Page 6 of Goddess of War

  “Yes,” Raina assured her. “But Prince Eryon is right. I need to hurry and get dressed so we aren’t late.”

  Olia smoothed her brown hair down. “I’m already ready,” she said, giving a twirl of her maroon gown. “Do you like it? I made it this morning.”

  Raina smiled.

  “It’s beautiful,” Allan said.

  “Thank you,” she said to him. “Your dress awaits you upstairs, Raina.”

  “Great.” Raina grabbed Olia by the hand pulling her toward the stairs that led up to Olia’s bed chambers.

  Upstairs Olia quickly changed out of her Seer’s uniform. Olia helped her slip into the gown. The fabric was softer than Raina remembered from when she picked it out.

  She glanced in the mirror that stood in the corner of Olia’s room.

  Raina paused at her reflection. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at herself.

  It had been a long time since Raina had worn a gown that fine. She’d have to thank Arela again for buying it for her. The high waist of the lavender gown had a shimmering black bow that Olia tied for her. It rested below her full bosom that was hinted at by the draped bodice. With long sleeves to cover her tattoos, and the hem brushing the tops of her black shoes, no one would suspect that she were anything but a normal human girl.

  “You look amazing,” Olia said as she stood beside her. “Prince Aric won’t know what to do with himself when he sees you.”

  Raina blushed. “You weren’t supposed to know about that.”

  “I see more than you think,” Olia said.

  Raina turned and winked at her. “I do too,” she said, pointing to a pair of Allan’s socks on the floor beside her bed.

  Olia’s face turned beet red. “Raina. Please don’t tell anyone.”

  Laughing, Raina rubbed Olia’s arm. “Who would I tell? Your secret is safe with me. You’ve kept Allan’s and mine for so long. I would never betray you.”

  Olia hugged her tightly, her face pressed to Raina’s chest.

  “Thank you, Raina.”

  When she pulled away, Raina saw tears in Olia’s eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Olia sniffled. “I love him…and soon the two of you will leave us all behind and never return.”

  Raina’s smile faded. She lowered her voice. “It’s okay, Olia. Who says we can never return?”

  The thought had come to her many times, and each time she felt the pain of the truth. Olia was right. Soon they would have to leave, and all of their friends and loved ones would be forever gone to them.

  Raina turned and used one of Olia’s combs to break through the tangles in her waist-length black hair.

  “Do you really mean it, Raina?”

  Nodding, Raina pursed her lips. She couldn’t bring herself to voice the lie once again.

  Olia hugged her again. “Thank you,” she said and gave Raina a quick kiss on the cheek.

  The thought of falling for Prince Aric filled her with both grief and excitement. She started to doubt even wanting to experience love. She didn’t want to feel the pain Olia would soon feel.

  Raina gripped her necklace in her fist.

  What are we doing?

  When Desi’s voice didn’t answer her, Raina felt the worry start to rise from her belly to her throat. Desi was always there. Was she too weak to even speak now?

  She looked down at the necklace and gave it a shake. “Desi?”

  Olia stood beside her. “Is the fairy okay?”

  Raina sighed. “Yes. I’m sure she’s fine,” she lied. “Let’s go.”

  “Yes! Let’s get going. I don’t want to miss anything,” Olia cheered.

  Raina forced a smile. She didn’t want to ruin Olia’s night amongst royalty. Prince Eryon was kind enough to bring her as a guest.

  Together they made their way from Olia’s bed chamber and down the stairs.

  Raina’s eyes met Eryon’s as she walked down to the shop floor. He looked up at her with a look of surprise and adoration. Wearing a golden mask, and revealing his rich evergreen waist coat and black pants, he looked handsome.

  Almost as handsome as his older brother.

  His lips parted as his eyes followed her every move.

  “Do you like it?” Raina eagerly awaited his reply. His approval meant Aric would like it as well.

  She hoped as much.

  She walked directly to him, feeling Olia and Allan’s eyes on the two of them.

  Eryon swallowed, nodding. “You look nice.”

  Nice? She hoped that was enough.

  Eryon licked his lips as his eyes went to her bosom. Abruptly, his eyes left hers. He cleared his throat. “Is everyone ready?”

  Without looking back he spoke to Allan and Olia. “Let’s go.”

  Raina stood in the doorway, watching Eryon walk ahead of them, his cloak lifting from the dusty stone streets with the gentle night breeze.

  “I think you’re going to break his poor heart tonight,” Olia whispered to her, her eyes saddened.

  Raina’s mouth parted. What did she mean?

  She tried to make sense of Olia’s words as they walked together through the dark roads of the Lower City to the outdoor garden hall near the Upper City.

  The moon shone above them as the sky went black.

  Raina glanced up at the sky. Her brows furrowed.

  Where were all of the stars?

  ARIC STOOD ON the balcony above the crowded courtyard, looking down at the people of Rhene. After so much time abroad, they all looked odd to him. He was still amazed by how differently the rest of the world dressed and styled themselves.

  Also, the pungent scent of magic didn’t exist in his kingdom. Aric had been to lands where magic could be felt in the air. Being without it made the air taste stale.

  He’d been farther than most people would ever go in their lives. He’d seen things that had changed him forever, and he missed the freedom he felt when he was away. Now that he was home, nothing felt the same.

  After that stunning loss in the coliseum earlier, he was in a foul mood.

  How did a woman defeat him?

  He’d trained with some of the best swordsmen in the entire world. The shame of such an embarrassing loss would cling to him forever.

  “Why the solemn face, Aric? You’re supposed to be celebrating with me,” Arela said.

  His sister was right. Aric was supposed to be enjoying himself, or at least pretending to enjoy himself. He gripped the stone of the balcony.

  “I’m sorry, Arela. I really am glad to have made it home in time to celebrate with you.”

  The truth was, just three weeks ago, Aric had killed his first man. Father was right. There were those out there that wanted him dead. Being born with even a tiny measure of god-like power, and he was hated by those that didn’t even know him.

  Aric had never been hated before. He’d also never been ran into with a dagger.

  The wound was healing, but the memory would hurt him forever.

  “I am so glad that you’re home,” Arela said, hugging his side.

  Aric smiled at her and turned his gaze to the guests that poured into the courtyard in the center of Rhene’s gardens.

  They all wore elaborate masks just as Princess Arela requested.

  “Well,” Arela said putting her hand into his. “Let’s go down there and meet some of the guests.”

  Aric nodded, and led his sister down the stairs from the balcony.

  Aric did enjoy the smell of the food being prepared, and the scent of flowers once they were outside. He started to feel at home. Tall covered torches lit the area, and musicians played soft music with their instruments.

  “They could use some drums out here,” Aric said.

  Arela nudged him. “You complain too much. Did you know that? I know you saw a lot out there during your travels, but you are home now. Enjoy what home has to offer.”

  Aric’s brows furrowed at his younger sister’s keen assessment of his attitude, but he kept silent as they stoo
d on the stairs that led to the courtyard.

  Arela was right.

  Besides, he needed to prepare himself…for her.

  It didn’t take the people of Rhene to notice them. People started making their way closer to get a better look. They smiled up at him, eager for him to come down to their level.

  With a sigh, Aric took the last few steps down.

  “Hello, Prince Aric,” an older woman with too much red rogue on her lips said the instant she was in his range. She pushed her daughter before him. “This is my daughter, Liza. She just turned sixteen this summer.”

  The girl looked younger than sixteen, with long brown hair and a body that was much thinner than his preference for women.

  Aric nodded. “Good to meet you. You’ll excuse me,” he said with a nod to Liza before sidestepping her.

  “She wasn’t that bad, Aric,” Arela said as they made their way through the crowds that bowed their heads in his presence.

  “She’s too young.”

  Arela snorted. “You’re only twenty-one. The gap isn’t that noticeable.”

  “Then she wasn’t pretty enough.”

  “No one is pretty enough for you.”

  Right. No one except the girl with the eyes the color of storm clouds.

  “Mother and father will find you a wife if you don’t hurry and find one of your own,” Arela said with a grin. “They might just choose Liza.” She laughed.

  Aric stopped walking. Arela stopped beside him.

  “What is it?” Her eyes followed his gaze.

  Aric heard the arrival of Prince Eryon and his guest. He glanced up at them, but his eyes fixed on the girl at Prince Eryon’s side.

  There she was. It had to be her. Dressed in a lavender gown and mask, nothing could hide her from him.

  He urged her to look at him. It was all that he had waited for those past three years.

  That kiss.

  Aric had dreamt about it almost every night.

  When her gaze met his he felt that same powerful connection that made the hairs on his skin stand on end.

  Before he realized what he was doing, he was walking directly toward her.

  Her eyes widened when he stood before her, Arela quickly following to stand beside him.

  Aric glanced at Prince Eryon. “Hello, Eryon. You look smashing,” he said to the prince, and his eyes went back to the beauty at his brother’s side.

  “Good evening, Aric. Welcome home,” Prince Eryon replied, his jaw tightening as he watched Aric look the girl up and down.

  “Raina, is it?” He took her hand within his.

  She was warm without the gloves.

  She beamed at him, her eyes seeming to sparkle. “Yes, Prince Aric. I am Raina.”

  Aric didn’t let go of her hand, but nodded for her to come with him.

  “You’ll join me for a moment,” he said.

  It wasn’t a question.

  She looked back at her brother, Eryon, and the plain girl at his brother’s side, as if asking them if it was okay. They all looked stunned by what was happening.

  She didn’t tell them about that night.

  It was their little secret. Now, he didn’t want any secrets between them anymore.

  He didn’t care what anyone else thought. The only one that seemed pleased by Aric’s bold actions was Raina, and Arela.

  When neither of them gave her the permission she sought, she made the decision on her own.

  “Yes,” she said, and allowed herself to be led away.

  Aric didn’t let go of her hand. He never wanted to let her go ever again.

  There was something special about this girl, and he would not sleep until he found out what that was.

  HE DIDN’T FORGET me, Raina thought with a grin.

  Raina still held the hand of her prince. Her cheeks felt warm as they walked through the path made by the crowd of guests. They all stared at her with curiosity.

  She’d barely had time to notice the incredible decorations and the gowns and masks of the other guests. She tried to take it all in, but her heart pounded in her chest as she glanced up at Aric’s face.

  His blond hair was cut a little shorter, and his face was smooth and free of facial hair. He had grown older, but even more attractive.

  Raina stared at him curiously.

  Something had changed about him, now that she had a closer look without slamming her swords into his shield. A hardness that wasn’t there before.

  He had seen things.

  Done things.

  Her heart went out to him. She wanted to hear about everything that had occurred while he was away.

  She glanced back at her brother, her eyes catching on Prince Eryon’s face.

  He watched her, his face stern.

  Oh, she thought, realization filling her. He has feelings for me.

  She swallowed, unsettled by that notion.

  It didn’t matter at that time, Prince Aric was back. That was all that mattered. She’d smooth things over with Eryon at another time.

  “You kept your promise,” Aric said, giving her hand a squeeze.

  She beamed up at him. “I told you I would.”

  “That you did.”

  “How was your journey around the world?”

  Prince Aric led her inside the banquet hall and up to the balcony. Inside servers handed them goblets of wine.

  Raina peered into her cup, seeing the red liquid ripple with each step they took further into the hall. The strong aroma made her raise her eyebrows. She’d never had wine before. Allan warned her against it.

  Excitement to try it filled her, making her grin as she took her first sip. It was strong, but had a pleasant flavor of blueberries and cherries.

  She took another long sip before looking back up at Aric.

  “Not as exciting as this moment with you,” he said.

  Raina blushed. He was even more charming than she remembered. Three years hadn’t changed him too much. Perhaps there was hope for something to develop between them.

  “You’re too kind.”

  Raina stood on the golden crested balcony and gawked at the amount of food being set in the banquet hall. She was excited. Tonight she could dance, laugh, and drink wine.

  Raina simply wanted to be a normal girl. Just for one night.

  She gripped the gold railing and her jaw tensed when she saw the man from that day on the street outside Olia’s shop. He entered the room, walking slowly, his arms held out at his sides.

  Her stomach dropped. She nudged Aric in the forearm.

  “Have you seen that man before?”

  She glanced at Aric and noticed a how his face went ashen at the sight of the man.

  “Yes,” he sputtered, leaning forward to get a better look. When he looked back at Raina, his eyes were widened with terror.

  “What is it?” Raina was almost too afraid to find out what could make Aric look that afraid.

  “That’s the man I killed.”

  Raina searched his eyes. He was serious. She swallowed, a shiver running up her spine.

  A loud explosion gave Raina a start. One of the walls of the banquet hall was blasted through by a large stone.

  Aric pulled Raina to him. She gasped when two servers tried to run from whatever had caused the damage.

  It was him. The stranger did it.

  The servers were lifted from the ground and thrown into the air by an unseen force.

  Aric drew his sword. “Stay back,” he shouted to her. “It has to be magic. I killed that man!”

  Raina heard the servers crash to the ground, their screams cut off the instant their bodies made impact. The blood drained from her face.

  Her own scream was caught in her throat when she saw the stranger from earlier that evening fly pass the opening of the banquet hall.

  It’s him. Desi! What do I do?


  “I have to do something,” Raina said.

  Aric put an arm out, stopping her.

,” he said, drawing his sword with a ring of steel. “This is my fight.”

  The black blade was covered in silver symbols, the language of the gods. He glanced at her, his green eyes glowing.

  “Stay here,” he said.

  Before Raina could protest, Aric vanished.

  ARIC CREPT THROUGH the broken hole in the wall, sword ready, eyes glowing with the god’s power of his father’s bloodline.

  Completely unseen, he peered into the courtyard of panicking people hurrying to escape the attack. Now he could use his abilities for something other than fighting for sport in the coliseum.

  If one looked closely, they’d see the ripple in the air around Aric as he stood there. His adrenaline rushed as he sought out the man that had caused such a commotion.

  Was this another assassination attempt?

  Aric was anything but an easy target.

  He stood up straight when he saw the same man fly across the courtyard, his long hair flying behind him like a thick cloak.


  Odd, Aric thought. Who was that man?

  He made sure to keep the man in his sight as he held onto his sword, trying to figure out a way to strike the man from that high above him. The chill in the air seemed to cling to his flesh, eating at it like insects.

  He clenched his jaw, feeling his hand grow colder and colder. It was difficult harnessing his power in more than one place at a time.

  Clasping a black gauntlet on his wrist, Aric breathed out with relief. The sensations faded as the gauntlet charged, turning red as his power concentrated into the jewel embedded into the steel.

  One blast of searing hot power shot through the air and into the flying man.

  He stopped abruptly, his eyes shooting to glare at Aric as his power shifted from the going invisible to his gauntlets. Too bad that he couldn’t use both powers at the same time.

  He didn’t need both. With his hands wrapped around the hilt of his sword, he prepared himself for a battle.

  With lightning speed, his target swooped down and caught a girl by her hair.

  Princess Arela.

  Aric swallowed, lowering his sword.

  “Just put her down,” Aric shouted, his heart pounding in his chest. His voice came out strained. Nothing frightened him more than losing someone he loved.

  “Put down your sword, and all of your clever gadgets, boy.”