Page 12 of Chocolate Flava

  Denise stood up on wobbly legs then and started speaking. “Well, it’s been a most productive night and, as usual, we’ve lost track of time. But I’d like to thank our host for being so gracious and to welcome our newest member, Chelsea, hereafter to be known as the Merry Widow.”

  The kissing and probing started again and went on well into the next morning, but that’s a story for another time. For now, the Merry Widow has an initiation to plan. Good-bye.

  Gentlemen Next

  The Hot Maid


  Walt Lafitte dropped the leather briefcase down on the sofa and threw the stack of unread newspapers on the kitchen counter. The grueling morning at the office had taken its toll on him and he had taken the afternoon off just to get some needed rest. But as he stumbled through the clutter in his condo, he saw that the place was a mess. Dishes were piled in the sink, magazines and newspapers were scattered across the coffee table, and books were stacked in a pile along the wall. His plans to build a bookcase had given in to the demands of the job that kept him working twelve-hour days on a regular basis.

  As he walked into the master suite, he noticed several dress shirts strewn across the bed and chair. Slacks and belts were also draped across the arm of the chair. Over ten pairs of shoes were in disarray and strewn throughout the spacious bedroom. The unmade bed was just a reminder of how little time he actually spent sleeping in it. Some nights, he had even stayed over at his office working on various proposals. It was now clear to him that it was pathetic to earn a six-figure salary as an investment broker, live in a $400,000 condo, and yet have the place looking like a pigsty. He realized what the condo needed was a woman’s touch. But he could forget about trying to get any of the women that he dated to help. Not today’s modern black woman; most could hardly keep their own places clean. What he needed was a maid.

  Walt picked up the phone book and flipped through the yellow pages. He found an employment service and asked them to send over some applicants for housekeepers. He told the lady at the agency that it didn’t matter who they sent as long as they were competent. The lady told him he would have to come down and fill out some paperwork before they could send out a housekeeper.

  Walt hopped in his BMW and sped over to the agency, which was a few miles from his place. Just as he finished filling out the necessary paperwork and giving them adequate references, he was interrupted by a call on his pager. Checking his message, he saw that it was a client whom he had been trying to meet with in order to close a major deal. He informed the lady that he had to leave and asked if they could get someone over there today. The lady stated that they could and Walt left her the directions and a spare set of keys to his condo.

  Later that night, after a long and successful dinner meeting with his client, Walt arrived home about midnight and was stunned to see a freshly cleaned and neat apartment. After stripping his clothes off, he plopped down in his freshly made bed and was soon sound asleep.

  The light from the window awakened him and he heard footsteps approaching his bedroom. He sprung from the bed just as the door pushed open. Fearing that he was being robbed, he looked around for the baseball bat he used as protection, but he was totally surprised to see a brown-skinned young woman walking in with a basket of folded clothes. He stood there frozen, totally unaware that he was buck naked until the woman blushed as she glanced at his groin area. Walt grabbed for the covers to hide his nakedness.

  “I’m so sorry,” the woman said with a Spanish accent. “I thought you were still asleep and I was going to put these in your dresser.”

  “Who are you?” Walt asked, sounding very alarmed.

  “I’m your housekeeper, Conchata. You hired me yesterday.”

  “I did?” he said, wiping the sleep from his eyes. “Oh, yeah, the cleaning agency. Damn, I forgot all about that. You did a great job on the place.”

  “Sorry that I awakened you,” she said, sitting the basket down. “Let me leave this so you can get dressed.”

  Walt watched her as she turned to leave. She must have been no older than twenty-two or twenty-three. He noticed that she had a body that wouldn’t stop. Nice large breasts, shapely brown legs, and an ass that jutted out for days. He wasn’t sure if she was Mexican, Puerto Rican, or what, yet she had some African features as well. Regardless of her heritage, he thought, the woman was fine.

  Once Walt got dressed, he went in to formally meet Conchata. She was bending over dusting and Walt noticed that her outfit, which consisted of a snug-fitting blouse and cutoff jeans, could barely hide her curvaceous figure. Walt chatted with her for several minutes, inquiring about her background. He soon found out that she was a student from Panama who had been living in the United States for several years. She was attending classes in the afternoons to become a physical therapist.

  She and Walt hit it off well and he learned that she was hoping to make enough money to move out of her parents’home and get her own apartment. With six brothers and sisters, the place was very crowded and she couldn’t always find the ideal environment to study.

  Walt thought about it for a while, then offered her the use of one of the extra bedrooms in his condo. “Since there’s ample room in the condo and I work long hours, it would give you a place to stay and a quieter place to study.” He saw the look of surprise come across her face and he added, grinning, “Besides, I had hoped that you could do some cooking, too.”

  “Mr. Lafitte, that is so nice of you, but how much would I have to pay for the rent?” she asked.

  He saw that she was very sincere. “No problem. I’ll pay you what you normally get for cleaning and an additional amount to cook. Your room and board will be a part of the agreement.”

  “Oh, Mr. Lafitte, you are so nice. Wait till I tell my madre,” she said, slipping back into a bit of Spanish.

  “And by the way, Conchata, you can call me Walt. You make me feel like I’m an old man. I’m only thirty-two.”

  “Okay, Mr. La—er, I mean, Walt. Thank you very, very much.”

  She walked into the next room to call her mother and Walt was happy that she accepted the job. It would be nice to have some company there as well.

  Walt thought about Conchata’s voluptuous body as he worked out in his gym. He hadn’t used the equipment that he had installed in the third bedroom of his 2000-square-foot condo in weeks. The unit on the tenth floor had spectacular views of the bay and the mountains in the distance. Between thoughts of her and the strenuous workout, he was totally whipped after a ninety-minute workout. It had been weeks since he’d had a chance to use the gym and the equipment usually sat idle. Now that he had closed his big deal, he was going to work some reasonable hours.

  He was stretched out on the bench resting when he noticed that Conchata was peeking in from the hallway.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was walking by and noticed that you were resting. Can I get you anything?”

  “Just some water,” he said.

  Walt was already starting to like this kind of treatment. He wondered why he hadn’t done this sooner.

  Conchata returned with a glass of water and she stood there watching as he downed it quickly. She noticed that the sweat made his tank top cling to his chest muscles and she could see his washboard stomach. She continued her slow assessment of his tall, brown, muscular frame. Tree-trunk legs and a tight butt complemented the bulge in his shorts.

  “Can I give you a rub down?” she asked. Walt was a little surprised. She noticed his quizzical look and said, “It’s one of the subjects that I’m studying. It’s one of the first steps in becoming a therapist.”

  Walt relented. “Well, if you say so. If your massage technique is as good as your cleaning skills, then I’ll be a lucky guy.”

  Motioning for him to lie back down on the bench, she said, “Okay, remove all your clothes.”

  She walked over to the rack to retrieve a fresh towel. Walt slowly removed his shirt and gym shorts until he was down to the thong-like jockstrap.
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  “C’mon, that, too,” she said as she stood there with her hands on her hips.

  Walt was hesitant. He wasn’t quite sure about getting totally naked.

  “Come on, I’ve already seen you naked,” she said with a stern look on her face. She shook her finger at him and said something in Spanish. She really didn’t need for him to get completely naked, but she wanted to check out his body again and this was a good excuse.

  Walt, realizing he was getting aroused by her demanding behavior, turned his back and slowly removed the jockstrap. Her hard stare at his body made his penis start to react to the situation and he quickly lay on his stomach to hide the hardening erection from her view.

  Her hands felt soft and firm as she worked the muscles of his back and shoulders. She knew what she was doing, and Walt soon relaxed and let her work out the stress in his neck, shoulders, and back. When she reached the lower back, he wondered how much farther she would go. She kneaded his buttocks and thighs and worked his legs from his calves to his feet. The sensations were heavenly and Walt could feel his prick bulging beneath his stomach. Usually he would be giving the massage to some woman as part of foreplay. But Conchata was all business as she worked his tired muscles and he was able to get his mind off her body and sex.

  Finally, she gave him a playful slap on his backside and told him to “hit the showers,” sounding like his old high school coach. Walt got up slowly and grabbed the towel to cover his still rigid erection. He thanked her and headed for the bathroom. Conchata watched as he padded out of the room. She noticed that his large erection bulged out prominently, even with the towel wrapped around his torso.

  The following week, Conchata had moved her things into his place and soon had Walt’s home in tip-top shape. It looked like the home of a successful black executive bachelor.

  However, despite enjoying her presence, Walt had trouble sleeping at night. His thoughts and dreams were usually about the fine specimen that was asleep down the hall. He hadn’t even gone out with any of his old girlfriends since she’d started working for him. Conchata would tease him about the lack of dates and he would play it off, saying that work kept him too busy at the moment.

  Walt enjoyed the Latin-influenced dishes that Conchata cooked and he even showed off by cooking some of his specialties for her. He looked forward to her surprising him with a new dish every so often. He was very surprised at her maturity, intelligence, and grasp of current events. He’d never before spent as much time talking politics with a female as he did with her. Despite her young age, Conchata had matured rapidly due to being the oldest and living a hard existence in Panama. Things were much better for her and her family now that they had moved to America.

  One night a thunderstorm awakened Walt. The loud claps of thunder rattled the entire building and lightning flashed through the window as if a fireworks show was just outside the window. Suddenly, a loud bang occurred and it even scared Walt. Without warning, the power went out and it was totally black in the room. Walt heard a knock on the door and before he could answer, Conchata bolted through the doorway into his room. Walt could hear her whimpering and he got out of the bed and stumbled in the darkness toward her sobs to see what was wrong.

  “Are you okay?” he called out. He motioned in the darkness, trying to find the wall or the door. Suddenly he felt something soft and warm and he realized that he had grabbed Conchata’s breast.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t see you standing there.”

  She fell into his arms, sobbing at this point.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of thunder.”

  He chuckled at the thought of her being afraid of the lightning, or maybe it was the pitch-black darkness of the place.

  “I am,” she said, sniffling. “It reminds me of the bombing in Panama during the Noreiga capture. I was a young girl when it happened and the bombs were all over the place.”

  Walt felt bad for making fun of her and he tried to soothe her by telling her that he was there to protect her. They just stood there for minutes holding each other. Soon her sobbing subsided and Walt told her she could stay with him until the storm was over.

  “You lie down on the bed and I’ll sit here in the chair,” he said as he released her. But she clasped him even tighter. “No, please don’t leave me. Please hold me till it’s over.”

  Walt decided not to argue. He got on the bed and they snuggled together. The warmth of her body and the faint scent of her perfume felt intoxicating to Walt. He could see from the occasional flashes of lightning that she was wearing only panties and a bra. The lacy bra was a low-cut model that revealed a lot of her ample cleavage. He tried to get his mind off that, and soon they both drifted off into a catnap.

  Walt drifted in and out of consciousness. He dreamed that there were hands stroking his chest. But it was not a dream. Conchata slowly reached over and grabbed Walt’s hand and placed it on her backside. She continued rubbing his chest and playing with his nipples. He was now wide awake as he felt her descending to his stomach and navel area. By now, Walt was sporting a throbbing erection, and if her hand went any further south, she was bound to collide with it. He wasn’t sure where this activity would lead, but he was enjoying every moment of it. He stroked her soft behind and slipped his hand beneath the waistband to feel her soft butt in the flesh.

  She began to kiss his chin and neck softly. Her hands had moved farther down and found his penis pulsating with excitement. He moved up to unclasp the back of her bra and at that precise moment, the lights came on. The sudden brightness in the room from the hallway blinded them momentarily, but soon he could see her breasts, which had spilled out from her bra. The beautiful brown nipples had very large and dark aureoles surrounding them. She looked at his huge veined penis protruding upward from his shorts. They both hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next, but Conchata reached up to kiss him and soon their tongues were working feverishly against each other.

  They continued their deep kiss for a few minutes, then Walt moved down to tackle the beautiful brown titties. They were even more immense than he had realized, as his eyes had now adjusted. He cupped her titties in his hands as he worked his tongue over the firm buds. Her nipples had become more erect and they felt like extra-large raisins in his mouth.

  Conchata had a firm grip on his penis and was stroking it up and down.

  “Oh, papi, your pene’ is so huge,” she said, referring to his penis in Spanish once she had gotten a good view of it in the light.

  Walt knew that every woman had been either in awe of or repulsed by his nine-inch penis. Some could not accommodate something that huge. Thick as a Polish sausage, the width presented even more of a problem.

  Conchata moved down to rub the head of it, which was oozing pre-cum, over her nipples. The texture of her nipples sent a surge through Walt’s body. She then placed the huge dong between her tits and Walt moved it up and down between the valley of her luscious jugs.

  “How big are those tatas?” he asked, pretending he knew the Spanish word for titties.

  “I wear a 38DD cup,” she said. “I was always the biggest in my class.”

  “They feel so gooood,” he said, letting the word good languish on his tongue.

  She motioned for Walt to hover over her as she pushed the melons tighter together to give him more pleasure. She flicked her tongue as the huge rod slid between her breasts. Walt moved over her face as she began to lick his penis around the head and down the sides. Placing it in her mouth, she coated it with saliva and started sucking feverishly. Walt started pumping it in and out and Conchata took it deeper and deeper each time.

  Walt watched in fascination as she expertly deep-throated his member and he felt his balls up against her chin. She held it in her throat for a minute and slowly pulled it out. It glistened with saliva in the lamplight and she took the head in her mouth again. She continued her work on it and Walt leaned back to slide his hand in her panties. Her mound was
covered with soft hair and he soon found her inflamed clit. He stuck a finger in her vagina, which by now was sopping wet. He eased two, then three fingers in her burning hole. She moaned with his penis in her mouth as he continued his manual stimulation.

  They continued their mutual activities and finally Walt pulled out before he lost control of his actions. He kissed her lips, then each breast, her navel, and the insides of both thighs before finally plunging his tongue deep into her womanhood. The hotness of it and the wetness made him more active as he nibbled at her clitoris and caused her to have her first orgasm. Conchata screamed out and arched her body so high that Walt lost his grip on her thighs. She repeated several words in Spanish, over and over. It was such a turn on to hear her moans of ecstasy in another language.

  He got up on his knees and placed his penis at the entrance of her vagina. Moving it up and down along the slit, he coated it with her secretions and pushed it slowly in, inch by inch. Then he drew it out slowly and repeated the process several times. Conchata started begging him to put it in deeper. Finally, he thrust forcefully until the entire nine inches were buried deeply in her raging inferno.

  Conchata grabbed Walt by his firm buttocks and helped him pick up a rhythm that had her thrashing about as he continued to plow into her. She loved Walt’s way of pressing up against her clit each time he plunged in. She leaned up as both of them watched it pull out and then back in. He pistoned in and out with such fervor that he surprised even himself. Walt pulled out and rolled her over and entered from the rear. He grabbed her large soft backside as he stroked in and out. She clenched his penis as it went in deeper and deeper. She reached under and grabbed his large testicles and caressed them.