Two knowing each other all their living might tell each other sometime what each one of them thought the other one had been, thought the other one would be doing in being living. Two having known each other very well in their living might tell each other what each one thought really about the other. Two knowing each other very well in living might be doing this thing. Two knowing each other very well in living might know each one what that one thought of the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living might be thinking that they were knowing what the other one knew about each other one. Two knowing each other very well in living might be knowing what each one thought about each other one. Two knowing each other very well in living might be thinking they are knowing what each one is thinking about being and about living in the other one. Two knowing each other very well in being living might be thinking they are not knowing what the other one is thinking about the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living might be telling each one of them to some one what they are thinking of the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living might not be telling any one what they are each one of them thinking about the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living one of them might be telling the other one sometime what that one was thinking of the other one. Two knowing each other in living one might be telling some one sometimes what that one thought of the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living one of them might be sometime telling some one what that one had often been thinking about being, about living in the other one. Two knowing each other very well in living one of them might sometime tell some one what that one had come to think about the being and the living in the other one. So then very often there are two living knowing each other very Well in living. Some of such of them then are certain that they are knowing what the other one thinks of that one. Some are not certain that they are knowing what the other one thinks of that one. Some are knowing what the other one thinks of that one. Some are not knowing what the other one thinks of being and living in that one. Some are often wondering what the other one is thinking of being and living in that one. Some are never at all wondering about what the other one is thinking about that one. To some it would be a pleasant thing to know certainly what the other one is thinking about that one. To some it would not be at all a pleasant thing to know certainly what the other one is thinking about being and about living in that ore. Some sometime talk to some one about what the other one is thinking about being and living being in that one. Some sometimes talk to the other one about what the other one is thinking about being and living being in either of them, in one of them: Some are talking to every one they are knowing about what the other one is thinking about being and living being in that one. Some are for a very long time having a feeling of being one knowing about thinking about being and living in both of them in both of them. Two of two of them sometimes for a very long time have a quite certain feeling about knowing about thinking about being and living in both of them in the two of them. Certainly there are very often in living being two of them knowing each other certainly very well in being living. Certainly very often one of them has a feeling of knowing or not knowing what the other one is thinking about the being and living in that one.

  David Hersland as I was saying was one being interested in his being one being living. He was one being interested in quite a number of other ones being ones being living. Some are not interested in ones being living. David Hersland was interested in ones being living. He was one as I was saying almost completely interested in being one being living. He was one, as I was saying, to himself almost one being completely, almost being completely living. He was one interested in some being ones being living. He was one in a way interested in every one he came to be knowing, in any one who came to know him. He was one as I was saying interested in his being one being living, almost completely interested in being living, he was one almost completely living. This is to be now some description of his being a quite young one in living.

  They talked in different ways about different things, some talked in some way about something then talked in another way about something, some talked in some way about something then talked in another way about another thing, some talked in the same way about a good many things, mostly every one talked a good deal about something, mostly every one talked a good deal about a number of things. Mostly, all his living, David Hersland talked a good deal about something, mostly all his living he talked a good deal about a good many things. He liked it certainly so mostly every one was saying sometime about him to do a good deal of talking, in a way to himself and to very many knowing he did not like doing a good deal of talking. Any way he certainly did considerable talking while he was one being one being in living. As I was saying he came to be a dead one at the end of the beginning of his middle living. To some this was a very sad thing, to some this was a sad enough thing, in a way to some it was not at all an interesting thing, to some it was for quite a very long time a very interesting thing. Some found it then a very interesting thing to be wondering whether he would have been one having been succeeding in living if he had been one being living a reasonably long time. Some certainly thought this to be an exceedingly interesting question.

  As I was saying the Herslands lived where a good many other people were living when David Hersland was a young one, was beginning being in living. As I was saying each one he was then knowing talked some about something, talked some about a good many things. David Hersland then talked some about something, talked then some about a good many things. He was then one talking and listening and so was everybody else doing that thing, those he was seeing then. He was living in Hersland family living then, he was living in that part of Gossols living then where the Hersland family were living then. This is to be now some description of living he was doing then and the living some other ones were doing then in their daily living.

  Some one and that one is quite reasonably an observing one is seeing some one sitting and that one is to very many looking an interesting enough one and then that one the one that is reasonably observing says of this one the one sitting and being interesting to quite a number who were looking that way just then that this one is certainly quite entirely a stupid one, that one can tell that by observing that one and knowing so that that one is not at all really an interesting thing. This one then tells about that one the one sitting and it is certainly true what the one telling is telling about that one, it is quite a good description and it is pleasantly then an astonishing thing to be certain that the one describing the other one from observation is extraordinarily of the same quality and having been having the same history in being living as the one that one has been describing and quite correctly describing as one not interesting in being living and one at whom very many are quite a good deal looking. This kind of thing happening was the interesting thing in some being in being living to David Hersland in almost any part of his being in living. As I was saying of him he certainly was one wanting to be needing that every woman ever living should be a beautiful thing to him in his feeling.

  David Hersland was one certainly enjoying some kind of things that were happening. He certainly very often was enjoying things having been happening. This is to be now a quite complete history of him from his beginning to his ending.

  He was playing some when he was a young one, he was believing somethings then pretty nearly believing some things then, reading some then, talking some then, listening some then, eating a good deal sometimes then, deciding some things then when not anybody had asked him to decide a thing, being listened to some then when he was deciding some thing then, liking it pretty nearly entirely then that some were listening while he was deciding something then, pretty nearly entirely liking it that he was one being going on being living then. He knew a good many then, a good many in a way knew him then, he was living in Hersland family living then, he was living inside him to himself some then, he was living half country half city living then, he was almost living the living of many h
e was knowing then in his daily living, he certainly was almost then completely liking being one going on being living. He talked a good deal all his living as I was saying, he certainly a good deal did not talk in all of his living, he listened some that is certain, he talked some that is quite certain. He was one going on being in living until he was at the end of the beginning of his middle living and then he came to dying and then he was a dead one. In his beginning living he was doing different things in his daily living, this is to be now a description of living and of being in him.

  One who knew David Hersland a long time in living was one certainly living so that that one later in the living of that one should certainly be one certainly not marrying a certain one. This one might be loving that one, this one certainly was one living in being living so that certainly that one to that one was one certainly one never going to be marrying a certain one. Very many knowing of this one, knowing this one a little would be saying that this one was certainly sometimes going to be marrying a certain one, not any one really knowing this one ever did any thinking about this one going to be marrying that certain one, it was not a thing to any one really knowing this one needing any thinking, it was a thing that everybody knowing this one took as being of course certain that this one would never be marrying that certain one. Certainly everybody knowing very well the two of them were certain that each of them were certain that that one never would be marrying the other one. This one then married that certain one. Now did this one have it that this one had not been knowing that every one knowing this one very well was very simply certain that that one would not be marrying a certain one or did this one have it that this one was knowing this thing. Did this one have it that once this one was knowing that thing and when this one came to be one going to be marrying the certain one was not knowing this thing. It certainly was to every one a simply inevitable thing that this one would never be marrying a certain one. This one certainly married that certain one. Every one really knowing this one never came to knowing whether it had perhaps not ever been an inevitable thing to that one that that one was not ever to be marrying that certain one, not any one knowing this one ever came to know that for this one it had been an inevitable thing that this one was not ever to marry that certain one. To some knowing this thing it was a puzzling thing and then it was to them that that one had married that certain one and they knew them very well in their married living. To some it was not a puzzling thing, they were not ever thinking then when this one had been once married to that certain one, they were not ever thinking about that one ever having been going to be married to any one, to that certain one. To some it was not a puzzling thing, it was a thing like something having been a lost thing that never had been a thing any one had found before it was lost. To some it was a thing that was not puzzling at all and yet was different from what every one knowing anything was certain could be happening, to some of such of them it was not at all a puzzling thing. To some it was a thing that was like being a dead one and certainly perhaps one being a dead one is not knowing it then that that one is then being a dead one. To mostly not any one was it at all exasperating, to mostly not any one was it really exciting that that one had married a certain one and it had been to every one knowing them a simply inevitable thing that that one would not ever marry that certain one. So then that one had married that certain one. Certainly every one knowing either one of them very well had been simply certain like being certain of being one being living that that one would not ever be marrying that certain one. In a way, as I say, when that one then married that certain one, it was not to very many of those having been simply certain exciting, it was to very many of those having been simply certain that this one would not marry that certain one not puzzling, it was not to any one knowing them and having been simply certain at all exasperating, it was not to all of them who had been completely certain that that one would not ever marry that certain one when that one married that certain one really exciting. And this was a strange thing to be in David Hersland in being one being living. This one as I am saying was one knowing David Hersland very well in living. This one was one David Hersland knew very well almost all his living. David Hersland was one having it as I was saying that he was one wanting to be having it that he was completely needing to be certain every minute in being living of having it that he was realising that there was being a reason in being living so that he could be one going on being living. He was one as I was saying certainly needing every moment in his living to be one needing to be reasoning to be realising that he was one to be one going on being living. As I was saying he knew very well the one that came to marry a certain one when he had been completely quite certain that that one would not be marrying a certain one and it was not to him completely exciting, it was not to him completely interesting that this one had then married that certain one and that not he, not any one that he knew then knew then whether that one had or had not ever been completely certain that one could certainly not ever marry that certain one. As I was saying David Hersland knew this one very well, this one knew David Hersland very well, as I was saying this thing was not then when it had suddenly happened, and it happened certainly quite suddenly, it was not then to David Hersland completely interesting, it was not then to David Hersland completely exciting, this that it was not then or ever later than then a completely interesting thing a completely exciting thing to David Hersland is certainly a curious thing. David Hersland is one I am now beginning describing. I certainly will tell a good deal of everything I know about living and about being in him.

  It is a nice thing to some that some one is certain that every one would be thankful perhaps to him certainly at any rate thankful, just thankful if they could be having it completely shown to them what way they could be living so that living could have a meaning to every one when every one had come to be thankful for understanding living having such a meaning. There are very many certainly being certain that everybody could be thankful if everybody could be thankful. Some are quite certain that anybody could be thankful if everybody could be thankful. Some are quite certain that some one is really certain that every one could be thankful if every one were really coming to be ones being thankful ones. Very many then are quite certain that each one could be wanting what every one could be wanting. Very many then are quite certain that certainly every one could be wanting what each one could be wanting. Mostly a good many are saying that some one who is certain that every one could be wanting what every one could be wanting is a very nice one. Each one is certainly being living, each is one certainly being sometime a dead one. Does each one being one being living need it to be perhaps liking that thing. Does each one being living need it to be sometime wanting something. Does each one coming to be a dead one, need it to have it that he could be wanting what every one else perhaps could be, could have been wanting. Does each one who has come to be a dead one know then that he is a dead one. Does any one having come to be a dead one know then that he is a really truly dead one. Certainly a very great many are very certain that they are thinking that each one is or could be wanting a certain kind of meaning in being one being living, and then some one is not then being such a one and is it then really completely puzzling, completely exciting, completely interesting to any one that some one could not be wanting what every one certainly is realising everybody could be wanting. I will certainly not commence telling a good deal, that is, as much of a good deal as I will be telling of being being in very many being living. Many men and many women are being living, have been, will be being living. I will now tell a good deal that is I will tell all I will be telling about being being in men and women, in some men and in some women. I shall now just be repeating that I certainly am knowing there is being being in men and in women being living, I will just repeat this now again and again and again and then I can be certain enough of this thing to be leaving it without being then looking at it and so then I can leave it and it will be then keeping going and I can go ahead and be fooling and mix
ing up everything in telling about being being in David Hersland and this I hope sometime to be doing but not this evening, no certainly not this evening, no certainly not now when I am looking to be just repeating that being is in men and in women who are being living.

  Some are not very much interested in their being living in living and they are a little interested in this thing. They are going on being in living and they are not very much interested in their being living in living and they are a little interested in this thing in being one being living in living. Some of these are then going on and going on being living in living and they are not then very much interested in this thing and they are a little interested in this thing. Some of such of them are going on being in living and they keep on going on being in living and they are not much interested in this and they are a little interested in this thing. Quite a number of such of them are keeping on being ones being living and they are not some of such of them ever very much interested in this thing and they are a little interested in this thing. Some of them are going on being living and they are certainly not ever very much interested in this thing and they certainly are a little interested in this thing.

  David Hersland was one being living in living and certainly he was one almost completely interested in being one being in living, this is to be now certainly some description of this in him, this is certainly to be now some description of being of not being very much, of being a little, of being almost completely interested in being one being in living. David Hersland was one being living to the ending of his beginning being in middle living I am realising that being is in men and in women being living, I can now be not repeating this thing, I can now go on and go on and go on a little more then and a good deal more then about David Hersland and about his knowing some and about some knowing him.