Page 23 of The Curse

  Those words barely registered as her eyes drifted shut.


  Evalle came awake with a start, pushing up to a sitting position on a bed. In a dark room.

  Storm's bed. Now she remembered.

  She stood up and checked her balance. Everything worked, a little achy but stable.

  A door across the room opened with glaring light before the click of a switch doused it. Storm came into view wearing jeans and T-shirt this time. "How're you feeling?"

  "Like I've been dragged back from the jaws of death."

  "That pretty much covers what happened. You danced too close to the edge that time."

  "How long was I out?"

  "Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes."

  The last time she'd healed, in the jungle when Tristan had taught her how, it had taken much longer to reach this point of recovery. What had happened when Storm chanted? Had his majik done something to help her tap her Alterant powers?

  She had pretty good recall of the battle and how she'd ended up in here, with the exception of a few blurry moments. The only thing she couldn't determine was where they should pick up after arguing, then fighting trolls, then her apologizing.

  But hadn't he said he was sorry, too, or had she just imagined that?

  The safest conversation would be for her to stick with the troll issue. "What about outside? There was at least one human when the fight broke out."

  "I handled it."


  He stared at her, taking his time to answer. "With some of my Ashaninka gifts. A spell."

  As in something a witch could do? Might be why he seemed hesitant to go into detail. Storm didn't like shifting into his jaguar, but he'd done it again. For her.

  She didn't want to push him for more. "Good thing you could do something. At least we don't have to call Sen." She looked around, but nothing in the dark room would help her find the right words yet, so she stuck with trolls. "What was that thing? A demon or a troll?"

  "Both. How's your arm?"

  She rolled her sore shoulder. "Got a few aches but nothing I can't manage. I'm good to go after those trolls."

  "Those trolls almost killed you."

  "We have a weapon for them now."

  "Where was it when you got attacked?"

  "I took it to Trey. We only have one and he's running teams all night across the city, covering as many cemeteries as he can. He needs the weapon in case something big breaks out."

  Storm made a disgusted sound. "You're heading back out to fight these things, knowing they can overpower you?"

  "If there hadn't been two--"

  "Yeah, and the second one was dragging you off. I can't figure out if they were trying to kidnap you or kill you, but either way it's stupid to go back out there."

  "I. Didn't. Ask. Your. Opinion," she snapped at him, poking her finger into his chest with each word.

  He grabbed her hand and held it in his grip for two seconds, then pulled her fingers up to his mouth and kissed her skinned knuckles.

  "Storm ..." Her heart did a fast tap dance in her chest.

  He muttered, "You're driving me batshit crazy." Then he reached for her, pulling her close to kiss her.

  One touch of his lips and her body came alive.

  She lifted her arms around his neck, happy to be in the one place that made her feel safe and cared for.

  His arms wrapped her up, hauling her closer. His mouth gave as much as he demanded, telling her without words just how afraid he'd been for her.

  She couldn't remember when she'd gone from fearing his touch to craving it, but she did.

  He lifted his head, took one look and kissed her again, then cupped her head against his chest. His heart raced wildly against her face.

  She stood there like that for several moments while he held her and she breathed in his freshly showered scent.

  He said, "I've seen you hurt before, but never so close to dying. Scared the shit out of me."

  Smiling was probably the wrong reaction, but men like Storm didn't frighten easily and rarely admitted to it.

  Did this mean he was no longer mad at her for kissing Isak? "Are we good now?"

  His chest moved with a heavy sigh. "We're good."

  "I owe you an apology."

  "For what?"

  "First for getting so jacked up over Adrianna, but I can't promise I won't hurt her if I ever find her hands on you."

  He kissed her forehead, answer enough for Evalle, so she added, "And second because I was holding you to a double standard. You didn't kiss Adrianna." Evalle paused. "Right?"


  "I did kiss Isak, but I intended it only as a thank-you and didn't mean for it to get out of control."

  Storm growled under his breath and his eyes warned retribution when he saw Isak.

  She put her hand on his cheek. "I don't kiss you the same way. He's a friend. You're ... special." She stumbled around mentally, trying to figure out what to say, and realized she was avoiding the truth. "I care about you."

  Storm's gaze darkened with a primal look of male possession, reinforced by the way his arms tightened around her.

  She hated to push the point, but she needed to know he wouldn't go after Isak, and Storm had to answer honestly or suffer pain. He'd better not try lying and hurt himself. "You're not going to have an issue with Isak, right?"

  "Not as long as he keeps his hands off you."

  She couldn't expect any more than that right now.

  Easing back out of his arms, she moved her healing shoulder around and couldn't believe how good it felt in so short a time. When she'd first met him, Storm had agreed to never use his majik on her without permission. "Did you do something about my pain?"

  He crossed his arms. "Yes, and I don't want to hear a damned word about it."

  Fair enough. She put her hands on his crossed arms and kissed him. "Thank you."

  Nice to see that she could surprise him for once.

  Stepping back, she reached up to fix her ponytail that had gone askew in the fight, and admitted, "It was wrong of me to ask you to track the trolls, and that wasn't why I came here anyhow."

  "If you're hell-bent to find them, I might as well help."

  "Really? What about VIPER?"

  "I found out a few things when I talked to Grady and a couple of other Nightstalkers. Sen was the one who collected my clothes and took my phone out of your tank bag that night after the showdown with Isak, so he must have sent the e-mail you got after they released you from lockdown."

  Figures that slimeball Sen would screw with her that way. "How did Sen not see your body if he went back that soon to my bike? He would have looked for you."

  "Either Kai was still shielding ... or my body had been moved by then."

  Evalle started to ask how a guardian spirit had moved his body, but she knew the answer. Adrianna had helped Kai. But if that Sterling witch hadn't helped, Storm wouldn't be here now. Evalle understood, but it would be a while before she could face Adrianna and her smug knowledge of having been alone with Storm for so long.

  Something else Storm had said struck her. "Grady knew about Sen getting your phone and clothes? He should have told me."

  "He didn't know until I asked him to find out for me."

  "Oh. Well, what about Sen, then? What are you going to do about him?"

  "He's acting like I'm alive and just telling people I left VIPER, so I'm going to play along with it. I'll just have to watch my back."

  "I'll help you watch it."

  He put his fingers under her chin and ran his thumb over her lips. "We're going to have that dinner here soon."

  "Doesn't look like it'll be tonight."

  "Tomorrow, and if not, the day after."

  She'd love to stay here and find out what he had in mind, but Trey needed to know about this Svart attack. When Storm dropped his hand, she shifted gears, ready to work. "I tried to reach Tzader and Quinn on the way here, but they were both grabbing a couple hours rest. T
he last time I talked to Trey--"

  Evalle, where are you? Quinn said in her mind. She held up a finger for Storm and whispered, "Quinn." Then she answered telepathically, I'm in Midtown.

  Did you get the weapon?

  Yes, I gave it to Trey. What's wrong?

  The trolls are gathering up nonhumans for the Svarts to eat. When they feed on power, it increases theirs. We've got to find where they're holding the prisoners.

  She wondered where the intel had come from, but didn't need to know right now. Any idea how many they've captured?

  Six that I know of. One is a teenager, a female cousin of mine.

  She'd heard snippets about Quinn's extensive family but thought they were all in Russia. I'm sorry, Quinn. We'll get her back.

  There's more. My cousin said she's with twin boys who know you.

  Kellman and Kardos?

  She didn't say, but I saw her with two blond boys in Woodruff Park. One was playing chess and they both knew about the trolls.

  Sounds like a pair of male witches I know, just innocent teens. Well, not all that innocent, but they didn't deserve to be troll dinner.

  Tzader and I will round up the teams. Meet us at the street sign for Underground.

  On my way.

  He had to be talking about Kellman and Kardos. Those boys had no one to watch out for them except her and Grady. Evalle grabbed Storm's arm. "We have to go. The Svart trolls are gathering up nonhumans to eat as fuel. That could be why they were trying to drag me off."

  He put his hand over hers. "What else is wrong?"

  How did he read her so easily? "They have Quinn's cousin and two teenage male witches I know."

  "The homeless twins?"

  "Pretty sure it's them."

  Storm cursed softly. "Grady believes more Svarts are coming. If they're here already, VIPER could be outnumbered."

  Storm was right. The Svarts had already beaten her twice in combat, and Tzader would not allow Beladors to link with the chance of Svarts killing many Beladors with one blow. The Nyght weapon she'd borrowed to take out one troll at a time would not stop an army of trolls.

  Isak had more weapons, but would calling him for support turn out to be a benefit or lead to bloodshed on all sides? She hadn't had a chance to inform VIPER about exposing her Alterant identity to Isak.

  And only someone with a homicide fetish would put Isak and Storm in the same zip code anytime soon.


  Fear fingered along Quinn's neck. He'd lived his life alone for one reason--to protect those he would put in jeopardy with his line of work. All these years, he'd thought Kizira safe as long as she stayed away from him, but she had some bloody plan to see the Medb and Beladors at peace.

  And Lanna shouldn't even be in the middle of this mess.

  Both women were in danger, and not being able to protect either one right now was driving him mad.

  He quickened his pace through the intersection of Five Points in the heart of downtown Altanta, wanting to break into Belador speed to cover the last quarter mile to reach the meet point, the sign for Underground Atlanta.

  Every second counted.

  The boys must have gone to Underground thinking it safe to stay in the crowded iconic venue that drew tourists and locals to shopping and entertainment beneath the streets of downtown Atlanta. Wise move if they hadn't trusted a troll to help them, according to Lanna.

  Quinn hadn't heard from her in the past twenty minutes. Tzader and the team would find the Svart troll nest. But would they be in time?

  "Quinn!" Evalle shouted at him as she rushed out of the bottom floor of a three-level parking deck on his left. Storm followed close behind.

  That explained why Evalle had been in Midtown, but not why she had blood all over her. Did all the women in his life have to be one step away from death? "What happened to you?"

  She lifted her hands. "I'm fine. Got jumped by Svarts."

  That did nothing to calm Quinn's already sheared nerves. He unleashed on Storm the minute he walked up. "Where the devil were you when she was attacked?"

  "Me?" Storm snarled. "You and Tzader are the ones sending her out alone."

  Evalle stepped between them. "Whoa, you two. This isn't Storm's fault, Quinn. He's the only reason I'm alive right now, but we don't have time to waste and I'm healed."

  "Mostly," Storm grumbled.

  "And," Evalle added, "Storm came to help us find the kids."

  Quinn raked his hand through his hair. "Sorry, chap. It's been a long day and doesn't appear to be improving anytime soon. Good to have you back."

  Storm nodded, stepping up next to Evalle in a possessive stance.

  Interesting, if Quinn had the time to waste thinking about it, which he didn't. When they turned back toward the meet point, he said, "I got another text from Lanna--"

  "His cousin," Evalle said for Storm, then asked Quinn, "What exactly happened?"

  "She was supposed to be in my hotel suite, but she slipped out and went looking for the two boys you think are witches and got trapped by a local troll called Jurba."

  "Has to be Kellman and Kardos. How does she know them and why did she go looking for them?"

  "Lanna's a meddler. She met the boys in the park and overheard them talking about a dangerous troll with the Svart marking on his arm hanging around their shelter. I think she went out to help them or maybe to dig up more information on the Svarts and got caught with the boys here at Underground."

  Evalle said, "If not for getting caught, I like her already."

  "Trust me, you speak too soon. I love the brat, but some days I want to strangle her."

  "But what was she thinking to go snooping on Svarts?"

  Quinn pinched the bridge of his nose, then dropped his hand. "My fault. I told her she had to go back to Transylvania immediately or VIPER would get involved, and she really does not want to go home. I'm guessing she planned to find intel or something she could trade with VIPER so she could stay here."

  Storm spoke up. "What's the plan?"

  "Tzader has to leave skeleton teams in each of the metropolitan quadrants to handle the gang battles, but we should have around forty VIPER agents."

  Evalle argued, "That may not be enough."


  "My Nightstalker says more Svarts are coming, but he doesn't know when."

  Storm added, "And one of the two that attacked Evalle tonight was something worse, some kind of demon Svart."

  "Good goddess." Quinn slowed as he neared a group of VIPER agents made up mostly of Beladors. He swung around to inform Tzader, but waited as the Maistir sent out teams of four.

  When he saw Quinn, Tzader lifted his chin in acknowledgment. Then glanced at Evalle and did a double take.

  If Quinn had to guess, the murderous look crossing Tzader's face probably matched Quinn's when he'd first seen her, covered in blood. Speaking telepathically to Tzader, Quinn quickly explained Evalle's condition and Storm's intervention.

  Evalle pointed at her clothes and said to Tzader, "Pay no attention to the blood."

  "Quinn just told me." Tzader gave Storm an assessing glance and nodded at him. "Thanks."

  Storm answered with a nod.

  Quinn started to tell Evalle what he'd learned, but waited as Trey handed the viola case with the Nyght weapon to Tzader, then took over giving orders. Once he, Quinn, Evalle and Storm stood together, Quinn said, "I've learned the Svarts are under contract to the Medb."

  Quinn caught the flash of suspicion in Evalle's gaze, but she didn't ask where he'd gained that information. Instead, she said, "Why are the Svarts here?"

  Not telling her the truth about Kizira would eventually eat a hole in his gut, but Quinn would not involve Evalle. "The Svarts are gathering an army for a massive attack on humans to draw the bulk of VIPER assets out in the open at one time. They plan to destroy the Southeastern coalition, then take over North America."

  "Is that possible?" Storm asked Quinn.

  "We don't know. There's no in
tel on the Svart population, and we don't know exactly how the Medb play into this. And the information came in pieces, so we may not have it all figured out exactly right."

  Evalle started to say something, then turned to Tzader as if he'd spoken to her mind to mind. Quinn would thank him later for keeping him off the spot about where he got the intel. Tzader moved them back to the current problem. "Did you tell them about the truck, Quinn?"

  "Was just going to. The last text I got from Lanna said this Jurba troll was transporting them by truck somewhere. She's caused the truck to have a flat tire, and she thinks she's leaving a majik trail, but can't say for sure. She said there are a couple of other unconscious people with them."

  Evalle's eyes sparked with admiration when she looked over at Storm. "Then it's a good thing we've got a tracker."

  Quinn addressed Storm. "Those kids are being used as cattle. What do you need from us to pick up their trail?"

  When Storm didn't answer at first, Quinn questioned if the tracker hesitated to deal with Svarts again.

  Storm finally said, "I only need the freedom to use all my abilities."

  Evalle's face fell. "No."

  "Yes. That's the quickest way to track them."

  "I can't ask you to do that," she said so softly Quinn almost didn't hear her.

  Storm touched her chin. "You don't have to ask me." Then he faced Tzader and Quinn. "I don't like to advertise it, but I'm a Skinwalker. I can shift into a jaguar. My coat's black. I'll blend into the night, but I'm still a big animal that may draw unwanted attention."

  Tzader just said, "Damn."

  Quinn hadn't seen that one coming either, but he didn't waste time thinking about it. "We can't take you inside Underground as a jaguar, but I'm thinking since the kids are in a truck, the troll left here by a loading dock. We'll enter by the road the delivery trucks take to the docks and start there. If Storm picks up the scent, we'll follow."

  "I'm riding my bike," Evalle clarified.

  "I wish you'd go with them," Storm said.

  "Not a chance. I can go places a bigger vehicle can't."

  Tzader ended all discussion. "I'll walk Storm down to the delivery area with me. Quinn, we need a pace car on rocket fuel sitting here ready to go in five minutes."

  "You'll have it." Quinn took the Nyght weapon from Tzader.

  Tzader told Evalle, "Go get your bike."

  Before she stepped away, Storm snagged her arm and said, "Do not face off with another Svart alone."

  She bristled. "Who do you--"

  He gave her a quick kiss, shutting her down, then walked off with Tzader, who glanced back, looking confused.