Some being living when David Hersland was being living were expecting that sometime he could be certain that something would be happening and that then that thing would be happening. Some who were living when David Hersland was living were not certain that when he came to be certain that something would be happening that it would not be happening.

  When he came to be certain that something would be happening, sometimes something would be happening. He sometimes came to be certain that something would be happening and sometimes then something would be happening. He was not completely needing this thing needing being certain that something would be happening. He was not completely needing that thing, being certain that something would be happening and having then that thing happening. He was not completely needing this thing.

  He was interested in this thing sometimes almost completely interested in this thing, he was sometimes almost completely interested in being certain that something would be happening, he was sometimes almost completely interested in being certain that something was going to be happening and then that thing was happening.

  He was almost completely clearly feeling being one being living. He was almost completely clearly feeling being one going on being living. He was not completely needing this thing being one going on being living. He was almost completely needing the thing being one being living.

  Some are ones needing being one succeeding in living. Some are ones not needing being one succeeding in living, David Hersland was such a one, he was one needing being one succeeding in living. He was one not needing being one succeeding in living. If he had gone on in being living he would not have been one succeeding in living, he would not have been one needing being one succeeding in living. If he had been one going on in being living he might have been succeeding in living. He might have been one succeeding in living if he had been one going on being living and then he would not have been needing being one succeeding in living. He was not going on being living after the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was not being living after the ending of the beginning of middle living.

  He would not be one commencing again and again to be one being living. He would not be one commencing being living. He was one being living every day and always he was one needing to be understanding this thing, understanding being one being living. He was one completely clearly thinking, he was one completely clearly thinking about something. He was one almost completely clearly feeling.

  He would not be one commencing again and again being one being living. He was not one commencing again and again being one being living. He was one being living. He was one almost completely needing to be understanding this thing, understanding being one being living. He was one being living every day. He was one understanding this thing understanding every day being living that day. He was one completely needing being one understanding every day being living that day. He was one completely clearly thinking. He was one completely clearly thinking about something. He was one almost completely clearly thinking about anything. He was one completely clearly thinking about everything.

  He could be certain that not any one would be thinking more completely about something than he was thinking about something. He could be certain that not any one could be thinking more completely clearly about something than he was thinking about something. He could be completely certain of this thing.

  He was interested in any one thinking as completely, more completely about something than he was thinking about something. He was not completely interested in that thing. He could be certain that not any one was thinking more completely about something than he was thinking about something.

  He was not needing being one coming to be certain that he was one needing some other one. He was not needing being one coming to be certain that he was not needing some other one. He was almost wanting to be one needing to be certain to be one needing another one. He was not needing to be one being certainly needing another one. He was not completely needing anything. He was completely clearly thinking. He was almost completely needing being certain that he was being living.

  It was not any use being one going on being living for David Hersland when he was not being one needing to be being living. He was not completely needing being living. He was not completely wanting needing being living. He was almost completely deciding being living, he was almost completely deciding this thing. He was not feeling anything about this thing about not completely needing being living. He was not feeling anything at all about this thing. He was almost completely deciding something about this thing about being one being living. He was not completely deciding about this thing about being one being living, he was almost completely deciding about this thing about being one being living.

  Being one being living is being one in a way being interested in that thing. Any one can be in a way such a one, one being living. Some are not in a way such a one one being interested in a way in being one being living. Some are being ones being living and are in a way not ones interested in being living. Some are being ones being living and are not interested in such a thing in being living and they are ones being living and they would not mention that thing to any one that any one should come to be one being living. Some are ones being living and they are not interested in that thing, in a way not at all interested in that thing and they are not mentioning that thing to any one that they are in a way not at all interested in being one being living. Some who are being living are not interested in that thing, in being one being living. They are, some of them, not mentioning anything about such a thing about any one being one being living. They are, some of them, not mentioning anything about their being not interested, at all in that thing in being one being living.

  In a way very many are being living and are being then not interested in that thing not quite interested in that thing, and they are not mentioning that thing, they are not mentioning being not quite interested in being one being living.

  Very many are being living, very many are very often almost not quite interested in that thing, and they are almost not mentioning that thing not mentioning being almost not quite interested in that thing, in being one being living. There are very many being living. There are very many who are quite often not interested in that thing in being living and are not mentioning anything about being interested, about not being interested in that thing. There are very many being living and are not interested in that thing, in being living, and are not at all mentioning such a thing mentioning anything about being not interested in being one being living.

  Some one can be certain that they have remembered something. Some one can come to be certain that they have remembered something and they are sure that they are not remembering what was really happening. Some can come to be certain of this thing can come to be certain that they are remembering something and that that thing was not the thing that happened the thing they are remembering. Some can come then to be not at all interested in that thing, they go on remembering and they go on being certain that the thing they are remembering is not a thing that happened and they are not at all interested in that thing and they certainly are going on being one being living.

  David Hersland in being living was one living until the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was not interested in this thing in being one not living longer than the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was not really interested in this thing in being living only to the end of the beginning of middle living. He was not really interested in that thing.

  Why should any one not be certain that David Hersland was being living? Why should any one not be certain of this thing? David Hersland was being living. Not every one was certain of this thing. Some are certain of this thing. Some were not certain of this thing. He was not completely living in any one being, in any one not being certain of this thing. He was being living and some were not certain of this thing, that he was being living, and some were certain of this thing, that he was being living. He was being living. Any one could almost be certa
in of this thing certain that he was being living. Some could he certain of this thing, certain that he was being living.

  He was quietly enough doing that thing, being one being living. He was quietly enough being one being living. It was astonishing that he was so quietly doing that thing being one being living.

  He was quite quietly doing that thing, being one being living. Certainly not every one was certain of this thing that he was quietly doing that thing, being one being living. Not every one was certain that he was one quietly doing being one being living. Some were certain that he was not so quietly doing this thing, being one being living. Some were certain that he was not quietly doing this thing, being one being living.

  He was quietly doing this thing, quietly being one being living. This was a thing that might have been astonishing. That he was quietly doing the thing, quietly being one being living is a thing that might be astonishing to any one. Any one might be certain that he was not quietly doing that, not quietly being one being living. Some were certain that he was quietly doing this thing, doing being one being living.

  A quite gentle one, a quite quiet one, any one was certain of this thing that this one was a quite quiet one, a quite gentle one, this one who was a quite quiet one was one whom he was knowing some and he was always being one, needing to be completely wanting to be certain that this one, that some one, that almost any one was one who was being existing and making something then be a thing leading to something which was then a thing failing being a complete thing, a whole one then and then not needing being anything not having been a beautiful thing.

  He was a quietly enough one being one being living and he was then teaching any one any other thing. He was teaching some then. He was very nearly completely teaching some. He was being one then whom some who were quite quietly being living then were following then and all of them, any one of them were very quietly being one being living then, almost being one being living.

  He was being one whom not any one of some was remembering being one being quietly enough one being living. He was certainly then telling about any one being one needing something and he was almost completely then being one who ought to have been one completely telling this thing and not being quietly doing this thing and he was not quietly doing this thing, he was almost doing this thing, he was one any one of some could be remembering as having been completely telling something to any one, as not having been at all quite quietly enough doing this thing, completely telling any one something.

  He was one not quietly enough doing that thing being one being living to be satisfying some who were being living and these were then not needing that thing not completely needing that any one was one quite quietly being one being living. They were, these were not needing that any one, that every one was one being quietly doing that thing, quietly being one being living, these were quite not needing that thing needing that any one be one quite quietly be one being living. He was not satisfying these then, he was not then to them being one quite quietly being living. He was being one then not quite quietly being one being living, he was that to them.

  There was one who was quite certain that he was not at all such a one one quietly doing this thing, quietly being one being living. This one knew him, knew David Hersland then and was quite certain that David Hersland never was and never could have been one quietly doing that thing quietly being one being living, and this one was always remembering this thing and he never forgot this thing and any one knowing David Hersland was completely liking this liking that this one never forgot that thing that David Hersland never was that David Hersland never could have been one quietly doing such a thing, quietly being one being living.

  David Hersland was not quite quietly enough being one being living. That was certain. Some were almost completely certain of this thing. He was quite quietly being living. That was certain. Any one might have been almost certain of this thing. He was quite quietly enough being one being living. Not any one could be remembering this thing, hot any one was ever remembering any such thing. Some were sometimes almost remembering this thing. He could not have been one quietly doing the thing, quietly being one being living. Some were always certain of this thing, always remembering this thing. He was almost quietly being one being living. Any one could be certain enough of this thing. Some were always certain enough of this thing, were remembering enough of this thing. He was quietly enough being one being living and not any one was completely certain of this thing. He was one who was almost not needing having been one at all being living in being one having been quietly enough, in having been not quietly enough being living. He was one whom almost not any one was really needing being remembering. Some were almost needing remembering his being one being living. Not any one was needing remembering any kind of living he ever had been doing, any quietness, any not quietness enough there could be in his having been one being living. He had been one being living. He was being living. He was living. He was being living and he was always being one then always being one being living then. He was always being one being living and any one could remember such a thing remember he was being living. Any one could have remembered that he had been one being living. Some remembered that he had been one being living. Any one could remember something of such a thing, of his being living.

  He came to know every one Alfred Hersland was knowing. Alfred Hersland was married then. David came to know all of them all of those who were knowing Alfred then, almost all those who were knowing Alfred then. He had been knowing others, he was still knowing some of them. He was not then knowing some of them. He had been knowing very many whom Alfred would naturally not have been knowing. He was knowing some whom Mrs. Alfred Hersland came to be knowing. He was knowing George Dehning then. George Dehning was knowing him then. David Hersland had been knowing some whom George Dehning was not knowing. He was knowing some whom George Dehning was knowing. He was knowing very many whom George Dehning was knowing. He had been knowing some whom George Dehning had not been knowing.

  He had known some whom George Dehning had not been knowing. He was still knowing some of them, he was not knowing all of them. He was knowing then very many that Alfred Hersland was knowing.

  He went on then knowing some whom Alfred Hersland was not knowing, whom George Dehning was not knowing. He was not knowing then every one he had been knowing. He was knowing some of them then. Julia Hersland was knowing then very many he was knowing. He was knowing then every one she was knowing. He was knowing very many then. He had been knowing very many.

  He did not ever completely forget that his sister and his father were living. He always remembered that they were living. In a way he was always remembering this thing. He did not forget that his brother Alfred was living. He did not really forget this thing. He remembered that his sister and his father were living. In a way he was always remembering this thing. In a way he did not at all forget this thing, that they were being living.

  He had been knowing some and all of them had been knowing him. He had been knowing some who were all of them knowing each other then. He was knowing some who were not knowing any one who was knowing him. He was knowing some who were telling some other ones about knowing him. He was knowing some who were telling him about the thing, about knowing him.

  He came to know almost any one who knew Julia Hersland. He came to know very many who were knowing Alfred Hersland. He came to know every one whom George Dehning was knowing. He was knowing quite a number then. He had been knowing quite a number and he was going on knowing some of them. Some of them were not going on knowing him. Some were and were not going on knowing him. Some were telling about knowing him, some who were not going on knowing him. Some were not telling about him, some who were not going on knowing him.

  He had been knowing some, he had been knowing quite a number being living then. He had been knowing some who were all of them knowing other ones who were ones knowing him then. He was knowing some then who were not knowing any other ones who were knowing him then.
He went on knowing some of such of them. He went on sometimes knowing some of such of them. He went on almost all his being living knowing some of them. He did not go on knowing some of them. George Dehning came to know a good many that David Hersland was knowing. He came to know something of almost all of them. David Hersland came to know all whom George Dehning was knowing. He did not come to know all who were and had been knowing George Dehning. David Hersland came to know almost every one Julia Hersland was knowing. He came to know very many whom Alfred Hersland was knowing and who were knowing him.

  He had come to be not telling about enjoying things with those with whom he had been enjoying things. He had come not to tell any one about having been one enjoying things with some. He had come to be knowing others then others who were not hearing anything about his having been enjoying things with others. Those with whom he had been enjoying things were then being living. Some of them were quite certain that he had not been one enjoying things with them. Some of them were completely remembering that he had been one enjoying things with some of them. Some of them were not mentioning to others of them that he had been enjoying things with some of them. He had been enjoying things with some of them. He remembered with one of them that he had been enjoying things with some of them. He remembered with some of them that he had been enjoying things with all of them. Some of them remembered with him that he had been enjoying things with some of them.

  He was not then telling any more, not any more thinking of telling anything about having been one enjoying things with some of them, he was not telling one any more anything about anything, he was not then thinking of mentioning anything to any one of them. He was then knowing one of them, two of them, a few of them. He was sometimes then meeting any of them. They were all then being living. He was then being living. He was then not thinking of telling any one anything about having been enjoying things with all of them, with any of them.