Page 14 of Chocolate Flava

  “Turn over, sweetie,” I told you.

  Your expressionless face told me that you were too caught in the moment to verbally respond. You simply turned over and placed your glorious ass at my stomach level. I had to admire your form for a moment. Your butt was perfectly round and the color of slightly darkened caramel. As I knelt there admiring you, my cock continued to throb impatiently. Similarly, you moved your hips up and down and around and around, still apparently feeling me inside you.

  With both hands, I steadied your hips as I entered you from the back. I knew immediately that I was positioned rather well against your G-spot because I could feel myself rub against the wall as I pushed into you. I reached over and under with my right hand to rub your clit while I placed my left hand on the ground to balance myself. Before I even began to move, you began pumping back into me. I decided to stay very still because I knew if I moved too much, I would definitely cum and I didn’t want to just yet. Your hips moved around and up and down on my dick like a well-oiled machine. Throes of pre-orgasmic waves were beginning to take over me. I could never handle doggie-style all that well. As I pushed in and out, you once again reached under to cup my balls with one hand. Sensing that I was about to cum, you quickly got out from under me, flipped me over and climbed on top. Facing me, you rested your chest on mine and buried your face in my neck. Only moving your hips, you squeezed your pussy muscles and began to expertly fuck me. I wrapped my arms around you and with all my might concentrated on making my dick as hard as possible. I held on tight. You held on tighter. Suddenly we both began to jerk and buck. I knew you were cumming and I was, too. As I shot my load into you, you yelled with each spurt but you kept pumping. Your thighs quivered so strongly as you came that my knees were knocked together. You kept pumping until the very last drop of cum was sucked from my dick. We both collapsed, breathing hard.

  We lay there still and quiet; simply holding each other. I loved the way I felt inside you. I loved the way my chest muscles shivered, causing your entire body to shake in return. We lay there letting our senses roam. With massage oils, tropical breezes, and the afterglow of lovemaking permeating the air, I knew, my every sense knew, we belonged together.

  I’ll Be Invisible

  V. Anthony Rivers

  There have been moments in my life recently that have made me sit back and wonder why I am who I am. I mean, sometimes the decisions I make are a real trip. I’m a fool sometimes, always trying to discover new opportunities and taking chances with my direction in life. Hell, I’m married to a beautiful woman and we have one child on the way. My wife’s name is Porsia Marie Gordon, standing about five-nine and a half, weighing about 155 pounds, light-skinned, and proportioned in all the lovely places. Hell, when she comes to bring me lunch sometimes on my job, the fellas and even the women notice how beautiful she is.

  “Yo, man, is that you?” one of my co-workers asked me one time.

  “Yeah, that’s my wife,” I responded nonchalantly.

  Dude just started shaking my hand excitedly while looking at my wife with that universal “Damn, she fine!” expression written all over his face. Strangely enough, I didn’t care if he looked, and that’s been my problem lately. I’ve just been in a “ho hum” state of mind recently about everything. I’m working here in dot-com heaven, thinking that sitting in front of a computer eight hours a day is gonna make me a rich man. Then as I said, I have my wife, a new baby on the way, and I’m considering going to graduate school. All that sounds positive to anyone listening but I’m just feeling bored with it all. I thought that buying that new PlayStation would get me excited about life, but even that failed. I took up playing basketball with the fellas at work on the weekends but, again, I would just end up yawning my way through that experience. I was feeling like I needed something to spruce up my life and return me to being a man who was passionate about everything he touched. I mean, I used to walk around with my chest sticking out all the time, acting like every word I said should have an exclamation point behind it. A true brotha with the appearance of a playa, but at the same time, one that should be featured prominently on the front page of some black gentleman weekly magazine. I’m remembering a time when I definitely had it going on and believe you me, my motivation back then had me smiling for days. Plain and simple, the fuel I needed and got was S-E-X. I got me some all the time and it was that pursuit that led me to my wife.

  I met Porsia four years ago when our company hired her consulting firm. I was kind of pissed to hear that they were having someone come in to tell us what we needed so that our company could run and operate more efficiently. That kind of shit only brings about the conclusion that people should be laid off and more work should be given to those that remain. Yeah, I was definitely walking around with a serious attitude and looking like some new-generation militant with my multi-colored beret, and a Microsoft necktie on. I’m only kidding about the beret, but a brotha did have attitude, initially. Then on the second day that the firm was going through files and meeting folks around the office, they introduced one of three consultants that would be working closely with us.

  “Everyone, this is Porsia Turner. She’ll be with us for the next couple of months, so make her feel welcome!” our boss announced. Everybody in the office let out a simultaneous “Hey Porsia!” and I was looking at her like “Shit, I need to get with her real quick!” I started to walk toward her but others who admired this gorgeous new consultant intercepted my efforts.

  “Dude, I’m ’bout to mess up some paperwork so they can have her come over and investigate my ass, ya heard me!” my friend Keith whispered to me.

  “I know what you mean, she is fine,” I said while keeping my eyes focused on Porsia.

  My imagination was working overtime as everyone around disappeared from my focus and I could only envision myself nibbling on her lobes and working my way down until I reached her hot spot. For some strange reason, I was having a craving for caramel syrup. I started licking my lips and imagining how sweet that would taste right about now. That alone inspired a lovely vision of Porsia sitting on my desk, leaning back and wearing only the bottom half of that black mini-skirt suit she’s wearing right now. I could see myself pouring the syrup on her nipples and just licking and sucking and licking. Damn, I would just be devouring that lady and I know she’d love it!

  “Yo, dude, you think she’ll go to lunch with me?” Keith asked.

  His question interrupted my caramel dreams.

  “Huh?” I responded.

  “Me and homegirl! You think she’d go to lunch with me?”

  “I don’t know, Keith. I guess you’re gonna have to try and see. You might have to stand in line behind a brotha like me, though!”

  “Oh it’s like that, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s like that!”

  Well, a couple weeks went by before I finally approached Porsia. She was sitting in the break room, looking over some paperwork and eating her lunch. When I saw her, I got all happy but I sat down at another table and watched her for a moment. She had me feeling slightly nervous but I just looked around, saw that nobody was in the room but us, and figured that this was my best chance to approach. I walked slowly toward her and before I knew it, she stood up and turned around. Our eyes met instantly and she gave me a somewhat innocent smile.

  “Hey,” I said softly.

  “Hi,” she responded.

  Again we smiled and just from this innocent moment, I began to get aroused. Porsia and I were standing so close to each other, and the way her eyes were roaming from the floor to my lips and back to my eyes again, it felt like she wanted to kiss. I know I did but of course I didn’t take that chance, being that she didn’t even know my name at this point. It was time to fix that and let the sista know whom she was admiring so closely.

  “My name is Michael Gordon,” I told her.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Of course, I remember your name, Porsia. I haven’t been able to erase it from my mind since you
were introduced to all of us.”

  “Why is that?” she asked.

  “Because I find you to be one beautiful woman. I guess I’m taking a chance speaking with you this way in the workplace and all, but if they gonna lock a brotha up for expressing himself, then let it be known first that I am crazy about you, lady!”

  “Oh, really? And do you always come on this strong?”

  “I’ve never approached a woman in this way or chosen these words before that I’ve expressed to you, if that’s what you mean.”

  I could tell she was flattered, even though she made attempts to hide the fact that she was blushing and maybe even becoming aroused by this moment, too. It was like I could feel her body temperature rising. As for me, my body was on fire. I was feeling all warm inside, like I wanted to romance her and then at the same time, I basically wanted to fuck right then and there. Once again, it was too soon for me to express certain desires to her. It was best to leave that for the next time.

  That next time didn’t come soon enough for me, because I was battling boredom along with just being horny all the time. I’m not saying that I wasn’t getting any back then, but I probably was enjoying a little too much self-pleasuring for my own good. One day I was sitting in the break room enjoying some leftover rib roast that I’d made over the weekend. I can throw down in the kitchen and even my leftovers are the bomb! Then, all of a sudden Porsia walked into the room, and I started to get a hard-on because I remembered the last time we stood face to face. This time it was me using my peripheral vision and wondering if she was gonna approach. I started adjusting myself in my chair ’cause I was literally sitting there aroused and erect while at the same time frantically wiping the juice from my lips. I was nervous and trying to cover my food up when Porsia walked over to me from behind.

  “Hey, Michael, I hope I’m not disturbing you,” she said.

  “No, not at all,” I said while still wiping my mouth.

  Seconds later I stood up to greet her and then I noticed her eyes began to look downward.

  Oh shit, she noticed! I thought to myself.

  Porsia just smiled, moistened her lips, and moved closer to me. I could feel that body heat between us even stronger than the last time. All this energy had to be recognized and I wasn’t gonna let this moment pass me by. That’s when something different began to happen to me. I found a way to be “invisible” and lose all inhibitions. I imagined myself as someone without fear. Someone that could seize the moment and make it hot! My right eyebrow began to rise and my smile turned devious.

  “What’s on your mind, Michael?” Porsia asked.

  “Hmm, would you prefer that I tell you or show you?”

  “Take charge, baby!”

  The real me might run from that last statement, but the real me was not standing before this beautiful woman. I was someone else as I leaned forward and began kissing Porsia softly on her lips. Then I used the tip of my tongue as I made a trail from the side of her mouth to beneath her right ear. She moaned and that let me know that Porsia was very sensitive to a light yet sensual touch, but I wasn’t here to be soft and sensual. I pulled her close to me and began kissing her very passionately. My own moans and heavy breathing seemed to get Porsia very excited, and I was turned on by the fact that I could see someone peeking through the window at us. It was a lady co-worker of mine named Brenda who didn’t look at all embarrassed by what she was seeing. In fact, I think she was turned on and maybe even a little envious, though I’m not sure if she wanted to change places with me or with Porsia. Brenda watched closely as my hand caressed Porsia’s behind. She seemed to smile a lot when I raised Porsia’s dress only to reveal that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Hell, that had me smiling too, and I couldn’t wait to see what other surprises I might find.

  “I like the way you take charge, Michael,” Porsia whispered.

  After she complimented me with more affectionate moans and sweet words from her lips, I dropped my pants and sat down on the hard plastic chair. Porsia quickly climbed on top of me and eased her way down. I could see Brenda still watching, and she appeared to be clutching one of her breasts as she watched Porsia slowly ride me. I couldn’t believe that all this was happening in the break room at work but every time I hit that special spot, I was convinced without a doubt that this was truly happening.

  “And I thought you were too sweet to do something like this, Michael,” Porsia said softly before she leaned her head back and enjoyed an intense orgasm.

  Well, in between that incredible moment in the break room and a few years of marriage, Porsia and I have had some very passionate moments. Besides my continuing to practice my personal art of being “invisible,” my sexual fire would also become fueled by a friendship that I developed with my co-worker Brenda. She approached me not long after she witnessed that moment of passion in the break room. She applauded me and told me how much she admired my risk-taking. But lately she’s also been the source of my inspiration. No, I haven’t indulged with her. Porsia is indeed the only woman I’ve been intimate with since we were married. However, Brenda and I do talk about sex a lot and interestingly enough, she’s been the one to help me become “invisible” and thus bring Porsia to the height of ecstasy. Brenda likes to school me on various things relating to satisfying a woman, and so far she’s been right on the money each time. Porsia’s been smiling a lot throughout our marriage and it ain’t just because I do the cooking or because she’s about to become a mother. Nah, I’ve been hitting that spot and doing amazing things with my tongue, which give her the greatest orgasms. I keep her body shivering and it ain’t because it’s cold. Brenda showed me that keeping Porsia satisfied could definitely be beneficial for me. Just go in our kitchen and look to your left as soon as you walk in. You’ll find none other than a brand-new George Foreman grill that I only had to ask for once! Then look in our closet and you’ll find a few new ties, shirts, and pants in there. Hell, she even hooked a brotha up with some new Karl Kani jeans that I like to wear on the weekends. Oh yeah, great sex has had its benefits.

  Recently I’ve been feeling strange about it all. The many times that I’ve been “invisible” are starting to get old and telling Brenda about each experience has lost its magic for me. Well actually, telling Brenda about everything can be arousing, but not so much with regards to Porsia any more. Now I’m wondering what’s up with Brenda and what does she get out of telling me how to please my lady and then hearing the results later.

  “You writing a book or something?” I asked her one day.

  “No, Michael, I’m not writing a book.”

  “You, uh, maybe using the info for personal reasons?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know!”

  “No, Michael, what do you mean?”

  “Maybe a little masturbation when you think about what I’ve told you?”

  “Umm, yes, I touch myself sometimes when I imagine or think about the things you’ve said.”


  “Yes, does that shock you?”

  “No, I think it’s nice.”

  “Does it arouse you, Michael, to hear me say that?”

  “Yes, very much so! You got a brotha wishing he could watch!”

  “Then maybe you should fantasize about that tonight when you’re intimate with Porsia.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  Well, that night I tried fantasizing about Brenda touching herself and it worked. I was very passionate with Porsia and she could feel the power of my thrusts like never before. She had to wrap her legs around me to try to slow me down but I was lost within my passionate imagination and Porsia reaped the benefits by cumming so loud that she woke up the next morning embarrassed.

  “Baby, why didn’t you cover my mouth last night?” she asked me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My ass was so loud!”

  “Oh!” I started to laugh. “No you weren’t,” I told her.

  She was kind of loud
but for a man that is not a problem, and in fact a woman getting uncontrollably loud is the greatest compliment of all. Still, that morning my mind kept drifting as I continued to imagine Brenda. This time the inspiration didn’t make me want to become “invisible” and experience my wife. Instead, I wanted to experience Brenda in some way and to do it as me, Michael Gordon.

  I shared my thoughts and desires with Brenda soon after that but she just brushed them off and took it as a compliment. After a while I sort of took exception to her refusal to take me seriously, and I stopped sharing my sexual escapades and intimate stories with her. When we would talk, it would be strictly about work-related issues. She was definitely bothered by that. Actually I probably suffered more than she did because that’s when things became “ho hum” with the sex life. As the sex life became boring, so went my zest and passion for life. That certain spark that I’ve always carried seems to have disappeared. Now I just kiss, cuddle, missionary position, and then kiss and cuddle some more before drifting off to sleep. Luckily, since Porsia is pregnant, I can just use that familiar excuse of “I’m afraid to do anything because you’re pregnant, sweetheart,” and she buys it and tells me how sweet I am for always being concerned.

  Well, a couple days ago Brenda confronted me about the disappearance of our sexual discussions. I was kind of surprised when she brought it up but, to be honest, I was gonna mention it to her myself pretty soon.

  “Hmm, so when you don’t get what you want you just cut things off completely, huh?” Brenda asked.

  “Cut things off?” I responded innocently.

  “Yep, because we never talk about intimate pleasures anymore. It seems to have stopped ever since I denied your request of watching me.”