Page 4 of Biker Faith

  We both made it outside to see Alannah had caught up with Bonnie, who was trying to leave. One of the guarding prospects was refusing to open the gate and she was trying her hardest not to cry at something Alannah was telling her.

  “I’ll wait here,” I told Cas.

  “Chicken,” he mocked, walking towards them.

  Emotional women were not on my radar. I like them fun, free and wild. Everything this woman wasn’t.

  I made myself comfortable at one of the picnic tables and lit up a cigarette. I watched the scene before me with fascination. Cas wasn’t anyone to fuck with but Alannah was holding her own just fine. She doesn’t see the violence in her man that us brothers do occasionally, so when she’s being stubborn, like now, she doesn’t back down through being intimidated.

  Bonnie looks like she wants to be anywhere apart from here. Alannah is now smiling, with Cas looking like he wants to throw Bonnie through the gate himself. He abruptly turns and storms towards where I’m sitting, his face covered in rage. Cas has never liked being backed into a corner and until now Alannah hasn’t seen this side of Cas. This side only shows up when he is pushed to his limits and she only sees the lust ridden, in love with her side of him.

  “Stick to her like fuckin’ glue. She moves, you move. Don’t let her out of your sight or out of the clubhouse,” he bellows.

  “Why me? Can’t someone else do it?” I ask, not wanting to be lumbered with her.

  “No,” he said without any hesitation, before storming into the bar and slamming the door shut behind him.

  Fucking hell, why do I have to be the one to babysit? And now I have been designated to watch over her, I only need one guess to work out where she’ll be staying.

  As they approached me, I grabbed her fucking bag and opened the door for them both.

  “Follow me, you’ll be with me till you leave,” I told Bonnie.

  Her eyes widened when she registered what I said, looking to Alannah for help.

  “Oh no, she’s in enough trouble with Cas. You’re staying in my room.”


  The brothers’ faces as she re-entered the bar was what Cas and I both expected… disgust and a lack of trust oozed from every man watching her.

  Chapter Four


  Sparky left me in the bar surrounded by Lost Souls members who ain’t too friendly with me. I was more than happy to stay in his room while he went to speak with Cas, but he said no. This is why I tried leaving when Alannah left me alone in the kitchen. I wanted to avoid this tension and uneasiness. I used to think being spoken to like dirt on the floor, in front of a room full of people, was the most humiliating thing to have happened to me, but sitting here at the bar is by far the worst day of my life. Not one man here, or one whore ‘hang around’, wore a friendly expression on their faces. They did for each other but it didn’t extend to me. My hands had gone past the point of shaking, being now only clammy with sweat. Where the hell is Alannah? She said she would be five minutes and that was fifteen minutes ago. It’s felt like a lifetime.

  Even the prospects wouldn’t acknowledge me. When I ran from my brother, I swore to myself I would never feel this self-conscious around anyone anymore. But here I am with a headache from hell, my body aching as if I’d just run a marathon in five inch heels, and trying to hide it from everyone only makes it feel worse. I feel like crying. I’m sitting here looking like the walking dead and not one person around me could give a shit. Deep down this hurts but in reality I know these bikers have seen worse, plus it doesn’t help that they think I’m the enemy.

  My body is itching to run for the door, not worrying about a car, just my feet hitting the pavement and running as fast as I can. But I don’t run. Sparky has my bag with all my cash inside it and the guarding prospect will never open the gate for me. I have to remember I’m not a prisoner here. They don’t like me but it’s Alannah wanting me to stay and rest but it’s not like being at home.

  Finally I see Alannah coming my way. A pang of something evil hits my stomach because I’m grateful she is coming back and I hate that I feel like that. I shouldn’t have to feel grateful because someone wants to be my friend.

  “You okay?” she asks.

  I’m anything but okay, but I smile and nod my head.

  “I checked with Cas and as the other rooms are taken, you will be staying in Sparky’s. Don’t worry though, he can sleep on his couch,” she assures me.

  If truth be told, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in his soft, comfortable bed again. Cas has agreed I can stay until I feel stronger, although he made it clear I won’t be left on my own. I really think he only agreed to stop Alannah from coming with me. I didn’t want to cause any trouble between them but I can always rely on her to be my friend and that’s what I need at the moment.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you back to his room, you should still be resting.”

  “I know me being here is a bad move, but thank you,” I say, softly meaning every word.

  “No worries hun.”

  We walk the rest of the way in silence and I’m careful not to make eye contact with anyone for fear of flinching and breaking down in front of them. I won’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me weak and pathetic no more.

  Once we’re up the stairs the tension from the bar slightly evaporates. Alannah knocks on Sparky’s door and turns to me. She gently pulls me in her arms and whispers: “Don’t worry yourself about that lot down there Bon, just get better and we’ll go from there.”

  I pulled back and placed a kiss on her soft cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  Just before I was about to burst with love for my friend, Sparky opened his door.

  “I promise you’re safe here. Get some rest and I’ll come see you soon.”


  After throwing Sparky a warning glance she heads back to the stairs, leaving me on my own with a half-naked Sparky.

  I could not believe what I was seeing. His chest, his arms, his shoulders were all covered in the most amazing ink I have ever seen. I had already seen his neck and half his head covered in tattoos but I didn’t know they extended down to his mighty fine body. He didn’t give me any time to stare and see what the images were.

  “You gonna stand out there all day?” he snapped.

  I flinched so hard it tipped me across his threshold and had me closing the door behind me.

  It becomes clear he must have been changing before I came back as he sets about his drawers pulling out clean clothes and throws them on the bed.

  Spying my bag on his couch, I cross the room and sit beside it. My movement catches him off guard and he spins round to see what I’m doing. When he sees me sitting quietly on the couch he still doesn’t move. He just stood there, staring.

  After so long, I can’t stand it no more, I drag my eyes away from him and start fiddling with the strap on my bag.

  The room feels as small as a matchbox under his heavy stare, and I’m about to excuse myself to the bathroom when he sits on the end of his bed and finally speaks.

  “I don’t trust you. If you are here for any other reason than to warn us like you say you are, then I fuckin’ promise you won’t like the consequences.”

  The way he speaks is low but assertive, meaning his promise. I swallow hard and nod, afraid if I speak I’ll squeak and sound weak, and I’m sick of being that.

  “I’ll be with you till you leave or I can trust you, but I think you’ll be long gone before that fuckin’ happens. So tonight, you’re goin’ to a party coz’ I sure ain’t missin’ out,” he said.

  No! I am not going to a party with him! I haven’t seen how the Lost Souls like to party but I know how the Ghost Riders do and it isn’t pretty. Most of the time I steered clear of the parties but when Tommy began taking an interest in me, he would drag me off to them to show everyone I was his. All tonight would be about would be me; everyone’s curious stares, talking about me and not to me, with the exception of Alanna

  “Maybe it’s best if I stay up here,” I offer.

  “It would be best, but like I fuckin’ told ya, I ain’t missin’ out,” he repeated.

  “I can’t go back down there,” I tell him, hoping he hears the raw need to be up here…and not down there.

  He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to, the look of irritation screams silently at me.

  “Please, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t have the energy,” I plead.

  I see him begin to relent and think something over.

  “Okay, I’ll see if Barbie will sit with ya…I dug out some sweats for you to wear, you can’t keep wondering around in just a hoodie. They definitely won’t fit you but you can tie the cord tight.”

  Barbie? That must be his nickname for Alannah.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, no problem,” he mutters.

  Thankfully Alannah didn’t mind missing out on the party and turned up around nine. Since I refused to go, Sparky and I haven’t spoken a word to each other. After he finally relented about me going to the party, I had a shower, dressed in his sweats and returned to his tiny couch. I stayed there pretending to be asleep, which eventually I did only to be woken up to Alannah knocking. Sparky couldn’t get out the door fast enough.

  Alannah joined me on his couch accompanied with a tray of soup and bread. I’m not a huge fan of soup but tonight my growling stomach isn’t going to complain about it.

  “Bon?” she says drawing my attention away from the bowl of soup. I look up to see her looking at my bruises.

  “You know you can talk to me right?” she asks, “Please tell me what happened to you, because I have a pretty good idea after having the pleasure of meeting your club.”

  “They’re not my club! I don’t want anything to do with them!” I say sternly.

  “Okay, but they hurt you didn’t they?”

  With who I am out in the open now, and Alannah witnessing first-hand what they are capable of, maybe I can finally talk to someone who will understand.

  “Yeah they did. I don’t know if you came across Tommy when you were at the warehouse? Well, he took a liking to me a few years ago. At first I thought he could save me from my father. He was so nice to me in the beginning but it turns out, he is just as evil as Hunter. He would take whatever he wanted from me… sex, the small amount of money I managed to save, anything he wanted. Once I pushed him away when he tried to get in my bed, and he hit me. He hit me so hard the vision in my left eye blurred for a few hours. That scared me the most. After that, if I did or said anything that annoyed him, he would lash out.”

  As degrading as I felt letting her into the dark side of my life, I did feel many years’ worth of secrets lift from my shoulders. I carried on before I pushed the walls back up.

  “Growing up, I was nothing but a nuisance to my father and he didn’t let me forget it either. Funny thing was, it wasn’t until I was enrolled into school when I was ten years old that I realised it wasn’t normal for a child to live in such violence. After a while, it all became routine. When my brother Joe was around my father, he would use me to gain parental approval but when we were alone he would help patch me up. He was sweet and kind and I saw the real him but he showed his darker side around Hunter. His double personality scared me the most.”

  “Bonnie, why didn’t you tell me? I would have helped you,” Alannah cried.

  “When I found out who you were, I knew what would’ve happened if you had discovered who I was. If I lost you as a friend, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Don’t cry for me please, I’m free now, apart from being here. That’s why I took the cash. Once I’m strong enough I’ll be long gone, somewhere they will never find me,” I urged, deciding that would be all that I will tell her for now.

  Just because I feel a bit better for talking to her didn’t mean I had to divulge every detail. Some things aren’t worth the pity that would have been embedded in her eyes every time she looked my way.

  “I need you to know I am so sorry for what those fuckers did to you. If I could’ve, I would’ve helped you get free,” I said, apologetically.

  I quickly scrubbed my face dry from tears and clasped my shaking hands together.

  “Hey, that was not your fault Bon, I hold nothing against you. God, you’ve suffered worse from them.”

  It suddenly occurred to me she might tell Cas what I’ve told her. He can probably guess anyway but it’s different having it confirmed.

  “Please keep this between us. I don’t want anyone knowing this. They already don’t trust me and they’d probably think I was inventing a story to stay here,” I laughed weakly.

  “I won’t tell anyone, not even Cas, I promise,” she said, squeezing my hand. “But the guys here aren’t animals. They don’t trust you because of who your father was and because of what happened to me but they will never hurt you Bonnie, I swear to you they won’t,” she pleaded.

  “I believe you,” I say automatically.

  I don’t know if I truly believe that, but she’s adamant they won’t so I tell her what she wants to hear.

  “Let’s forget about everything I just told you. Why don’t you get to explaining how tall, dark and hotness got you by his side after what happened last year?”

  This is what I’ve missed, girl time. These moments at college made it possible to forget about the hell that awaited for me at home for a short while.

  “It’s a good job you’re here for a few days to heal because that could take a while,” she laughs, and begins the tale from when she returned from college.

  From now on, I have all the time in the world to do as I please, I thought.


  I couldn’t escape the room quickly enough when Barbie showed up. Bonnie was making me think too much, then doubt certain thoughts I’d had about her.

  Every time I look at her and see her injuries, I am taken back to the warehouse her fucker of a father had Barbie beaten up in and I want to punish her for it. When I first looked in her eyes, all I saw was her father looking back at me. Now I see the fight leaving her, especially when she was curled up on my couch lightly sleeping earlier. My dick also notices the way her stomach dips above her hip as she lays on her side!

  Cas isn’t happy about Alannah being with Bonnie, but like earlier today, he had no say over her when it comes to her friend.

  I believe she won’t try to leave the room. She can barely keep herself up half the time, plus Barbie isn’t going to let her anywhere until she feels her friend is healed.

  Filling my shot glass of tequila, I wonder what she looks like underneath my hoodie and sweats. Her olive skin and long black hair that she hides her face behind like some sort of safety mechanism are to my tastes…hence why I took a liking to her before I knew who she was.

  I’m happy to be free from her, yet I can’t get her out of my fuckin’ head. Shoving my glass at the prospect behind the bar, I head outside swigging straight from the bottle.

  I search the crowds gathered outside for Jilly, one of the girls who hang around the club. She is the only woman here who doesn’t lather her hair with that peroxide shit. Her dark brown hair is a lot more enticing than the harsh, trashy blonde colour most women think looks hot. She has always been my reserve, and tonight I need a distraction and to release myself. As I can’t do that back in my room, when I see her by one of the fire pits, I grab her and take her behind the garages.

  She’s always game for a laugh, a good time and that’s what I like about her. She knows the score, is aware I’ll never make her my old lady and doesn’t bitch about it.

  Shimmying her panties down to her ankles as I unbuckle my belt, she hands me a condom. She inches the material barely classed as a skirt around her waist and pulls me closer.

  “Didn’t think I would see you tonight,” she rasps, clawing at my chest.

  “Well now you see me. Turn around,” I tell her as I pull the condom down over my dick.

  She did a
s I ordered and arched her ass towards my groin. Perfect alignment for me to slide straight into her pussy. She was already wet for me so I thrust into her hard, how we both like it sending shivers down my back. Grabbing hold of her hips, I pull her back just as hard as I pound into her and knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. Reaching round, I found her clit and began getting her off so she would finish before me. Thank fuck she isn’t a moaner and groaner, I know how much I can affect a woman by the wetness between her legs. I hate it when they feel the need to scream the place down with exaggerated groans. Jilly knows this and her gasps and soft moans are what turn me on even more. I bet Bonnie is a gasper, I could picture her back arching off the bed as I guide my dick into her for the first time…she would gasp! Before it registered through the tequila that I shouldn’t be thinking of her like that, especially in my current situation, I had shot my load imagining her underneath me, not because Jilly’s ass was bouncing off my cock.

  Sort your fucking head out man! You can’t be thinking of her like that anymore!

  I had completely forgotten about getting Jilly off in my fucked up fantasy, but according to her mischievous smile she was throwing at me, she had finished with me.

  I withdrew from her and discarded of the condom, even in my most intoxicated state, I always check to make sure the condom never splits. Don’t want any bitch conning me about having my kid, and believe me, there have been a few who have tried it with various brothers.

  The feeling of freedom didn’t hold the same appeal anymore. I walked away leaving Jilly following behind, clip clopping in her heels to catch me up.

  “It’s my birthday next week, you gonna be around?” she asked.

  I glanced at her as I took another swig from the tequila bottle that never left my hand and frowned. She knew she was my most regular fuck here but making plans for her birthday sounded too much like a commitment she knew I wouldn’t give her.

  “Not sure yet,” I lied.

  “Well, if you are, I’ll let you give me your cock as my present,” she winked, walking off.