Page 20 of The Force of Wind

  “What is this book that we deliberate over? What makes it so valuable that it warrants the time of the council?” Iron Crutch Li asked.

  Lorenzo stepped forward, confident again. “It is an unfinished manuscript of the alchemist, Jabir ibn Hayyan, or Geber, as he is known in the West. It is not among his published works, but Geber was an acquaintance of Andreas, and it was given to him for safekeeping. It had… sentimental value to my grand-sire.”

  Beatrice asked. “Is that true?”

  Giovanni shook his head. “I have no idea. It’s possible, but my father had little regard for alchemy when I knew him. He considered it more superstition than science.”

  “This claim seems very straightforward to me,” Lorenzo’s ally, Zhongli, said. “The book is clearly Lorenzo’s.”

  “Of course it is,” Beatrice muttered.

  Elder Han spoke. “This book may have been intended for Andreas’s son, but he forfeited his rights by not pursuing the manuscript when it was lost. I see no claim here by Giovanni Vecchio.”

  “I see no claim here by Lorenzo,” the Immortal Woman spoke up. “Can we not honor the intentions of the great Andreas and give his property to his only child? Let this conflict be between sire and child. The book belongs to Vecchio.”

  At that point, whispers began to circulate the room, and Beatrice looked around. The hall seemed to be split exactly as Tenzin had predicted, and Beatrice’s eyes sought out the one elder that no one seemed to be able to predict. When she found Lan, the enigmatic vampire was looking straight at her. Lan scanned the crowd, propped herself up on her knees, and addressed the gathering of immortals.

  “Brothers and sisters,” Lan said with a smile. “I feel at a disadvantage after my travels. It seems that so much has passed in my absence. May I be permitted to ask a few questions?”

  Lu Dongbin leaned forward and nodded to Lan. “Of course, Elder Lan. The hall is yours.”

  “Oh good!” Lan clapped and grinned. “Dr. Vecchio, did you send your son into the world with wealth?”

  “Yes,” Giovanni answered respectfully. “I sent him with half of my gold, and I gave him property in our homeland, as well. It is what my own sire would have wanted.”

  “You honor your father, Dr. Vecchio. And did you send him with any of your father’s library?”

  “It was my own son that had the care of my father’s books when he was human,” Giovanni said.

  Careful, careful, careful. Beatrice’s heart raced.

  “After my father’s home had been raided, and Andros died in the fires, Lorenzo gave me the grave news that my father’s property near Ferrara had also been ransacked by brigands and the majority of the library lost. Rumors abounded for many years that this piece or that had survived, but there was little fact. My own business now centers on finding lost books and antiquities, in part to find what I can of my father’s collection. But I had no knowledge of this manuscript until a few years ago. I have been searching for it since I learned of it.”

  “So you were searching for it?”

  “Yes, Elder Lan.”

  “And found it here?”

  “In the stewardship of Elder Lu’s monks.” Giovanni nodded at Lu. “I have full confidence they have handled it with care and respect.”

  “And do you ask for it to be returned now?”

  Giovanni paused, as if considering. “Though I would prefer that the book return to my own library, I ask only to be able to examine it. I am willing to leave the book in the care of Lu’s monks if that is what the council desires.”

  It wasn’t the ideal outcome, but if they were allowed to examine the manuscript more carefully, Beatrice realized that Giovanni would probably be able to memorize it enough for their purposes.

  “Lorenzo?” Lan turned to Giovanni’s son.

  “Yes, Elder Lan?” Lorenzo stepped forward with an ingratiating smile.

  “How many children have you sired?”

  Beatrice blinked at the unexpected question.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” she whispered to Stephen.

  “Canny vampire,” Baojia murmured.


  “The Eight Immortals have been outspoken against those who sire many children, Beatrice.” Giovanni looked at her with a subtle smile. “They consider it irresponsible and unwise.”


  Lorenzo didn’t look pleased. He looked nervous. “I… I have had the joy of siring many children in my life, Elder Lan. I cannot give you an exact number at this time.”

  “Or he doesn’t want to,” Baojia said.

  “You have sired so many children that you can’t remember the number?” Lan said with a raised eyebrow. “That is… unusual.”

  “Is it?” Beatrice whispered.

  “How many children does Carwyn have, Beatrice?”

  “Um… eleven, right?”

  Giovanni nodded. “Eleven in over a thousand years. And that is considered a very large family.”

  “Oh… so Lorenzo—”

  “Is not making himself look very responsible if he can’t even remember the number of humans he has turned.”

  Lan still questioned Lorenzo. “Have you ever taken a mate to help care for all your children?”

  “What? Are we questioning his family values here?” Beatrice asked between clenched teeth. “Is Lan going to ask if he uses corporal punishment next?”

  “Well, the answer to that is yes, but I have no idea where Lan’s going with this,” Stephen said.

  Lorenzo looked confused, as well. “I have never taken a mate, no.”

  Lan broke into a huge smile. “But your father has!”

  Lorenzo returned a tight smile of his own. “Yes, he has a mate now.”

  “I have met her. She is a scribe. She spent many years training to care for books in her university. I like her very much. Do you?” Lan leaned forward with a dancing smile. “You must like her, too! I heard she was a guest of yours for some time. Is that true?”

  Lorenzo spoke carefully. “Yes, Miss De Novo was a guest at my home in Greece for some time.”

  Beatrice’s ire spiked, and she whispered, “Why do people keep forgetting the whole kidnapping and murdering thing?”

  “Calm down, B,” Stephen said behind her. She could feel the water in the air drawn to her, and her skin became damp.

  “She’s very intelligent, is she not?” Lan continued. “And your own child, Stephen, sired her. You must be pleased since you like having a large family.”

  “Of course, I’m very pleased.” Lorenzo didn’t look pleased; if anything, he looked a little green.

  “And so Mistress Scribe is part of your family and mated to your own father, as well. It’s all so wonderful, is it not?” Lan clapped again, seemingly delighted by the happy circumstances. The rest of the council looked either confused or disinterested, most of them accustomed to Lan’s odd outbursts.

  “Yes, it’s… very wonderful,” Lorenzo forced out.

  Just then, Beatrice caught a strange light in Lan’s eyes. “It is, isn’t it?”

  She was bewildered, and Giovanni looked as lost as she did. Her father placed a protective hand on her shoulder, and Baojia seemed to stand at attention. Beatrice glanced at Tenzin and Zhang, but both wore completely impassive expressions that were impossible to decipher.

  Beatrice looked back to Lan, who had sat back on her throne and seemed to be thinking. Finally, the elder piped up, “I have no idea which vampire should have the book! It’s all quite confusing.”

  A collective breath seemed to leave the crowd. Everyone had been waiting for Lan’s judgment, but if none came…

  She looked around. “Does that mean Gio and Lorenzo will fight?”

  Stephen leaned forward. “If the council cannot come to some agreement, that is the only option.”

  Even as he said it, Beatrice sensed a buzzing from the crowd. What had been anticipation and interest was slowly building into a more heated energy. The vampires that surr
ounded them seemed to be preparing for a confrontation. She could see some silently moving to the edges of the hall, slowly shifting position as a new current swept the room.

  Giovanni was tense, and she could feel the heat building on his arms. Beatrice reached a hand out for him, only to hear the hiss of steam when their fingers touched. Her own body seemed to be preparing for a fight without her mind thinking about it; she felt damp air at her collar.

  “What’s happening?” Stephen asked.

  Through it all, Beatrice kept watching Lan. She sensed, somehow, that the small vampire had not finished, though the crowd’s attention had left the elder. Lan lounged in her throne, examining her fingernails and playing with the ends of the hair that had slipped out of her topknot. Suddenly, the innocent-looking vampire took a breath and Beatrice tensed.

  Lan murmured, almost under her breath. “Unless…”

  Every eye focused on Lan as the small vampire spoke. Lan’s eyes lifted and sought Beatrice again.

  “Perhaps there is some sort of compromise we can reach, after all.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Penglai Mountain, China

  November 2010

  Giovanni blinked. Though he tried to remain impassive, the unexpected statement from Lan startled him. His mind raced, trying to predict and plan around the unknown.

  “What kind of compromise could there be?” Zhongli asked. The wind vampire was looking around the room with suspicion. “Either the book belongs to Vecchio or Lorenzo. What compromise—”

  “Perhaps the book belongs to the world.” Lan sat up on his knees again. “It sounds very important. A book of universal knowledge? Wisdom to be preserved and shared? I don’t know…” Lan flicked his wrist carelessly. “Perhaps it needs only a caretaker. Someone”—Lan’s eyes swept the hall, landing briefly on Beatrice before he looked at Lorenzo—“who both parties can agree is a learned and able steward. A scribe who could care for the book. One that has a connection to both Lorenzo and Dr. Vecchio.”

  Giovanni’s eyes flicked to his wife. They wouldn’t…

  In a flash, Lan’s peculiar questioning made sense. He had constructed the trap perfectly, and Lorenzo would be forced to walk in. Giovanni’s heart began to race, though his face remained blank.

  “A scribe?” Elder Zhongli asked with a slight smirk. “Who could…” His eyes fell on Beatrice and grew wide. It was only a fraction of expression, but the whole hall began to stir. Furtive glances were directed at Giovanni’s wife, who still stood next to him, apparently clueless to the web she was being drawn into.

  “Now that’s an interesting development,” Baojia muttered.

  “What?” Beatrice whispered. “Who are they talking about?”

  Lan smiled and clapped. “There is a scribe present who has a connection to both the parties! She has even been acknowledged by the Elders. The daughter of Lorenzo’s son. The mate of Giovanni Vecchio. She has even studied book science at a modern university. Beatrice De Novo is clearly able to care for the book. It is the perfect compromise.”

  “What?” Beatrice whispered. “Not… not me. It’s not my—” Giovanni reached over and clutched her hand, willing her to be silent as the Elders deliberated.

  Lorenzo looked livid. “And where exactly would she keep this precious book? Has she a monastery like Elder Lu? A library of her own?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Giovanni stepped forward before Beatrice could speak, “Miss De Novo has an extensive library in Southern California, in the territory of her grandfather, Don Ernesto Alvarez, a noted scholarly and artistic patron. While the facilities do not have the history of Elder Lu Dongbin’s monastery”—Giovanni nodded toward Lu and the Elder nodded in return—“they are extensive and modern, the very finest in the New World.” He could feel Beatrice squeeze his hand. If he was a mortal man, his fingers would have been crushed by the pressure.

  “See?” Lan clapped again. “It’s perfect! She can take care of the book and then both of them can see it.”

  Zhongli leaned forward, his tight smile the only evidence of his discomfort. “It is a most excellent compromise, Elder Lan, but can Miss De Novo truly guarantee that Lorenzo would remain safe when he is examining this book? Surely you are aware that Lorenzo and his sire have a… complicated relationship.”

  “I am sure that Miss De Novo would guarantee Lorenzo’s safety in her library. After all”—Lan’s eyes darted between Lorenzo and Giovanni—“are not places of knowledge sacred to those immortal? As are places of worship? They are the outer reflections of our inner wisdom.” Lan rose to his feet and turned toward Beatrice. Suddenly, the childlike elder did not look like a playful boy or girl; and the wisdom, power, and amnis of the ancient vampire swept over the room.

  “Beatrice De Novo,” Lan said in a deeper voice, “if it is the will of this council, would you keep this book? Would you guarantee safety to these two parties who wish to claim it? Would you guard the knowledge therein with honor? What is your answer, Mistress Scribe?”

  Giovanni could hear Beatrice’s heart pounding, and her fingers still clutched his. He turned toward her as all eyes in the room searched her out. The air was still, but alive with energy. When their eyes met, Giovanni’s heart soared in pride and respect. Far from the panic he had expected, Beatrice looked calm, peaceful even. She met Lan’s eyes with confidence.

  “I will, Elder Lan. It would be my honor to do this for the Elders of Penglai. I would guard this book and guarantee the safety of all those who examined it while in my library.”

  Giovanni could almost hear Carwyn in his mind. Clever, clever girl…

  Though part of Giovanni rebelled at the thought of Beatrice guaranteeing Lorenzo’s safety in any way, his more practical side realized that he would likely kill Lorenzo long before his son ever had the chance to examine Geber’s manuscript. As long as Lorenzo wasn’t killed while trying to examine the book under Beatrice’s care, no one could challenge her honor.

  “What a truly excellent compromise, Lan,” Tenzin’s father stated with a wide smile. “How fortunate that you were here to present such an amiable resolution to this issue. I wholeheartedly support giving the book into Beatrice De Novo’s care. I can vouch for her excellent character and wisdom, and the honor and wisdom of her kinsman, Don Ernesto Alvarez, whose own son accompanies her. Though she is young, Miss De Novo spent her mortal life preparing for this role, to be a caretaker of knowledge. It is only fitting that she take the role of scribe and steward in her immortal life, as well.”

  Elder He, the Immortal Woman, leaned forward. “I, too, like this compromise. It respects both parties, as Miss De Novo has connections to both Lorenzo and Vecchio. Indeed, we have just heard from Lorenzo’s own testimony how much he admires his father’s mate.”

  “Yes,” Iron Crutch Li smiled from the opposite side of the room as he sat between Zhongli and Han, both of whom wore sour expressions. “It is always best to compromise so both parties feel that they are treated fairly. I will support this as well.”

  Brilliant Lan. Giovanni would never underestimate the savvy of the odd immortal again. By presenting a compromise to the council, Lan had practically guaranteed the outcome they wanted without bloodshed. Both earth vampires on the council were known to support almost any compromise that avoided taking a clear stand. This decision would not only be acceptable to all those who had taken their side before, but would also sway Zhongli’s former ally to their seemingly moderate solution. It would leave the council voting six to two in favor of giving the book to Beatrice. A clear victory for Giovanni with the appearance of moderation.

  Clever Lan. His eyes darted back to his wife, whose eyes were glowing with victory. She wore only a hint of a smile, and Stephen watched her proudly. Clever Beatrice.

  Finally, Giovanni sought out his son, and he blinked in surprise. Far from the anger or bitterness he had expected, Lorenzo seemed placid. He wore a pleasant expression that revealed nothing of his thoughts. He whispered with the wind vampire clo
sest to him, one of Zhongli’s guards. Giovanni narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

  Elder Lu stood. “Lorenzo, Giovanni Vecchio, are you amenable to this compromise? Will you abide by the terms set out by Elder Lan and agreed to by the scribe, Beatrice De Novo?”

  Giovanni stepped forward. “I will, Elder Lu. I respect the will of the council.”

  He looked at his son. Lorenzo looked at him and smiled for a second. A calculating glint came to his eye. “I will abide by the decision of this honored council, as well. I am most pleased by this resolution.” He bowed deeply, then stepped back, melting into the crowd of grey and black-clad vampires on the far side of the hall.

  “Very well,” Lu continued, outlining the agreed-upon plan. Lu would send for the book by one of his guards, who would bring it to Mount Penglai to be given to Beatrice, who would then take the book back to her library in Los Angeles, where it would supposedly be accessible to Lorenzo and safely preserved.

  Giovanni stepped back and motioned to Baojia. The vampire stepped toward him.

  “See what you can find out. I don’t trust Lorenzo.”

  “Agreed. This was too easy. He already has a plan to take it from her, I can almost guarantee it. I’ll call Ernesto and let him know what has happened.” Baojia’s eyes danced for a moment. “I’ll tell you right now, my father will be crowing about this honor to his granddaughter for a hundred years, at least.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “As will I.”

  Baojia’s smile fell a fraction, and he leaned closer, speaking in Mandarin. “I hope you realize what a fortunate bastard you are, di Spada.”

  “I do.”

  “Feel free to piss her off, though.” Baojia smirked. “A lot can happen in eternity.”

  Giovanni couldn’t stop the reluctant smile. “Go check in with Ernesto, then find out what the gossip is among the guards. I’ll take care of my wife.”

  Baojia smiled and stepped back, vanishing into the crowd in a heartbeat. Giovanni turned to Beatrice, who was surrounded by Stephen and Tenzin. For a second, he saw Tenzin’s eyes examine Beatrice with a pride and care he had rarely seen. He wondered if Beatrice even realized how deep her connection to the wind vampire was. With the blood Tenzin and Stephen had shared, almost as much of Tenzin’s blood ran through Beatrice’s immortal veins as Stephen’s. If Beatrice had been sired to wind, it would have been unexpected, but not unheard of.