Unconsciously, she fingered her colored locks as she steered Spider in the direction of Nelida’s home. As the town’s best seamstress, Nelida is a well-liked and well-respected member of society. It also helped that her husband was the owner of one of the finest pubs for at least a league.

  Looking up Kiva drank in the sight before her. The rolling hills of Inuvic, with its little houses scattered here and there, always made her smile. Up ahead, the road she was on forked, splitting off into two different main roads that ran the entire length of town before rejoining again on the other side. From there the road continues onto Ellsmere. The home of King and Queen Foradoan and their three children. While she’s never been to the royal city, she’s heard tales of its beauty.

  Entering Inuvic, she nodded her head to several passersby, offering hellos and good days where needed, she worked hard to make her mother proud of her behavior even if she couldn’t see her.

  After making her stop at Nelida’s, staying long enough to be polite, Kivantia made her way across town.

  The first person she saw was Darra’s little brother, Edan, who then had to run straight for the house to announce her visit.

  Laughing as she dismounted Spider, Kiva left her tethered under a shade tree. She was greeted at the door by a smiling Darra.

  “This is a surprise!” Darra squealed, wrapping Kiva in a quick hug. “You’re alone?”

  “I am,” Kiva answered with her own laugh.

  Pulling her inside, Darra asked, “How much time do we have? I have so much to tell you!”

  “Not long, my Ma said not to linger.”

  In a flurry of skirts and laughter, Darra grabbed Kiva’s hand and dragged her inside, leading her to the sitting room.

  Darra’s enthusiasm was palpable. Her honey brown eyes were dancing with it. So much so, she was having a hard time sitting still.

  “Out with it,” Kiva begged around another laugh. “What has you so excited?”

  Darra’s jaw dropped as she gasped, “You haven’t heard?”

  Giving her friend a sardonic look, she said, “Have you met my mother?”

  “Of course, you’re right.” Darra shook her head before her face renewed with joy. “It’s all anyone can talk about.”

  “What?” Kiva laughed again.

  “The prince of Setsota is coming for a visit!”

  Frowning, Kiva didn’t return Darra’s excitement. “But I didn’t think things were that good between us and Setsota.”

  Waving away her comment, Darra’s smile never wavered. “I have no idea. All I know is he’s taking a tour of Betmavo. And since we’re the closest town to the capital city, he’s sure to come through!”

  “And how did you come by this information?”

  Darra’s grin widened to the point that it nearly took over her face. “It was market day, and a messenger stopped by his stall to place an order for all the chickens and eggs he could spare. This messenger then made stops at all the other farm stalls making the same requests of them. As the messenger was making his way out of the market my Da stopped him and asked him for any news. It was then that he said he’s been tasked with stocking the castle larder because the prince of Setsota and his entourage will be visiting. That he’s set to arrive some ten days hence.”

  As the excitement of Darra’s story settled in Kiva’s chest, she realized her smile was just as big as her friends. But as soon as it had formed, it melted away. Her mother wouldn’t let her anywhere near the crowds sure to swell because of his royal highness’s visit.

  Readjusting her fading smile, she grasped Darra’s hands and pretended to be just as excited. “You’ll have to keep sharp memories of his visit because I’ll want to know every tiny detail.”

  As Darra’s shoulders fell she tried not to let her disappointment show. “I’ll commit his every movement and feature to memory. I’ll even relay how I felt to see him so that you can feel it too.”

  Truly grateful for the offer, a genuine smile curled her mouth, “So, what other news do you have for me?”

  Passing the next hour laughing and catching up on the news she’s missed out since her last visit, Kivantia knew her time in town was coming to an end. If she didn’t return soon, her mother would send her little brother to fetch her home.

  She said her goodbyes and turned Spider toward home. Feeling lighter than she had when she set out that morning.

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  About Alexia Purdy

  * * *

  Alexia is a USA Today Bestselling author who currently lives in Las Vegas and loves spending every free moment writing or hanging out with her four rambunctious kids. Writing is the ultimate getaway for her since she’s always lost in her head. She is best known for her award-winning Reign of Blood series, and A Dark Faerie Tale Series.

  Connect with Alexia Purdy:

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  Alexia Purdy’s Facebook Fan Page

  A Dark Faerie Tale Series Facebook Fan page

  Reign of Blood Series Facebook Fan Page

  Click here for more books by Alexia Purdy:

  The ArcKnight Chronicles:



  Reign of Blood Series

  Reign of Blood

  Disarming (Reign of Blood #2)

  Elijah (The Miel Chronicles):

  A Reign of Blood Companion Story

  Amplified (Reign of Blood #3)

  A Dark Faerie Tale Series

  The Withering Palace (A Dark Faerie Tale #0.1)

  Evangeline (A Dark Faerie Tale #0.5)

  Ever Shade (A Dark Faerie Tale #1)

  Ever Fire (A Dark Faerie Tale #2)

  Ever Winter (A Dark Faerie Tale #3)

  The Cursed (A Dark Faerie Tale #3.5)

  Ever Wrath (A Dark Faerie Tale #4)

  Without Armor (A Dark Faerie Tale #4.5)

  History of Fire (A Dark Faerie Tale #5)

  Ever Dead (A Dark Faerie Tale #6)

  Legends of Fire (A Dark Faerie Tale #7)

  Guardians (A Dark Faerie Tale #8)

  Other Stories

  The Fall of Sky

  Papercut Doll

  Wicked Grove

  Poetic Collections

  Whispers of Dreams

  Five Fathoms

  The Dark I Keep


  Soul Games

  Faery Worlds

  Faery Realms

  Faery Tales

  Lacing Shadows

  Destiny’s Dark Fantasy

  Once Upon a Curse

  The Shapeshifter Chronicles

  Once Upon a Kiss

  A Plague of Dragons

  It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! A Superhero Anthology

  A Legion of Dragons



  Alexia Purdy, Wicked Grove (Wicked Grove Book 1)



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