The _Northern Light_ was lying at her wharf preparing for her long runto the far Northern Pacific, through the numerous islands studding thecoastal waters of British Columbia, and the United States Territory ofAlaska. All day long she had been taking on board great quantities offreight, and now on the eve of her departure passengers were arriving.The latter were mostly men, for new gold diggings had been discoveredback in the hills bordering the Yukon River, and old-timers wereflocking northward, anticipating another Klondyke, and all that itmight mean.

  Tom Reynolds stood on the wharf noting the excitement that was takingplace around him. Apart from the article he would prepare for the nextday's issue of _The Telegram_; he was more than usually interested inwhat he beheld. As he watched several bronzed and grizzly veterans ofmany a long trail and wild stampede, a desire entered into his heart tojoin them in their new adventure. He would thus find excitement enoughto satisfy his restless nature, and perhaps at the same time share inthe golden harvest.

  This longing, however, was held in check by the thought of the story hehad heard the evening before, and also by the hope of seeing again theface he had beheld for a few fleeting seconds at the street crossing.In fact, he had thought more of it than of the mysterious disappearanceof Henry Redmond. For the greater part of the night and all the nextday the girl had been in his mind. He tried to recall something moreabout her, the color of her hair, how she was dressed, and whether shewas tall or short. But he could remember nothing except the face whichalone stood out clear and distinct. Several times during the day hehad been on the point of transferring his impressions to paper, but healways deferred action, preferring to muse upon the beautiful vision hehad seen and to dream of meeting her again. She must still be in thecity, he reasoned, and should he go away now his chance of finding herwould be lost forever. That he would find her he had not the slightestdoubt, for among the crowds that passed daily along the streets hewould surely see her, and when he did--well, he was not certain whatwould happen. Anyway, he would know more about her than at present.He was standing watching an old man with a long gray beard and wavyhair falling below a broad-brimmed slouch hat. He was evidently aprospector, for he bore a good-sized pack across his right shoulder,and was dressed as if for the trail, with a pair of coarse boots uponhis feet. His figure was commanding, almost patriarchal, and Reynoldswatched him with much interest as he walked stately and deliberately upthe gangway.

  As Reynolds turned from his observation of the old man, he gave a greatstart, and his heart beat wildly, for there but a few feet from him wasthe very girl he had seen at the street crossing. She had justalighted from an hotel auto, and was pointing out her baggage to one ofthe cabin boys when Reynolds noticed her. He leaned eagerly forward tocatch the sound of her voice, but the noise around him made thisimpossible. But he had a chance to feast his eyes upon her face, andto note her neat dark-brown travelling suit which fitted so perfectlyher well-built erect figure. She was of medium height, and carriedherself with complete assurance as one well accustomed to travel. Shewas apparently alone, for no one accompanied her as she presently wenton board the steamer.

  Reynolds was all alert now, and his old-time enthusiasm returned. Shewas going north, and why should not he go too? Once more thought andaction became welded, and finding that it would be three-quarters of anhour before the steamer's departure, he hurried back to his boardinghouse, gathered together his few belongings, including his artist'soutfit, thrust them into a grip, settled his board bill, and almostraced to the _Telegram_ and _Evening News_ building, where he found theeditor who had just arrived for his nightly duties.

  "I am off at once," he announced. "How will that suit you?"

  "Good for you!" was the pleased reply. "Decided upon the Great Quest,eh?"

  "Yes, all settled, and away in twenty minutes."

  "Where to?"

  "Up north, to the edge of nowhere. How will that do?"

  "Found a clue?" The editor was quite excited now.

  "All the clue I need," was the evasive reply. "I shall write as soonas possible, telling of my wanderings. So, good-by; I must be away."

  "Have you enough money?" The editor was on his feet now, grasping theyoung man's hand in a firm grip.

  "Yes, all that's necessary for the present. If I need more I shall letyou know."

  An hour later the _Northern Light_ was steaming steadily on her way.Reynolds had been fortunate enough to obtain an upper berth, hisroommate being a young clerk destined for a branch bank in a northernmining town. Reynolds strolled about the boat hoping to catch aglimpse of her who was much in his mind, but all in vain. It rainedhard most of the next day, and the outside decks were uncomfortable.It was toward evening that he saw her, walking slowly up and down thehurricane deck abaft the funnel. She was with the captain, a finelooking, middle-aged man, and they seemed to be on very friendly terms,for the girl was smiling at something her companion was saying.

  Reynolds lighted a cigar and began to pace up and down on the oppositeside of the deck. Others were doing the same, so no one paid any heedto his presence. A casual observer might have thought that the silentyoung man took no interest in anything around him. But Reynolds missedhardly a movement of the girl but a few feet away. He always kept ashort distance behind and was thus able to study her closely withoutattracting attention. She wore a raincoat, of a soft light material,and her head was bare. The wind played with her dark-brown hair, andoccasionally she lifted her hand and brushed back a wayward tress thathad drifted over her forehead. At times he caught a glimpse of herface as she swung around at the end of the beat, and it was always ahappy, animated face he beheld.

  For about fifteen minutes this walk was continued, and Reynolds hadbeen unable to distinguish any of the conversation between the two.But as they ended their promenade, and started to go below, they almostbrushed him in passing, and he heard the captain say, "Jack will behome soon, and he will----" That was all Reynolds was able tooverhear, and yet it was sufficient to cause him to stop so abruptlythat he nearly collided with a man a few steps behind. Was all thattalk about Jack? he asked himself, and was that why the girl seemed sohappy in listening to her companion? Was Jack the captain's son, anddid he have the first claim upon the girl? Perhaps he was overseas,and was expected home shortly. No doubt the girl had been visiting hispeople.

  Such an idea had not occurred to Reynolds before, but as he thought itall over that night as he sat silent in the smoking-room, it did indeedseem most reasonable. Why should he think any more about the girl? hemused. He had been a fool for allowing his heart to run away with hishead. How could he for one instant imagine that such a girl would beleft until now without many admiring suitors, with one successful overall the others? And no doubt that one was Jack, whose name had fallenfrom the captain's lips.

  Although Reynolds felt that the girl was not for him, yet he could notbanish her from his mind. She had aroused him from the paralysis ofindifference, for which he was most grateful. He would make adesperate effort not to be again enmeshed in such a feeling. He wouldthrow himself ardently into the search for gold, and then turn hisattention to Henry Redmond, and strive to solve the mystery surroundingthe man.

  After breakfast the next morning he went out on deck, and found thegirl already there comfortably seated in a large steamer chair. Shehad evidently been reading, but the book was now lying open upon herlap, and her hands were clasped behind her head. Reynolds caught thegleam of a jewel on one of her fingers, and he wondered if it was anengagement ring she was wearing. Her eyes were looking dreamily outacross the water, away to a great fog-bank hanging and drifting overthe face of the deep. Reynolds, too, looked, and the sight held himspellbound. The mass of fog slowly rose and rolled across thenewly-bathed sun. Then it began to dissolve, and dim forms of treesand islands made their appearance, growing more distinct moment bymoment. The scene fascinated him. It w
as truly a fairy world uponwhich he was looking.

  And as he looked, his eyes rested upon a dark speck just beneath theoverhanging fog. For a few minutes it made no impression upon hiswandering mind. But slowly he began to realize that the object was inmotion, and moving toward the steamer. Then he saw something darkbeing waved as if to attract attention. He was all alert now, feelingsure that someone was hailing the steamer. In a few minutes she wouldbe past, when it would be too late to be of any assistance.

  Turning almost instinctively toward the pilot-house, Reynolds' eyesfell upon the captain, who was again talking to the girl. Only for aninstant did he hesitate, and then walking rapidly along the deck, hereached the captain's side and touched him lightly upon the arm.

  "Excuse me, sir," he began, as the officer wheeled suddenly around."Someone seems to be signaling to you over there, just where thatfog-bank is lifting," and he pointed with his finger.

  The captain and the girl both turned, and their eyes scanned the wateryexpanse.

  "Can you see anything, Glen?" the captain asked. "My eyes must befailing me."

  "I do now," was the reply. "Over there to the left," and she motionedwith her hand. "I see it quite plainly. It is a boat of some kindwith people in it, and they are waving to us."

  "So it is!" the captain exclaimed. "Who can it be? However, we shallsoon find out."

  He hurried away, and soon a long raucous blast ripped the air. Thenthe steamer swerved to the right and made for the small craft which wasnow plainly visible. Many of the passengers were already crowding therail, all greatly interested in this new diversion.

  Reynolds stepped back and gave his place to another. He could watchthe approaching boat just as well here, and at the same time study to abetter advantage the girl who was standing close to the rail. He hadaccomplished something, anyway, which was worth a great deal to him.He had heard her speak and learned her name. He liked "Glen," and itseemed to suit her. But Glen what? He longed to know that, too. Hervoice was soft and musical. It appealed to him. Yes, everythingseemed to be in harmony, he mused. Name, voice, dress, and manner, allsuited the girl admirably. It was a happy combination.

  From where he was standing he could watch her unobserved. He could seethe side of her face nearest to him, and he noted how flushed it waswith excitement. She was keenly interested in the approaching boat,and her eyes followed it most intently.

  The steamer had already slowed down, and its movement now was scarcelyperceptible. Reynolds looked at the small approaching craft, and tohis surprise he saw that it was a large canoe, being paddled by fourstalwart Indians. There were several white men on board, although hecould not distinguish their faces. Who could they be, and where hadthey come from? he wondered. A man standing nearby asked the samequestion, though no one seemed to be able to give a satisfactory answer.

  By this time the canoe was so near the steamer that from his positionReynolds could see nothing more owing to the men crowding the rail. Heglanced toward the girl just as she turned suddenly away from the sideof the steamer and walked rapidly across the deck. She seemed muchagitated, and the flush had fled her face, leaving it very white. Allthis Reynolds briefly noted, and when she had disappeared through adoor leading into the observation room, he stood wrapped in thought,wondering as to the cause of the remarkable change that had so suddenlytaken place. Was there some mystery connected with her life, and hadshe recognized someone in the canoe she did not wish to meet? Hedetermined to learn what he could about the picked-up men, and to keephis eyes and ears open for further developments.

H. A. Cody's Novels