Page 15 of Biker Faith

  I have had enough. I don’t care if he knows the truth now.

  “I bet Tommy didn’t tell you how he was forcing me to marry him? How he would force himself inside me whenever he wanted no matter how loud I screamed for him to stop? Or how he would beat me unconscious and humiliate me in front of everyone. No one helped, not once. Or when my so called father would hurt me, he would stand and watch. Does that sound like a man I would gladly walk up the aisle to?” I scream.

  My whole body is shaking uncontrollably. I think I’m going to fall apart. Of all the so called punishments I have been dealt, they never made me this angry, but Sparky standing there doing nothing but stare at me like a freak, tips me over the edge. Doesn’t he believe me?

  I rip my top over my head and bare my scars.

  “Do you think I done this to myself?” I scream, pointing to them. “Tommy did this to me. He pushed me through a window all because I was a day late home from college and told him I didn’t want to see him again. He stepped through the broken glass, crouched beside me, making sure the glass cut into me, telling me I didn’t have a choice and that I’d never have a choice again. I ran the night before the joke of a wedding and never went back, so no, this baby is not his. If it was, I would have had it ripped from my womb the day I found out I was pregnant,” I scream, so loud my voice is trembling. My hands are balled up and I don’t care about the fucking tears that won’t stop rolling down my cheeks.

  He is still standing there not saying a word. I have bared my darkest, most shameful secrets to him and he has nothing to say? I am on a roll though and carry on.

  “So now you know. You know I have never lied to you and I thought you wouldn’t lie to me. You said you’d trust me to tell you what you needed to know about me but one word from him and everything you said vanishes,” I sob, exhausted from crying.

  I have nothing left to say to him. I want him to come to me and hold me, tell me he believes me and that everything will be okay. What he actually does is go to take one step towards me then backtracks out of the room altogether.

  It takes everything I have to walk to the bed and collapse on it. I should be crying my eyes out, clutching my stomach for support like they do in the movies, but I am numb. I sit there and say goodbye to a life I would have been happy living. I should have known better. I am not destined to have such a thing.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It has been a long week. Sparky hasn’t been back to the clubhouse and he hasn’t been in contact with me since the night he walked out on me, again.

  I’ve heard him on the phone with Cas a couple of times. He won’t tell Cas where he is or what he is doing, only assuring him he is fine.

  I learned the next day that everyone heard us arguing. Not only did I have Sparky staring at me like a freak, I had the whole club staring at me with pity in their eyes whenever they looked at me. I took three days of it before I went to Cas.

  “Have you heard from him today?” I asked him, as he sat at the bar.

  “Not since yesterday. I’ll tell you when I do,” he said.

  The first time Cas saw me after he heard everything, he changed towards me, I think he now trusts me.

  “I’ve been thinking,” I begin, “I’m going to find somewhere else to stay. He might come back if he knows I’m not here.”

  He shoots me a confused glare.

  “I’m not going to run, I’ll find somewhere in town. He has my number and if he wants to call, I’ll talk to him,” I clarify.

  It has now been four days since Cas set me up in a house in town. He told me not to worry about rent or bills for a while and made sure I had everything I needed.

  To say I am miserable is an understatement. I couldn’t feel worse. The growing stress over the last week, having that night on replay over and over. Remembering him standing there makes me feel sick. Then I have actual morning sickness still. Between the two, I don’t think I will survive this if he doesn’t get in touch soon.

  For the last two days I haven’t been able to get out of bed unless it is to be sick. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than Alannah. She is due round again shortly and I am counting down the seconds till she arrives. Something isn’t right, I can feel it. From what I have read on pregnancies, morning sickness shouldn’t be this bad.

  I sluggishly slip out of bed, trying to get to the bathroom in time to bring up yet more water. My body feels too heavy to hold up and my legs give way. All I see is darkness before I hit the floor.


  I keep her in my head all the time. Her soft, beautiful face, her tiny slender body that fits beside mine perfectly, her soft moans as I pleasure her and the way she smiles at me like I’m her everything. Then I flip it. I keep the image of her first showing up at the clubhouse all beaten and bruised, how scared she was. I picture her perfect body covered in the many thin scars. Her cries as she told me how she was raped again and again, and beaten repeatedly. I should never have let Tommy get to me. She should never have been forced to tell me that. I never want to force her to do anything ever again, that’s if she forgives me again for walking away. I wanted to go to her, I wanted to hold her and tell her I was sorry, that she doesn’t haven’t to worry anymore.

  As usual, my anger won. All I could think about was Tommy and how I would kill him for what he has done to her. I pray like fuck the next time I see her, I will be able to tell her she has absolutely nothing to fear from no one ever again. Because today, after a week of tracking down and watching Tommy fucking Sanders, he is going to die.

  Her father is already burning in hell. Tommy follows him by sunset and her brother has only days left before he joins them. Then she will be truly free from her past.

  This time around, I keep in contact with Cas. He is desperate to know what I’m up to. If he knew what my plans were, he would want brothers with me as well as himself. He heard her that night, everyone in the bar did. Barbie told me on my way out past everyone, that if I didn’t go back to her she would leave this time and she wouldn’t come back. I already had a plan forming and I was too angry to stop and turn around. None of my brothers would dare stop me, each and every one of them would do the same.

  I take my plastic gloves off and pick up my cell. Cas answers on the first ring. He must have it in his hand.

  “Where you at?” he asks.

  “I’m at the old factory on the edge of town,” I finally tell him.

  “For any particular reason?”

  “About to take out some scum. I thought my president would like to know.”

  The line goes so quiet I check I still have signal.

  “I’ll be right there. Hope you know what you’re doin’ brother?”

  “See you soon,” I say and hang up.

  Of course I know what I’m fucking doing. This is the first right thing I’ve done in a very long time.

  Bonnie will never be able to take revenge on him. I’m her man, I can do it for her and it’s what I fucking intend to do. I followed him and after a week I finally have him alone. It didn’t take much to knock him out after he left a rundown bar and throw him in the back of my truck. By the time the cunt woke up, he was tied and already half beaten, stripped to his waist.

  He is going to feel every bit pain he inflicted on my woman.

  I tried restraining myself from lashing out at him till he came around but I couldn’t stop myself.

  I replace my gloves with fresh ones and turn back to Tommy. His cold, hard eyes are on me and watching my every move. I take my time choosing what implement to use first, drawing out the tension a bit more.

  “You’re more of pussy cunt than I thought you were. All this over a bitch,” he mutters, blood spurting from him mouth.

  I keep my calm and walk up to him, getting close to his face.

  “Didn’t ya daddy love ya enough? Have a shit childhood? Get bullied at school? Somethin’ must have happened to you to make you into the pathetic cunt who has to beat and r
ape a woman a quarter of his size to feel control,” I goad him.

  “What? You got nothin’ to say?” I ask as he stays silent, keeping his eyes on me.

  Well, the fucker can watch what I’m about to do next.

  “She told me how you pushed her through a fuckin’ window, pushed the glass in a little deeper.”

  “Enjoy seeing my marks do ya? Every time you fuck her, you’ll know I was there first,” he taunts, “Layin’ there like a fuckin’ statue, takin’ everything I gave her.”

  I dig the shard of broken glass I picked up special for him and slice it across his chest until I’m convinced there are as many wounds as Bonnie had. While Tommy hisses his way through the stinging pain, I cover his back with deeper, longer cuts.

  “There, I think that will do for now,” I say, throwing the glass on the plastic covering I have on the floor. Nothing worse than having to clean blood up and get rid of evidence.

  “She’s not worth it you know,” he mumbles.

  “You’re wrong, you ain’t worth it,” I tell him and punch into his chest, splitting his wounds open even wider.

  I pull up the baseball bat from the side and swing at his ribs.

  “She had broken ribs when she first came to us. You probably caused them, only right you know how she felt,” I shout.

  His screams aggravate me. She probably got hit again if she screamed. I use all my force and swing at his lower back, I hear bones cracking and his legs go slack. I am about to swing again when Cas, Slade, Oak, Pope, Ricky and two prospects arrive. They’re careful to stay off the plastic sheeting and eye Tommy up and down, assessing his slow death.

  “Fuckin’ hell brother,” Cas gasps, “Is this what you’ve been doin’ all this time?”

  “Don’t act fuckin’ surprised. We went guns blazin’ when it was your girl. You all heard how he treated her, he needs to pay,” I yell.

  “Hey, I’m not against you Sparks,” he says, pulling his piece from the back of jeans. He points it and shoots Tommy in each knee.

  “That’s for Alannah. The rest is up to my brother,” he tells Tommy.

  His insistent screaming is wearing thin. In pain or not, there isn’t much more I can do to him.

  “Take your revenge so we can put this fucker behind us,” Oak says, handing me my piece from the stool I left it on.

  Normally the sight of a man, broken and losing blood all over the place would haunt me, but not this time. This time, I’ll make sure I don’t forget it. Through me Bonnie can know Tommy paid the price.

  As it’s my gun, I know it is fully loaded. I pull the trigger and shoot into his fucked up chest numerous times before saving the last bullet for his head.

  Well and truly fucking dead.

  “C’mon brother, it’s time to go. Get out of those clothes, wash up and change back into your cut. The prospects will take over from here,” Cas says, from behind me.

  “I want him burned and returned to Joe. After he’s stopped smokin’ put his cut back on so they know who he is. Can the prospects manage that?” I ask.

  “I’ll sort it out.”

  I take off the gloves and throw them to the floor, as well as my jeans and t-shirt.

  As well as the body, the prospects will deal with the discarding of this evidence. With Tommy though, I want a full member to watch over them. I let Cas know this and he arranges for Pope to stay.

  I don’t have a spec of Tommy’s DNA on me but I still scrub myself clean in the sink at the corner of the room, finally pulling my normal clothes back on.

  Cas has sorted out everything by the time I’m ready to leave. Next hurdle is to go and see Bonnie.

  “Feel better?” Oak asks.

  “I will do when I see Bonnie,” I tell him, patting him on the shoulder.

  Cas rode in the van with the prospects here so he jumps in my truck for the ride home as the others return to their bikes.

  “Where’s your head at now?” he asks, as I pull out from the old factory.

  “With Bonnie.”

  “You really do love her don’t you?” he chuckles.

  “I do. You haven’t seen her scars or heard her cryin’ in her sleep without reason. It tore me apart not knowin’ how to help her but I fuckin’ have now,” I say.

  “How is she?” I ask.

  “Lana says she’s still bein’ sick, really sick.”

  “You haven’t seen her?” I snap.

  “She left a few days ago thinkin’ you would come back if she were gone. Don’t worry, I set her up in town and have had prospects on her.”

  “You let her leave?”

  “Hey, I tried callin’ ya. You’re the one who didn’t fuckin’ pick up my calls. Anyway, she isn’t a prisoner,” he reminds me.

  “Fine, I’ll drop you off and go see her.”

  “No, Lana was goin’ to see her, I’ll catch a ride with her,” he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

  It goes crazy pinging messages left, right and centre.

  “Got signal again I guess,” he mutters.

  “Trouble?” I ask, praying nothing will get in my way to Bonnie.

  “Not exactly. Lana says Bonnie was collapsed on the floor when she arrived, she’s at the hospital with her now.”

  Can’t catch a fucking break. I slam my hand against the steering wheel several times before putting my foot down harder on the gas and make my way to the hospital.



  I hear my name, it sounds like Alannah. I blink open my eyes and find I’m in hospital.

  “About time you woke up,” she smiles affectionately. “You scared the shit out of me,” she adds.

  “What’s wrong with me? Is the baby okay?” I ask, beginning to worry.

  “The baby is fine and you will be too. They said you’re suffering from a really long word that I can’t pronounce. Basically you have severe morning sickness. You are dehydrated, that’s what the drip is for and you get some pills for anti-sickness,” she informs me. “They’re keeping you in tonight but when they release you in the morning you must come back to the clubhouse where I can look after you. You shouldn’t be on your own.”

  No, I shouldn’t be alone. I should be with Sparky but he isn’t here.

  “I can’t stay there. When he comes back I can’t be around him. I love him too much to let him hurt me again.”

  “He loves you too Bonnie,” she urges.

  “Sometimes he acts like he does, but he’s never told me.”

  “They say action is better than words,” she argues in his defence.

  “It would be nice to hear it. I told him the most humiliating part of my life and he walked away Alannah, he said nothing and walked away.”

  I begin to cry and she leans over and hugs me.

  Before she can say anything Cas, and low and behold Sparky, walk in through the door. Alannah must have messaged Cas I was here.

  “It’s about time you showed your fucking face,” Alannah jumps up and shouts at Sparky. “Where the hell have you been that’s more important than being here with your sick, pregnant girlfriend?” she rants.

  “Babe,” Cas warns, going to her side.

  “No. You were desperate to find out and you ran when you didn’t like what you heard…”

  Sparky doesn’t say anything. He stands and takes everything she yells at him.

  “I’m gonna get her out of here before the nurse comes lookin’.”

  “Cas, I’m perfectly fine in taking myself out thanks,” Alannah hisses, shrugging out of his hold on her.

  “Then move,” he glares at her.

  She hugs me one more time and throws a death glare at Sparky before Cas half pushes her out the room, leaving us alone.

  He pulls himself together and takes Alannah’s seat beside my bed. He looks like he hasn’t shaved in a few days and he looks bone tired. I’ve never seen him with dark circles under his eyes before.

  “How you feelin’?” he finally asks.

; “I feel better already. I was dehydrated, and apparently they’re going to give me some anti-sickness pills to help with the morning sickness,” I tell him.

  “That’s good, and the baby is okay?”

  “The baby is fine. It takes after its father. It just likes me to feel like crap,” I say, not caring if I hurt him.

  “I’m sorry Bon,” he chokes, taking hold of my hand. “I want you to know I didn’t run from you. I ran for you,” he says.

  “It doesn’t matter now.”

  “Of course it fuckin’ matters.”

  “It really doesn’t. I’ve had enough time this last week to think.”

  “Sounds like you had too much time,” he mumbles.

  “I told you the only one who could really break me was you and you still left me alone after I told you about Tommy, that broke me above all else in my life. You said nothing and left,” I cry.

  I don’t want to cry but I can’t help it. It hurts too much.

  “God Bonnie, I fucked up but I done it for you,” he pleads.

  “I’m staying in town now, I think it’s best if we don’t see each other apart from baby appointments and of course I won’t ever stop you from seeing him or her when it’s born,” I say, moving this forward.

  I can’t back down now because he has turned up and apologized. If I do that I let him know he can do this to me again and again and I will forgive him. I can’t forgive him this time.

  “You’re sure about this, aren’t ya?” he frowns.

  “I’m not going to live worrying that one of us is going to leave when we hit a problem. All I want is for this little one to have stability, something I never had, something I don’t think us as a couple we can give it. It shouldn’t be this hard to be happy together.”

  He swallows hard and looks like he wants to say something. I keep quiet waiting but he doesn’t say a word.

  He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it softly before releasing it back on the bed.

  When he stands he takes out his wallet and throws a bunch of cash on the bottom of the bed.