Page 43 of The Hollow Queen

  Dowager Empress: Leitha, Empress of the Dark Earth; killed and usurped by Talquist

  Dranth: guild scion of the Raven’s Guild, an organization of assassins in Yarim

  Esten: guildmistress of the Raven’s Guild, deceased

  Faron: the titan of Sorbold; a Faorina spirit, the denatured, bastard child of a F’dor demon and a Seren woman; now in a Living Stone body with the appearance of a titanic statue of a soldier, sharing it with Hrarfa

  Fhremus Alo’hari: supreme commander of Sorbold’s land force; uncle of Kymel

  Hjorst: the Diviner of the Hintervold, a sophisticated and educated man in a primitive role; the religious and political leader of the Icemen in the north, who divines the future chiefly through animal sacrifice and other animist practices

  Hrarfa: the F’dor spirit in the Living Stone body of Faron; of the Older Pantheon; one of the few remaining of the Unspoken, a demon that escaped the Vault

  Kymel: a young soldier; Fhremus’s sister’s son; an idealist, fifth-generation soldier

  Michael, the Wind of Death: soldier from the Lost Island, known occasionally as the Waste of Breath, a voluntary host to a F’dor demon; the seneschal; the Baron of Argaut, deceased

  Stephanus: a second lieutenant and subcommander under Titactyk, army of Sorbold

  Talquist Rev-Penthor: the Merchant Emperor of Sorbold, in possession of one of the oldest of scales from Sharra’s Stolen Deck, who rigged the Scales to usurp the throne

  Titactyk: a regimental commander in the army of Sorbold

  Yabrith: second-rate member of the Raven’s Guild of assassins


  Earthchild, the: a conjured being made of Living Stone and brought into life by a willing sacrifice of part of a dragon’s soul, in eternal slumber in the Bolglands. The rib from such a child could be used as a key to open the Vault of the Underworld.

  Evrit: slave in a Sorbold ore mine, shipwrecked with his fellow religious pilgrims and family only to fall into Talquist’s hands

  Grandmother, the: ancient Dhracian guardian of the Earthchild/Sleeping Child; deceased

  Halphasion, Father: Achmed’s mentor from Serendair, named him the Brother

  Jacinth Specter: sailor on the Flying Sails; witness to the attack on Avonderre Harbor

  Jarzben: the elder of Evrit’s sons, enslaved in the same ore mine as he is

  Lady Rowan, the: the Keeper of Dreams, the Guardian of Sleep; Yl Breudiwyr; a manifestation of Time in the world beyond Death but before the Afterlife

  Lord Rowan, the: the Hand of Mortality; the Peaceful Death; Yl Angaulor; a manifestation of Time in the world beyond Death but before the Afterlife

  Miraz of Winter: a lesser Diviner in the Hintervold

  Portia: a chambermaid, also a First Generation Cymrian possessed by a demon in the employ of Tristan Steward, who brings her to the household of Rhapsody and Ashe

  Selac: the younger of Evrit’s sons, enslaved with his family, location unknown

  Sharra: the ancient Seren Seer who read fortunes on the Island of Serendair from a deck of dragon scales (see Given Deck and Stolen Deck); believed to be deceased

  Syrus Turley: captain of the Flying Sails; witness to the attack on Avonderre Harbor

  Talthea: also known as the Gracious One or the Widow; the daughter-in-law of MacQuieth Monodiere Nagall; a First Generation Cymrian; deceased

  Weaver, the: the manifestation of Time in history, found behind the Veil of Hoen on the doorstep of the Afterlife. She sits behind an enormous loom, weaving the tapestry of history. It is said that no one can remember what her face looks like after it is seen.


  Baldasarre, Dunstin: younger brother of Quentin Baldasarre; duke of Bethe Corbair

  Baldasarre, Quentin: duke of Bethe Corbair

  Canderre, Cedric: duke of Canderre; the Baldasarres’ uncle; Madeleine’s father

  Karsric, Ihrman: duke of Yarim

  Ivenstrand, Martin: duke of Avonderre

  Navarne, Gwydion: seventeen-year-old duke of Navarne

  Navarne, Stephen: late duke of Navarne; Gwydion and Melisande’s father; Ashe’s best friend

  Steward, Lady Madeleine Canderre: Cedric’s daughter; the Lord Roland’s wife; known among the nobility and the populace as the Beast of Canderre

  Steward, Tristan: Lord Roland and Prince of Bethany


  Archon: a Firbolg child chosen from one of the clans by Achmed and Rhapsody, selected for special skill and intelligence and trained to be a leader in the society

  Dreekak: the Archon known as the Master of Tunnels

  Greel: the Archon known as the Face of the Mountain/Mining

  Harran: the Loremistress

  Krinsel: the Archon of the Midwives

  Kubila: the Archon of trade and diplomacy

  Ralbux: the Archon in charge of Education

  Trug: the Archon of communications known as the Voice

  Yen: the broadsmith; the Archon in charge of weaponry


  Ficken: the greedy Glutton, preying on unsuspecting small folk, both of stature and spirit

  Fraax: F’dor, loose in the upworld, unknown of character

  Hnaf: the Outcast of Outcasts, mistrusted by his own kind, possessed of cheap malice

  Hrarfa: the Liar of Liars, more scent than fire, beckoning with false promises

  Sistha: F’dor, loose in the upworld, unknown of character

  Ysk: the name the Firbolg gave Achmed upon birth, meaning spittle or vomit


  Dyancynos, Elynsynos, Marisynos (deceased), Talasynos, Valecynos: the Five Daughters, the firstborn children of the Progenitor Wyrm. Each guarded one of the five World Trees, the gigantic trees that grew in each of the places where Time began, as measured by the first appearance of one of the five elements on the Earth. Dyancynos (Frothta, Water); Elynsynos (Great White Tree, Earth); Marisynos (Sagia, Ether); Talasynos (Eucos, Air); Valecynos (Ashra, Fire). Their lost sibling, the sixth egg of the original clutch, is the Sleeping Child, the dragon within the earth comprising one-sixth of its mass. The F’dor seek to awaken the Sleeping Child so that it can consume the Earth.

  Chao: a sparkling, evanescent creature from the bright lands of the rising sun

  Mikanic: from the Great Overward, his hide like the sand of the desert in which he lives

  Mylinmacr: a dragon lore-singer and historian; Witheragh’s grandmother; deceased

  Salinus: lives in great salt beds, his white hide streaked with yellow and gray

  Sidus: a coal dragon from the lands of darkness beyond the sea

  Sinjaf: the vaporous steward of poisonous swamps and everglades

  Witheragh: the dragon who guards the Molten River of Fire in the Nain kingdom


  Abbat Mythlinis: the basilica of Water in Avonderre (name actually means Father of the Ocean-born, but is believed to mean Master of the Sea)

  Lianta’ar: the basilica of the Ether, the Patriarch’s basilica in Sepulvarta (name actually means Bearer of Light, but is believed to mean Light of the World)

  Ryles Cedelian: the basilica of Air dedicated to the wind in Bethe Corbair (name actually means Breath of Life, but is believed to mean Spirit of the Air)

  Terreanfor: the basilica of Earth/Living Stone at Night Mountain in Sorbold (name actually means King of the Earth, and is correctly translated from Old Cymrian)

  Vrackna: the ringed temple of elemental Fire in Bethany (name is actually the name of a demon from the old world, but is believed to mean Fire of the Universe)


  Primordial lore, words of deep magic from the Dawn of Time, reveal the power of vibrational color and the properties that each wavelength of light possesses. Each note except the last in the scale has both a sharp and a flat property, usually the opposite of one another. The Lightcatcher was an enormous instru
mentality built into the dome of Gurgus Peak, the tallest of the inner peaks of the Teeth, and through the use of colored light, the pitch associated with it, and a true name, the properties of the colors could be accessed. The specific properties and names of the parts of the light spectrum are:

  Red: Lisele-ut; sharp: Blood Saver (healing); flat: Blood Letter (killing)

  Orange: Frith-re; sharp: Fire Starter (ignition); flat: Fire Quencher (snuffing)

  Yellow: Merte-mi; sharp: Light Bringer (illumination); flat: Light Queller (darkening)

  Green: Kurh-fa; sharp: Glade Scryer (viewing within vegetation or terrain), flat: Grass Hider (hiding within vegetation or terrain)

  Blue: Brige-sol; sharp: Cloud Chaser (making things clear); flat: Cloud Caller (obscurement)

  Indigo: Luasa-ela; sharp: Night Stayer (holds off darkness); flat: Night Summoner (brings on darkness)

  Violet: Grei-ti; the New Beginning (overturns reality in favor of a new version)


  Nine dragon scales harvested from the sixth of the original clutch of dragon eggs, the infant wyrm taken by the F’dor and secreted in the cold depths of the Earth, eternally asleep, awaiting awakening. Each scale is one of the seven colors of light, with their powers noted earlier, plus black and white.

  The white scale, one of the two most powerful and awful of the Stolen Deck, was said to have no image inscribed upon it at all. It symbolized Life or Creation, and was thought by many to be a picture of the very face of God. Its counterpart, the black scale, had inscribed upon it a picture of a key, a terrible harbinger of its power to open the Vault itself. It symbolized Void or destruction.

  —Rath’s explanation, The Assassin King


  A larger collection of scales sacrificed by younger dragons later in history when the Vault was ruptured by a star known as Melita, later also called the Sleeping Child, which fell to Earth and impacted it. Weaker because they are younger, each of the scales is color-specific and has a lesser power associated with it.


  Abbey of Nikkid’sar, the: a respite for lost or orphaned children and their caretakers

  Argaut (continent of Northland): a seafaring city of dark intent and commerce

  Avonderre Harbor: the largest harbor on the Middle Continent; on the central west coast

  Axis Mundi: the centerline of power through the Earth, bisecting it

  Bolglands, the: the former citadel called Canrif, carved into the mountains called the Teeth

  Cauldron, the: part of the Bolglands that was Gwylliam’s seat of power, now Achmed’s

  Cave of the Lost Sea: the lagoon of salt tears in the lair of the dragon Elynsynos

  Circle, the: center of the Filidic religion, where the Great White Tree stands

  Citadel of the Star (the City of Reason): Sepulvarta, the holy city of the Patrician faith

  Cymrian museum, the: Lord Stephen Navarne’s historical collection of Cymrian artifacts

  Deep Kingdom, the (Undervale): the kingdom of the Nain

  Dovecote, the: the name by which Anborn calls Elysian, warning Rhapsody away from it

  Easton: eastern port city in Serendair where Rhapsody lived when she met Achmed and Grunthor

  Elysian: the underground grotto with a cottage in the center of a lake in the Bolglands

  Gaematria, the Isle of the Sea Mages: where magic and the sea are studied as sciences

  Golgarn: the southeastern port kingdom whose king surrendered his ships to Talquist

  Grivven: the tallest peak of the Outer Teeth; a command center and observation post

  Gurgus: in the Bolglands; the highest mountain past the steppes and before the canyon that separates the Cauldron from the Deeper Realms in which the Lightcatcher is housed

  Gwynwood: northern part of the Great Forest of the western continent

  Haguefort: keep belonging to the family of Stephen Navarne

  Highmeadow: the new fortress home Ashe built for Rhapsody in the forests of Navarne near Bethany, which becomes the central command center of the war

  Hintervold: northern part of the continent beyond the Tar’afel River, mostly tundra

  Island of Serendair, the: the homeland of the Cymrian people before the exodus

  Jierna Tal: the palace of the emperor of Sorbold

  Kraldurge (the Realm of Ghosts): canyon in Bolglands believed to be haunted

  Krevensfield Plain, the: wide-open land running almost the width of the Middle Continent

  Kurimah Milani: a mythic city of healing from before the Cymrian era, lost to Time

  Loritorium, the: a cavern deep within the Bolglands where the Sleeping Child rests

  Madame Parri’s Pleasure Palace: Grunthor’s favorite whorehouse in the old world

  Manosse: major coastal realm on the eastern part of the continent across the Wide Central Sea where the Second Fleet landed; part of the Cymrian Alliance

  Manteids, the: the Cymrian name for the Teeth, also the name of the three Seers

  Marincaer: a neighboring nation to Manosse

  Merryfield: Rhapsody’s birthplace, a farming village on the Island of Serendair

  Middle Continent, the: common name for the part of the continent north of Sorbold and south of the Hintervold; Roland and the Lirin lands of Tyrian, as well as the Bolglands

  Mirror Lake: a reflective body of water in the lands of Elynsynos the dragon

  Molten River, the: the river of fire and melted rock that separates the lands of the dragon Witheragh from the kingdom of the Nain

  Nonaligned States, the: a collection of small nations to the southwest of Sorbold

  Quieth Keep: the royal college of Serendair

  Roland: the provinces that comprise most of the mass of the Middle Continent

  Sepulvarta, the City of Reason: the holy city-state of the Patrician religion north of Sorbold and south of Roland

  Serendair (the Lost Island of Serendair): the homeland of the Cymrian people, destroyed in volcanic fire subsequent to the exodus when the star known as the Sleeping Child rose

  Skeleton Coast, the (of Sorbold): the desolate and foggy western coast of Sorbold where the Third Cymrian Fleet landed, now a graveyard of the bones of their ships

  Sorbold: the vast united empire of city-states in southern desert and mountains beyond the Middle Continent

  Spire, the: the immensely tall tower in Sepulvarta crowned with a silver star in which an actual piece of ether from the star Seren has been housed

  Tar’afel River: northern river that forms the boundary of the Middle Continent and the lands of the dragon Elynsynos

  Teeth, the: the Bolg name for the mountains in which they live, also called the Manteids

  Tomingorllo: the palace of the Lirin kingdom

  Traeg: windy northernmost port on the western coast of the Middle Continent

  trans-Orlandan thoroughfare, the: roadway built in the first Cymrian era bisecting the Middle Continent; considered the jewel of roadways

  Tyrian: also called Realmalir; the Lirin forest realm

  Undervale: the kingdom of the Nain, also known as the Deep Kingdom

  Vault of the Underworld, the: vault of Living Stone where the F’dor are imprisoned

  Veil of Hoen, the: the mystical realm between life and death; home of the Rowans

  Verne Hys: a port on the western coast of the Hintervold

  Vornessta, Sorbold: area housing one of Sorbold’s biggest iron ore mines

  Wide Central Sea, the: the ocean that separates Manosse from the Middle Continent

  Windswere: a southern coastal city southwest of Sorbold

  Wyrmlands, the: the original name of the continent

  Ylorc (was Canrif): the Bolglands


  ELIZABETH HAYDON is an accomplished herbalist, harpist, and madrigal singer. She also enjoys anthropology and folklore. She lives on the East Coast, where she is working on the ne
xt books in her epic Symphony of Ages series for adults and her Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme middle-grade series for young readers. You can sign up for email updates here.

  The Symphony of Ages Books by Elizabeth Haydon

  Rhapsody: Child of Blood

  Prophecy: Child of Earth

  Destiny: Child of the Sky

  Requiem for the Sun

  Elegy for a Lost Star

  The Assassin King

  The Merchant Emperor

  The Hollow Queen

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  The Battles of the Citadels

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Return from Across the Sea

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46