I tried not to, but since Saturday night I hadn’t been able to think about anything except Aaron and that kiss. I kept hoping that he would call me, or send me a text or an email or something, but to no avail. I had taken Christmas cookies that I made on Sunday in to my co-workers and I’d even thought about taking some up to him. I was worried about getting the rumor mill started, I didn’t want to make being friends with me difficult, he seemed to be having a hard enough time with that already. I hoped that’s what we were becoming… friends. It had definitely felt like more than that when he kissed me, but then he’d taken off and I didn’t know if that was because he felt regret, or panic. It hurt either way.

I thought about him saying that he had a big meeting later today with some men that were coming in from China. I probably shouldn’t expect to hear from him after that. I’m no executive, but I can imagine a thing like that would be pretty stressful. I know from the cues Max has been giving me about the marketing for it on our end that it was a huge proposition Aaron was setting forth to them.

“Robyn?” I looked up to see Gary at my desk. He had that look of reverence in his eyes that was always there when he looked at me.

“Hi Gary, what can I do for you?”

“Nothing,” he said. “I just wanted to thank you for the cookies. My Monday was kind of crappy and then I saw them in the break room with your little Christmas note. Actually, I smelled them first. You could use them as potpourri. I’m sure they don’t last long enough for that though. They were delicious. That was really nice of you. Thank you.”

I smiled. Poor Gary was really a nice guy. It was too bad that I wasn’t attracted to him at all. “You’re welcome. That was what I was hoping to do, brighten everyone’s Monday. I love to bake. It’s cathartic for me.” I wasn’t going to tell Gary, but baking all day Sunday was how I’d lifted my own spirits after what happened on Saturday.

“It worked. You’re amazing,” he said. He gave me that look again, the one that said he was infatuated, and the one that made me uncomfortable. I don’t know why I couldn’t just fall for a guy like Gary who was so easy going. It must be because I liked a challenge so much.

“I appreciate you stopping in, Gary. Was there anything else you needed?” I asked, trying to hurry him along. The way he looked at me made me feel guilty some times for not reciprocating.

“No, that was it,” he said. Then he thanked me again and went back to his own office. His visit made me feel good, in spite of the slightly uncomfortable part there at the end. I was glad to know that I’d lifted someone’s spirits. It gave me an idea. I could sneak up to the tenth floor while Aaron was in his meeting and leave a plate of them for him with a note. He’d said the meeting was late afternoon, so when I get off he should still be in the meeting. Maybe it would ease his stress after the meeting. At the very least, it would let him know that I’m thinking about him. I hoped that would be a good thing.

I went to go and grab some cookies out of the break room; I had brought several dozen, but I knew from experience they would all be gone soon. Just as I got to the open office door, the phone rang. I went back and answered it, it was my friend Melissa.

“Hey Robyn! I’m sorry to call you at work, but I wanted to catch you this afternoon. I’m making reservations for our annual dinner on Thursday. I’m getting a head count. Are you bringing a date?”

“N---Actually, yes…I think I am,” I said, suddenly getting another idea.

“Great! I’ll make yours for two. I’m looking forward to seeing you, girl! It’s been what… since Halloween?”

“Yes, I know. I’m sorry. I took this manager position and I work more instead of less. How is that possible?”

Melissa laughed, “I know what you mean. I worked sixty hours last week. We need to stop this or we’ll turn into some stuffed shirt CEO’s someday.” That made me think of Aaron again. I wondered what my friend would think of my… whatever this was I was feeling for him.

“Never!” I told her, jokingly.

“I’ll see you on Thursday and then we’ll make a standing date for once a month after that, work or no. You’ll have to dish to me about your date too.”

“Sounds great, thanks Melissa,” I told her. I hung up with a smile and a warm glow inside. I’d known Melissa since I was in high school. She’d come to my town to live with her aunt and uncle while her parents were in Europe and she’d loved the school and the people so much that she talked her parents into letting her finish school there. She was originally from New York and I’d come to New York with her for school after graduation. We roomed together for the first two years and then I’d gotten my own place. We talked on the phone often, but she was right, it had come down to seeing each other only on holidays. I was ready to rectify that. I needed my friends in my life. Maybe by the time we had our “standing date” I’d have something to “dish” about.

I went to the break room after that and was happy to find that there were enough cookies left for me to take several for Aaron and not wipe them completely out. There were a couple of notes next to mine from my co-workers thanking me too. That made me smile. I filled a little festive plastic plate with the cookies and took them back to my office. Then, I wrote a note:


Here’s hoping that a little sugar and a lot of Christmas cheer can chase your stress away. Happy Monday!


P.S. I have a dinner party to attend on Thursday night with a group of my friends. We do it every year at the Lighthouse Inn and I would love it if you could join me. We’ll be there at eight. I’ll just expect you…whether you respond or not. I won’t take no for an answer.