Page 46 of Color

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  Travels Through a European Paintbox

  Travels Through an Australian Paintbox

  Travels Through an Afghan Paintbox

  Travels Through a Mexican Paintbox


  Bottles of powdered pigments. Reproduced courtesy of Winsor & Newton, Harrow. © Winsor & Newton.

  Artists at Papunya, Australia. Reproduced courtesy of Geoffrey Bardon. © Geoffrey Bardon.

  A natural paintbox at Jumped Up Creek, Australia. © Victoria Finlay.

  A pattern book from 1763 © Victoria and Albert Picture Library. A sampler from the 1860s © Victoria and Albert Picture Library. A Girl with a Baby, Joshua Reynolds. Reproduced courtesy of the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London. © Dulwich Picture Gallery.

  Dunhuang Caves, cave painting, China. Reproduced courtesy of CIRCA Photo Library / © Tjalling Halbertsma.

  Manuscript of Pliny’s Natural History (1465). © Victoria and Albert Picture Library.

  Cochineal bugs on a cactus leaf. © Victoria Finlay.

  The Entombment, Michelangelo (1501). © National Gallery, London.

  Saffron poster from Consuegra. © Victoria Finlay.

  Red trays. Reproduced courtesy of Winsor & Newton, Harrow. © Winsor & Newton.

  Antonio Stradivari. “Parke” violin (1711). Reproduced courtesy of J & A Beare, London. © J & A Beare.

  Krishna playing flute to cows, Indian temple (North India). Reproduced courtesy of CIRCA Photo Library / © Martin Palmer.

  Sprig of indigo. © Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

  Santiago de la Cruz in Mexico. © Nell Nelson.

  Yellow cuerda seca tile (1600s). © Victoria and Albert Picture Library.

  Miner from Sar-e-sang in Afghanistan. © Robert Nickelsberg.

  Lapis Lazuli for ultramarine paint. Reproduced courtesy of Winsor & Newton, Harrow. ˙© Winsor & Newton.

  Window depicting Notre Dame de la Belle Verriere in south choir, thirteenth century (stained glass), Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France. © Bridgeman Art Library.

  Indian Yellow nuggets. Reproduced courtesy of Winsor & Newton, Harrow.© Winsor & Newton.


  Permission to use copyright material is gratefully acknowledged to the following. While every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders the author apologizes to any holders not acknowledged.

  The quotations from The Dalai Lama’s Secret Temple: Tantric wall paintings from Tibet, by Ian Baker, 2000 is © Thames & Hudson; the quotations from The Ambonese Curiosity Cabinet by Georgius Everhardus Rumphius, translated by E.M. Beekman, 1999 are by kind permission of Yale University Press; the quotation from Chauvet Cave, the Discovery of the World’s Oldest Paintings by Jean-Marie Chauvet, Eliette Brunel Deschamps and Christian Hillaire, 1996 is © Thames & Hudson; the quotati
on from Looking at Pictures by Kenneth Clark, 1961 is by kind permission of John Murray; the quotation from What Painting Is by James Elkins, 1999 by kind permission of Routledge; the quotation by Harvey Fierstein is by kind permission of Harvey Fierstein; the quotations from Colour and Culture by John Gage, 1993 are © Thames & Hudson; all quotations from Painting Materials: a short encyclopaedia, 1966 by Rutherford Gettens and George Stout are by kind permission of Dover Books, New York; all quotations from The Art Forger’s Handbook, by Eric Hebborn, 1997 are © Cassell; the quotation from The Essential Saffron Companion, by John Humphries, 1996 is by kind permission of Grub Street, London; the quotation from Leonardo on Painting edited by Martin Kemp, 1985, is © Yale University Press; the quotations from The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques by Ralph Mayer, 1991 are by kind permission of Faber & Faber and Viking Press New York; the quotations by Desmond Morris from The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art by Paul Bahn, 1988 is by kind permission of Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; the quotation from Taliban: Islam, Oil and the New Great Game by Ahmed Rashid, published by I. B. Tauris & Co. is by kind permission of I. B. Tauris & Co.; all quotations from The Craftsman’s Handbook by Cennino Cennini and translated by Daniel Thompson, 1933 (1960) are by kind permission of Dover Books, New York; the quotation by J. M. Thompson is by kind permission of Basil Blackwell, Oxford; all quotations from The Long Old Road in China by Langdon Warner, 1926 are © William Heinemann.

  2004 Random House Trade Paperback Edition

  Copyright © 2002 by Victoria Finlay

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Trade Paperbacks, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

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  eISBN: 978-0-307-43083-0




  Victoria Finlay, Color



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