Page 26 of House of Peine

  joie joy

  kugelhopf nutty cake from Alsace

  madame title for married woman

  madeleines little sponge cakes

  mademoiselle title for young woman

  magret cut of duck meat

  mairie town hall

  maman mother

  mec bugger

  merde shit

  métro underground railway in Paris

  mille-feuille yummy custardy pastry

  mousse bubbles

  must fermenting grape juice

  nuage cloud

  ooh là là ooh là là

  pain au chocolat amande almond and chocolate pastry

  pain au levain sourdough bread

  pain d’épice gingerbread cake

  partager sharing

  pastis popular French alcoholic spirit

  pâtisserie cake and pastry shop

  pâtissière pastry chef or baker

  peignoir bathrobe

  peine sorrow

  pétanque French bowling game

  pétiller sparkling

  Petite Noix little walnut

  plus d’invités more guests

  pommes apples

  potée champenoise Champagne-style stew

  printemps spring

  pupitres inverted-V-shaped wooden racks

  quatre quarts four quarters

  racine root

  remerciements acknowledements

  remeurs riddlers

  remuage riddling or twisting of bottles to move sediment

  réveillon Christmas Eve feast

  sabayon sauce sometimes made with champagne

  saints de glace three particular days in May when frost can do terrible damage

  saveur taste

  sommelier wine waiter

  soupçon tiny bit

  stampes crates for carrying grapes

  tabac bar or cafe

  truite ardennaise French trout dish

  vendange harvest

  veraison changing colour of grapes

  veuve widow

  vigneron/s winemaker/s

  voilà lo and behold

  volonté willpower

  About the Author

  A tireless researcher, Sarah-Kate Lynch trailed the byways of Ireland for her first novel, Finding Tom Connor; examined the cheeses of the world for her second, Blessed Are; perfected French sourdough bread for her third, By Bread Alone; and frequented the eateries of New York and Venice for her fourth, Eating with the Angels. While working on The House of Peine she drank a lot of champagne. Sarah-Kate lives in Auckland with a large recycling bin and her husband Mark Robins. You can visit her website at


  National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  Lynch, Sarah-Kate.

  House of Peine / by Sarah-Kate Lynch.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-86941-798-7

  ISBN-10: 1-86941-798-4

  l. Title.

  NZ823.3—dc 22


  published by

  Random House New Zealand

  18 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand

  First published 2006

  © 2006 Sarah-Kate Lynch

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted

  ISBN 10: 1 86941 798 4

  ISBN 13: 978 1 77553 366 5

  Design: Elin Bruhn Termannsen

  Cover design: Sciascia Brothers Advertising

  Author photo: Ryan Pratt

  Printed in Australia by Griffin Press



  Sarah-Kate Lynch, House of Peine



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