smile. Marie put the pot on the table, before claiming the last free chair. She lifted Emma onto her lap and clapped her hands. “Enjoy your meal!”

  Everyone began filling their plates and started eating, the clinking of cutlery filling the kitchen. In such a moment, it was easy to forget what lay beyond the walls of Safe-haven. I noticed Joshua kept glancing at Geoffrey, who hadn’t looked up once. I wondered what he was thinking.

  After dinner most of the members of our patchwork family went upstairs to their rooms. Dad had to lean on Mom as they left the kitchen.

  I watched them go. Only Geoffrey and Joshua stayed in the room with me.

  “You shouldn’t worry so much,” Joshua said.

  “The fever still hasn’t disappeared. Sometimes I think he’ll never get better.”

  “Karen is sure it’s just because of the inflammation in his leg,” Joshua said, taking my hand again and squeezing it.

  I gave him a small smile before I looked over at Geoffrey. “And what do you think? You probably know the rabies better than all of us.”

  Geoffrey folded his hands on the tabletop; they were trembling. “Your father doesn’t show any additional symptoms. The fever’s even lessened to some degree. The other survivors with rabies showed excessive thirst and heightened aggressiveness. Your father shows none of those signs. The sweating worries me, but I don’t think he’s got rabies. His leg is just taking longer to heal because his body’s still weak.”

  The way he avoided my eyes made my stomach churn. But before I could respond, Joshua leaned forward, his arms propped on the table and eyes fixed on Geoffrey. “Do you want to know what I find strange?” He didn’t wait for Geoffrey to reply. “We all know why you’re an expert on the virus, because you told us as soon as we met you: you helped create it. And that’s got to be the very worst thing anyone could have to admit. And yet you were too ‘scared’ to tell us what you knew about the fence...”

  Geoffrey opened and closed his mouth and looked at both of us nervously.

  “And when that helicopter flew over,” Joshua continued, his suspicions spilling over, “knowing what you know, you must have realized it was pointless trying to get their attention, but you didn’t stop me, did you? What if they’d shot at me? Or perhaps that wouldn’t matter to you. Perhaps you’re on their side! You worked for the government once – who’s to say you ever stopped?”

  I gasped. What was Joshua saying? Could it be true?

  “He lied to us, Sherry,” Joshua hissed. “We never should have trusted him!”

  Geoffrey went pale, as if life had left his body. “I never—”

  Joshua interrupted him. “I’ve kept an eye on you. Since Tyler started talking again, you’ve been acting weirdly. I guess he ruined your plan to keep us in the dark, right? You’ve probably done everything in your power to hide the truth from us.”

  Geoffrey shook his head, looking panicked. “I don’t work for the government any more, I promise you!”

  “Then what’s going on with you?” I asked. “Why have you been so quiet?”

  He swallowed visibly. “Tyler’s words shocked me just like everyone else.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “But they also got me thinking about something I heard before everything broke down and the government built the fence. It’s been on my mind constantly...” He hesitated.

  Joshua looked ready to explode.

  “Just tell us!” I said.

  “There were rumours of a cure.”

  Whoa. What?

  Joshua’s eyes grew wide. “A cure? What kind of cure?”

  My mouth went dry. I wasn’t sure I could have spoken if I’d tried.

  Geoffrey’s face was pleading. “It was just a rumour and by that time I wasn’t working on the rabies any more, so I don’t have first-hand knowledge...but after what Tyler said about the labs and how they’re testing something on humans, I started wondering if the rumours might be true after all.”

  “What were the rumours?” I snapped.

  “A few scientists in Washington had been working on a cure and immunization project. The government had asked them to do research, but I don’t know if they succeeded or how far they even got with it,” Geoffrey whispered.

  “But what if it’s true? What if there’s a cure?” Joshua said. A vein in his temple pulsed and his hands balled into fists.

  Geoffrey let out a tired sigh and rubbed his eyes. “If a cure exists, it’s kept in one of the laboratories beyond the fence and we don’t know anything about it. A cure still in development could be deadly, or even make the rabies worse.”

  “But if there is one, perhaps it could heal the Weepers,” I said. “And if Tyler told the truth, they are already testing it on humans, so it might work.”

  Geoffrey looked sad when he shook his head. “We don’t know that. People died in those tests. Maybe it isn’t possible to give the Weepers their humanity back. Maybe they’re lost for ever. Even if there is a cure, I don’t know where the laboratories are. They could be anywhere – Tyler told me he doesn’t remember where he was kept – and they’ll be heavily guarded. You’d never get past the fence anyway. You’d risk your life for the minimal chance that there might be a cure.”

  “Why didn’t you mention this to anyone?” Joshua narrowed his eyes. “Why did you pull back from us? You should have shared this with everyone straight away.”

  Geoffrey fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “Look, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up. Risking our lives by searching for something that probably isn’t even there will only get us killed. I’m just trying to do what’s best for our group.” His eyes were imploring. “I know you’re worried about your father, Sherry, but nothing can save him if he’s infected. Don’t chase after the impossible.”

  I looked away. I felt drained. For a moment, I’d really thought there might be a way to help the Weepers, to give them their humanity back. Now the situation seemed just as hopeless as before. Yet somewhere in the back of my mind, the spark of excitement Geoffrey had kindled refused to die out.

  “Excuse me, I’m tired.” Geoffrey rose from his chair and walked towards the door. He stopped and turned back to us. “I’m sorry if you feel you can’t trust me. But the truth is there’s so much death on my conscience, I just can’t take any more. And I knew if I told you about the fence – and the cure – you’d put yourselves in danger to find it. Don’t do anything stupid, Joshua, and take care of Sherry. The government won’t hesitate to kill you if you try anything with the fence.” As if every movement cost more strength than he could spare, Geoffrey left the kitchen.

  I glanced at Joshua, my mind racing. I could only hope he wasn’t planning on getting over the fence by himself. The mines would blow him up, even if a bullet didn’t bring him down first. He was used to doing things alone
, but if he wanted to get to the other side, then he’d have to take me with him.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said, grabbing my hand as he stood.

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “I need some fresh air.”

  I let him pull me to my feet and followed him into the courtyard. We strolled towards the ivy-covered wall, our hands entwined. Joshua hoisted himself up with little effort and held his hand out to me. With his help and my own pathetic attempts, I climbed up next to him and plopped down. I moved closer to Joshua’s warm body, pulled my legs against my chest and rested my chin on them.

  We sat beside each other on the cool stone, facing towards the vineyard. The sun was setting over the hills and the chatter of birds filled the silence. Everything looked so peaceful – as if nothing had changed, as if the world hadn’t turned deadly. It was strange to think that this was the last time I’d see the vineyard. I leaned my head on Joshua’s shoulder and slipped my hand into his.

  I tilted my head and glanced up at him. “Maybe I’ll try to get over the fence and search for that cure,” I said. Despite his warnings, Geoffrey’s words had shown us a new chance to do good, to do more than search for food or hunt Weepers.

  Joshua’s face was unreadable, but at least he wasn’t trying to talk me out of it.

  “Geoffrey believes it’s only a rumour. He doesn’t think there’s any hope,” I continued, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

  “He doesn’t think there’s hope because he’s lost everyone he really cared about. His wife and children are dead. Nothing, not even this cure, can bring them back. But we have people we care about, people we don’t want to see die.”

  Joshua’s voice had risen to a shout. He let his head fall back and glared at the sky. “You could get rabies, and then I’d have to watch you die like I watched all those people in the bunker die, and so many of the people I saved and brought here. I don’t want to watch you die. I couldn’t stand it.”

  I sat up, startled by his words. “I won’t get it. Maybe I’m immune like you.” My voice was calm and collected. Inside, I wasn’t calm at all. He wanted to get over the fence and search for a cure just as much as I did.

  “If we got past that fence we could live a normal life. Maybe my father’s still alive, maybe he’s living on the other side.” Joshua ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. “I just want to believe that there’s a way to get there.”

  I looked up at him. It seemed as if there was more he wanted to say, but he stayed silent.

  “I know. I feel the same way.” We owed it to everyone. If it was rabies causing Dad’s fever, I’d be able to save him. We could help so many people, maybe even give the Weepers their lives back.

  Joshua’s eyes were focused on the vineyard. “I don’t want to give up hope. I owe it to Zoe. What if the cure could help her?” His eyes fluttered shut and my chest constricted at the sight of his pain.

  Joshua shook his head as if to get rid of those thoughts and brought his face close to mine. Since that time in the vineyard when Bobby had interrupted us, we hadn’t kissed. So much had been going on in Safe-haven that we hadn’t found time alone. And kissing in front of the others was out of the question. Bobby had watched Joshua and me the entire time since he’d found us hugging. Even Mom and Marie looked at me with those unnerving, all-knowing expressions.

  Joshua had stopped, his face centimetres away. Was he waiting for me to make the first move?

  I leaned in and brushed my lips against his. Sweet and warm. Joshua wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. Our kiss was soft, and loosened the knot in my stomach.

  When we pulled apart, I was breathless. Our faces were still close and his breath warmed me. From the corner of my eye I noticed movement, and I turned my face towards it.

  Mia stood in the courtyard, shifting from foot to foot, watching us curiously. An image of her as a Weeper flashed into my mind, but I pushed it away. When she saw me looking her way, her face lit up. She dashed towards us and peered up the wall. “Did you kiss?” Her small nose wrinkled in disgust.

  “What did I tell you about being nosy?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  “Don’t do it.” She smiled sheepishly. “Can I come up?”

  I glanced at Joshua and he gave a nod. He kneeled on the edge of the wall and extended his arms. Mia stood on her tiptoes and he pulled her up, making her giggle. Smiling, I made myself comfortable, sitting cross-legged, Mia cuddled up to me, her head resting on my lap.

  Joshua took his place beside me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. The sun had disappeared – only a soft glow illuminated the sky, tingeing it orange. In the distance, I could see Tyler and Rachel strolling through the vines. It was good that Tyler wasn’t on his own any more. It must have been horrible for him to lose his twin.

  I closed my eyes, breathing in the cool air while I stroked Mia’s hair. Her breathing had become even and her body relaxed against mine.

  “She reminds me of my sister,” Joshua said in a whisper.

  I kissed him, my fingers tangling in his soft hair. Some of the tension left his body and the ghost of a smile crossed his lips.

  As long as I still had my family and Joshua, I could survive in this scary world. We were still alive. We wanted to live. And I knew one day we’d find a way past the fence.

  15,323 hours since Sherry listened to one of her dad’s bedtime stories. 30,657 minutes since she heard his laughter.

  Sherry’s dad’s life is hanging in the balance... And if he turns into a Weeper, Sherry and Joshua know that the only way to save him lies on the other side of the fence – the barrier cutting them off from the rest of the world.

  With Tyler and Rachel, they set off into the unknown, driven by the promise of a cure, and the hope of reclaiming the life they once knew. But they find that there are more than just Weepers standing in their way...

  There is no going back. There is only beyond.


  Epub 9781409547341

  Kindle 9781409547358


  There are so many people who helped me on my road to publication and I’d like to thank them.

  Julia Churchill and Greenhouse Literary for the work they put into my book. I’ll always be grateful for what you did.

  The team at Usborne for their enthusiasm and hard work.

  My first readers whom I found on the Absolute Write forums: Catherine Miller and Dawn Miller.

  My friend Elke Garnkäufer, the first person I dared to show my work to, apart from my husband. Thanks for your help, friendship and encouragement.

  Debra Driza, whose beta comments made my book so much better.

  Véronique Pettingill and Rebecca Rogers, who helped me with my query letter and synopsis.

  Shveta Thakrar, for her lovely emails.

  Jill Hathaway, for going through the sub craziness together.

  The Apocalypsies, for their incredible support.

  Kathy Bradey, for being a friend, for listening to my whiny emails, for being a cheerleader and a wonderful crit partner.

  My amazing crit group, Tracy Banghart and Shari Arnold, for always being there, for listening, for being friends, for your great beta comments, your encouragement and support, and for letting me read your beautiful books.

  But most of all my husband, who’s always been there for me, who gives me strength and believes in me, who wanted to see me happy even if it meant giving up my day job. I couldn’t have done this without you.


  Susanne Winnacker studied law before becoming a full-time writer. She now spends every free minute in the fantastical fictional worlds she creates, taking occasional breaks to update her blog.

  Susanne lives in Germany with her husband, their dog, and three rabbits that have destroyed every piece of furniture they’ve ever owned. She loves travelling, animals and coffee (in every shape and form). The Other Life is her debut novel.

  Find Susanne online at

  Table of Contents


  Title page

  Copyright page


  The Other Life I

  Chapter One

  The Other Life II

  Chapter Two

  The Other Life III

  Chapter Three

  The Other Life IV

  Chapter Four

  The Other Life V

  Chapter Five

  The Other Life VI

  Chapter Six

  The Other Life VII

  Chapter Seven

  The Other Life VIII

  Chapter Eight

  The Other Life IX

  Chapter Nine

  The Other Life X

  Chapter Ten

  The Other Life XI

  Chapter Eleven

  The Other Life XII

  Chapter Twelve

  The Other Life XIII

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Other Life XIV

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Other Life XV

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Other Life XVI

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Life Beyond


  About the Author



  Susanne Winnacker, The Other Life



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