Page 3 of Betting on You

  She had been too busy with work and travel the last few years to maintain any type of relationship. She had never been shy about going after something she wanted and right now, that was Seth Jackson. She didn’t want to marry the man, but she damn sure wanted to sleep with him. If things went well, she could see things going longer than just one night. Of course, this all depended on Seth being a willing participant and from the vibes she was getting earlier, she felt that he was. Thanks to the wonder of Google, she knew that he was single and appeared to be unattached. She was also surprised to find that he and his family owned the chain of Oceanix Resorts. He wasn’t just an employee there as she first thought. That didn’t really mean anything to her, but it explained why her parents knew him well enough for casual conversation. She would have preferred someone outside of their social circle, but at least they didn’t appear to be golf buddies or anything close. It was doable and so was he.

  The cab that she had called was waiting at the entrance to her condominium. She usually preferred to have her own car, but she wanted to be able to enjoy a drink if she felt like it so she opted for safety. When she arrived, the ballroom was already packed. Her parents were standing at the door greeting the new arrivals. Her mother shot a quick look at her short dress before giving her a fake, public smile. “Mia, darling, don’t you look . . . cute tonight.” Her father was deep in conversation with another couple and gave her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek before turning away again.

  “Hi, Mom, it looks like you’ve done it again. It’s standing room only in here.”

  Her mother beamed, pleased by her remark. “I think some of the credit goes to Seth for donating the venue. Everyone loves the Oceanix Resort and couldn’t resist an evening here. You two seemed quite comfortable today.”

  Oh, yuck, is my mother trying to match-make again? I have to give her credit; her taste has improved a lot since the last disaster. Mia tried to seem uninterested. She didn’t need her mother getting involved and scaring the man away.

  “He’s just a client, Mom, nothing more.” She was grateful that a group of people behind her provided just enough distraction for her to make a quick escape. She loved her parents, but they didn’t have much in common. Plus, it could be draining when you were the center of their focus. It was much easier just being the usual afterthought. She took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and scanned the room. She was disappointed that Seth was nowhere to be found. Maybe he had decided against being auctioned off tonight.

  When a hand landed on her shoulder, she turned to find Margie, Seth’s assistant, behind her. “Well, hey there, girl, don’t you look hot.” Margie was wearing a form-fitting black dress, which displayed a body that most would envy, including her.

  “Wow, so do you. I love that dress and those shoes are amazing!” She had instantly bonded with Margie that morning and she was happy to see a friendly face in the crowd.

  “Ah, thank you, dear. They are killing my feet already, but it’s the price you have to pay, right? I hear your parents are throwing this shindig. I didn’t peg you for one of those Gentrys.”

  Mia winced. “Yeah, well, someone had to be their token child and my number was called so here I am.”

  Margie laughed, throwing an arm around her. “I like you. It’s about time we had someone interesting around here. So, are you buying yourself a man tonight? I know you probably think I’m saying this because he pays me, but you can’t go wrong with Seth. The boy cleans up real well and the way the women around the hotel chase him, he must be pretty good at his game, if you get my drift.”

  She smiled, more than getting her drift. “I hate to disappoint you, but the auction is out of my price range. Is Seth still planning to do it? I haven’t seen him around.”

  “He had to take a late conference call. He should be down in time for his moment on the stage. I tried to get him to wear something sexy, but he insisted on sticking with his suit.”

  “That’s too bad,” Mia murmured before she could stop herself.

  Margie gave her a wicked grin, saying, “Use your imagination, honey. Mine sure keeps me entertained. Now, do you think you can score us some good seats to the action?”

  Linking their arms, Mia said, “I’ve got this covered, follow me.”


  Seth cursed under his breath when he looked at his watch. The conference call had run later than he had anticipated and he had missed the start of the auction. If he didn’t hurry, he would miss the whole damn thing and Madeline Gentry would have his head. He wondered again why he had agreed to this in the first place. He had no desire to take some stranger out to dinner and make polite conversation. Worse yet, if Mia was correct, he might be fending off some older lady with roving hands. Maybe he should just stay in his office and pretend that he couldn’t get away. If you do, you’ll miss seeing Mia again.

  Shit, why did he care about that? He would see her tomorrow. But, you’ll miss seeing how she’s dressed tonight. What if she’s showing more skin? That was a thought he couldn’t resist. He had to see her. If that meant embarrassing himself in front of a roomful of people, then so be it. How bad could it be?

  The spotlights were glaring down on him, causing a fine sheen of sweat on his neckline, and the women in the room had turned into a bunch of horny piranhas. Mia, who was dressed in a fire-engine red dress that was indecently short, was seated in the front row next to Margie. Both of them were openly laughing as the room went crazy. Bids were being screamed from everywhere—and the amounts were in the thousands now. These women had more money than sense. Who would pay that much to go out with a stranger? They did know that this didn’t include sex, right?

  There was one bidder sitting quietly at the end of the front row who kept discreetly raising her hand to outbid the last bid. Whereas the other women seem to have lost their composure and were now acting more like a bridal party at a male strip club, this woman was calm and collected. She appeared to be in her thirties with long, blonde hair and a blue cocktail dress. He admired her calm approach to the auction, but strangely enough, worried about what an evening with her would be like. She seemed too businesslike to be bidding on a date. She barely even looked at him. She seemed to be listening to each bid and automatically raising her hand. The other women might try to grab his crotch during the date, but this one just might try to emasculate him. Was he actually hoping that someone else would win? Why in the hell hadn’t he instructed Margie to buy him? He could have given her the money. The thought had never crossed his mind.

  The bidding finally ended at $18,000 with him being sold to the eerily calm blonde in the front row. The amount of money boggled his mind. He had contributed more to various charities than that last year, but he would have never paid that much for a date. Of course, looking into Mia’s twinkling eyes and seeing the way her dress had crept up to expose a mile of tanned thigh, he had to wonder if he was wrong. How much would he give for one date with her? He averted his gaze and tried to shake her from his thoughts. Maybe the mystery blonde who had paid so much for a date would be a good distraction. Hell, she was attractive and he needed to get his mind off Mia. She was a complication that he didn’t need right now.


  Mia couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed something more. Watching Seth shift uncomfortably on stage while the women in the audience went crazy was hilarious! Beside her, Margie added to the noise level with some encouraging wolf whistles of her own. She had to admit, he did look amazingly hot in his tailored suit. The fact that he wasn’t even trying to work the crowd like his predecessors made him that much more desirable. Women tended to want the men who didn’t seem interested and he was definitely giving off that vibe. When the bidding started, women were screaming amounts. As the action continued though a blonde at the end of their row clearly became the front runner. No matter the top bid, she would immediately counter it. She smiled at Seth, but found herself becoming str
angely annoyed at this woman’s determination to have him. She wasn’t surrounded by a group of friends egging her on as many of the others were. No, she worked it almost like a job. Mia had no doubt: this woman was going to win the date with Seth. Why that bothered her, she had no idea, but it did.

  When the bidding ended, Margie leaned in saying, “I can’t believe he sold for that much. I’m never going to be able to live with him. He’ll probably demand I call him Mr. Jackson now and spend half the day staring at himself in the mirror.” Nodding to where the winner was acknowledging everyone’s congratulations with polite nods, she added, “Boy, Blondie sure is hot for him, isn’t she? He might get more than he bargained for out of that one.”

  Mia had to admit that she was curious. She knew most of the people here tonight and she was certain she had never seen the woman before. Looking back at Margie she asked, “Do you know who she is?”

  Margie shook her head. “Nope, I sure don’t. She seems a little calm though to be buying a date. What do you think? Maybe she went off her meds recently?”

  Mia giggled at Margie’s joke. She really did like Seth’s assistant. It made her wish that she had this kind of relationship with her own mother. What would it be like to actually joke and have fun with her rather than the distant relationship that they had? Oh, well, if that hadn’t happened by now, it wasn’t likely to.

  “Even uptight women get horny, ya know,” Mia deadpanned, which sent Margie into a fit of laughter loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

  When she had calmed down, Margie said with a wink, “Honey, we all get the urge, but if I’m gonna buy it, it’s not going to be in public.”

  Chapter Five

  “You did what!” Mia stuttered. “Oh my God, why would you do that?”

  Her mother sat across the table from her at Starbucks sipping a non-fat soy latte. “Please lower your voice, Mia; we don’t need the entire place hearing our conversation.”

  Mia knew it was bad when her mother called her early the morning after the charity auction and demanded that she meet her for coffee before work. She had imagined a million different reasons but none of them came close. “I can’t believe you had your secretary buy Seth Jackson for me. I . . . don’t even know what to say. Does Dad know about this?”

  “No, he doesn’t. Your father would never pay attention to a bachelor auction, so he never noticed Cathy bidding. She has only been with me a few months.”

  “Okay,” Mia sighed. “That still doesn’t answer why.”

  Her mother appeared to take her time answering before finally saying, “You never seem to be interested in anything other than work. I watched you with Seth at lunch yesterday and you were so at ease with him.”

  Exasperated, Mia said, “Mom, it was just business.”

  “You laughed, you smiled, and your whole body was relaxed. I haven’t seen you like that in so long. I know you will finish your work there and move on. But, I thought if you and Seth had the opportunity to get to know each other in a social setting that maybe your connection might continue after your assignment there is complete.”

  How was she supposed to respond to a statement like that? She was attracted to Seth and she had been hoping something might come of it after her job at the Oceanix Resort was done, but she hadn’t been expecting this. Normal mothers bought their daughters dinner or some new shoes. Her mother bought her a man. It completely boggled her mind that her polished, society darling mother had even thought of it, much less taken the time for the careful execution of the scheme. Was she that concerned about her love life or lack of one? It wasn’t as if it would reassure her if she confessed that she had casual sex when the need arose or used her vibrator. Yeah, that would be a proud moment for any mother. The need just hadn’t arisen lately. “Mom, I . . . I guess this is one of those, ‘it’s the thought that counts’ moments, so er . . . thank you for that. I think though considering the circumstances, that we should just let Seth off the hook. You can just make the contribution and everyone will be happy.”

  To her surprise, her mother shook her head saying, “Oh, no, I wouldn’t be happy. Seth agreed to the arrangement and it will stand. If anyone backs out, I will withdraw my money.”

  “What? You can’t do that to your own charity.”

  Smiling, her mother said, “The charity wouldn’t suffer, dear. Seth would pay the money instead. That was part of the agreement. If, for some reason, any of the bachelors were unable to fulfill their obligation, they would make the donation instead. It wouldn’t be fair to the person bidding for one of the men to drop out now, would it?”

  Wow, her mother was more than a little scary. She didn’t know whether she was impressed or pissed off. She had Seth all neatly tied into the deal. If she backed out, then her mother would probably find some way to make Seth pay as well. Good Lord, it seemed as if the wrong person was running the family business. Her mother was something of a shark. Maybe there was more there than the cool façade that she always presented to the world and to her daughter. Sadly, this was one of the few times in her adult life that she felt some kind of connection to the woman who had given birth to her.

  She would just talk to Seth tomorrow and let him know what was going on. They could go out somewhere for a quick dinner to fulfill the terms of the auction and make everyone happy. No one at Danvers had to know about it. They were both adults here. “Alright, Mom, it looks like you won this one. It’s just dinner though so don’t bother contacting a wedding planner.”

  Her mother gave her a satisfied smile in return. “I knew you would come around, dear. After all, why would any woman in her right mind argue over spending an evening with Seth Jackson?” Why indeed, Mia thought. She had to agree with her mother, but likely for different reasons. Her mother was thinking of his wallet size and Mia was thinking of the size of something else.


  Damn, where was Seth? He hadn’t been in his office all day. She had been all prepared to talk to him about their “date” tonight and he was a no-show. Margie said that he had driven down to Charleston to the resort there to meet with his brother. She thought that he would be back sometime that afternoon. Looking at her watch, she uttered another curse. It was after four and there was still no sign of him. What was she supposed to do now? Her mother had called her earlier and told her that Seth had called Cathy and made arrangements to meet her at the restaurant Ivy at six. She finally gave up at five and went home to get ready. She would just explain it to him in person. He would be surprised to see her, but surely, he would understand.

  When she arrived home, she took a quick shower and pondered her next decision. If she wore homely underwear, she was less likely to let things get out of hand. Dammit, it almost seemed like a sin though with the short, flirty fuchsia dress that she had picked out, especially since she had a bra and panty set that would match it perfectly. If she wore granny panties, there were bound to be panty lines, right? She put on her silk thong underwear and the matching demi bra and then slid into the dress. She was a sucker for a skirt with some twirl in it and this fit the bill perfectly. The top of the dress had a square neckline with a bustier-type bodice. She added a pair of four-inch black platform sandals and stood back to survey her reflection. She knew she was playing with fire. She should be dressed in something approaching business attire. You didn’t go to a restaurant with a man dressed in a short dress and fuck-me heels and have any hope of keeping things strictly professional. She wanted him and thanks to the unexpected intervention from her mother, she was in a position to have that opportunity sooner than expected.

  If things went well, the installation project at Oceanix Resort would be finished in another week or so. Assuming that Seth was willing, surely they could use this next week for foreplay. No lines needed to be crossed when the finish line was just ahead of them. What was wrong with a little harmless flirting tonight just to gauge his level of interest in t
aking things to a personal level?

  Her mother was correct about one thing: she seldom had this type of instant connection to someone. She had felt like she had been sucker-punched when they had met in his office for the first time. That type of connection was something she had only read about, but never experienced. There was an attraction there and she was sure that it wasn’t one-sided. He had seemed uncomfortable around her and she thought that was because he had felt that same way. God, she hoped she wasn’t misreading the whole thing. They might not be able to do anything about it tonight, but she intended to confirm Seth’s attraction to her, and her little pink dress should help her do just that.

  Chapter Six

  Seth scanned the crowded bar area at Ivy, looking for the blonde from the auction. He was a few moments late, but the hostess assured him that his party had not arrived. When he was making another pass around the room, he spotted a familiar figure at the bar seated between two men in business suits. She looked up and noticed him at the same time. What was she doing here? He had stayed away from the office all day to avoid having to work in close quarters with her again. He had no self-control around her. He knew that visions of throwing her across his desk and fucking her until she couldn’t stand up would make it damn near impossible to get any work done.

  Now, here she was in this restaurant of all places, looking like pure sex. The men sitting near her at the bar looked like they were in need of bibs. He knew the feeling; he felt like checking himself for drool as well. She was wearing a sexy dress in an eye-catching color. When she stood, he saw a pair of high heels that only brought to mind other fantasies involving her wearing them and nothing else. The man next to her was obviously disappointed by her departure. He saw both men and women staring as she crossed the small space confidently to meet him. Giving him a flirty smile, she said, “You’re late.”