The nature of this visit had softened every heart, and saddened everycountenance; and they walked in solemn silence to the other side of thechurch-yard, in order to regain their carriages; when, at the turning ofthe stile, they saw a young woman, in wretched attire, running out of apoor habitation, wringing her hands in all the agony of despair.Notwithstanding the distraction in her countenance, and the meanness ofher apparel, she discovered a regularity of features, and a delicacy ofair, which did not at all correspond with the misery of her equipage.These exhibitions of extreme distress soon attracted the notice andcompassion of our company, and Melvil's beauteous help-mate, accostingthis forlorn damsel with a pity-breathing aspect, asked the cause of herdisorder.

  "Alas! dear lady," cried the other, with all the emphasis of woe, "anunhappy gentleman now breathes his last within this inhospitable hovel,amidst such excess of misery as would melt the most flinty bosom. Whatthen must I feel, who am connected with him by the strongest ties of loveand conjugal affection?" "Who is the unfortunate object?" said thephysician. "He was once well known in the gay world," replied the youngwoman; "his name is Fathom." Every individual of the company started atmention of that detested name. Serafina began to tremble with emotion;and Renaldo, after a short pause, declared he would go in, not with aview to exult over his misery, but in order to contemplate thecatastrophe of such a wicked life, that the moral might be the moredeeply engraved on his remembrance. The young Countess, whose tenderheart could not bear the shock of such a spectacle, retired to the coachwith Madam Clement and the Jew, while Renaldo, accompanied by the rest,entered a dismal apartment, altogether void of furniture and convenience,where they beheld the wretched hero of these memoirs stretched almostnaked upon straw, insensible, convulsed, and seemingly in the grasp ofdeath. He was worn to the bone either by famine or distemper; his facewas overshadowed with hair and filth; his eyes were sunk, glazed, anddistorted; his nostrils dilated; his lips covered with a black slough;and his complexion faded into a pale clay-colour, tending to a yellowhue. In a word, the extremity of indigence, squalor, and distress couldnot be more feelingly represented.

  While Melvil perused this melancholy lesson, and groaning, cried, "Beholdthe fate of man!" he perceived a letter in the right hand of theunfortunate Fathom, which lay fast clenched across his breast. Curiousto know the contents of this paper, which the young woman said he hadkept in that position for several days, he drew nearer the wretchedcouch, and was not a little surprised to see it addressed to the RightHonourable Renaldo Count de Melvil, to the care of Mr. Joshua Manesseh,merchant in London. When he attempted to disengage this billet from theauthor's hand, the sorrowing female fell upon her knees, entreating himto desist, and telling him, she had promised, upon oath, to communicatethe contents to no person upon earth, but to carry the letter, upon herhusband's decease, to the gentleman to whose care it was directed.

  Renaldo assured her, upon his honour, that he was the very Renaldo Countde Melvil, for whom it was intended; and the young creature was so muchconfounded at this information, that, before she could recollect herself,Melvil had opened the billet, and read these words: "If this paper shouldfall into the hands of the noble Renaldo, he will understand, that Fathomwas the most execrable traitor that ever imposed upon unsuspectingbenevolence, or attempted to betray a generous benefactor. His wholelife was a series of fraud, perfidy, and the most abominable ingratitude.But, of all the crimes that lay heavy upon his soul, his being accessoryto the death of the incomparable Serafina, whose father he had alsorobbed, was that for which he despaired of Heaven's forgiveness,notwithstanding the dreadful compunction and remorse which have longpreyed upon his heart, together with the incredible misery and deplorabledeath which by this time he hath undergone. Though these sufferings andsorrows cannot atone for his enormous guilt, perhaps they will excite thecompassion of the humane Count de Melvil; at least, this confession,which my conscience dictates under all the terrors of death and futurity,may be a warning for him to avoid henceforth a smiling villain, like theexecrable Fathom, upon whose miserable soul Almighty God have mercy."

  Renaldo was deeply affected with the contents of this scroll, whichdenoted such horror and despair. He saw there could be no dissimulationor sinister design in this profession of penitence. He beheld thecondition of the writer, which put all his humane passions in commotion;so that he remembered nothing of Fathom but his present distress. Hecould scarce maintain those indications which might have been justlydeemed the effect of weakness and infirmity; and having desired thephysician and clergyman to contribute their assistance for the benefit ofthat wretch's soul and body, he ran to the coach, and communicated theletter to the ladies; at the same time drawing a picture of the object hehad seen, which brought tears into the eyes of the gentle Serafina, whoearnestly entreated her lord to use his endeavours for the relief andrecovery of the unhappy man, that he might, if possible, live to enjoythe benefit of mature repentance, and not die in that dreadful despairwhich he manifested in the letter.

  Renaldo, returning to the house, found the pious clergyman readingprayers with great fervency, while Don Diego stood with his right handupon his breast, looking steadfastly upon the agonising Fathom, and theyoung woman kneeled, with her streaming eyes lifted up to heaven, in anecstasy of grief and devotion. The physician had run to an apothecary'sshop in the neighbourhood, from whence he soon returned with anassistant, who applied a large blister to the back of the miserablepatient, while the female, by the doctor's direction, moistened his mouthwith a cordial which he had prescribed.

  These charitable steps being taken, Count de Melvil entreated theapothecary's servant to procure a tent-bed for the accommodation of thesick person with all imaginable despatch; and, in less than an hour, onewas actually pitched, and Fathom lifted into it, after he had beenshifted, and in some measure purified from the dregs of his indigence.During this transaction the ladies were conducted to a tavern not faroff, where dinner was bespoke, that they might be at hand to see theeffect of their charity, which was not confined to what we have alreadydescribed, but extended so far, that, in a little time, the apartment wascomfortably furnished, and the young creature provided with change ofapparel, and money to procure the necessaries of subsistence.

  Notwithstanding all their care, the wretched Fathom still remainedinsensible, and the doctor pronounced a very unfavourable prognostic,while he ordered a pair of additional vesicatories to be laid upon hisarms, and other proper medicines to be administered. After dinner, theladies ventured to visit the place, and when Serafina crossed thethreshold, the weeping female fell at her feet, and, kissing her robe,exclaimed, "Sure you are an angel from heaven."

  The alteration in her dress had made a very agreeable change in herappearance, so that the Countess could now look upon her withoutshuddering at her distress. And, as Fathom was not in a condition to bedisturbed, she took this opportunity of inquiring by what steps thatunfortunate wretch was conveyed from the prison, in which she knew he hadbeen confined, to the place where he now lay in such extremity; and bywhat occurrence he had found a wife in such an abyss of misfortune. Herethe other's tears began to flow afresh. "I am ashamed," said she, "toreveal my own folly; yet I dare not refuse a satisfaction of this kind toa person who has laid me under such signal obligations."

  She then proceeded to relate her story, by which it appeared, she was noother than the fair and unhappy Elenor, whom the artful Fathom haddebauched upon his first arrival in town, in the manner already describedin these memoirs. "Heaven," continued she, "was pleased to restore theuse of my reason, which I had lost when I found myself abandoned by theCount; but, all my connexion with my own family being entirely cut off,and every door shut against a poor creature who could procure norecommendation, except the certificate signed by the physician of Bedlam,which, instead of introducing me to service, was an insurmountableobjection to my character, I found myself destitute of all me
ans ofsubsisting, unless I would condescend to live the infamous and wretchedlife of a courtezan, an expedient rendered palatable by the terrors ofwant, cooperating with the reflection of the irretrievable loss I hadalready sustained. I ask pardon for offending your chaste ears with thisimpure confession of my guilt, which, Heaven knows, I then did, and nowdo look upon with abhorrence and detestation. I had already forfeited myinnocence, and wanted resolution to encounter misery and death.Nevertheless, before I could determine to embrace the condition of aprostitute, I was one day accosted in the Park by an elderly gentlemanwho sat down by me upon a bench, and, taking notice of the despondencewhich was evident in my countenance, pressed me to make him acquaintedwith the nature of my misfortune. So much sympathy and good senseappeared in his deportment and conversation, that I gratified hisrequest, and he, in return for my confidence, saved me from the mosthorrible part of my prospect, by taking me into his protection, andreserving me for his own appetite. In this situation I lived a wholeyear, until I was deprived of my keeper by an apoplectic fit, and turnedout of doors by his relations, who did not, however, strip me of theclothes and moveables which I owed to his bounty. Far from being as yetreconciled to a vicious life, I resolved to renounce the paths of shame,and, converting my effects into ready money, hired a small shop, andfurnished it with haberdashery ware, intending to earn an honestlivelihood by the sale of these commodities, together with the plain workin which I hoped to be employed so soon as my talents should be known.But this scheme did not answer my expectation. The goods spoiled upon myhands, and, as I was a stranger in the neighbourhood, nobody wouldintrust me with any other business. So that, notwithstanding the mostparsimonious economy, I ran in debt to my landlord, who seized myeffects; and an hosier, from whom I had received some parcels uponcredit, took out a writ against me, by virtue of which I was arrested andimprisoned in the Marshalsea, where I found my first seducer. GoodHeaven! what did I feel at this unexpected meeting, overwhelmed as I wasbefore with my own distress! I with a loud scream fainted away, and,when I recovered, found myself in the arms of Mr. Fathom, who wept overme with great affliction. All his prospects of gaiety had now vanished,and his heart was softened by his own misfortunes, to a feeling ofanother's woe, as well as to a due sense of his own guilt. He expressedthe deepest sorrow for having been the occasion of my ruin, endeavouredto comfort me with a promise of assistance, and indeed, by practisingmedicine among the prisoners, made shift to keep us both from starving.But surely no sinner underwent such severe remorse as that which hesuffered during his imprisonment. From the day of our meeting, I neveronce saw him smile; a melancholy cloud continually overhung hiscountenance. He numbered the minutes by his groans, he used to startwith horror from his sleep, and, striking his breast, would exclaim, 'OElenor! I am the worst of villains!' Sometimes he seemed disordered inhis brain, and raved about Renaldo and Monimia. In a word, his mind wasin a dreadful situation, and all his agonies were communicated to me,whom by this time he had married, in order to make some atonement for mywrongs. Wretched as he then was, I remembered the accomplished youthwho had captivated my virgin heart, the old impressions still remained, Isaw his penitence, pitied his misfortune, and his wife being dead,consented to join his fate, the ceremony having been performed by afellow-prisoner, who was in orders. Though his hard-hearted creditor hadno other chance of being paid, than that of setting him at liberty, helent a deaf ear to all our supplications; and this cruelty conspiringwith the anguish of my husband's own reflection, affected his health andspirits to such a degree, that he could no longer earn the miserablepittance which had hitherto supported our lives. Then our calamitiesbegan to multiply. Indigence and famine stared us in the face; and itwas with the utmost difficulty that we resisted their attacks, by sellingor pledging our wearing apparel, until we were left almost quite naked,when we found ourselves discharged by an act passed for the relief ofinsolvent debtors. This charitable law, which was intended for aconsolation to the wretched, proved to us the most severe disaster; forwe were turned out into the streets, utterly destitute of food, raiment,and lodging, at a time when Mr. Fathom was so weakened by his distemper,that he could not stand alone. I supported him from door to door,imploring the compassion of charitable Christians, and was at lengthpermitted to shelter him in this miserable place, where his diseasegaining ground, he lay three days in that deplorable condition, fromwhich he hath now been rescued, though I fear too late, by your humanityand benevolence."

  She shed a flood of tears at the conclusion of this mournful tale, whichdid not fail to affect the whole audience, especially Serafina, whoassured her, that, whatever should happen to her husband, she mightdepend upon finding favour and protection, provided her conduct shouldcorrespond with her professions. While this grateful creature kissed thehand of her kind benefactress, Fathom uttered a groan, began to stir inthe bed, and with a languid voice called upon Elenor, who, instantlywithdrawing the curtain, presented the whole company to his view. He hadnow retrieved the use of his perception by the operation of the blisters,which began to torture him severely; he looked around him with amazementand affright, and distinguishing the three persons against whom the chiefarrows of his fraud and treachery had been levelled, he concluded that hewas now arrived at the land of departed souls, and that the shades ofthose whom he had so grievously injured were come to see him tormentedaccording to his demerits.

  Fraught with this notion, which was confirmed by the bodily pain which hefelt, and the appearance of the clergyman and Joshua, whom he mistook forthe ministers of vengeance, he cried in a tone replete with horror, "Isthere no mercy then for penitence? Is there no pity due to the miseriesI suffered upon earth? Save me, O bountiful Heaven! from the terrors ofeverlasting woe; hide me from these dreadful executioners, whose looksare torture. Forgive me, generous Castilian. O Renaldo! thou hadst oncea tender heart. I dare not lift my eyes to Serafina! that pattern ofhuman excellence, who fell a victim to my atrocious guilt; yet her aspectis all mildness and compassion. Hah! are not these the drops of pity?Yes, they are the tears of mercy. They fall like refreshing showers uponmy drooping soul! Ah, murdered innocence! wilt thou not intercede forthy betrayer at the throne of grace!"

  Here he was interrupted by Melvil, who with a grave and solemn airpronounced, "Great hath been thy guilt, unhappy Ferdinand, and great havebeen thy sufferings. Yet we come not to insult, but to alleviate thydistress. Providence hath kindly defeated thy dire intentions, which wetherefore now forgive and transmit to oblivion, whether it be thy lot toyield up thy spirit immediately, or to survive the dangerous malady withwhich thou art at present overwhelmed. Suffer not thyself to despair;for the mercy of Heaven is infinite; and submit to the directions of thisworthy gentleman, who will employ his skill for thy recovery, while weshall take care to furnish thee with necessary attendance. As too muchspeaking may be prejudicial to thy health, I dispense with thy reply, andexhort thee to compose thyself to rest." So saying, he drew the curtain,and the company retired, leaving Fathom entranced with wonder.

  The next step which Renaldo took for the benefit of this wretchedpenitent, was to send for the apothecary, with whom he left a sum ofmoney to be expended for the convenience of Fathom and his wife; then helaid injunctions upon the physician to repeat his visits; and thatgentleman, together with the clergyman and Joshua, taking leave ofthe others till next day, the Count set out with the ladies and hisfather-in-law to the house where they had lodged the preceding night.

  The reader may well imagine the conversation of the evening turned whollyupon the strange occurrence of the day, which seemed to have beenconcerted by supernatural prescience, in order to satisfy the vengeance,and afford matter of triumph to the generosity of those who had been sogrievously injured by the guilty Fathom. Though not one of them wouldsay that such a miscreant ought to live, yet all concurred in approvingthe offices of humanity which had been performed, and even endeavoured tofind specious pretext for vindicating their compassion. Don Diego said,it woul
d ill become a transgressor like him to withhold his forgivenessfrom a sinner who had wronged him. Madam Clement appealed to theapprobation of Heaven, which had undoubtedly directed them that way, forthe purpose they had fulfilled. Serafina observed, that the crimes ofthe delinquent were obliterated by his sorrow, misery, and repentance.Renaldo honestly owned, that, exclusive of other reasons, he could notdeny himself the luxurious enjoyment of communicating happiness to hisfellow-creatures in distress; and each fervently prayed, that theircharity might not be disappointed by the death of the object.

  While they amused themselves in these discussions, Fathom, after havinglain some hours silent, in consequence of Renaldo's advice, could nolonger suppress the astonishment of his mind, but, addressing himself tohis wife, "O Elenor!" said he, "my delirium is now past; though I stillremember the phantasies of my distempered brain. Among other reveries,my imagination was regaled with a vision so perfect and distinct, as toemulate truth and reality. Methought Count de Melvil, Don Diego deZelos, and the divine Serafina, the very persons who are now cryingbefore the throne of Heaven for vengeance against the guilty Fathom,stood by my bedside, with looks of pity and forgiveness; and that Renaldospoke peace to my despairing soul. I heard the words distinctly. Iretain them in my memory. I saw the tears trickle from Serafina's eyes.I heard her father utter a compassionate sigh; and should actuallybelieve that they were personally present, had not I long ago seen withmy own eyes the funeral procession of that young lady, whose wrongs Godpardon; and were I not convinced that such a meeting could not beeffected without the immediate and miraculous interposition of Heaven.Yet everything I now see corresponds with the words of Renaldo, whichstill sound in my ears. When my perception forsook me, I lay in the mostabject misery, among straw; and thou, poor injured innocence, wast nakedand forlorn. Now, I find myself reposed in a warm, easy, comfortablebed. I see around me the marks of human charity and care, and thefavourable change in thy appearance glads my poor dejected heart. Say,whence this happy alteration? Do I really awake from that dream ofmisery in which we have continued so long? or do I still utter theextravagant ravings of a distempered brain?"

  Elenor was afraid of imparting at once all the particulars of the happychange he had undergone, lest they might leave a dangerous impressionupon his fancy, which was not yet duly composed. She contented herself,therefore, with telling him, that he had been obliged to the humanity ofa gentleman and lady, who chanced to pass that way by accident, and who,understanding his deplorable case, had furnished him with theconveniences which he now enjoyed. She then presented to him what thedoctor had directed her to administer, and, admonishing him to commit hishead to the pillow, he was favoured with a breathing sweat, fell fastasleep, and in a few hours waked again altogether cool and undisturbed.

  It was upon this occasion that his wife explained the circumstances ofthat visit which had redeemed him from extremity of wretchedness and thejaws of death; upon which he started up, and throwing himself upon hisknees, exclaimed, "All-gracious Power! this was the work of thy ownbounteous hand; the voice of my sorrow and repentance hath been heard.Thou hast inspired my benefactors with more than mortal goodness in mybehalf; how shall I praise thy name! how shall I requite theirgenerosity! Oh, I am bankrupt to both! yet let me not perish until Ishall have convinced them of my reformation, and seen them enjoying thatfelicity which ought to be reserved for such consummate virtue."

  Next day, in the forenoon, he was visited by the physician, whom he nowrecollected to have seen at the house of Madam Clement; and, after havingthanked that gentleman for his humanity and care, he earnestly begged toknow by what means Serafina had been preserved. When he was satisfied inthis particular, and given to understand that she was now happy in thearms of Renaldo, "Blessed be God!" he cried, "for having defeated thevillany of him who sought to part such lovers. Dear sir, will you addone circumstance to your charity, and bear to that happy couple, and thenoble Don Diego, the respects and the remorse of a sincere penitent, whomtheir compassion hath raised to life? I have been such a traitor tothem, that my words deserve no regard. I will not therefore useprofessions. I dare not hope to be admitted into their presence. I amindeed ashamed to see the light of the sun. How then could I bear thelooks of that injured family? ah, no! let me hide myself in some obscureretreat, where I may work out my salvation with fear and trembling, andpray incessantly to Heaven for their prosperity."

  The physician promised to represent his contrition to the Count and hislady, and accordingly proceeded to their habitation, where he repeatedthese expressions, and pronounced his patient out of danger. So thattheir thoughts were now employed in concerting a scheme for his futuresubsistence, that he might not be exposed by indigence to a relapse inpoint of morals. Renaldo being still averse to any personal intercoursewith such a wretch, until he should give some undoubted proofs ofamendment, and, as yet afraid of intrusting him with any office thatrequired integrity, resolved, with the approbation of all present, tosettle him in a cheap county in the north of England, where he and hiswife could live comfortably on an annuity of sixty pounds, until hisbehaviour should entitle him to a better provision.

  This resolution was just taken, when Joshua arrived with a gentleman whomhe introduced to Don Diego as the secretary of the Spanish ambassador.After the first compliments, the stranger told the Castilian, that hewaited upon him at the desire of his Excellency, who would have come inperson, had he not been confined by the gout. Then he put into his handa letter from the court of Madrid, written by a nobleman of Diego'sacquaintance, who informed him, that Don Manuel de Mendoza having madeaway with himself by poison, in order to avoid the disgrace of a legalconviction, his Catholic Majesty was now convinced of Don Diego'sinnocence, and granted him leave to return and take possession of hishonours and estate. This information was confirmed by the secretary, whoassured him that the ambassador had orders to make him acquainted withthis favourable decision of the King. The Castilian having firstacquitted himself in the most polite terms to the secretary and the Jew,who, he said, had always been a messenger of glad tidings, communicatedhis happiness to the company; and this evening concluded the third day oftheir rejoicing.

  Next morning Don Diego went to visit the ambassador, accompanied byJoshua and the secretary; while the physician, repairing to thehabitation of Fathom, signified, by Renaldo's direction, the resolutionwhich had been taken in his behalf; and the patient no sooner heard hisdoom, than, lifting up his hands, he cried, "I am unworthy of suchtenderness and benevolence." While Elenor shed a flood of tears insilence, unable to give utterance to her grateful thought; Melvil'sbounty having so far transcended her most sanguine hope.

  The Spaniard having paid his devoirs to his Excellency, returned beforedinner; and, in the afternoon, desiring a private conference withSerafina, they retired into another apartment, and he expressed himselfto this effect: "You have contracted, my dear child, an habit of callingMadam Clement your mother, and doubtless, by her maternal tenderness andregard, she hath acquired a just title to the appellation. Yet I own Iwould fain strengthen it by a legal claim. I no sooner retrieved mydaughter than I gave her away to the most deserving youth that eversighed with love.--I rejoice in the gift which secured your happiness.But I left myself in a solitary situation, which even the return of mygood fortune cannot render easy and supportable. When I revisit theCastle of Zelos, every well-known object will recall the memory of myAntonia, and I shall want a companion to fill her place, and tosympathise with me in that sorrow which will be derived from myremembrance. Who is there so worthy to succeed your mother in theaffection of Don Diego, as she who interests her love for Serafina, andresembles her so strongly in every virtue of the sex? Similarattractions will produce similar effects. My heart is already attachedto that good lady; and, provided Serafina shall approve of my choice, Iwill lay myself and fortune at her feet."

  The fair Countess replied, with an enchanting smile, that, before thisdeclaration, she had with pleasure perceived the
progress which MadamClement had made in his heart; and that she did not believe there was aperson upon earth better qualified to repair the loss he had sustained;though she foresaw one obstacle to his happiness, which she was afraidwould not be easily surmounted. "You mean," answered the Castilian, "thedifference of religion, which I am resolved to remove by adopting theProtestant faith; though I am fully satisfied that real goodness is of noparticular persuasion, and that salvation cannot depend upon belief, overwhich the will has no influence. I invest you, therefore, with thecharge of declaring my passion and proposal, and empower you to satisfyher scruples with regard to the religion which I now profess, and which Ishall not openly relinquish, until I shall have secured, in this country,effects sufficient to screen me from the ill consequences of my King'sdispleasure."

  Serafina undertook this office with pleasure, because she had reason tothink his addresses would not be disagreeable to Madam Clement; and thatsame night made the Count acquainted with the nature of her commission.Nor was her expectation disappointed. The French lady, with thatfrankness which is peculiar to virtue and good breeding, confessed thatDon Diego was not indifferent to her choice, and did not hesitate inreceiving him upon the footing of a lover.--As we have already dweltcircumstantially on the passion of love, so as perhaps even to have tiredour readers, we shall not repeat the dialogue that passed, when theSpaniard was indulged with an opportunity to explain his sentiments.Suffice it to observe, that the lady's days of coquetry were now over,and that she was too wise to trifle with the time, which every momentbecame more and more precious. It was agreed then, that Don Diego shouldsettle his affairs in Spain, and return to England, in order to espouseMadam Clement, with a view to fix his residence in this island, whereRenaldo likewise proposed to enjoy the sweets of his fortune, provided hecould draw hither his interests and connexions.

  Meanwhile, having for some days enjoyed his bliss with all the fulness ofrapture amidst this small but agreeable society, he shifted the scene,and conducted his dear partner to a ready-furnished house in town, which,together with an occasional equipage, his friend Joshua had hired for theaccommodation of him and his father-in-law, who, during his stay inEngland, failed not to cultivate the mistress of his heart with the mostpunctual assiduity. Hitherto Serafina had been as a precious jewellocked up in a casket, which the owner alone had an opportunity tocontemplate. But now the Count, who was proud of such a prize, resolvedto let her shine forth to the admiration of the whole world. With thisview he bespoke such ornaments as befitted her quality, and, while themantua-makers were employed in her service, made a tour among his formeracquaintance, and discharged the obligations under which he lay to somewho had assisted him in his distress. He did not, however, introducethem to his charming Serafina; because not one of them had formerlytreated her with that delicacy of regard which he thought her due; andsome of them were much mortified at their neglect, when they saw what adazzling figure she made in the beau monde.

  She was visited by the Spanish and Imperial ambassadors, and divers otherforeigners of distinction, to whom Melvil had letters of recommendation.But her first public appearance was in a box at the opera, accompanied byMadam Clement, the Count, and Don Diego. The entertainment was alreadybegun, so that her entrance had the greater effect upon the audience,whose attention was soon detached from the performance, and riveted uponthis amiable apparition, which seemed to be some bright being of anotherworld dropped from the clouds among them. Then did the spirit ofcuriosity play its part. A thousand whispers circulated; as many glasseswere exalted to reconnoitre this box of foreigners; for such theyconcluded them to be from their appearance. Every male spectatoracknowledged Serafina to be the paragon of beauty; and every femaleconfessed, that Melvil was the model of a fine gentleman. The charms ofthe young Countess did not escape the eye and approbation of royaltyitself; and when her rank was known, from the information of theambassadors and other people of condition who were seen saluting her at adistance, that same evening a thousand bumpers were swallowed in honourof the Countess de Melvil. The fame of her beauty was immediatelyextended over this immense metropolis, and different schemes wereconcerted for bringing her into life. These, however, she resisted withunwearied obstinacy. Her happiness centred in Renaldo, and thecultivation of a few friends within the shade of domestic quiet. She didnot even forget the concerns of the wretched Fathom and his faithfulElenor, who daily enjoyed fresh instances of her humanity and care. Whenhis fever forsook him, he was supplied with nourishing food for therecovery of his health; and as soon as he found himself in a condition totravel, he gave notice to his benefactor, who desired Joshua to settlewith him the manner in which he was to receive his allowance, and to paythe first half-year's salary per advance.

  This affair being adjusted, and the place of his retreat signified, theJew told Elenor, that she might wait upon the Countess before theirdeparture; and she did not fail to make use of this permission. Afterthey had made the necessary preparations for their journey, and takenplaces in the York stage-coach, Mrs. Fathom, clothing herself in decentapparel, went to the house of Count Melvil, and was immediately admittedto the presence of Serafina, who received her with her usual complacency,enriched her with salutary advice, comforted her with the hope of betterthings, provided her conduct and that of her husband should henceforth befound irreproachable; and, wishing her peace and happiness, presented herwith a box of linen, and twenty guineas in a purse. Such excessivegoodness overpowered this sensible young woman to such a degree, that shestood before her in speechless awe and veneration; and the Countess, inorder to relieve her from the confusion under which she suffered, quittedthe room, leaving her to the care of her woman. It was not long,however, before her gratitude broke out in loud exclamations and aviolent passion of tears, which all her efforts could not, for a while,overcome. By this time the coach was brought up to the gate for thereception of Serafina, who took an airing every day at the same hour;when Renaldo, leading her to the vehicle, beheld a man plainly dressedstanding within the court, with his head and body bent towards the earth,so that his countenance could not be perceived.

  Melvil, who supposed him to be some unfortunate man come to implore hischarity, turned towards him, and asked with a humane accent, if he wantedto speak with any person in the house? To this interrogation thestranger replied, without lifting up his head, "Overwhelmed as I am withCount Melvil's generosity, together with a consciousness of my ownunworthiness, it ill becomes a wretch like me to importune him forfurther favour; yet I could not bear the thought of withdrawing, perhapsfor ever, from the presence of my benefactor, without soliciting hispermission to see his face in mercy, to acknowledge my atrocious crimes,to hear my pardon confirmed by his voice, and that of his accomplishedCountess, whom I dare not even at a distance behold; and to express myfervent wish for their prosperity."

  Melvil, whose heart was but too tender, could not hear this addresswithout emotion. He recognised the companion of his infancy and youth;he remembered the happy scenes he had enjoyed with Fathom, whose voicehad always such an effect upon his ear, as to excite the ideas offriendship and esteem; and he was disturbed by this unexpected meeting,which also discomposed the beauteous Serafina. Renaldo having paused alittle, "It is with pain," said he, "I recollect anything to theprejudice of Fathom, whose future behaviour will, I hope, erase thememory of his offences, and justify what other steps I may take in hisfavour. Meanwhile, I heartily forgive what is past; and, in token of mysincerity, present my hand;" which our adventurer bathed with his tears.The Countess, whose mind was in unison with her husband, repeated herassurances of pardon and protection; at which the penitent rejoiced insilence, while he raised his head and took a parting view of those charmswhich had formerly enslaved his heart.

  Having thus obeyed the dictates of his duty and inclination, he nextmorning embarked in the stage-coach, with his faithful Elenor, and in sixdays arrived at the place of his retreat, which he found extremely welladapted to the circumstances of his
mind and fortune. For all his viceand ambition was now quite mortified within him, and his whole attentionengrossed in atoning for his former crimes, by a sober and penitent life,by which alone he could deserve the uncommon generosity of his patrons.

  While he thus accommodated himself to his new system, Renaldo receivedletters of congratulation from his sister, who with the Major had come toBrussels, in order to meet her brother and Serafina, according to hisproposal. This intimation being communicated to Don Diego, he resolvedto accompany them to Flanders, on his way to Spain. Preparations weremade for their departure; the clergyman and physician were honoured withvaluable marks of friendship and esteem from the Countess, Renaldo, andthe Castilian, who were convoyed to Deal by Madam Clement, to whom, atparting, Don Diego presented a diamond ring, as a pledge of hisinviolable love.

  Here the travellers hired a vessel for Ostend, which they reached in afew hours; in two days more they arrived at Brussels, where Mrs. Farreland her husband were struck with admiration at the surprising beauty andaccomplishment of their sister-in-law, whom they caressed with equaltenderness and joy.--In a word, all parties were as happy as good fortunecould make them; and Don Diego set out for Spain, after they had agreedto reside in the Low Countries till his return.


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