Chapter III

  In Warsaw's By-ways

  On the day of Warsaw's downfall, a little girl, perhaps three years ofage, wandered to the door of the comfortable old house where theMorrises lived. She was dressed with the greatest richness. She wasunable to tell her name, or indeed give the slightest clue to her homeor family. Ivan and the servants declared her a child of the nobility,but were unable to gain any information from her broken baby talk. Sheplayed contentedly with Elinor all day, and at night when she wasprepared for bed, they found secreted under her dress jewels fit for aking. Chains of diamonds and rubies encircled her baby neck, and ringsof the greatest value were sewed to her garments, while great broocheswere pinned in rows on her little skirts. Professor Morris, afterpronouncing the collection worth a couple of hundred thousand dollars,stuffed the lot in a couple of his coat pockets with the remark that hehad better put them away!

  Evelyn, however, took the jewels, and sewing them securely in a belt,fastened it around her own waist for safekeeping. No one doubted thatthe pretty child would soon be claimed. They soon discovered that hername was Rika, but more than that she could not tell them. She did notseem to feel very lonely or frightened, although she fretted at bedtime, calling over and over some name they could not catch.

  Elinor was as delighted with her as though she had been given abeautiful new doll; and now Evelyn felt sure that they would remaintogether unless parted by force-or death. The last thought struck to herheart like a chill, but she would not admit even the possibility of sucha thing. The certainty that the children had been drugged and carriedoff in the two sacks battled constantly with the hope that the boyswould find them playing around the corner, or hidden in someunfrequented spot. So it was with a cheerful trust that she saidgood-bye to the two young workingmen who presently issued from the doorof the great store building, and went rapidly up the deserted and tornup street.

  They did not dare run. Rather, they slunk along from building tobuilding as though fearful of being seen. When they passed a wreckedchimney, fallen across the street, Warren rubbed some of the soot andgrime on his face and clothes, and told Ivan to do the same. He thoughtvery wisely that they looked too clean and neat for the parts they wereendeavoring to enact. In addition to the soot, they were soon soiled andtorn from scrambling over wreckage and even Evelyn would not haverecognized them.

  Soon reaching the residence portion of the city, they began an immediatesearch for Boy Scouts. Out of the hundred or so in their section, theywere fortunate enough to find ten. Several of these were searchingfrantically for relatives and friends. Not one but had lost someone dearto him. They scattered with a will when Warren and Ivan told them aboutthe two children, but the boys who had been nearest the Professor'shouse, all said that they had not seen the little girls at all. Therewere no troops moving about that part while the boys were talking andplanning, and they were not molested in any way when they scattered andbegan to search every foot of the neighborhood. Noon found Warren, Ivan,Jack and a couple of others near a wrecked and deserted bakeshop. Therewas no one to ask and none to object when they scrambled over the heapsof stone and plaster and wood, and tried the doors of the great ovens.Sure enough, there they found, well cooked and safe, a supply of breadand meat and sweets. Warren and Jack were broken-hearted at the absenceof the slightest clue to Elinor, but they made a manly effort andmanaged to eat a good and nourishing meal, because they knew that theymust keep up every bit of strength they had.

  At three o'clock by agreement they all met at the Professor's house. Notone had secured a single clue. They had searched every empty and ruinedbuilding and had asked every person that they had seen. No one had beenable to tell them anything that sounded at all helpful. Warren hadthought that the fact that the strange child wore a scarlet dress wouldbe the means of tracing them immediately; but according to the peoplethey questioned, half the children in Warsaw had worn scarlet dresses orcoats. Warren was sick with despair. After a short talk, the boysscattered again, working out from the Professor's house like the spokesof a wheel for about half a mile. As Warren decided that he had aboutreached the limit agreed upon, he stood thinking, when the shrill Scoutwhistle sounded at his right. It was the signal to gather, and Warren'sheart leaped with delight as he thought, "Elinor is found."

  He crossed the space like a whirlwind, leaping over fallen walls anddashing around buildings in his mad race.

  He found the Scout who had whistled standing at the sagging door of whathad once been a comfortable home.

  "Where is she?" cried Warren as he reached the doorway.

  The boy shook his head. He was deathly pale, and trembled.

  "It is not your sister; you may be glad of that; but we must dosomething. Go in!"

  Four other Scouts came panting up, all flushed with the hope that Elinorhad been found. They followed the boy who had pushed Warren through thehall and through another door. Warren stopped appalled.

  Half the wall was gone. A bomb had evidently struck the house. On thebed a young woman lay. She was quite dead. Her ashy face told it withoutthe evidence of the blood in which she was bathed. By her side lay atiny girl. She, too, was still and cold in the last sleep of death, butby a strange mischance of war, a baby lay unharmed in the young mother'sarms.

  Unattended, uncomforted and cold, it had lain there for hours; yet itlived, and as the boys entered sent up a feeble wail. Shaken to theheart, Warren walked to the bed and picked up the infant. Its cries haddwindled to a feeble whining, and it shivered. Warren hastily unfastenedhis blouse, and pressed the little being to the warmth of his body. Hecould feel it press against him, or so it seemed to him, as he stoodthere in that chamber of death. His course, however, seemed clear. Theliving child in his arms must be cared for, and at once. He could onlythink of Evelyn. The hospitals were either shattered or filled with toomany wounded soldiers. There was no room in any place of that sort nowfor a little baby. Life was cheap in Warsaw that day. He would take itto Evelyn and she would take care of it somehow. His own little Elinorhe dared not think of.

  It was with an almost breaking heart that he and the other boys rapidlyretraced their steps and finally gained the warehouse. As he went up thelong stairs, Professor Morris left his corner, and stood ready to greetthem. He was smiling.

  "Well, well, where is Elinor?" he asked testily.

  "We did not find her," answered Warren curtly. He was so tired that hestaggered as he walked. He gained the top of the steps and, crossingunsteadily to Evelyn, laid the baby in her arms. Its little pinchedface, and bloodstained dress prepared her for Warren's story.

  "It is nearly starved," she said. "What shall we give it?"

  "I know," said Ivan. "Babies all drink milk, don't they? There is acourt down below, and when we went out I saw a couple of goats in it."

  It was true, and the poor creatures were glad enough to be milked. Thebaby, finally fed and warmed, slept exhausted in Evelyn's arms.

  In all the cruel war whose dark shadow obscured Europe a great deal ofsuffering fell to the share of the poor little babies and the smallchildren. To older children war could be explained. It was a vast andterrible something that swept away homes and food and comfort. It was amonster that devoured fathers and brothers, and left families withoutsupport, and homeless. But there was a reason that could be told, andwhich they could understand more or less.

  But the tiny ones, alas! What could be told them when their little worldtumbled, when they were carried out from warmth and safety, when foodwas denied; when the bosoms that had warmed them grew cold andunresponsive, what could they do but suffer and die the slow, torturingdeath of hunger and cold?

  Their little cries arose to heaven, there were no ears to hear them whenthe thunder of guns drowned all else. Poor, poor babies! Born, many ofthem, to enlighten the world with new discoveries, to cure theafflicted, to bring joy, they have perished as surely or a cause whichthey could not understand as have the soldiers in the trenches.

  When great nations are falli
ng, and men are being mowed down like grass,in numbers beyond the counting, the lives of little babies can only beheld precious by mothers who guard them with their every breath.

  The poor little bit of humanity found by the boys would soon have closedits little eyes in the death which had so suddenly overtaken the motherand sister. But it proved a sturdy little scrap, and after drinking allthe milk they dared give it, cried for more.

  It was a pretty child, well dressed and well cared for, and Evelynstudied it with tender interest as it lay contentedly in her arms. Asshe hushed and soothed it into sleep, she talked with her brothers.Professor Morris had gone to the other end of the long room, and theycould hear him groan as he walked the floor.

  "Don't you think that it would be safe now for us to go back home?" saidEvelyn. "We can always prove that we are Americans, and I think therewill be no more lawlessness. What do you think?"

  Warren remembered the soldier with the wounded shoulder.

  "We can't leave Peter here," he said.

  "Why no, but he managed to get up here with help, and I think we can gethim home with us. I don't know what else to do, unless Anna is willingto stay with him until morning."

  "That's the thing to do," said Warren, "but Anna is such a scare cat."

  "She ought to be willing to stay with her own brother!" declared Evelyn."That shoulder will kill him unless cold water is kept on it all thetime, until we can get hold of a doctor or get him to a hospital."

  "The hospitals are so full that you can't get inside the doors," saidWarren.

  "I found that out today."

  "Well, we will ask Anna, anyway," she said. She called to the governess,who approached at once. Telling her the plan, Evelyn waited for thewoman to speak.

  "Surely that is a wise plan indeed," she said, to their great relief."Peter could not be moved tonight. He is full of fever. And someone willfind our little Elinor, and take her home. Then what could they do ifthe house was deserted?"

  "I never thought of that," said Evelyn in a grief-stricken tone. "Let ushurry and get back before it is dark."

  "Yes," said Warren, "we could not make it at all in the dark. The lightsare all gone, and the streets are nearly impassable in lots of places.Get dad, and come on. Don't forget the book," he added, smilingbitterly.

  They hastily brought blouses and overalls from the clothes room belowand made as comfortable a bed for Peter as they could. There was plentyof goat's milk to drink, and bread from the bake shop, with which Warrenhad thoughtfully had the boys fill their pockets.

  Then, as the dusk gathered, they hurried out, Professor Morris claspingthe bulky manuscript, Evelyn carrying the sleeping baby, while Warrenand Ivan supported her on either side, and Jack went ahead to pick outthe safest path.

  They reached the house after a hard walk, and were soon feeling somesense of bodily comfort after all the hardships of the day. They decidedto act as nearly as possible as though they were but little disturbed bythe past events, and to assume the position of foreigners who feltthemselves under the protection of their own government.

  Naturally, all their thoughts were of Elinor, but night had fallen blackand stormy, and in all the confusion and lawlessness there was nothingto be done but wait as best they could for morning.

  In spite of his anxiety, Warren slept heavily and did not awaken untilhis sister shook him, and he opened his eyes to find that it was seven,7 o'clock.

  "No news, Warren dear," said Evelyn. "Only that that poor little baby iscertainly better. Oh, Warren, it is so cunning! I do hope it will be allright. I want to keep it if we do not find its father. All the rest ofits family must be dead." She sat down on the edge of Warren's bed. "Doyou know," she said, "I feel as though everyone besides ourselves ishurt or lost or dead or kidnapped? I have been thinking what I would doif anyone kidnapped me. I would try so hard to leave some sort of amessage. I think if I had my diamond ring on, I would try to scratchsomething on a window pane."

  Warren smiled. "Try some other plan, Evvy," he said. "They wouldn't beapt to wait while you found a window and scratched a letter on it."

  "You never can tell," said the girl. "Anyhow, that is what I would tryto do. Get up now, Warren, I have a nice hot breakfast for you. Ivan isdressed and has been out getting things to eat."

  Warren hurried down and enjoyed the nice breakfast his sister hadprepared. Jack, who had had his meal earlier, was awkwardly holding thebaby, and seemed quite overcome by the task.

  Breakfast over, Warren went with Ivan to the door, and stood for amoment looking down the street. A couple of men, very evil looking anddark browed, approached slowly, and passed on in the direction of theopen market. Ivan glanced carelessly at the pair, then stifled anexclamation of surprise. As they reached a safe distance, he clutchedWarren by the arm.

  "Look, look!" he cried. "Those are the two men who were with the womanwith the sacks."

  "What!" cried Warren tensely. "Come!" He started out, and together theyfollowed the two men.

  "What are you going to do?" asked Ivan.

  "Shadow them until I find where they stay. That woman is no doubt there,wherever that is."

  "I follow," said Ivan briefly.

  Warren paused. "You can't come," he said regretfully. "Someone has gotto look after dad, and as this is a dangerous job, it is my right, asthe older, to do it. I wish you could come, but you see how it is, don'tyou?"

  "I suppose so," said Ivan mournfully, "but get back so soon as you can.And if you find Elinor, and need help about getting her away, come backor send, and I will bring all the Scouts down."

  The boys shook hands and parted, Ivan hurrying back to the house withthe news, while the soiled work boy slouched along after the twoskulking villains ahead.

  At the open market a few hucksters, braver than most, were selling meatand vegetables to as many as dared come and buy. The men ahead boughtfreely as though money was plenty. Laden down with supplies, theyfinally turned and, walking rapidly, plunged down toward the river wherethe narrow, twisted streets invited criminals of every kind.

  Warren, following them as far off as possible, had to act and thinkquickly at times in order to keep track of them. Finally they turnedinto a street or alley leading directly to the river, and as Warrenhurried after them they disappeared as suddenly as though they had sunkinto the earth. Warren darted forward.

  It was a row of dismal, crowded houses, and Warren was too far away toknow just where the men had turned in. They had disappeared within oneof the doors, and Warren walked openly and boldly along, studying eachhouse. It was a rash and reckless thing to do.

  Warren forgot the teachings of his order, for there is nothing morepersistently urged on a Boy Scout than caution. If Warren had not beenso intensely excited, he would have remembered this. But of course hisexcitement was an excuse for forgetting. It is when we are in dangerousand exciting situations that we must train ourselves to have everyfaculty at our command.

  It is the commonest thing in the world to hear people tell what theymight have done, and unfold plans conceived after the necessity for themwas past. Such plans make good reading, but poor history.

  Warren, of course, tramping hastily down a deserted street, lay open todisaster, and the defeat of his purpose. If he had reconnoitered ascarefully as he had followed his game, he would have been able to locatethem without the least suspicion on their part that they had beenshadowed. It then would have been simple to have watched for someunguarded moment, when the boys could easily have gained entrance totheir quarters and secured the children.

  There is no great deed accomplished in this world where caution does notplay a great part. In war, in business, in sports, the man who looms thebiggest after the game is done and people have the time to study things,is the man who had never once failed to exercise a proper amount ofcaution. In a fairy story this warning is given: "Be bold; be bold--butnot too bold."

  You see caution does not question or hesitate or delay too long. Cautionkeeps right on, but slowly and wit
h a careful regard to safe footing.Caution keeps you from rocking the boat, and pointing the loaded gun,and skating near the thin ice. It keeps you from the heels of thekicking horse. It makes the good general save his men.

  Warren forgot. After blocks and blocks of trailing, he bolted down thestreet, examining each house with anxious excitement.

  Finally he discovered footmarks leading toward a dark, heavy door, andhe stood looking the place over. It was a tall, narrow place which had,centuries past, been used as a dwelling. What it was at present Warrencould not guess, unless it had fallen to the level of the damp, ratinfested hovel where crime and disease are bred daily in old towns likeWarsaw. Strange carvings of dragons and monsters upheld the eaves andformed the heavy water spouts. The tiny, windows were bare andcurtainless. They swung open in the wind that blew from the Vistula.

  Warren stood looking. He was all alone in the street.