Some circumstances of this conversation made a deep impression upon themind of our adventurer, who nevertheless concealed his emotions from theknowledge of his friend, and was next day introduced to that hiddentreasure of which Renaldo had spoken with such rapture and adoration. Itwas not without reason he had expatiated upon the personal attractions ofthis young lady, whom, for the present, we shall call Monimia, a namethat implies her orphan situation. When she entered the room, evenFathom, whose eyes had been sated with beauty, was struck dumb withadmiration, and could scarce recollect himself so far as to perform theceremony of his introduction.

  She seemed to be about the age of eighteen. Her stature was tall; hermotion graceful. A knot of artificial flowers restrained the luxuriancyof her fine black hair, that flowed in shining ringlets adown her snowyneck. The contour of her face was oval; her forehead remarkably high;her complexion clean and delicate, though not florid; and her eyes wereso piercing, as to strike the soul of every beholder. Yet, upon thisoccasion, one half of their vivacity was eclipsed by a languishing air ofmelancholy concern; which, while it in a manner sheathed the edge of herbeauty, added a most engaging sweetness to her looks. In short, everyfeature was elegantly perfect; and the harmony of the whole ravishing anddelightful.

  It was easy to perceive the mutual sentiments of the two lovers atmeeting, by the pleasure that sensibly diffused itself in thecountenances of both. Fathom was received by her as the intimate friendof her admirer, whom she had often heard of in terms of the most sincereaffection; and the conversation was carried on in the Italian language,because she was a foreigner who had not as yet made great proficiency inthe knowledge of the English tongue. Her understanding was such as,instead of diminishing, reinforced the prepossession which was inspiredby her appearance; and if the sum-total of her charms could not melt theheart, it at least excited the appetite of Fathom to such a degree, thathe gazed upon her with such violence of desire, as had never transportedhim before; and he instantly began to harbour thoughts, not onlydestructive to the peace of his generous patron, but also to theprudential maxims he had adopted on his first entrance into life.

  We have already recorded divers instances of his conduct to prove thatthere was an intemperance in his blood, which often interfered with hiscaution; and although he had found means to render this heat sometimessubservient to his interest, yet, in all probability, Heaven mingled theingredient in his constitution, on purpose to counteract his consummatecraft, defeat the villany of his intention, and at least expose him tothe justice of the law, and the contempt of his fellow-creatures.

  Stimulated as he was by the beauty of the incomparable Monimia, heforesaw that the conquest of her heart would cost him a thousand timesmore labour and address than all the victories he had ever achieved; for,besides her superior understanding, her sentiments of honour, virtue,gratitude, religion, and pride of birth, her heart was already engaged bythe tenderest ties of love and obligation, to a man whose person andacquired accomplishments at least equalled his own; and whose connexionwith him was of such a nature as raised an almost insurmountable bar tohis design; because, with what face could he commence rival to the personwhose family had raised him from want and servility, and whose owngenerosity had rescued him from the miseries of a dreary gaol?

  Notwithstanding these reflections, he would not lay aside an idea whichso agreeably flattered his imagination. He, like every other projectorin the same circumstances, was so partial to his own qualifications, asto think the lady would soon perceive a difference between him andRenaldo that could not fail to turn to his advantage in her opinion. Hedepended a good deal on the levity and inconstancy of the sex; and didnot doubt that, in the course of their acquaintance, he should profit bythat languor which often creeps upon and flattens the intercourse oflovers cloyed with the sight and conversation of each other.

  This way of arguing was very natural to a man who had never known othermotives than those of sensuality and convenience; and perhaps, upon thesemaxims, he might have succeeded with nine-tenths of the fair sex. But,for once, he erred in his calculation; Monimia's soul was perfect, hervirtue impregnable. His first approaches were, as usual, performed bythe method of insinuation, which succeeded so well, that in a few days heactually acquired a very distinguished share of her favour and esteem.To this he had been recommended, in the warmest strain of exaggeratingfriendship, by her dear Renaldo; so that, placing the most unreservedconfidence in his honour and integrity, and being almost quite destituteof acquaintance, she made no scruple of owning herself pleased with hiscompany and conversation; and therefore he was never abridged in point ofopportunity. She had too much discernment to overlook his uncommontalents and agreeable address, and too much susceptibility to observethem with indifference. She not only regarded him as the confidant ofher lover, but admired him as a person whose attachment did honour toCount Melvil's choice. She found his discourse remarkably entertaining,his politeness dignified with an air of uncommon sincerity, and she wasravished with his skill in music, an art of which she was deeplyenamoured.

  While he thus ingratiated himself with the fair Monimia, Renaldo rejoicedat their intimacy, being extremely happy in the thought of having found afriend who could amuse and protect the dear creature in his absence.That she might be the better prepared for the temporary separation whichhe meditated, he began to be less frequent in his visits, or rather tointerrupt, by gradual intermissions, the constant attendance he hadbestowed upon her since her mother's death. This alteration she wasenabled to bear by the assiduities of Fathom, when she understood thather lover was indispensably employed in negotiating a sum of money forthe purposes of his intended voyage. This was really the case; for, asthe reader hath been already informed, the provision he had made for thatemergency was expended in behalf of our adventurer; and the persons ofwhom he had borrowed it, far from approving of the use to which it wasput, and accommodating him with a fresh supply, reproached him with hisbenevolence as an act of dishonesty to them; and, instead of favouringthis second application, threatened to distress him for what he hadalready received. While he endeavoured to surmount these difficulties,his small reversion was quite exhausted, and he saw himself on the brinkof wanting the common necessaries of life.

  There was no difficulty which he could not have encountered withfortitude, had he alone been concerned. But his affection and regard forMonimia were of such a delicate nature, that, far from being able to bearthe prospect of her wanting the least convenience, he could not endurethat she should suspect her situation cost him a moment's perplexity;because he foresaw it would wring her gentle heart with unspeakableanguish and vexation. This, therefore, he endeavoured to anticipate byexpressions of confidence in the Emperor's equity, and frequentdeclarations touching the goodness and security of that credit from whichhe derived his present subsistence.