Page 91 of Cultural Amnesia

  Alain-Fournier, ref1, ref2

  Albee, Edward, ref1

  Alcibiades, ref1

  Alexander Severus, Emperor of Rome, ref1

  Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, ref1, ref2

  Ali, Tariq, ref1

  Alice Springs, ref1

  Allen, Woody, ref1

  Allyson, June, ref1

  Almodóvar, Pedro, ref1

  Altenberg, Peter, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Alvarez, A., ref1

  Amis, Kingsley, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Amis, Martin, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Andreas-Salomé, Lou, ref1

  Andropov, Yuri, ref1, ref2

  Annan, Kofi, ref1

  Antony, Mark, ref1

  Arafat, Yasser, ref1, ref2

  Aragon, Louis, ref1, ref2

  Archer, Jeffrey, ref1, ref2

  Arendt, Hannah, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Ariosto, Ludovico, ref1

  Aristophanes, ref1, ref2

  Aristotle, ref1

  Arkin, Alan, ref1

  Arletty, ref1, ref2

  Armstrong, Louis, ref1, ref2

  Aron, Raymond, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Ashbery, John, ref1

  Ashkenazy, Vladimir, ref1

  Assouline, Pierre, ref1

  Astaire, Fred, ref1, ref2

  Astre de la Vigerie, Emmanuel d’, ref1

  Aubrey, John, ref1

  Auchinleck, Claude, ref1

  Auden, W. H., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

  Auerbach, Erich, ref1

  Augustus, Emperor of Rome, ref1, ref2

  Austen, Jane, ref1, ref2

  Autolycus, ref1

  Avernheimer, Raoul, ref1

  Avril, Jane, ref1

  Axelrod, George, ref1

  Baba (tango fan), ref1

  Bach, Johann Sebastian, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Bahr, Hermann, ref1

  Bailey, Derek, ref1

  Bailey, Philip, ref1

  Baker, Nicholson, ref1

  Bakst, Léon, ref1

  Bakunin, Mikhail, ref1

  Balanchine, George, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Baldick, Robert, ref1

  Balzac, Honoré de, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Bankhead, Tallulah, ref1

  Barber, Samuel, ref1

  Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules-Amédée, ref1

  Barbirolli, John, ref1

  Barenboim, Daniel, ref1

  Barker, George, ref1

  Bar Lev, Chaim, ref1

  Barres, Maurice, ref1

  Baryshnikov, Mikhail, ref1

  Basie, William “Count,” ref1, ref2

  Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Baudrillard, Jean, ref1, ref2

  Bauer, Felice, ref1

  Baxter, John, ref1

  Bayley, John, ref1

  Beach, Sylvia, ref1

  Beauvoir, Simone de, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Beaverbrook, Baron, ref1, ref2

  Beccaria, Cesare, Marquis of, ref1

  Bechet, Sidney, ref1

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Begin, Menachem, ref1

  Beiderbecke, Bix, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Bellini, Vincenzo, ref1, ref2

  Belloc, Hilaire, ref1, ref2

  Bellow, Saul, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Bely, Andrei, ref1

  Bene, Edvard, ref1

  Ben-Gurion, David, ref1

  Benjamin, Walter, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Benois, Aleksandr, ref1

  Béraud, Henri, ref1

  Berberova, Nina, ref1, ref2

  Berdyayev, Nikolay, ref1

  Berg, Alban Maria Johannes, ref1

  Berger, Gerhard, ref1

  Beria, Lavrenty, ref1, ref2

  Berlin, Isaiah, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Berman, Paul, ref1

  Bernard, Jeffrey, ref1

  Bernstein, Leonard, ref1

  Best, George, ref1

  Bevin, Ernest, ref1

  bin Ladin, Osama, ref1

  Bishop, Elizabeth, ref1

  Bizet, Georges, ref1, ref2

  Bjoerling, Jussi, ref1

  Blainey, Geoffrey, ref1

  Blair, Tony, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Blavatsky, Helena, ref1

  Blesh, Rudi, ref1

  Blobel, Paul, ref1

  Bloch, Ernst, ref1

  Bloch, Marc, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Blunck, Hans-Friedrich, ref1

  Bogart, Humphrey, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Bohlen, Charles “Chip,” ref1, ref2

  Böhm, Karl, ref1

  Bohr, Niels, ref1

  Bohrer, Karl Heinz, ref1

  Bonnard, Pierre, ref1

  Borges, Jorge Luis, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Borgnine, Ernest, ref1

  Bormann, Martin, ref1, ref2

  Borutin, Sidonie Nadherny von, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Boswell, James, ref1

  Boulting, Ingrid, ref1

  Bowlby, John, ref1

  Braak, Menno ter, ref1

  Brabham, Jack, ref1

  Braddon, Russell, ref1

  Brahms, Caryl, ref1

  Brahms, Johannes, ref1, ref2

  Branagh, Kenneth, ref1

  Brancusi, Constantin, ref1

  Brandauer, Klaus Maria, ref1

  Brando, Marlon, ref1, ref2

  Brasillach, Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Brassens, Georges, ref1

  Brasseur, Pierre, ref1

  Braun, Eva, ref1

  Brecht, Bertolt, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14

  Breker, Arno, ref1

  Brel, Jacques, ref1

  Brendel, Alfred, ref1, ref2

  Brezhnev, Leonid, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Brickhill, Paul, ref1, ref2

  Bricmont, Jean, ref1

  Broch, Hermann, ref1

  Brod, Max, ref1

  Brodney, Oscar, ref1

  Brodsky, Josef, ref1, ref2

  Bronnen, Arnolt, ref1

  Bronzino, Agnolo, ref1

  Brooks, Mel, ref1

  Brown, Frederick, ref1

  Browne, Thomas, ref1, ref2

  Browning, Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Bruce, Lenny, ref1, ref2

  Bruckner, Josef Anton, ref1, ref2

  Brummell, Beau, ref1

  Büchner, Friedrich, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Buckle, Richard, ref1

  Bukharin, Nicolay, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Bullock, Alan, ref1, ref2

  Bundy, McGeorge, ref1

  Bunge, Gustav von, ref1

  Buñuel, Luis, ref1

  Burckhardt, Jacob, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Burgess, Anthony, ref1

  Burke, Edmund, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Burleigh, Michael, ref1, ref2

  Burns, Robert, ref1

  Burrows, Abe, ref1

  Burton, Richard, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Bush, George W., ref1

  Bush, Kate, ref1

  Busoni, Ferrnuccio, ref1, ref2

  Bussell, Darcey, ref1, ref2

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Cade, Jack, ref1

  Cadicamo, Enrico, ref1

  Cage, John, ref1

  Caligula, Emperor of Rome, ref1

  Callas, Maria, ref1

  Callow, Simon, ref1

  Calvino, Italo, ref1, ref2

  Cameron, James, ref1

  Camões, Luíz Vaz de, ref1

  Camus, Albert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15

  Canetti, Elias, ref1

  Canning, George, ref1

  Čapek, Karel, ref1, ref2

  Capone, Al, ref1

  Capote, Truman, ref1, ref2
  Caracalla, Emperor of Rome, ref1

  Caravaggio, ref1

  Carey, John, ref1, ref2

  Carney, Harry, ref1

  Carroll, Lewis, ref1

  Carson, Johnny, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Carter, William C., ref1

  Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo, ref1

  Casares, Maria, ref1

  Casaubon, Edward, ref1

  Castro, Fidel, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Catullus, ref1

  Cavafy, Constantine, ref1, ref2

  Cavett, Dick, ref1, ref2

  Ceauşescu, Elena, ref1

  Ceauşescu, Nicolae, ref1, ref2

  Celan, Paul, ref1

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Cervantes, Miguel de, ref1

  Chamfort, ref1

  Chandler, Raymond, ref1, ref2

  Chanel, Gabrielle “Coco,” ref1

  Chang, Jung, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Chaplin, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Chardonne, Jacques, ref1

  Charisse, Cyd, ref1

  Charteris, Leslie, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René de, ref1, ref2

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, ref1

  Chaudhuri, Nirad C., ref1

  Chekhov, Anton, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Chénier, André, ref1, ref2

  Chesterton, G. K., ref1

  Chevalier, Maurice, ref1

  Chicago, ref1

  Chile, ref1

  China, ref1

  Chopin, Frédéric, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Christian, Charlie, ref1, ref2

  Churchill, Winston, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Cicero, ref1

  Cioran, E. M., ref1, ref2

  Clare, George, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Clark, Jim, ref1

  Clark, Kenneth, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Clarke, Alan, ref1

  Claudel, Paul, ref1

  Clausewitz, Carl von, ref1

  Cobb, Richard, ref1

  Cocteau, Jean, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Collingwood, R. G., ref1

  Coltrane, John, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Comden, Betty, ref1

  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, ref1

  Connolly, Cyril, ref1, ref2

  Conrad, Joseph, ref1, ref2

  Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, ref1

  Contini, Gianfranco, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Cooper, Gary, ref1

  Cooper, James Fenimore, ref1

  Copland, Aaron, ref1

  Coppola, Francis Ford, ref1

  Corbière, Tristan, ref1

  Coriolanus, ref1

  Cortázar, Julio, ref1

  Cortot, Alfred, ref1

  Corvo, Baron, ref1

  Costa-Gavras, ref1

  Costner, Kevin, ref1

  Cousteau, Jacques, ref1

  Covent Garden, ref1

  Cowley, Malcolm, ref1

  Crane, Hart, ref1

  Crawford, Cindy, ref1

  Crawford, Joan, ref1

  Cripps, Stafford, ref1

  Croce, Benedetto, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

  Crossman, R. H. S., ref1

  Cummings, E. E., ref1, ref2

  Curtis, Tony, ref1, ref2

  Curtius, Ernst Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Cuvilliés, François de, ref1

  Czechoslovakia, ref1

  Dahl, Roald, ref1

  Dalton, Audrey, ref1

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele, ref1

  Dante Alighieri, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14

  Darío, Rubén, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Darwin, Charles, ref1

  Davies, Marion, ref1

  Davis, Miles, ref1

  de Bernières, Louis, ref1

  Debray, Regis, ref1, ref2

  Debussy, Claude, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Defoe, Daniel, ref1

  Degas, Edgar, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  de Gaulle, Anne, ref1

  de Gaulle, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  de Gaulle, Elisabeth, ref1

  DeLillo, Don, ref1

  Del Sarto, Andrea, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Demosthenes, ref1

  Deneuve, Catherine, ref1

  De Niro, Robert, ref1, ref2

  Denk, Bertha Maria, ref1

  De Quincey, Thomas, ref1

  Derrida, Jacques, ref1, ref2

  Desai, Anita, ref1

  Descartes, René, ref1

  Desmoulins, Camille, ref1

  Desosse, Valentin le, ref1

  D’Este, Carlo, ref1

  Deutsch, Babette, ref1

  Diaghilev, Sergei, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Diamond, I. A. L., ref1

  DiCaprio, Leonardo, ref1

  Dickens, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Dietrich, Marlene, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, ref1

  Dirks, Carl, ref1, ref2

  Discépolo, Enrique Santos, ref1

  Disraeli, Benjamin, ref1

  Domitian, Emperor of Rome, ref1, ref2

  Donen, Stanley, ref1

  Dönitz, Karl, ref1

  Donne, John, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Douglas, Alfred, Lord, ref1

  Douglas-Home, Robin, ref1

  Dowell, Anthony, ref1

  Dozier, James Lee, ref1

  Drabble, Margaret, ref1

  Dreiser, Theodore, ref1

  Drew, Elizabeth, ref1

  Dreyfus, Alfred, ref1

  Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Drummond, John, ref1, ref2

  Dryden, John, ref1

  Duchovny, David, ref1

  Dufay, François, ref1

  Du Genettes, Mme. Roger, ref1

  Duncan, Isadora, ref1

  Duparc, Henri, ref1, ref2

  du Pré, Jacqueline, ref1

  Durkheim, Émile, ref1

  Dylan, Bob, ref1

  Dymant, Dora, ref1

  Eastwood, Clint, ref1, ref2

  Eban, Abba, ref1

  Eckstein, ref1

  Edinburgh, Duke of, ref1

  Edwards, Blake, ref1

  Edward VIII, King of England, ref1

  Eichmann, Karl Adolph, ref1

  Einstein, Albert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Einstein, Alfred, ref1, ref2

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., ref1

  Elgar, Edward William, ref1

  Eliot, T. S., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Ellington, Edward Kennedy “Duke,” ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Empson, William, ref1

  Enright, D. J., ref1

  Erasmus, ref1, ref2

  Eratosthenes, ref1

  Eszterhas, Joe, ref1

  Faber-Castell, Gräfin, ref1

  Fair, A. A., ref1

  Fallaci, Oriana, ref1

  Fangio, Juan Manuel, ref1, ref2

  Farrell, Suzanne, ref1

  Faulkner, William, ref1

  Faure, Elie, ref1

  Fauré, Gabriel-Urbain, ref1, ref2

  Faye, Jean Pierre, ref1

  Febres, Laura, ref1

  Fedak-Molnár, Sari, ref1

  Fellini, Federico, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Felstiner, John, ref1

  Ferguson, Niall, ref1

  Fermi, Enrico, ref1, ref2

  Ferzetti, Gabriele, ref1

  Fest, Joachim, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Feuchtwanger, Lion, ref1

  Feynman, Richard, ref1

  Fields, W. C., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Figes, Orlando, ref1

  Fink, Carole
, ref1

  Finkielkraut, Alain, ref1, ref2

  Finney, Albert, ref1

  Firbank, Ronald, ref1, ref2

  Fitzgerald, Ella, ref1

  Fitzgerald, Frances, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Fizdale, Robert, ref1

  Flanagan, Richard, ref1

  Flanner, Janet, ref1

  Flaubert, Gustave, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Flecker, James Elroy, ref1

  Fleming, Ian, ref1

  Flockhart, Calista, ref1

  Flynn, Errol, ref1

  Fonda, Jane, ref1

  Fontane, Theodore, ref1

  Foot, Michael, ref1

  Foote, Shelby, ref1

  Ford, Ford Madox, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Forester, C. S., ref1

  Forman, Milos, ref1

  Forster, E. M., ref1, ref2

  Forsyth, Frederick, ref1

  Foster, Jodie, ref1

  Foucault, Michel Paul, ref1, ref2

  Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, ref1

  Franco, Francisco, ref1

  Frank, Anne, ref1, ref2

  Frayn, Michael, ref1, ref2

  Frederick II, King of Prussia, ref1, ref2

  Freed, Arthur, ref1

  Freeman, Morgan, ref1

  Freisler, Roland, ref1

  Freud, Adolfine, ref1

  Freud, Marie, ref1

  Freud, Pauline, ref1

  Freud, Rosa, ref1

  Freud, Sigmund, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

  Friedan, Betty, ref1

  Friedell, Egon, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

  Friedländer, Max, ref1

  Frost, Robert, ref1

  Fry, Christopher, ref1

  Fuentes, Carlos, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Fujimori, Alberto, ref1

  Fukuyama, Francis, ref1

  Furet, François, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Furtwängler, Wilhelm, ref1

  Gabor, Zsa Zsa, ref1

  Galassi, Jonathan, ref1

  Galland, Adolf, ref1

  Gandhi, Mahatma, ref1, ref2

  Garbo, Greta, ref1, ref2

  García Márquez, Gabriel, ref1, ref2

  Garcin, Jérôme, ref1

  Gardel, Carlos, ref1

  Gardner, Erle Stanley, ref1, ref2

  Garfield, John, ref1

  Garton-Ash, Timothy, ref1

  Gauguin, Paul, ref1

  Gavazzeni, Gianandrea, ref1

  Gaye, Marvin, ref1

  Genda, Minoru, ref1

  Gentile, Giovanni, ref1, ref2

  Gentz, Friedrich von, ref1

  George, Stefan, ref1, ref2

  George III, King of England, ref1, ref2

  George IV, King of England, ref1

  Gersdorff, Rudolf Freiherr von, ref1

  Geyl, Pieter, ref1

  Ghose, Zulfikar, ref1

  Gibbon, Edward, ref1, ref2

  Gide, André, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Gieseking, Walter, ref1

  Gillespie, Dizzy, ref1

  Gilliam, Terry, ref1

  Gillray, James, ref1

  Ginzburg, Evgenia, ref1, ref2