He cupped her neck, his thumbs lifting her face to his, eyes heavy with sincerity as they searched hers. “There’s no chance you’ll disappoint me, Josie. I’ve dreamed about this, about holding you in my arms. About you looking at me just like you are right now. I’ve already gotten my wish.”

  She couldn’t breathe, just looked into his eyes in the low light of the room, so aware of him, so connected to him that she couldn’t tell where he stopped and she started. And when his lips brushed hers with the soft kiss that held the promise of a million more kisses, her doubts slipped away.

  Her hands roamed up his chest, under the collar of his jacket, around his neck and into his hair. She twisted her fingers around the strands and leaned into him, their lips parting, locking together, moving in rhythm. His big hands moved down the bend in her waist, to the curve of her ass and under, his fingers skimming the hem of her dress that had shifted high. He squeezed, moaning softly into her mouth as he pulled her hips against his, and she raised herself up on her toes, tall enough in her heels to press his hard length between her legs.

  He broke away to kiss down her neck, and she closed her eyes, lifting her face up to the ceiling.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered.

  It was all the invitation he needed. With his hands still on her ass, he leaned down and picked her up. She wrapped those glorious legs around his waist, pushing her dress up to her hips, leaving bare skin against his palms. He shifted his fingers, looking for her panties, but found nothing but soft, hot skin.

  “Christ, Josie,” he breathed, pulling her hips even closer, his voice rough as he looked into her eyes.

  She smiled like she’d been waiting all night for him to make the discovery. He made his way through the apartment as she kissed him again, thankful he knew his way well enough to find her bedroom. The last thing he wanted to do was look away.

  Her room was dim, lit only by a small lamp next to her bed, and he stopped at the foot of the bed. She unwound her legs and dropped to the ground, looking up at him with swollen lips and tousled hair. Shadows stretched under her collarbones, across her breasts, and he didn’t know what to do with himself past witnessing her beauty as she stood before him.

  But Josie took what she wanted, not waiting for him to make a move. She slipped her hands into his jacket, over his shoulders, down his arms and pushed it to the ground. Her fingers found his shirt buttons, and his hands trembled by his side, needing to touch her but wanting to keep still, sensing it was what she wanted. She was nearly finished before he couldn’t take it anymore. He took her mouth, hard and fast, trailing his hands down her shoulders to the straps of that dress that would certainly be the end of him. His fingers hooked in the straps and pulled gently, slipping them off her shoulders as she unbuttoned the last button of his shirt and pulled away with eyes wide and hot.

  Her eyes and hands roamed across his chest, down his abs to the band his slacks as he shrugged out of his shirt, his breath hitching as her nails skimmed the skin just at his belt. She slipped a finger into the buckle and tugged, then grabbed it in her fist and unfastened it once and for all, her eyes on her hands and his on his own. He moved her hair, exposing her shoulder and neck, trailed his knuckles across her collarbone, down to the neck of her dress until goosebumps broke out down her arms. He hadn’t realized she’d unzipped his pants, not until she was pushing them over his ass and dropping them to the ground. He kicked off his oxfords and stepped out of his slacks, his eyes on her lip caught between her teeth.

  She met his gaze, twisting her hair over her shoulder as she turned, putting her back and exposed zipper to him, looking back with fiery eyes. He dragged a single finger down the soft, white skin of her spine, sending a chill up her, stepping close to kiss the bend of her neck. His fingers found the zipper and pulled slowly until it stopped, and he leaned back, his eyes on the sliver of exposed flesh in a ‘v’. She slipped the straps off her arms, and the dress fell to the ground.

  Jon sucked in a breath, his eyes following the line of her neck and shoulder, the bend of her waist and curve of her hip, the soft shadows of her legs down to the tall, black heels, the only shred of clotheing she still had on. She waited for a long moment, letting his eyes get their fill before she smiled and climbed onto the bed, heels on, showing him exactly what he wanted to see.

  He was out of his underwear in a split second and climbing up behind her, but she didn’t lie down, only waited for him on her hands and knees, watching him over her shoulder. He ran his hands up her back, kissing a trail up her spine to the hollow of her shoulder blade. She arched her back, cradling his length between her cheeks, rolling her hips, and when he pressed his hand to the flat of her stomach and slipped it between her legs, she moaned.

  “Yes,” she whispered, and that single word nearly sent him over the edge.

  His fingers slid into her, flexing in rhythm to press the sensitive spot inside. Her thighs trembled with each motion, her breath shallow. He kissed her shoulders, pulled back to lick down her back, hands slipping around her hips, and she felt his breath between her cheeks as he grabbed them and squeezed, tilting her hips to run his tongue down her slit. She sucked in a breath, anticipating more, but for a split second, he disappeared. Before she could react, his hands gripped her thighs, his breath on her again but from underneath. He pulled her down until his lips locked between her legs, sucking hard enough to send tremors down her thighs. Her fingers twisted in the sheets as she tried to stay upright.

  He gripped her ass, rocking her against his mouth, and she looked down, her eyes finding the seam where his lips were locked against her. His eyes were closed, face rolling with her hips, and her heart hammered against her ribs. She reached between her legs and wound her fingers in his hair, riding him harder as she came closer, and when he moaned, the rumble sent a shock straight into her core. Her body flexed, and he held her up as she came, calling for him.

  Her elbows went weak, and she dropped down on her forearms, panting. He guided her body down, kissing up her torso, pausing at her breasts, breathing heavy against her as he rolled his tongue, pulling her nipple into his mouth. She sucked in a breath with a hiss, red hair across her face as she gripped his cheek, mouth hung open as she watched him. When he broke away, he dragged her down to meet him, taking her mouth with all the force that he’d taken the rest of her. Their hands were all over each other, twisting in hair, grazing skin, neither able to get enough. She shifted her hips, finding his length, running her body up and down his shaft with his fingers digging into her hips.

  She broke away and reached for her nightstand, tugging the drawer open to rummage around for a condom. He slipped out from under her, tracing the lines and curves of her body as she twisted. He laid a hand on her hip, wanting to hold her just like that, and she smiled as she handed him the foil packet. He ripped it open and rolled it on, watching her face, lips parted, eyes hooded, locked onto his hands as he gripped his length. She was still twisted, and his eyes traced the line of her hip, her ass, resting on her entrance. He leaned forward, guiding his tip until he rested just against her, and when he flexed his hips, the air left the room as he filled her to the hilt.

  Neither of them moved, too stunned to act, caught in the moment of absolute connection. And then, there was no more waiting.

  He pulled out and eased back in, slow and smooth, then again, each motion punctuated by hums and sighs. She propped herself up, twisting her body to kiss him, and he slipped a hand into her hair, cupping her neck. Her lips were soft and giving, warm and wet, but he wanted to be closer, deeper. He guided her to lie down, never disconnecting their bodies as he grabbed her leg and swung it around, spreading them. She hooked one around his waist, then the other, heels pressing into his back, urging him into her again.

  He slipped his arms under her shoulders, wound his fingers in her hair as he kissed her lips, those sweet lips he’d wanted so badly. He gave himself to her again and again until her body flexed once more, her heels digging into his
back, spurring him on as she came, pulling him deeper with every beat of her heart. He couldn’t wait any longer, didn’t want to wait, and he let go, calling her name like it was sacred.

  As their bodies slowed, she touched his face, smiling up at him in a way that he knew was right. She was right. Everything was just as it should be.

  Jon woke in the early light with Josie pressed into his side, soft and warm against him. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to wake her, so he tucked his hand behind his head and smiled up at the ceiling, being in that moment so wholly that if it weren’t for the sun rising, he would have believed that time stopped.

  The daylight had bathed the room in golds and oranges when she finally stirred, nestling deeper into his chest when he thought she couldn’t get any closer.

  “Hey.” Her voice was raspy and rough, and she looked up at him with a sleepy smile, blinking slow.

  “Hey.” He shifted, turning to face her, and moved her hair over her bare shoulder, trailing his knuckles down her arm.

  “Mmmm.” Her eyes were closed, the corners of her lips turned up.

  He pressed his lips to hers, not able to help himself, and when her fingers grazed his cheek and slipped into his hair, the sensation set every nerve on attention.

  When he pulled away after a long moment, he smiled wistfully and pulled her into his chest. She tucked her arms between them, and neither of them spoke. One arm was around her back, hand in her hair, absently toying with the long strands.

  Josie sighed and closed her eyes, wishing she could stretch the moment out forever. When he finally spoke, the sound rumbled through her.

  “You have to work today?”

  “Surveillance. You?”

  “Gotta pick up a skip. Chester.”

  Josie laughed. “That man is the most endearing flasher I’ve ever known.”

  “You’ve known a lot of flashers, then?”

  She chuckled. “Three, which is plenty for me. I’ve seen Chester’s junk a few too many times for comfort.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  They lay in silence as Josie’s brain took a hard left. Everything was too good, too easy. Nerves flitted through her, poisoning her optimism. “When can I see you again?”

  He squeezed her and kissed her hair. “You just say the word. I’m free once I track Chester down.”

  And that was enough to replace her anxiety with butterflies. “Is tonight too soon?”

  “Seems like an age from now.”

  She pulled away, smiling. He leaned over her, and she just stared at him in awe. His smile was angled in that way that was smarmy and charming all at once, and his eyes were crisp and blue, sparking with wit. Her eyes followed the bridge of his nose, his lips, the strong line of his jaw covered in stubble. His hair fell forward, nearly reaching his chin, messy and perfect somehow all at once. It was ridiculous how hot he was without putting a single thought into it.

  “Want to go out or stay in?”

  Jon smoothed her hair as the high corner of his crooked smile inched even higher. “In. Definitely in.” He leaned down and kissed her, and that taste of what she’d be waiting all day for was almost too much to resist. She slipped a leg over his thigh, and his hand trailed the curve of her hip, pushing the sheets down, pulling her into him.

  The kiss deepened before he pulled back, voice rough. “We’ll never get to work if you keep that up, though I’d take you over Chester any day of the week.”

  She laughed, her cheeks flushing just a little, and he looked down at her, unable to stop smiling. He thumbed her cheek and leaned down to kiss the corner of her lips.

  Her flush deepened. “Well, come on then. Let’s get the day over with.”

  Emotions rolled through him. There was so much he wanted to say to her, but had no idea how to string the words together. He couldn’t believe she was real, that she was lying in bed with him looking at him like he was the only man in the universe. He felt like he belonged, that he’d somehow been chosen. That he was hers simply because she’d said yes. It wasn’t like anything he’d felt before.

  She planted a kiss on his cheek and rolled away, and they both climbed out of bed. He pulled in a deep breath and stretched, arching his back with his fists in the air, and when he turned, he caught sight of her bending over to step into sleep shorts. The light came in from the window, illuminating her wild red hair like fire, and his eyes followed the line of her back, the curve of her backside in black and white striped panties.

  She caught him gaping and gaped right back as her eyes roamed his body.

  There was no resisting that look.

  He smiled and climbed onto the bed like an animal toward her. “Oh, fuck it. Chester can wait.”

  She giggled again and crawled to meet him. When he grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed, hovering over her in anticipation, he was exactly where he wanted to be.

  Baptism By Fire

  JOSIE SQUEEZED JON’S HAND, CIRCLING her thumb as they neared the police station where her dad and brother worked. Two weeks had passed since her first date with Jon, and they’d been inseparable, spending nearly every waking minute together, and definitely every sleeping minute. She didn’t want to be without him, and he seemed to feel the same. They fit into each other’s lives easily, with no demands or expectations, just the simple desire to be together.

  The first week or so had been tainted with the fear that Jon was temporary, but the howl had quieted to a whisper. It was plain to see his feelings every day, with every word and touch. They were in sync, and she found herself trusting him wholly. She’d found a way to let her heart free, let herself go, and it made her happy for what felt like the first time ever. Jon balanced her cynical, worrisome nature with his easy cheer and simple companionship, and the relief of releasing the burden and stress she usually carried around was life-altering.

  Jon let go of her hand to open the door to the station, and they stepped inside, heading back to her brother Paul’s desk. He stood as they approached, tall, blond, and smirking.

  “Hey, Jojo.” Paul pulled her into a hug.

  “Hey, Pauly. You know Jon, right?”

  Paul narrowed his eyes and puffed up his broad chest, but he didn’t lose the smile. “I’ve seen him around.” He stuck out a hand. “Paul Campbell.”

  Jon clasped his hand, giving him a solid shake. “Jon Landreaux.”

  Paul hung onto his hand. “I’m gonna say this once. You hurt my little sister, I’ll break your face.”

  Jon chuckled. “Noted. I suspect you wouldn’t be the only Campbell.”

  “You’d suspect right.”

  Josie rolled her eyes. “You had something for me from Gia?”

  Paul’s shoulders relaxed at the mention of his fiancée, and he huffed as he moved back behind his desk. “She’s driving me nuts with this wedding planning, Jo.”

  “What did you think wedding planning would be like?”

  “I don’t know, but I guess I didn’t think I’d have to have an opinion about stuff like flowers and invitations. I care because she cares, but I really don’t give a shit about what font the save-the-dates are in. I made the mistake of telling her that the other day and she didn’t speak to me for forty-eight hours.”

  Josie snorted and shook her head. “God, Paul. You’re such a dumbass.”

  He frowned. “I like to think I’m just being honest.”

  She patted his bicep. “Okay, well, then you’re an honest dumbass.”

  “Ha, ha. Here.” He handed her a binder. “This is all the stuff for the bridesmaids that she needs your help with.”

  Josie took the binder, eyeing it like poison ivy before slipping it into her bag. “She should know better. I’m no good at this stuff.”

  “Look, I know that,” Paul blustered, “but she needs help, and I’m obviously under-qualified. Her friends don’t live here, and she doesn’t have a big family like ours. Gran and Mom have been helping, but I think she needs somebody closer to her age to run stuff b
y. So just help her out, will you?”

  Josie’s face relaxed with her voice. “Of course I’ll help her.”

  “Thank you,” he said, relieved.

  Hank walked up behind Paul, and Josie smiled when she saw him. He wrapped an arm around her, scooping her into his solid chest. “Hey, honey.”

  “Hey, Dad. Have you met Jon?”

  Jon stood up a little straighter and put on his most charming smile, trying to keep his cool. Hank Campbell was a mix of power and charm, like he could flip a switch and either pull a gun on you or crack a joke. Maybe even both. Jon flattened his palms against his jeans to wipe off the sweat that had appeared out of nowhere.

  “Not officially,” Hank answered and stuck out his hand. “Good to meet you, Landreaux.”

  Jon clasped his hand and pumped it once. “Same here, sir.”

  Hank’s eyes sparked with approval as he turned to Josie. “What are you two up to today?”

  Josie eyed the two of them. “Came to pick up wedding stuff. We’re heading to the firing range from here and might go to Central Park later.”

  “Sounds like my kinda day. Don’t get into any trouble. Will we see you two at dinner tonight?”

  Jon glanced at Josie, and panic shot across her face. “Dad, I … ah …”

  Hank raised an eyebrow. “Well, you’d better not miss Sunday dinner, Jo, or your mother will send us to pick you up in a squad car. You should bring Landreaux.” He turned to Jon. “We’ve all heard a bit about you, and my wife won’t stop talking about having you over, though I can’t guarantee you won’t be put through the fire.”

  Josie looked like she was about to die on the spot, and Hank looked like he expected an affirmative as Paul watched, amused. “As soon as Josie gives the word, I’ll take you up on that. I’ll be sure to wear my bulletproof vest.”

  Hank laughed. “Smart kid,” he said to Josie with the hitch of his thumb at Jon. He kissed Josie’s temple. “I’ll see you, Jo.”

  She relaxed by a degree. “Bye, Dad. See ya’, Pauly.”