Page 18 of Can't Touch This

  Inserting it into his mouth, he puffed. The highest, sharpest whistle erupted.

  Every single one of the dogs, including Scar, stopped dead. No tail wags, no tongue lolling. Utter focus and awareness.

  “See?” Ryder smirked at the undivided attention. “Works like a charm.” Patting his thigh, he ordered, “Come here.”

  As one, a cloud of dogs trotted forward under his complete command. Even Scar, leashed in his wheelbarrow, tried to heel.

  I gasped at the level of respect these mismatched mutts had for Ryder. He was their pack leader with no argument or contention.

  Once we were surrounded by canines, intensely waiting for the next order, Ryder put the whistle back into his pocket and clapped his hands. “Okay, guys. You’re free. Continue to play.”

  Instantly, whatever spell he’d put them under broke and the sheer focus in their intelligent gazes switched to unruly happiness once again. The pack broke up into little groups, leaping and nipping, returning to their river games.

  I whistled low. “That’s impressive. I’ve seen owners go to puppy school for months and still unable to control a single dog.”

  He shrugged. “Like you said last night. It’s all about the internal intentions. They know when I’m relaxed and happy for them to be animals and embrace freedom. But when I whistle, it’s listening and obeying time. Otherwise, they’re out of the pack.”

  “You should teach people how to be better carers.” I nudged an algae covered pebble by my foot. “So many people yell and scream and don’t take the time to understand doggy language.”

  Coming toward me, he tucked a loose curl behind my ear.

  I trembled at the soft but sexual feel of his finger.

  “I’m not saying I know what I’m doing. But I will admit the whistle is useful. I currently have eighteen four-legged brats but once I had over thirty. I haven’t lost one yet, and this way, I can take them on a group walk and not worry about them vanishing on me. Not to mention, when I find their forever home, I give the new owner all the information including the app so they’ll never lose them again.” His eyes turned sad. “Too many pets are lost and put into the system and killed because loving owners never tagged them or bothered to register the microchip correctly. A lot of pointless deaths could’ve been avoided.”

  We stood side by side, watching as the dogs slowly calmed from their manic antics and broke off into smaller packs to investigate bushes and interesting smells. One or two detoured to check out Scar in his wheelbarrow but one vicious snarl from the killing Pusky Bull and they quickly kept their distance.

  I was worried that Scar would try to jump free and chase them. That he’d feel left out or his murderous training would be too hard to overrule, but the moment the dogs had vanished in a shiver of foliage, he calmed right down and closed his eyes with contentment.

  “Ah, peace at last.” Ryder took my hand, looping his fingers with mine. “Now, I believe it’s time for your bath. I can’t believe you’re still wearing the same clothes, you dirty girl.”

  I laughed as we walked along the river edge toward a deeper blue swimming hole. “You can’t talk. You’re constantly in dusty work clothes. I can’t tell if your entire wardrobe is an unknown renovation designer label, or if you don’t own a washing machine.”

  “Did you just offer to do my washing?”

  I pushed him. “I did nothing of the sort.”

  His dark hair caught the sunshine as he glanced at me. “I think you did. I think you were complaining about my lack of cleanliness and like any good girlfriend offered to care for her man in order to keep him fresh and publically acceptable.”

  “I’m your girlfriend now?”

  He balanced on one leg, ripping off a sneaker before doing the same with the other. His socks flew off, too. “Do you want to be?”

  I cocked my hip, tapping my finger against my lips in serious fashion. “Hum, that’s a loaded question. What terms and conditions does such a title come with?”

  Tearing his t-shirt off, he looked me up and down. “For starters, you get me.” He boldly unbuckled and stripped his jeans and boxer-briefs off in one go. Fisting his cock, already standing tall and at attention, he murmured, “You get this any time you want.”

  “Well, that’s very tempting.” I tilted my chin, allowing the sunshine and jokes to warm me inside and out. “But I reckon I could have that any time I wanted without being your girlfriend.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you calling me easy?”

  I giggled. “Hey, if the description fits.”

  Ryder growled. “Woman, I’m anything but easy. Ask my brother.”

  “Ah, yes. The brother I might upgrade to.” I squinted in the bushes. “Is he around by any chance? I might get him to dish the dirt on you, seeing as you’re asking for such a big commitment.”

  Prowling toward me, Ryder watched beneath a lowered brow. “He’ll be here in two weeks. You can ask him then.”

  “Two weeks?” I sighed dramatically. “That’s a long time. I don’t know if this ‘arrangement’ between us will last that long.”

  I took a step back as Ryder lashed out and grabbed my wrist. My heart winged as he jerked me into his naked chest. His lips slammed against mine as his hands tangled possessively in my hair.

  Our tongues clashed, our mouths connected, and our breathing switched from rational to completely erratic.

  By the time he pulled away, I swayed on the river bank as my pussy throbbed. I’d slept with this man once but it hadn’t taken my edge off. It’d done nothing to damper my desire for him.

  If anything, it had added more firewood to an already out-of-control inferno.

  Cupping my nape, Ryder whispered against my mouth, “If you think two weeks is a long time, I pity you.”

  “Pity me?” I blinked, trying to understand.

  A tell-tale smirk twitched his lips. “Yes. I pity you because you really have no idea what you’ve just done.”

  I shivered as his touch dropped from my nape, down my arm, to grab my fingers. Never breaking eye contact, he pulled my hand forward and ever so slowly wrapped my palm around his hot, hard cock. “Two weeks is a single heartbeat to me, Vesper. The moment you turned up at my house last night was the moment you became mine.”

  He groaned as I clutched his erection.

  “You mean, you’re going all alpha on me, after all? I’m yours now?” I jerked up and down, stroking the soft velvet of his skin. “If I’m yours, what does that make you?”

  “Yours, of course.” His head fell backward as I continued to stroke him. “I’ve been yours for months. My cock, my thoughts…” He wrapped an arm round my shoulders, embracing me hard as he shuddered. “…all yours since I walked into your practice.”

  I trembled as my hand continued to pump up and down. His touch trickled down my spine, moving to my front to cup my breast. Our hearts relocated into every fingertip, pounding with lust and togetherness.

  I couldn’t deny hearing him say he was mine made me wet, wet, wet. But hearing what he didn’t say—hearing the message his thumping heart blared—made me happy and afraid at the same time.

  That same feeling of more from last night came back, head-butting away our jokes and making every moan and whisper loaded with emotion.

  Where had such intensity come from? How did we slow it down? How did we give our minds time to catch up with what our hearts and bodies had already agreed was the perfect solution?

  My head lolled as Ryder’s mouth found the base of my neck and collarbone. “Fuck, Vesper. Two weeks is nothing. I want a thousand two weeks with you. I want—” He cut himself off, his tongue lapping and teeth nipping at my skin.

  I didn’t ask him to finish.

  I knew what he wouldn’t say.

  I want you forever.


  What an odd concept of time. But suddenly, it was exactly what I wanted. With him. Always.

  He stole my daydreams as his fingers cupped my pussy. I moaned as
he pressed hard on my clit through my jeans. “I think it’s time you were cleaned, don’t you? Can’t neglect my girlfriend.”

  The thought of being naked with him outside was too much. The idea of him bending me over and taking me like a savage dog made me bite my bottom lip with overwhelming desire.

  My fingers squeezed him. “What do you plan to do with me once I’m clean?”

  His eyes darkened. “I have a few ideas. Don’t you worry about that.”

  “Oh, I worry, Ryder Carson.” I lowered my voice. “I worry that I like you far, far too much.”

  His gaze melted even as a sexy smirk twisted his lips. “I told you last night not to be afraid. Trust me.”

  Not looking away, he undid the rest of my blouse and pushed it off my shoulders. The kiss of a gentle mid-morning breeze made my arms fly up and cover my aroused nipples.

  “Wait…can anyone see?” My eyes cast around the wooded river edge, glaring up the slight hill to the open meadow beyond.

  Ryder laughed. “Nope. Private property. Unless you count a bunch of dogs, but I thought we already cleared that you’re open to a bit of exhibitionism.” Pointing at my half naked body, he added, “Why are your jeans still on? Didn't you say how dirty they were?” Backing into the river, he grinned. “I always seem to be naked and you dressed when we’re together. If you agree to be my girlfriend, we’ll have to address these serious issues.”

  Allowing the sexual tension to thread with our previous banter, I smiled. “Oh, so we’re back to the terms and conditions of a monogamous boyfriend, girlfriend arrangement, huh?”

  “Of course. It’s a very important discussion.”

  Slipping my shoes off, I said, “Oh, then by all means, please elaborate. I really do need to read the fine print in this deal.”

  “Why? It’s the deal of a lifetime.”

  I shook my head with mirth as I unbuttoned my jeans.

  The way his eyes locked onto my body as I slowly pushed the tight denim down my legs made butterflies spawn and moths flutter in my belly.

  “That may be, but I’m a cautious girl. Did you know it took me four months just to decide what surgery tables to buy for Tales of Tails? You can never be too careful with collapsing legs and contaminable surfaces.”

  Ryder kept moving backward into the river, his eyes glued on me undressing. “Is that so?” Standing quad deep, his cock hardened the longer he stared. “All right then, Ms. I-have-to-have-everything-revealed-before-I-can-make-my-decision. The fine print…”

  He dwindled off as I stepped out of my jeans and folded them neatly on a rock. I hadn’t put my knickers on from last night. I was naked and not nervous or uncomfortable or shy.

  I was happy and proud and enjoying myself so much.

  “You were saying?” I asked quietly as I stepped into the cool water.

  He cleared his throat. “Um...”

  “Um? That isn’t a convincing argument of why I should become your girlfriend.”

  He didn’t move as I sent ripples around his legs as I waded closer.

  He coughed. “I already said you get me, right?”

  My body turned into liquid like the river, teasing him. “Yes, you already covered that.”

  “What about what I get? I think we’re ignoring the most important question here.” His fingers kissed my side as I finally reached him. Every step brought me deeper into his welcoming embrace until my bare skin slipped against his.

  His cock was hard against my lower belly but he made no move to instigate sex. This was purely a hug in the middle of a river in the middle of the most perfect day of my life.

  “I think it’s only fair that you get me in return,” I whispered into his throat, kissing his collarbone. “Is that a fair trade, do you think?”

  He grunted under his breath as his arm bunched tighter. Pushing me away a little, he tipped my chin up with his fingertip. “Not a fair trade. But I’ll take it.”

  Not fair?

  What more does he expect?

  My question had to wait while his lips claimed mine. His tongue danced into my mouth with confidence and passion. The kiss was just as wet as the river we stood in but instead of rushing and cool it was hot and sexy.

  The ease of our naked hug switched to intense demand.

  My heart felt it. My pussy felt it. He felt it.

  It was a small tug demanding to be listened to.

  Breaking the kiss, I murmured, “If we both get what we want in this contract, why don’t you agree it’s a fair trade?”

  He smiled within our kiss. “Because Vesper, I get you. And nothing, not even me, can compare to that.”





  I hadn’t meant to say such things. It was too soon and probably unwise, but I didn't really give a flying fuck. We’d spoken about things we shouldn’t have spoken about. We’d admitted how deep we’d fallen. We’d addressed just how terrifying our connection was.

  There was nothing wrong with honesty. Time had no relevance here.

  Not today.

  Not when the sun was out, the water was pure, and the dogs selfless energy and joy infected us to be carefree, stress-free, and so damn grateful for what we’d found in each other.

  Away from society and family and the dos and don’ts of a new relationship, it was just us. And if I wanted to tie her into naming what this connection was—even if it only lasted a few days or weeks or months—I would.

  Vesper wasn’t a woman I was shagging. She wasn’t my veterinarian. She was my woman. My girlfriend. And I would never get over being allowed to call her that.

  Dragging her into deeper water, the surface crept up our bodies as our feet danced on the rocky bottom, cushioned with algae and water reeds.

  We had no soap or shampoo but it didn’t stop me spinning Vesper around and pushing her under to wet her hair.

  The blonde curls instantly became dark crinkled threads. She was stunning no matter her appearance—dressed or naked, wet or dry.

  I admitted to myself I was fucked. Utterly and truly fucked with how much I wanted this girl.

  I looked around where a zoo of dogs threaded in bushes and reappeared with mud splattered on their multi-coloured coats. I’d have a terrible time trying to bath them all afterward with minimal running water while the plumber did his fixes.

  Forcing myself to remain light-hearted and not chase her running up the riverbank from my heart-filled declarations, I chuckled. “Seeing as you won’t agree to be my girlfriend, let’s agree to seal the deal in another way.”

  She giggled, full on playing me but I didn’t mind in the slightest. “I say that’s the best idea you’ve had all day.”

  “Really? I’ve had a few.” I grinned. “I admit that making you stay the night and spending the day with the dogs was a genius one.”

  “Well, I only agreed to that because someone rather good looking mentioned it as an option.”

  “Rather good looking?” Taking her hair, I wrapped it around my fist and tugged her head back. “Just rather?”

  She moaned as I bit her throat, licking at water droplets. “You want it on a sliding scale?”

  “I want it in inches.” I pushed my cock against her again.

  “In inches?”

  “Seems a good measurement.” I laughed. “Seeing as you’re about to get all the inches I possess.”

  “Suddenly my powers of conversation have been replaced with an overwhelming need to sample those inches rather than just discuss them.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, really? Is there something you want from me, Ms. Fairfax?”

  Her ass pushed backward, activating the heavy throb in my balls. “I can think of one thing I want very much.”

  “And what if I want to give you something different first?”

  “Like what?”

  “Oh, I dunno. How about something to sweeten the girlfriend deal? How about I wash your h
air for you?” I kissed her nape, following the beads of her spine until her back disappeared under water.

  She moaned as I licked my way back up.

  “You’d do that for me?”

  I kissed her ear. “I’m guessing I’d do just about anything for you now. You’ve put a spell on me.”

  “Sweet talking disguised as persistence.” She shivered dramatically.

  “Only when I know what I want.”

  “Oh, I like that. Say that again.”

  “What? What I want?”

  Her head lolled back to rest on my shoulder. “Yes.” She paused. “Tell me what you want.”

  My arms tightened around her. “You. I want you, Vesper. I want you so fucking much I can barely breathe with needing to be inside you.” I drove my hard cock into the crack of her ass. “You’re mine. I want to hear you say it.”

  Her hips rocked backward, pressing against me. “So many demands today.”

  I bit her earlobe. “Say it.”

  “That I’m yours?”

  I nodded, shaking my head a little the way a dog would with its prey, ensuring my teeth sank into her ear with just enough pressure. “Yes.”

  When she took her damn time, my hands wrapped around her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Do it, or I’ll have to force you.”

  She gasped as my touch dropped down her flat stomach, grabbing her between the legs. “Say it, or I’ll take this the way I want to take it.”

  A gush of warm silk doused my fingers from her desire. My cock grew impossibly harder. “You like that? Being threatened?” Inserting a finger inside her, she gave up decorum and panted.

  “Yes, hell yes.”

  “You want to know what I’ll do to you if you don’t agree to be mine?”

  She nodded, her lips parting as I inserted another finger. The fact I’d been inside this woman almost made me come against her back. I pressed on the ridges of her inner walls, causing more arousal to coat my fingers—so different to the cool water we stood in.