Inryval: (IN-ri-val) son of Thorassa, one of Gaelex's aides
Irion: (IR-ee-on) Variant of Aeryn, used in the South
Isar: (EE-sar) A river that waters Kellyxa and flows through Old Ivyssa
Isyrii: (Iss-EAR-ee) A River that branches off from Isar and flows through New Ivyssa
Ithambotl: (ITH-am-bot-l) A famous ancient architect
Itheil Coorbahl: (Ith-AY-il Coor-BALL) Lover of Falamar whose death disturbs the wizard greatly; one of the Twelve Who Did Not Die, lord of Brii
Ithikan: (ITH-ih-kahn) Riding in a magician's wake, a way for a few mounted folk to travel faster.
Ithlumen: (Ith-LOO-men) A fortress on the Fenax that guarded the approach to Cordyssa
Ivyssa: (Ih-VISS-a)The capitol of Aeryn since the fall of Montajhena; comprised of New Ivyssa, the Royal City, and Old Ivyssa, the oldest of the Anynae cities.
Jaka: (JA-ka) A morning beverage, a stimulant
Jarred: (JAIR-ed) Son of Kinth, Jessex's brother
Jessex: (JESS-ex) Son of Kinth
Jhinuuserret: (Gin-oo-SE-ret) The Twice-Named. Also called the Evaenym, since the number of the True Jhinuuserret is twelve.
Jhunombrae: (Joo-nom-BRAY) The chief city of the Tervan in the Mountains; the capital of what the North Fenax populace calls Smith Country
Jiivar: (Zhee-VAR) The Hall of the Eldest, a variant name for Halobar Hall
Jiiviisn Field: (Zhee-VISN) A sacred field in Arthen where Cunavastar built a shrine; one of the Naming Fields
Jisraegen: (JISS-ra-jen)The people of the wood, literally. The original inhabitants of Arthen, cast out of the Woodland after the fall of Falamar Inuygen.
Julassa Kyminax: (Joo-LASS-a KI-mi-nax) The Witch of Karns
Juneval: (Joo-ne-VAL) A crimson-flowering vine common to every sort of climate in Aeryn and Arthen, akin to elferath
Junwort: (JUNE-wort) A fragrant shrub that grows in Illaeryn and West Fenax, used to make a beneficial tea
Jurel Durassa: (Joo-REL Doo-RASS-a) Lord of Thynilex, Thaan of Montajhena, Lord of Yrunvurst
Ka: (Kah) Moon; a variety of lamp, also
Kaleric: (Ka-LE-rik) A Lord Nivri who serves Kirith Kirin in Arthen
Karmunir Gate: (KAR-moo-near) The entrance to Illaeryn in the Charnos Gap
Karnost: (KAR-nost) The Royal Gems, Gems of Power
Karomast: (KAR-oh-mast) The High Place over Zeul, which Daerdruen first wiped clean of Wyyvisar runes, then tore partly down, a tower built by Edenna Morthul and Jurel Durassa
Kata sticks: (KA-ta) A percussion instrument made of heavy round sticks, some covered with leather or lacer to alter the quality of sound
Kaufax: (COW-fax) a Prince of Horses, son of Keikindavii
Kehan: (KAY-han) Winter, darkness
Kehan Kehan: (KAY-han KAY-han) The name of a hymn, 'The Coming of Winter in Darkness”
Keikin: (KEYE-kin) Male horse; the Keikin is the short name of the King Horse
Kellesar: (Kel-ESS-ar)One of the hills that borders Durassavariin, adjacent to Vath Invath, lying southeast of that hill
Kellyxa: (Kel-IX-a) The southern plain
Ketol: (Kay-TOL) Poet whose poems Jessex is reading in Charnos
Khan: (Kahn) A month comprising the early and mid part of spring; the month in which Jessex is born
Kiikin: (KEE-kin) Female horse
Kim: (Kim) darkness
Kimri: (KIM-ree) The Light in the Darkness, a hymn
Kinth: (Kinth) Son of Daegerle, Jessex's father
Kirilidur: (Ki-RI-li-dur)The open central stone shaft that is one of the great devices of the Wizard's Tower
Kirith Kirin: (KIR-ith KIR-in) Prince of Aeryn
Kithilunen: (Ki-thi-LOO-nen) The Evening Song
Kleeiom: (KLAY-om)The narrow strip of land between the Blackspur Moutons and the Bay of Anyn, leading south from the Karnish fens to Aerfax Tower.
Klyr: (Kleer) A type of white wine made in the north Fenax, similar to though lighter than sauterne
Kmur: (Kmur) An island in the Bay of Anyn
Kor: (Kor) A type of leaf dried and used as a promoter of healing in wounds
Krafulgur: (Kra-FUL-gur) The passage beneath Urgiloth's Teeth, the two horned towers that guard the point where the road twists round Urgiloth's Spur, passing beneath the Tower of Guard and the Tower of the Twelve and along the Aegul.
Krom Hills: (Krom) Low Hills in Southeast Kellyxa, below Trenelarth
Krysa: (KRI-sa) A river flowing from Lake Dyvys to the Deluna River.
Kursk: (Kursk) A city on the East Kellyxa, at the junction of the Deluna River and the Rovis River.
Kythorax: (KI-thor-ax) lieutenant of Daerdruen, to whom Sybil was given
Kyyvi: (KI-vee) Temple servant; literally one given to God
Laeredon: (LAIR-eh-don) The High Place over Genfynnel
Lake Ashmyr: (ASH-mir) The lake on the North Spur of the Black Spur mountains, the lake which Cunevadrim overlooks, called by many other names
Lake Dyvys: (DI-vis) The lake south of Polponitur
Lake Mur: (Mur) The lake in the center of the Barren Turis
Lake Rur: (Roor) The lake that borders Arthen and Drii
Laren: (LA-ren) Walkway
Linvern: (LIN-vern) A deciduous tree that produces a sweet sap used to make sugar
Lise: (LEE-say) daughter of Sybil
Listrenen: (LIS-tre-nen) A region in the High North Country near the land of the Svyssn
Lonyi: (LON-yee) Light, glow
Loris: (LOR-iss) A tall rabbit, usually three to four feet with an ear span of another three to four feet, invariably silver and blue in color, found in Arthen, in the mountains around Drii and in the extreme east Fenax
Luen: (LOO-en) Bridge or crossing
Luthmar: (LOOTH-mar) No literal meaning. The title of the epic song concerning the creation of Arthen. The earliest extant versions of this lay date to the creation of written language.
Maleikarte: (MAH-lay-kar-the) The language of power developed by the Jisraegen priests, usually shortened to Malei; the Prin under the leadership of Edenna Morthul derived the language after long study, though it and the Prin were destroyed by Falamar.
Maugritaxa: (MAW-gri-tax-a) The southern-most part of Arthen
Menumen: (MEH-noo-men) A tree with long silver-white leaves that flowers on the east Fenax and in the adjacent northern part of Arthen
Mikif: (MI-kif) Daughter of Sybil, sister to Jessex.
Mikinoos: (Mi-KI-noo-us)A northern village, the closest village to Kinth's farm
Misvaryen: (Miz-VAR-yen)The fief of Ashkenta Nurysem in Turis, laid waste by Daerdruen Keerfax
Mithumen: (Mi-THOO-men) A kind of tree
Mithuun: (Mi-THOON) A stream in Tiisvarthyn.
Mnemarra: (Neh-MA-ra) Kiikindavii, queen of horses, mother of Nixva and Queen Nauthren's horse.
Montajhena: (Mon-TA-zhe-na) The city built by the Jhinuuserrett prior to the massacre of the Anynae
Mordwen Illythin: (MOR-dwen ILL-I-thin) the Seer in Arthen and Lord of Ymber
Morteval: (Mor-te-VAL) A tree native to Illaeryn, deciduous, nut-bearing, with dark brown bark and tiny leaves silver on one side and sea-green on the other.
Mur: (Mur) Earth, the mother
Murve: (Murv) A bush bearing a sweet, edible dark blue berry. Also the name for the berry. Honey is made from the pollen of the flowers from this bush.
Muuren: (M-REN) A gemstone mined by the Tervan, used to read the moment of true sunrise or sunset in the Jisraegen lamp ritual.
Naug River: (Nowg) The river flowing from the Black Spur Mountains across Karns north of the Doreneth Fens. Many small branchings of the Naug originate in the Fens.
Nevyssan Hills: (NE-vi-san) The hills lying northern of Nevyssan's Point
Nevyssan's Point: (NE-vi-sans) The northernmost point of Arthen
Nira: (Ni-ra) : (unstressed) Lamp
Nivri: (NIV-ree) The high born lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Jisraegen
Nixva: (NIX-va) o
ut of Mnemarra, a son of Keikindavii
Novris: (NOV-ris) The City at the mouth of the Deluna River, whose origin is in the Mountains east of Montajhena
Oet: (Oh-et) A coffee pot or a pot for boiling water
Onge Forest: (Onjh) The forest in Southeastern Aeryn, bordered by Kellyxa, Amre and Durme
Orelioth: (Or-EL-ee-oth) The hereditary country of Edenna Morthul
Orloc: (OR-lok) The people who live under the mountains, with whom the Jisraegen have little contact
Osar: (OH-sar) A River than branches off from Isar at Genfynnel, flowing through the western Cuthunre Valley and along the east side of Narvosdilimur before reaching the Bay of Anyn at Charnos
Pel Pelathayn: (PEL Pe-la-THAYN) The hunter and hero.
Pelponitur: (Pel-PAH-ni-tur) The mountain ridges that extend into Arthen west of Drii
Pemuntnir: (Pe-MUNT-near) The fortress at the place where Osar and Osirii fork
Phyethir: (Feye-eh-thur) Literally, time on the height. The term during which a magician holds a high place. To reign, to rule over a place. The seat of power. The terrain controlled by a magician from a high place.
Pirunaen: (Peer-oo-NAYN) Wizard's High Room, also called the Rensurdrun, the Room Under Tower
Pirunu: (Pee-ROO-noo) Sorcerer
Prin: (Prin) The collective noun : (also the singular) for the priests of YY; the later the college of the Prin is called the Prinama
Princess Kyvixa: (Ki-VIX-a) out of Mnemarra, Mordwen's horse
Raelonyii: (Ray-LON-yee) Interior light, light from within; the name for part of Arthen
Reidossa: (Rae-do-sa) Gemless
Rel: (Rel) Son of Moervan, Sivisal's companion
Ren: (Ren) Tower
Ren Vael: (Ren Vail) The Lord of Genfynnel, head of the House of Inemarra
Rensurdrun: (Ren-SUR-droon) The Room Under Tower, the magician's workplace beneath the summit of any shenesoeniis
Reyn Nira: (Rain) One of the three ritual lamps, tall and cylindrical in shape
Ri: (Ree) Light
Roch: (Rockhhh) The name for fire that comes from enchanted stone; there is so much of this in Aeryn that there is a widespread trade in it. Roch never wears out.
Ron: (Ron) Talon, claw, spur
Rovis: (ROE-viss) A river watering the East Kellyxa, north of the Imar valley
Ruus: (Roos) The last month of summer
Ryyn: (Rin) Countryside
Senecaur: (SE-ne-cowr) The Tower of Change at Aerfax is called Senecaur; the name Aerfax is also often used for this High Place
Sergil: (Ser-GILL) daughter of Vysth, also Commiseth's daughter
Seumren: (SOOM-ren) The High Place over Cunuduerum
Shevis: (SHE-vis) The white moon's name
Shoveniis: (Show-ve-NEEZ) The mind of God, awareness
Shurhala: (Shur-ha-LA) The face of the mountains, any mountain range, and Shurhala, the eastern slopes of the Black Spur Mountains, seen from Kleeiom
Sim: (Sim) Son of Kinth, Jessex's oldest brother
Simishal: (SI-mi-shall) The urchin in Genfynnel
Sirhae: (SUR-hay) Shadowland, land under Shadow; plural Sirhaen
Sirhe: (Sear-hay) Shadow
Sivisal: (SI-vi-sal) son of Veneth, uncle to Jessex
Suuren: (SUR-en) Luck; the name of the ceremonial morning ride of the kyyvi
Suuren Falthe: (SUR-en FAL-theh) The ceremonial morning ride of the kyyvi, taking place after dawn.
Suvrin: (SOO-vrin) Range of mountains; a more formal term than Ae, used always in the context of names
Suvrin Aensevere: (An-e-SE-ve-re) The Encircling Mountains, the range of mountains that encircles Aeryn, generally called Caladur when referring to the northwestern ranges.
Suvrin Caladur: (Ca-la-DUR) The Barrier Mountains, the range of mountains that encircles Aeryn, generally called Caladur when referring to the northeastern ranges
Suvrin Durudron: (Doo-roo-DRON)Black Spur Mountain Range; variant would be Durudronaen
Suvrin Sirhe: (SUR-en Sear-hay) Mountain Shadow, a part of Arthen adjacent to Drii
Svelyra: (S-veh-LI-ra)An autumn blooming flower that grows in Arthen and on the western Fenax
Svorthis: (S-VOR-thiss) A pass leading from the Suvrin Sirhe region of Arthen to Drii
Svyssn: (S-VIS-n) A northern tribe, thought to be descended from Jurel Durassa who broke away from the Jisraegen before the coming of the Anynae
Sybil: (SI-bil) Daughter of Fysyyn, Jessex's mother
Syldivaris: (Sil-di-VAIR-iss) Daughter of Dutroya, picked warrior, sent to Jessex's farm
Sylvis Mnemorel: (Sil-VIS Ne-MOR-el) Lover of Athryn Ardfalla
Sythu: (SI-thoo) Sivisal's horse
Syystren Gate: (SIS-tren) The Upper Gate into Inniscaudra, standing at the summit of Vath Invath
Talhonesh: (Tal-hon-ESH) The Hall of Last Days, a variant name for Thenduril, the Woodland Hall in Inniscaudra
Teliar: (TEL-yar) City in Narvosdilimur
Telkyii Tars: (TEL-kyee TARS) The palace in Genfynnel
Tervan: (TUR-van) The proper name for the inhabitants of the country north of Cordyssa, known more commonly as the Smiths because of their skill in mining and metalwork
Teryaehn Don: (Ter-YAYN Don) The mouth of Kleeiom in the north
Thaan: (Thane) Witch
Thaanarc: (THANE-arc) "The Witch of the Wood," the ceremonial/court title for the principal magician of Arthen. Kentha Nurysem and Drudaen Keerfax exchanged the title under the Law of Changes.
Theduril: (They-DOO-ril) son of Vinisoth, Brun's lover
Thenduril: (Then-DOO-ril) The Woodland Hall, the main ceremonial hall of the Winter House, where the entrance to Yydren and the Deeps is located, along with the red and blue thrones.
Thoem: (Thoam) The High Place over Fornbren, a tower built by Drudaen
Thrath: (Thrath) The spur of rock on which Ellebren Tower stands; also, a mountain in Montajhena
Thruil: (THROO-il) Son of Koth, Kirith Kirin's chief groom
Thuenyn: (Thyew-EN-in) a leaf used to make a poultice for the healing of small wounds. Literally "thue" blood and "nyyn" God makes.
Thule: (Thyule) The crystal fountain in the Base Chamber of Ellebren
Thumin: (THOO-min) Marshal of the Ordinary after the Long War
Thyathe: (Theye-ATH-eh) The lake at the foot of Vath Invaths in Illaeryn, visible from Inniscaudra, near Durassa's Park
Thynilex: (THIN-ih-lex) A part of the Fenax near the Country of the Smiths
Tiiryander: (Teer-YAN-dur) The cord which binds the soul to the body
Tiisvarthen: (Tiss-VAR-then) Golden Arthen, a part of Arthen where tiisloordurae, golden flowering trees, grow; alternate, Tiisvarthyn
Tirioth: (TI-ree-oth) One of the Naming Fields in Arthen
Tornimul: (TOR-Nee-mool) The Gates of the Dead, the entrance to the lands which lead the souls of the dead under the mountains and eventually to Zan. The Dead Gates are in the keeping of the Orloc and only that people can find them.
Trenelarth: (TREH-ne-larth) A forest in Central Kellyxa
Trysvyn: (TRIS-vin) A soldier in Imral's service, a woman from Bruinysk
Turmengaz: (Tour-min-GAZ) The royal palace built by Jurel Durassa in Montajhena, which survived the destruction of the city when Ashkenta died
Twar Ford: (Twar) The village at the place where the Osar descends steeply down from the Hills of Slaughter to the plain of Ajnur and the city of Charnos; barge traffic from upriver must unload at Twar Ford and freight goes overland into the city.
Umbriil: (UM-bril) Lady of Veriten
Umiism: (Ooo-MISS-m) The name from God, the Second Name, the mark of the Jhinuuserret Also, the term for the power and privileges accorded to the Jhinuuserret. Literally, 'the mark of God in a Word.'
Unril: (UN-ril) Lady of Amataxa, a Nivri House
Untherverthen: (Oon-ther-VER-then) The sleep of Jessex under Senecaur and Aerfax; also called the hundred-year sleep