“Oh, honey, I’ve handled much bigger guns than that.”

  He laughed. “Now, I’m sure that’s a story I’d love to hear.”

  They made their way to Josie’s car and put Renata in the back seat. Jon shook his head at her as she eyed him suggestively.

  “Get in,” Josie said to him, her tone flat and eyes forward as she closed her door.

  Jon didn’t move, and she rolled down her window with a hard stare.

  “Just take her in, Jo.”

  “I’m mad as fuck at you, but you almost got shot. Don’t be an asshole. Just get in, and keep your mouth shut, or you can meet me at Jerry’s after I drop Renata off at the station.”

  “It’s fine. Just take her in. If you want to split it, just let the girls over there know. They know how to find me.”

  She put the keys in the ignition. “You are such a pain in the ass. I’m trying to be nice here since you could have just died, not that I owe your nosy, sneaky, stalker ass anything.”

  “That’s a little dramatic, but you’re right in that you don’t owe me anything.” Jon leaned into her open window, and she moved back to keep space between them, caught off guard by his proximity. He was close enough to smell his soap. “I know you’re mad as hell, and I don’t blame you. I’m just trying to give you a little space, that’s all. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I went to your apartment without your permission. You know I just want to help.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t need your fucking help, Jon. I don’t want it.”

  “I know you don’t want it, but I’m worried about you. This is bigger than flashers and hookers.” He glanced back at Renata. “No offense.”

  “None taken,” Renata answered.

  “I’m not helpless, Jon.”

  “I know you’re not, but if you’re right, this guy is dangerous, and not in the petty crime way. He’s dangerous in the way that could get you killed. I saw that wall, Jo, and as impressed as I am, it scares me to think that you’re mixed up in this without anyone to help you. I’m just looking out for you, and you know if the tables were turned, you’d do the same for me.”

  “What makes you think that I would do anything for you after … well, after everything?”

  He shrugged, but his eyes were crystal blue, full of truth. His words were soft, and she felt herself lean closer as he spoke. “Because I know you. You can tell me all day long that you hate me, but you care. I know you do, and I’m gonna prove to you that I’m worth it. If you ever find a way to trust me with your heart again, I promise you, I will take care of it. I swear I will, and I don’t care how long it takes to convince you.”

  Josie stared at him for a long moment, her emotions a cyclone in her head, leaving her spinning. She snapped to and looked away, fumbling to turn the keys and start the car.

  “I don’t care, Jon. I really don’t. Don’t waste your time or mine, because this game is bullshit, and I’m over it.”

  “Okay, Josie,” he said with a sad smile, and looked into the back seat. “Be good, Renata.” His eyes locked back on Josie’s for a second. “I’ll see you around.”

  She narrowed her eyes in answer, and Renata called out, “I sure hope so.”

  He waved as she drove away, and she couldn’t help but look in her rearview mirror. He stood in the street watching her with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

  She blinked and looked back at the road just in time to not run a stop sign. “The fucking nerve,” she said under her breath.

  “He doesn’t seem all that bad,” Renata said as she looked out the window.

  “Well, he is.” Josie realized her knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and she relaxed her hands.

  “Men have their way.”

  “Yeah, well, his way almost got him shot twice today.”


  “I contemplated popping him myself.”

  Renata laughed, the sound gravelly and raw. “Hopefully not in his pretty parts. That is, if he has any ugly ones?”

  “Not really,” Josie grumbled.

  “That doesn’t help, does it?”


  Renata caught Josie’s eye in the rearview. “Let me tell you something I’ve learned. When a man cares enough to tell you to your face that he wants you and he’ll fight for you, well that kind of man is worth listening to.”

  Josie wanted to believe it, wanted to give in, but then she remembered the three years of pain she’d been through over him. “I can’t let myself give a shit about that, Renata. For three years he let me think he didn’t care enough to say goodbye. He left me here without a word to go have a baby with someone else, and I just can’t forgive him for that.”

  “Cold-hearted, to be sure.”

  “Every time I see him, I’m reminded of everything I lost. But it’s like getting shot with rock salt. Burns like a motherfucker, but it won’t kill me.”

  Renata busted out laughing again. “I like you, Red.”

  Josie smiled back at her. “Sorry I’ve got to take you in.”

  “It’s not the first time or the last, I’m sure.”

  They rode in silence to the station as Josie chewed on her feelings. She’d told Renata more in a few minutes than she’d given up willingly to anyone since Anne. It felt good, and she was lighter for having vented something off, though heavier at the realization it brought. She wasn’t over Jon. She knew that deep down, but to say it out loud was another thing entirely.

  She thought back to the time they were together, that golden time that brought her so much happiness. But there was no going back. Things could never be what they were. Three years of hurt filled the space since he left her, and no amount of charm or honesty could erase what she’d been through.

  Josie pulled up at the station and escorted Renata inside, a little sad at turning her in. Renata said goodbye with a wink and the parting advice: Don’t let love pass you by.

  Josie nodded with a thanks and a smile, then left for Jerry J’s with her mind still on Jon. She pulled up to the curb outside the bond building, got out of her car, and walked under the red awning featuring a cartoon illustration of Jerry J’s face. His smile was decidedly untrustworthy.

  She made her way in and leaned on the counter, popping the little bell with a ding. Elaine came out from the back room with a smile on her round face.

  “Hey, Josie, how’d it go?” Her eyes twinkled from the other side of the counter.

  “Funny thing. Jon was there.”

  “What the hell?” Elaine’s cheeks flushed, and she blinked. “Again?”

  Josie nodded. The stress and annoyance of being continually put in Jon’s airspace gnawed at her, and she was done being quiet. “He said Sarah sent him. This is twice now, Elaine. What the hell is going on around here?”

  “Son of a bitch … hang on.” She sat down and banged at her keyboard. “It says your name, right here. I put you in myself, see?” She turned the monitor so Josie could see her name in the spreadsheet. Elaine yelled over her shoulder. “Sarah!”

  Sarah stuck her head out of the office in the back. “What?”

  “Did you send Jon Landreaux after Renata?”

  Sarah walked out, tall and skinny with her brows drawn. “Well, yeah. The spot was empty.”

  “Was not.”

  “Was too.”

  “Look here.” Elaine turned the monitor back again, and Sarah looked over her shoulder. Elaine sniffed. “What is that perfume you’ve got on today? It smells like roses or something, and it’s been giving me a headache all morning.”

  “Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sarah shook her head and put a hand on her hip, pointing the other at the computer screen. “I swear to God, that spot was empty, Elaine. Like I would ever delete a name in the spreadsheet?”

  Elaine gave Sarah a look and turned back to Josie. “I’m so sorry. Let me go ahead and cut your check. Did he leave you to it?”

  “No, he alm
ost got shot.”

  Sarah’s mouth made an ‘o.’

  Josie snorted. “Don’t look so concerned. It was actually hilarious.”

  Sarah relaxed and smiled. “Well, at least it was entertaining. Renata is always packing, but she can’t shoot for shit.”

  “Lucky for Jon.” Josie watched Elaine write the check. “Just give me half. Make sure Jon gets the other half, okay?”

  “You got it, Josie. I’ll cut you a little extra for the trouble. I don’t know how that happened, but I swear it’ll be the last time.” Elaine pushed the check across the surface, and Josie folded it up and slipped it into her back pocket.

  “Thanks.” She pushed the door open with her back and stepped out into a patch of sunlight. The fog was lifting, it seemed, everywhere except in her heart.

  Jon sat on the floor in the middle of his room, surrounded by photos of Josie’s crime wall. He’d come home after Renata with Josie on his mind, in his senses. That moment when he leaned into her car, she’d looked up at him, and he could swear for a split second she was waiting for a kiss. But then the curtain slammed down behind her eyes, cutting him off, and just like that, the moment was over. He wished he’d taken the opportunity and wondered how she would have reacted, if she would have pushed him away or pulled him closer.

  He laid another photo down, assembling the replica sheet by sheet, the first step to getting it on his own wall so he could look at it all together. Jon picked one up and inspected it, making out the title of an article and the majority of the text, though a portion of it was hidden under another sheet. It was then that he realized just how much work he had to do to make up ground, and even then, he still didn’t have all the cards.

  His door flew open, and Lola ran in. “Daddydaddydaddydaddy!”

  He held out his hands to stop her. “Nonononono! Wait!”

  It was too late. She ran across all the sheets, scattering them, then slammed into his chest and wrapped her little arms around his neck.

  “I’m goin’ ni-night.”

  He hugged her just as Tori made it to the threshold, looking apologetic. “Looks like you’re going crazy,” he said.

  “I’m not crazy, Daddy. I’m Lola.”

  “My mistake.” He kissed her hair. “I love you, baby.”

  “Love you.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Tori said. “She totally got away from me.”

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then twisted it into a small ponytail. “It’s all right. Just trying to get them laid out before I put them on the wall.”

  Lola hopped over to Tori, who smoothed the little girl’s dark, curly hair. “It’s nap time, monster. Go get in bed. I’ll be right there.”

  She squealed and ran down the hallway.

  “How’s it going?” Tori made her way over and knelt down to look at the big photos while Jon tried to move them back to their places.

  “Slow. There’s so much here.” He looked over the dozens of photos that laid around him on the floor. “She’s been busy.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “Right now? I’ve got to get this mess put together. Then I’ve gotta start digging up the old articles and logging them, and then … I don’t know. I’ll probably do a lot of mad-dogging.”

  “Stare the clues out?”

  He shrugged. “It works. Things usually fall into place.”

  Tori looked over the photos, pausing to touch a picture of a girl wrapped in plastic, then hung her forearms on her knees and shook her head. “I don’t envy your job.”

  “Yeah, well, being an accountant isn’t exactly my cup of tea either.”

  “Don’t be jealous because I’m good at math.”

  “Oh, I’m not.” He ran a hand over his mouth. “Yup. It’s gonna be a long couple of days. Sure you don’t want to help?”

  “I don’t have the stomach for crime photos. You’re on your own, son.” She gave him a slap on the shoulder and stood. “Need anything?”

  “An extra set of hands and a few more hours in the day couldn’t hurt.”

  She laughed as she closed his door. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  ———— Olympus ————

  The fog hung heavy outside Dita’s windows, gray and dense. She watched it slowly roll by from where she lay molded into her mattress, nestled in her bedding.

  She had stayed with Heff all night, too afraid to be alone. He brought her tea and a ham sandwich, which she inhaled, and they talked until the sun was up. She told him about her horrible dreams, and they talked about Adonis and Ares. Or, she talked, and he listened and nodded, occasionally offering his thoughts. But he wasn’t happy that she’d held out coming to him, and made her promise not to hesitate again.

  They also talked about Perry. As much as it hurt, as much as everything Perry said cut through her, Perry was right, and Dita needed to tell her so. She couldn’t very well wake her friend up to talk, though, so when Heff’s yawns were so hard his eyes watered, she said goodbye and slipped into her bed for a few hours, though sleep never found her as she listed all the things she needed to say to her friend.

  Dita glanced over her shoulder to look at her clock. It was late enough that Perry would be up and carrying on with her day, so Dita peeled herself out of bed, shuffled to the elevator, and pushed B4.

  The doors opened up to the black marble hallway of the underworld, and she stepped out just as Perry appeared at the other end of the foyer. Her black hair was loose around her small face, her eyes wide as they locked with Dita’s.

  “Hey,” Dita said lamely, her voice echoing against the polished stone.

  Perry’s hazel eyes softened, and she gave Dita a small smile. “Hey. Come on in.”

  Dita made her way through the foyer, her eyes lingering on the painting of Elysium. Adonis was somewhere in there. She bit her lip as she walked past, hugging the far wall to put as much distance as she could between her and the painting.

  “Perry,” Dita said as she approached her friend, her throat rough, “I …” She couldn’t find the words.

  “I was going to come up today and talk to you. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have destroyed the mirror like that. I should have let you have a say, but Dita …” Perry shook her head. “You should have seen yourself. I was worried, and I didn’t handle it well.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. For what I said, for lying to you. For going behind your back. I shouldn’t have kept the mirror from you, but I knew you would take it away, and I … I …”

  “Stop. It’s okay. You weren’t the only one who said things they need to apologize for. I was rash, and you were hysterical. I should have waited until you calmed down, waited to talk about it, but I was so fucking mad at you. You would have been shocked if you’d realized what you were doing, and honestly, I just couldn’t find enough patience to let that version of you go on a second longer.”

  “I know. But I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not still upset about it.”

  “Honey, I’m sorry.” Perry reached for her and wrapped her arms around tight.

  “It’s okay. I know getting rid of it was the right thing to do.”

  Perry pulled away and gave her a once-over. “You really do look terrible.”

  Dita snorted. “Thanks.”

  “I mean it. You look like you got hit by a bus full of Gouda cheese and gym socks.”

  “Pretty sure Cockston Von Schmegma was driving.” Dita took a deep breath. “He cornered me last night.”

  “What? Oh gods.” Perry’s tone was flat and a little uneasy. “Come here and sit.”

  They moved into the living room and sat, and Perry turned to her, concerned. “What did Ares say?”

  “I don’t know anyone by that name. I do however know a Weiner Von Dicktrap.”

  Perry’s face relaxed into a smile. “So what did Dingus Frittercock want?”

  Dita rubbed her eyes and fought to keep them open. “He wanted to talk.” She rested her head against the back of the couc

  “He is such a dumbshit.”

  “He wants what he wants, and he won’t take no for an answer. In fact, I’m pretty sure that he invented ‘no means yes.’”

  Perry chuckled and watched Dita. “You okay?”

  “No, although I’m glad we’re okay. That’s one less thing to worry about since I haven’t slept in days, I got cornered by my ex who tried to kill me, and I’m basically out of the loop on the competition. My brain is functioning at, like, ten percent power, though I did get Jon and Josie together today.”

  “I saw that. I hate to say you’re off your game, but you’re off your game. Using the same trick twice in one competition?” Perry tsk’d and folded her arms. “You’re better than that, Dita.”

  “I’m lucky to even be functioning at this point, so can I get a pass?”

  “I guess, this time.” Perry sat back. “I saw Jon and Josie’s fight last night.”

  “Don’t remind me. At least he has some info on Rhodes now though, even though he committed a felony to get it.”

  “He was awfully charming this morning. I thought he was going to kiss her for a second.”

  Dita propped her feet on the coffee table. “Yeah, I don’t know how Josie would have taken that.”

  “Has Artemis even made any plays?”

  “Nothing I’ve seen. She’s still ahead at this point because Jon breaking into her house crossed the line. She was already annoyed with him, but that was beyond. It’s going to take her a minute to get over that.”

  “Who knows. Maybe he’ll figure something out, or you could always give Jon a clue.”

  Dita sighed. “I don’t know what, though. I’m too tired to think, let alone compose a master plan.”

  Perry looked her over. “I’m worried about you.”

  Dita rolled her head to look at Perry. “Aww, I’m touched, friend. I love you, too.”

  “Don’t joke. I’m serious.”

  “I know,” Dita said as she looked back at her toes. “I’m worried about me, too. I’ve got to get some real sleep, not just dozing off. Every time I close my eyes, the nightmares come, and I wake up feeling worse than I did before. Seriously. If I keep this up, I’m going to lose, which means Jon and Josie lose.”