Page 13 of The Curse

  Nice to have access to all of his powers again.

  He'd been surprised when Flaevynn ha allowed Kizira to bring him robes to wear when he'd first been imprisoned, but realized later that Flaevynn ha done so to make a point. She wanted Kizira to see Cathbad brought low, provin' to Kizira that if Flaevynn could trap a powerful druid, she could do anythin'.

  But she can no rush the curse timeline without my help.


  "I know ya miss me, woman, but be patient. I'm on my way."

  Sharp lightnin' bolts shot about the room, forcin' him ta duck his head as he chuckled. She cared for no man beyond what swung between his legs and, in Cathbad's case, only for what he could do ta save her from dyin' accordin' ta the prophecy.

  The Curse, as she called it.

  Amused by the woman's temper, he took a moment to close the heavy book he'd been readin'. The swirlin' purple material coverin' the book had a raised silver image. Two snakes entwined in a vertical mirror image. Each asp ate its own tail ... an ouroboros, which represented the cycle of life to death to life. The snakes circled a Medb sword.

  Cathbad passed his hand over the cover, changing the exterior to a worn leather finish with the colorful image of a bard playin' a flute. The spell he'd used would alter the contents visually, shroudin' everythin' real in a glamour that hid the true information to all but him.

  Druids were no known for keepin' written records, but bards scribbled stories all the time, and this one told a fascinatin' tale about beasts.

  A tale that explained missin' pieces about the Alterants.

  He chuckled again.

  Ha the original Cathbad intended to keep this bard's tale secret or ha this been given to the bard to write down for a future Cathbad descendant wise enough to decipher the connection between this tale an' the prophecy?

  It does no matter either way so long as I am the last Cathbad the Druid, the one ta find immortality.

  He hummed as he tidied the cell. The time had come for the prophecy to be fulfilled, and no just because Flaevynn wanted it to be so.

  He believed the original Cathbad the Druid must ha intended that the curse should come ta fruition now since the Alterants were bein' revealed. Hard ta know what the original Medb queen an' Cathbad the Druid ha planned, but he was sure the book he'd just bespelled held the key to unlockin' the curse.

  When Flaevynn snooped through his chamber, an' she would, she'd take one look at the bawdy poems and bypass that book as frivolous entertainment for a man left alone.

  She would likely no figure out what he ha discerned from studyin' the words over and over for months. Odd poetry with cryptic messages, which supplied the missin' key to the curse, words struck as a pact between the original Cathbad the Druid and first Medb queen from which today's Medb Coven arose.

  They'd been a wily pair, those two. Leavin' enough hints for each of the future queens of the Medb, such as Flaevynn, ta try outsmartin' the curse and gain immortality. But all the queens, except Flaevynn, ha been lulled into a false security by no knowin' their true birth dates and they'd died, leavin' the throne to their daughters as decreed in the curse.

  But when Flaevynn discovered she'd been lied to about her birth date, she refused to uphold her vow and give the sacred words to Kizira on the day Kizira was accepted as a priestess. If Flaevynn ha, Kizira would become the next Medb queen upon Flaevynn's death.

  If Flaevynn died, she wanted no other to rule after her.

  But if she did no figure out how to reach the final step of the curse before her 666th birthday in less than two weeks, she would die.

  And he would die one day later.

  He sighed and rubbed his forehead. That ha been his one mistake. Flaevynn would no have learned her true birth date if no for usin' sex to catch him at a weak moment when all the blood in his brain went to the wee head between his legs.

  But he would share no detail about the curse with Flaevynn a minute too soon ... and only then if he could no find a way to take Treoir Castle from the Beladors without her help.

  Smilin', Cathbad prepared to teleport and blinked once. When he opened his eyes, he found Flaevynn standin' with arms crossed near her waterfall built of precious stones.

  Orange sparks shot from her purple gaze. Black hair coiled and moved down the back of a queen as beautiful as she was deadly. Dark purple lips snarled, "What took you so long?"

  "Packin', cleanin' up behind the movers, fillin' out a forwardin' address card for--"

  "Oh, shut up, would you?"

  "Then no ask me a question." He took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air of freedom in TAmr Medb, the coven's tower hidden away on a dimension parallel to the human world. "Is Kizira no here?"

  "She's on her way, but there's no reason to wait for her." Flaevynn floated away from the massive wall where water rolled down a dazzlin' array of diamonds, emeralds, rubies ... every precious stone imaginable piled high an' catchin' the light of hundreds of candles flickerin' in her private quarters.

  He asked, "What happened with the myst ya released?"

  Flaevynn settled on her elaborate throne carved in the shape of a gold dragon with its head curved over the top of hers, protective an' forbidding. Green dragon eyes glowed and shifted to face Cathbad when Flaeyvnn scowled. "That female Alterant with the Beladors destroyed the myst. Wiped it off the face of the earth."

  That surprised him. "Evalle? How could she ha done so?"

  "Kizira said the VIPER Tribunal gave her three gifts for hunting Tristan and his cohorts. Evalle used one of the gifts to destroy the myst forever."

  "Ah. Quite the wise one." He tapped his chin.

  "Don't be impressed. She got lucky, and luck will only take you so far."

  He would disagree that it ha been mere luck, but appeasin' Flaevynn suited his purpose more at the moment than antagonizin' her. "You did no ha to release the fog so early."

  Turnin' a furious gaze on him, she snarled, "It would have worked if that Alterant hadn't been given the power of three deities. The sentient fog was flush with violence, making Rias change, so Alterants would have, too. With a little more time, we'd have found all five green-eyed Alterants."

  "'Tis no what I mean when I said you no ha to release it yet. Those Alterants will be drawn to the home of this Evalle."

  "Why?" Flaevynn sat up, face alert with curiosity, remindin' him of the gorgeous creature he'd been enthralled by as a young fool.

  But her eyes turned deep violet with smug knowledge. He'd bet she already knew Alterants were bein' drawn to Evalle.

  "I ha unwoven a twist in the ... curse," he explained. "'Twas written that the green-eyed Alterants will be drawn ta the home of a female Alterant who stands alone with the Beladors. Some will join her an' some will fight her."

  "I had an idea that might be the case."

  This time, he pretended surprise. "Why would you be knowin' that?"

  "Don't like it when someone else is a step ahead of you?" She laughed, and the sound echoed with the sharp caw of a crow. "We observed two Alterants who have fought the urge to go to Atlanta when they weren't conscious of their actions."

  Cathbad gave an admirin' nod, maskin' his pleasure at confirmin' how little she really knew. Time ta gain Flaevynn's respect so she'll keep her word an' work with me.

  "'Tis good, Flaevynn. This female Alterant Evalle is evolvin' faster than the other Alterants even though she may no realize it until her gifts are tested. When the other Alterants shift into beasts, they may challenge her at first before they end up followin' her ... if she does no ha ta kill them. You may no want ta hear this, but we must be patient ta find all five."

  Flaevynn smiled, her face aglow with arrogant pleasure. "While you sat around reading, I have been productive. Those two I mentioned that feel drawn to Atlanta? I captured those Alterants and Evalle."

  He remained calm to keep his power from shakin' the room. The fool ha captured the female Alterant? The magnet needed ta draw the other four? "Holdin' Evalle wi
ll no help us."

  "I know that. Kizira set up a ruse to convince Evalle that she had to find the other Alterants before we did, then had our warlocks attack so that Evalle thinks she escaped. She is now back in Atlanta overseeing the hunt for the Alterants."

  He had to give her credit. No a bad plan. "Well done, Flaevynn."

  "Of course." She preened.

  Since she'd had the female Alterant in hand, she should be able to answer another question for him. "What did this Evalle's aura look like?"

  Flaevynn stared off for a moment, thinkin'. "Kizira mentioned it was bright gold. Said she thought that odd."

  "No silver?"

  "No. Why?"

  "That means she's begun evolvin'."

  "Into what?"

  Oh, he would no tell her that yet. "I do no ha all that figured out yet, but will soon. If ya still ha the female Alterant in hand, I might ha been able ta study her. But for now 'tis best you leave her be so she will draw in the other four we need."

  "We'll have her back soon. Once she finds two more green-eyed Alterants, we'll recapture Evalle with them."

  He hid his smile. Just two more? Could Flaevynn really have two of the five? He nodded. "Time's a wastin'. I need ta see these other two ya ha captured."

  Movin' back to her waterfall, Flaevynn lifted her hands an' closed her eyes. She swayed in a trance in front of the wall of water she used for scrying. When she opened her eyes and said, "There you go," the image of a blond-haired man and a young woman with kinky, brown hair appeared, each in a separate room.

  Cathbad studied them silently.

  Flaevynn finally turned to him. "Well?"

  "I applaud your ingenuity in capturin' them, but neither of those two is one of the five Alterants we need for the curse."

  "What?" Malevolence twisted Flaevynn's face. She lifted a lethal black fingernail that sparkled with inlaid diamonds. "You lie."

  "I ha no lied to ya. Pointin' a weapon at me is no a good way ta gain my aid." He let his tone tell her he would no tolerate threats now that he ha his powers again.

  When she lowered her finger, he said, "But 'tis not all bad news. There is a use for these two once we ha the others. And you'll be needin' me when it's time ta recapture Evalle."

  She warned, "I am not waiting any longer."

  "Ya ha no choice, Flaevynn."

  "You think not?" She tossed her head to one side, her wild black hair flutterin'. "I will not risk my future solely on these five Alterants."

  "Now ya make no sense."

  "I have another plan in motion. I may capture Treoir before Evalle finds the other Alterants."

  He ha no thought her capable of doin' more than carryin' out harmless harebrained schemes, but he'd been gone for two years. She might surprise him. "And how would ya be capturin' Treoir any other way than by the curse?"

  "I came up with a brilliant plan." That coy expression would be charmin' on another woman, but on Flaevynn it meant she merely rewrote the truth.

  Disbelief rolled through Cathbad's voice. "By yourself?"

  "Oh, all right. Kizira did help a bit. For all that she lacks in other ways, she is quite the strategist."

  He agreed about Kizira's ability to plan, but disagreed with the rest of Flaevynn's assessment. Their daughter ha many strong qualities, her only flaw bein' her soft heart. "What plan did Kizira create?"

  "I'm the one who came up with using Svart trolls to do my bidding, but I admit that she had a couple of good suggestions."

  "You brought Svarts into this?" He hoped Kizira was no tryin' to play a shell game with Flaevynn. "What were you thinkin' ta bring in those nasty creatures?"

  Flaevynn's glare could melt steel. "That the Svarts will be able to locate the Alterants first."

  "At what cost?"

  She balked at answering.

  "Do no play with me, Flaevynn, if ya want me to tell ya all the curse."

  "All right!" She spread her fingers, nails sharpenin' into claws. "The Svarts want that human country for some reason."

  "Which country?"

  "Where the female Alterant lives."

  "An' face the strongest VIPER division in the human world?" Cathbad put his hand to his forehead. "Do the Svarts realize the number of pantheons aligned with VIPER?"

  "Yes, they do, and are frankly tired of having to constantly pass on lucrative opportunities because of VIPER. They realize once I take control of Treoir and we destroy the Beladors that there will be no more VIPER alliance. The only alliance will be between me and the Svarts." She struck a pose, head held high as if she already ruled the universe.

  "An' ya think the Svarts will no turn on ya if someone offers 'em a better deal?"

  "No. The Svarts want to move their entire operation to North America and bring in trolls from all over the human world to organize in one country. The Svarts have agreed to be my personal army once they take over that worthless strip of dirt and disband VIPER."

  He dinna know if he should be in awe of Flaevynn's audacity or fearful of what she'd put into motion. Deals with Svarts could be deadly for everyone involved. "An' what of the five Alterants? Are ya sure enough of this plan ta no care if ya find them?"

  "I'm not such a fool as to stake my life on one plan. I still expect the Svarts to deliver the Alterants to me once Evalle finds the other two ... four now."

  "Svarts are no easy ta kill, I'll grant ya that, but Alterants might be able ta win a battle against one."

  Her lips curled into a smile flush with confidence. "Kizira actually came up with how to assure we had Svarts that could overpower an Alterant. She suggested I have a couple of them dipped into Loch Ryve, which I did."

  Ah, Kizira, what are ya doin', child?

  Flaevynn continued. "The two that were immersed into Loch Ryve are practically unkillable Svart trolls."

  "Are ya mad? Those waters would turn a Svart into a demon troll. There'll be no controllin' 'em!"

  Her words struck with the venom of a cobra. "They would not cross me."

  "No on purpose, but Svarts fight ta the death and are no willin' to die for anyone." He shook his head, an angry sigh hissin' from his lips. "Now you've unleashed a troll that is capable of killin' Evalle and the other four Alterants, especially capable of harmin' her while she's still evolvin'. An' ya do need her ta gain Treoir. Even if a Svart does no kill her, the troll can cripple the Alterant an' prevent her from evolvin'. Ya may ha just cursed yourself."


  Few things could be more dangerous than an eighteen-year-old female on the hunt for trouble, especially when you added hormones and powers.

  How much stronger might Lanna's powers be than the last time Quinn had seen her?

  He maneuvered past tourists bunching along Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta. Sunshine and succulent smells from restaurants brought them out in hordes at lunchtime to window-shop and impede his progress.

  Every minute counted until he found Lanna.

  He vowed to never have children.

  The same vow he made every time he got stuck tracking down Svetlanna Brasko. He'd called her Lanna since she'd been an adorable two-year-old who'd floated Cheerios in the air. He'd thought her precocious at eleven when she turned a mean-tempered mutt into a lapdog that performed tricks.

  But when Lanna reached thirteen, Quinn became the go-to man for finding her. She'd taken it upon herself to help another young girl escape an abusive father in their small village. Yes, he admired the way Lanna stepped forward for others, but she was too impulsive for her own good and had almost died at the hands of a Siberian warlock, the girl's father. Quinn dealt with the bastard, found a home for the girl and warned Lanna not to use her gifts until she trained. Those had been yet more wasted breaths.

  The Braskos were a gifted side of his family tree, if you could call dysfunctional beings with the ability to wield majik gifted.

  Lanna's mother struggled to handle Lanna alone, but her bloody Ruska Roma relatives--Gypsies originally from Russia--should have
reined the girl in and taught her discipline by now.

  Someone should have.

  Quinn's conscience poked at him about how long it had been since he'd gone home to visit Lanna and her mother, who was his aunt. He loved them both, even if the brat did make him crazy sometimes, and watching over his father's only sibling and niece had fallen to Quinn when his father died.

  Quinn had a duty to family, and right now that duty called for getting Lanna out of this country before VIPER discovered her presence. The minute Sen got involved, this would turn ugly.

  Based upon the reports Tzader had shared, it sounded as though Lanna had been here only since last night.

  Alone all night.

  The thought terrified him even if she did have powers.

  Who knew what she could do these days? He should know. Bad case of out of sight, out of mind. Not anymore. He'd have to take some time soon and deal with this. But who would train Lanna when not even her mother had a clue what the girl was?

  Her mother had disappeared for a month almost nineteen years ago, then reappeared with no knowledge of where she'd been ... or how she'd become pregnant.

  A suspicious beginning to any child's life.

  Quinn picked up his pace when Woodruff Park came into view, hoping the Nightstalker he'd traded for intel was right about her destination. The old ghoul had said he'd overheard a young woman with powers, of Lanna's description, asking for a public place where she could wait for her cousin to find her.

  Somewhere with a lot of people, boys to be specific.

  Quinn blew out a frustrated breath over that.

  When he reached the stair-step fountain at the north end of the park, a gust of wind came out of nowhere, twisting along the streets and causing the water to splash hard as it cascaded over the tier of steps. He paused at the sudden change, looked around, then dismissed it as Atlanta's fickle weather, which had been dead calm beneath clear blue skies minutes ago.

  Circling the area, he watched for a petite chess shark sitting on one side of a game board. Lanna might have come here looking for him, and boys, but she couldn't pass up a challenge and would have wormed her way into one of many chess matches going on across the eclectic venue.

  Got her. She sat on a short concrete wall bordering the tree-studded lawn.

  Blond curls ink-tipped in black fluttered in the breeze.

  The last time he'd seen Lanna her hair had been half red and half purple.