While they amused themselves with this sort of conversation, thephysician returned with the coach, and accompanied them back to theirinn, where he left them to their repose, after having promised to callagain at noon, and conduct Renaldo to the house of Madam Clement, thebenefactress of Monimia, to whom he eagerly desired to be introduced.

  The appointment was observed with all imaginable punctuality on bothsides. Melvil had arrayed himself in a suit of deep mourning, and hefound the good lady in the like habit, assumed upon the same occasion.The goodness of her heart was manifest in her countenance; thesensibility of the youth discovered itself in a flood of tears, which heshed at her appearance. His sensations were too full for utterance; norwas she, for some time, able to give him welcome. While she led him bythe hand to a seat, the drops of sympathy rushed into either eye; and atlength she broke silence, saying, "Count, we must acquiesce in thedispensations of Providence; and quiet the transports of our grief, witha full assurance that Monimia is happy."

  This name was the key that unlocked the faculty of his speech. "I muststrive," said he, "to ease the anguish of my heart with that consolation.But say, humane, benevolent lady, to whose compassion and generosity thathapless orphan was indebted for the last peaceful moment she enjoyed uponearth; say, in all your acquaintance with human nature, in all yourintercourse with the daughters of men, in all the exercise of yourcharity and beneficence, did you ever observe such sweetness, purity, andtruth; such beauty, sense, and perfection, as that which was theinheritance of her whose fate I shall for ever deplore?"--"She was,indeed," replied the lady, "the best and fairest of our sex."

  This was the beginning of a conversation touching that lovely victim, inthe course of which he explained those wicked arts which Fathom practisedto alienate his affections from the adorable Monimia; and she describedthe cunning hints and false insinuations by which that traitor hadaspersed the unsuspecting lover, and soiled his character in the opinionof the virtuous orphan. The intelligence he obtained on this occasionadded indignation to his grief. The whole mystery of Monimia'sbehaviour, which he could not before explain, now stood disclosed beforehim. He saw the gradual progress of that infernal plan which had beenlaid for their mutual ruin; and his soul was inflamed with such desire ofvengeance, that he would have taken his leave abruptly, in order to seton foot an immediate inquiry about the perfidious author of his wrongs,that he might exterminate such a monster of iniquity from the face of theearth. But he was restrained by Madam Clement, who gave him tounderstand, that Fathom was already overtaken by the vengeance of Heaven;for she had traced him in all the course of his fortune, from his firstappearance in the medical sphere to his total eclipse. She representedthe villain as a wretch altogether unworthy of his attention. She said,he was so covered with infamy, that no person could enter the listsagainst him, without bearing away some stain of dishonour; that he was,at present, peculiarly protected by the law, and sheltered from theresentment of Renaldo, in the cavern of his disgrace.

  Melvil, glowing with rage, replied, that he was a venomous serpent, whichit was incumbent on every foot to crush; that it was the duty of everyman to contribute his whole power in freeing society from such apernicious hypocrite; and that, if such instances of perfidy andingratitude were suffered to pass with impunity, virtue and plain-dealingwould soon be expelled from the habitations of men. "Over and abovethese motives," said he, "I own myself so vitiated with the alloy ofhuman passion and infirmity, that I desire--I eagerly pant for anoccasion of meeting him hand to hand, where I may upbraid him with histreachery, and shower down vengeance and destruction on his perfidioushead."

  Then he recounted the anecdotes of our adventurer which he had learned inGermany and Flanders, and concluded with declaring his unalterableresolution of releasing him from jail, that he might have an opportunityof sacrificing him, with his own hand, to the manes of Monimia. Thediscreet lady, perceiving the perturbation of his mind, would not furthercombat the impetuosity of his passion; contenting herself with exacting apromise, that he would not execute his purpose, until he should havedeliberated three days upon the consequences by which a step of that kindmight be attended. Before the expiration of that term, she thoughtmeasures might be taken to prevent the young gentleman from exposing hislife or reputation to unnecessary hazard.

  Having complied with her request in this particular, he took his leave,after he had, by repeated entreaties, prevailed upon her to accept ajewel, in token of his veneration for the kind benefactress of thedeceased Monimia; nor could his generous heart be satisfied, until he hadforced a considerable present on the humane physician who had attendedher in her last moments, and now discovered a particular sympathy andconcern for her desponding lover. This gentleman attended him to thehouse of the benevolent Joshua, where they dined, and where Don Diego wasrecommended, in the most fervid terms of friendship, to the good officesof their host. Not that this duty was performed in presence of thestranger--Renaldo's delicacy would not expose his friend to such asituation. While the physician, before dinner, entertained that strangerin one apartment, Melvil withdrew into another, with the Jew, to whom hedisclosed the affair of the Castilian, with certain circumstances, whichshall, in due time, be revealed.

  Joshua's curiosity being whetted by this information, he could not helpeyeing the Spaniard at table with such a particular stare, that Don Diegoperceived his attention, and took umbrage at the freedom of his regard.Being unable to conceal his displeasure, he addressed himself to theHebrew, with great solemnity, in the Spanish tongue, saving, "Signior, isthere any singularity in my appearance? or, do you recollect the featuresof Don Diego de Zelos?"

  "Signior Don Diego," replied the other in pure Castilian, "I crave yourpardon for the rudeness of my curiosity, which prompted me to survey anobleman, whose character I revere, and to whose misfortunes I am nostranger. Indeed, were curiosity alone concerned, I should be withoutexcuse; but as I am heartily inclined to serve you, as far as my weakabilities extend, I hope your generosity will not impute any littleinvoluntary trespass of punctilio to my want of cordiality or esteem."

  The Spaniard was not only appeased by this apology, but also affectedwith the compliment, and the language in which it was conveyed. Hethanked the Jew for his kind declaration, entreated him to bear, with thepeevishness of a disposition sore with the galling hand of affliction;and, turning up his eyes to Heaven, "Were it possible," cried he, "forfate to reconcile contradictions, and recall the irremediable current ofevents, I would now believe that there was happiness still in reserve forthe forlorn Zelos, now that I tread the land of freedom and humanity, nowthat I find myself befriended by the most generous of men. Alas! I asknot happiness! If, by the kind endeavours of the gallant Count deMelvil, to whom I am already indebted for my life, and by the efforts ofhis friends, the honour of my name shall be purified and cleared from thepoisonous stains of malice by which it is at present spotted, I shallthen enjoy all that satisfaction which destiny can bestow upon a wretchwhose woes are incurable."

  Renaldo comforted him with the assurance of his being on the eve oftriumphing over his adversaries; and Joshua confirmed the consolation, bygiving him to understand, that he had correspondents in Spain of someinfluence in the state; that he had already written to them on thesubject of Don Diego, in consequence of a letter which he had receivedfrom Melvil while he tarried at Mons, and that he, every post, expected afavourable answer on that subject.

  After dinner, the physician took his leave, though not before he hadpromised to meet Renaldo at night, and accompany him in the repetition ofhis midnight visit to Monimia's tomb; for this pilgrimage the unfortunateyouth resolved nightly to perform during the whole time of his residencein England. It was, indeed, a sort of pleasure, the prospect of whichenabled him to bear the toil of living through the day, though hispatience was almost quite exhausted before the hour of assignationarrived.

bsp; When the doctor appeared with the coach, he leaped into it with greateagerness, after he had, with much difficulty, prevailed with Don Diegoto stay at home, on account of his health, which was not yet perfectlyestablished. The Castilian, however, would not comply with his request,until he had obtained the Count's promise, that he should be permitted toaccompany him next night, and take that duty alternately with thephysician.

  About midnight, they reached the place, where they found the sexton inwaiting, according to the orders he had received. The door was opened,the mourner conducted to the tomb, and left, as before, to the gloom ofhis own meditations. Again he laid himself on the cold ground; again herenewed his lamentable strain; his imagination began to be heated into anecstasy of enthusiasm, during which he again fervently invoked the spiritof his deceased Monimia.

  In the midst of these invocations, his ear was suddenly invaded with thesound of some few solemn notes issuing from the organ, which seemed tofeel the impulse of an invisible hand.

  At this awful salutation, Melvil was roused to the keenest sense ofsurprise and attention. Reason shrunk before the thronging ideas of hisfancy, which represented this music as the prelude to something strangeand supernatural; and, while he waited for the sequel, the place wassuddenly illuminated, and each surrounding object brought under thecognisance of his eye.

  What passed within his mind on this occasion is not easy to be described.All his faculties were swallowed up by those of seeing and hearing. Hehad mechanically raised himself upon one knee, with his body advancingforwards; and in this attitude he gazed with a look through which hissoul seemed eager to escape. To his view, thus strained upon vacantspace, in a few minutes appeared the figure of a woman arrayed in white,with a veil that covered her face, and flowed down upon her back andshoulders. The phantom approached him with an easy step, and, lifting upher veil, discovered (believe it, O reader!) the individual countenanceof Monimia.

  At sight of these well-known features, seemingly improved with newcelestial graces, the youth became a statue, expressing amazement, love,and awful adoration. He saw the apparition smile with meek benevolence,divine compassion, warm and intendered by that fond pure flame whichdeath could not extinguish. He heard the voice of his Monimia callRenaldo! Thrice he essayed to answer; as oft his tongue denied itsoffice. His hair stood upright, and a cold vapour seemed to thrillthrough every nerve. This was not fear, but the infirmity of humannature, oppressed by the presence of a superior being.

  At length his agony was overcome. He recollected all his resolution,and, in a strain of awestruck rapture, thus addressed the heavenlyvisitant: "Hast thou then heard, pure spirit! the wailings of my grief?hast thou descended from the realms of bliss, in pity to my woe? and artthou come to speak the words of peace to my desponding soul? To bid thewretched smile, to lift the load of misery and care from the afflictedbreast; to fill thy lover's heart with joy and pleasing hope, was stillthe darling task of my Monimia, ere yet refined to that perfection whichmortality can never attain. No wonder then, blessed shade, that now,when reunited to thy native heaven, thou art still kind, propitious, andbeneficent to us, who groan in this inhospitable vale of sorrow thou hastleft. Tell me, ah! tell me, dost thou still remember those fond hours wepassed together? Doth that enlightened bosom feel a pang of soft regret,when thou recallest our fatal separation? Sure that meekened glancebespeaks thy sympathy! Ah! how that tender look o'erpowers me! SacredHeaven! the pearly drops of pity trickle down thy cheeks! Such are thetears that angels shed o'er man's distress!--Turn not away--Thoubeckonest me to follow. Yes, I will follow thee, ethereal spirit, as faras these weak limbs, encumbered with mortality, will bear my weight; and,would to Heaven! I could, with ease, put off these vile corporealshackles, and attend thy flight."

  So saying, he started from the ground, and, in a transport of eagerexpectation, at awful distance, traced the footsteps of the apparition,which, entering a detached apartment, sunk down upon a chair, and with asigh exclaimed, "Indeed, this is too much!" What was the disorder ofRenaldo's mind, when he perceived this phenomenon! Before reflectioncould perform its office, moved by a sudden impulse, he sprung forwards,crying, "If it be death to touch thee, let me die!" and caught in hisarms, not the shadow, but the warm substance of the all-accomplishedMonimia. "Mysterious powers of Providence! this is no phantom! this isno shade! this is the life! the panting bosom of her whom I have so long,so bitterly deplored! I fold her in my arms! I press her glowing breastto mine! I see her blush with virtuous pleasure and ingenuous love! Shesmiles upon me with enchanting tenderness! O let me gaze on thattranscendent beauty, which, the more I view it, ravishes the more! Thesecharms are too intense; I sicken while I gaze! Merciful Heaven! is notthis a mere illusion of the brain? Was she not fled for ever? Had notthe cold hand of death divorced her from my hope? This must be someflattering vision of my distempered fancy! perhaps some soothing dream--If such it be, grant, O ye heavenly powers! that I may never wake."

  "O gentle youth!" replied the beauteous orphan, still clasped in hisembrace, "what joy now fills the bosom of Monimia, at this triumph of thyvirtue and thy love? When I see these transports of thy affection, whenI find thee restored to that place in my esteem and admiration, whichthou hadst lost by the arts of calumny and malice--this is a meetingwhich my most sanguine hopes durst not presage!"

  So entirely were the faculties of Renaldo engrossed in the contemplationof his restored Monimia, that he saw not the rest of the company, whowept with transport over this affecting scene. He was therefore amazedat the interposition of Madam Clement, who, while the shower ofsympathetic pleasure bedewed her cheeks, congratulated the lovers uponthis happy event, crying, "These are the joys which virtue calls herown." They also received the compliments of a reverend clergyman, whotold Monimia, she had reaped, at last, the fruits of that piousresignation to the will of Heaven, which she had so devoutly practisedduring the term of her affliction. And, lastly, they were accosted bythe physician, who was not quite so hackneyed in the ways of death, or socallous to the finer sensations of the soul, but that he blubberedplentifully, wile he petitioned Heaven in behalf of such an accomplishedand deserving pair.

  Monimia taking Madam Clement by the hand, "Whatever joy," said she,"Renaldo derives from this occasion, is owing to the bounty, thecompassion, and maternal care of this incomparable lady, together withthe kind admonitions and humanity of those two worthy gentlemen."

  Melvil, whose passions were still in agitation, and whose mind could notyet digest the incidents that occurred, embraced them all by turns; but,like the faithful needle, which, though shaken for an instant from itspoise, immediately regains its true direction, and points invariably tothe pole, he soon returned to his Monimia; again he held her in his arms,again he drank enchantment from her eyes, and thus poured forth theeffusions of his soul:--"Can I then trust the evidence of sense? And artthou really to my wish restored? Never, O never did thy beauty shinewith such bewitching grace, as that which now confounds and captivates myview! Sure there is something more than mortal in thy looks!--Where hastthou lived?--where borrowed this perfection?--whence art thou nowdescended?--Oh! I am all amazement, joy, and fear!--Thou wilt not leaveme!--No! we must not part again. By this warm kiss! a thousand timesmore sweet than all the fragrance of the East! we nevermore will part.O! this is rapture, ecstasy, and what no language can explain!"

  In the midst of these ejaculations, he ravished a banquet from herglowing lips, that kindled in his heart a flame which rushed throughevery vein, and glided to his marrow. This was a privilege he had neverclaimed before, and now permitted as a recompense for all the penance hehad suffered. Nevertheless, the cheeks of Monimia, who was altogetherunaccustomed to such familiarities, underwent a total suffusion; andMadam Clement discreetly relieved her from the anxiety of her situation,by interfering in the discourse, and rallying the Count upon hisendeavours to monopolise such a branch of happiness.

  "O my dear lady!" replied Renaldo, who by this t
ime had, in some measure,recovered his recollection, "forgive the wild transports of a fond lover,who hath so unexpectedly retrieved the jewel of his soul! Yet, far fromwishing to hoard up his treasure, he means to communicate and diffuse hishappiness to all his friends. O my Monimia! how will the pleasure ofthis hour be propagated! As yet thou knowest not all the bliss that isreserved for thy enjoyment!--Meanwhile, I long to learn by whatcontrivance this happy interview hath been effected. Still am I ignoranthow I was transported into this apartment, from the lonely vault in whichI mourned over my supposed misfortune!"