Page 16 of Chocolate Flava

  As I turned the corner into the shoe store she was taking off the shoe she was trying on. I feasted on the sight of her sexy-ass legs underneath her stockings. While she was taking off the shoe, I could see up the back of her thigh. I closed my mouth before she saw me standing there dumbfounded. I gathered myself and sat down next to her. “Shouldn’t you be in church passing out blessings?” I asked.

  “Excuse me?” her lips released in response. I watched every syllable fall off them.

  “I mean, you’re an angel, right? You should be passing out blessings, then.”

  She responded to the corny-ass line as I expected, with the “yeah right” look and a smack of the lips.

  “My bad, that was corny as hell, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say.”

  “How about ‘Hello, how are you? My name is…’ ”

  I stood up. “Hello, how are you? My name is Anthony.” I extended my hand.

  “Oh, it’s too late for that now. You have been filed under ghetto-ass, playa wannabes.” She laughed.

  A sexy-ass woman with a sense of humor, that’s my Tanisha. We’ve been going out for a few months now, five to be exact. Funny thing is, for as long as we’ve been together we’ve never gotten down to it, if you catch my drift. Not that I wasn’t trying; heaven knows I was. However, Tanisha and I had a serious discussion about her attitude toward sexual relationships. She told me that she was different from other females. I thought she was running that tired-ass game everyone uses to try to distinguish themselves from all the exes and the nexts. But as she delved into her past and told me things I would have never even begun to guess about her, I became convinced that she was very different. She went on to say that the act of sex itself was nothing. “I mean, dogs hump each other” is how she illustrated her point. “Real sex, lovemaking, is done with every ounce of your being. Making yourself a slave to each other’s wishes, desires, and pleasures.” A lot of the things she shared with me about her past bothered me. As a man, it was hard to deal with the fact that my woman was “worldly.” Nonetheless, these are the experiences that made her who she was. The following months gave me time to deal with those issues, as well as spend time focusing on the person rather than her body. So for the first time in a while, I had actually gotten to know the lady I was with before we did the damn thang.

  Now I’m on my way to see Tan. She left a message on my machine asking me to come over after I came home from work. I have a key to her place and she has a key to mine, so if she isn’t home, I’ll let myself in. It’s starting to rain. Damn, it’s coming down in buckets. I hope that I can find a parking spot in front of her apartment building. As I turn the corner onto her street, of course there are no spots. I walk, well, more like run, a whole block from the car to her building in this maelstrom. Out of breath and uttering obscenities, I make my way up to Tan’s apartment. She doesn’t appear to be home. Great. I drive over here and run through the rains that floated Noah’s ark and she isn’t here. Oh, well, enough self-pitying thoughts. I have to get out of these wet clothes.

  After putting my clothes in the dryer and running off a few sets of push-ups, I fall asleep watching “Sportscenter.” Drifting off into dreamland, I can already feel the horny dog in me shedding his leash. Since Tan and I have not had sex yet, this is where I get off. A grown man having wet dreams sounds pretty sad, but that’s the situation. I usually dream of Tan, living out fantasies. Using my imagination and experiences to create erotic scenarios that always end with ejaculation. Now I have to be real—I did not say I always dream of her. In the last couple of months I’ve been with Janet Jackson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jenny Lopez, Salma Hayek, and Angela Bassett, in the champagne room dream. And uh, don’t believe Chris Rock. There is sex in the champagne room.

  What the—? I didn’t think I had drifted off to sleep, but I can feel warm wet lips on my nipples. Damn, that always equals instant erection for me. I smell Tan’s perfume. Is she here? Am I having one of my freaky dreams? I sit up quickly, as if I have awakened from a nightmare. Panting frantically, I scope the room for Tanisha. No one. Funny thing is, I can still smell her perfume, but her place always smells like this. Doesn’t it? Either way, I’m sitting here with a dick hard enough to slice diamonds like wheat bread. I ain’t up for punching the clown right now, so I go out to the kitchen and get a drink of papaya juice. “Well, well, what have we here?” I say to myself. “Half a blunt.” I forgot I had taken that out of my wet clothes. It’s dried out too. This’ll help me relax, because right now I’m wondering where the hell Tan is.

  “Mmmmmm…Suck this dick dry, Janet.” I moan as I figure the sensations are another one of my wet dreams.

  “Who the fuck is Janet?!!”

  Damn, that’s Tanisha’s voice! I sit up with a quickness and sure enough there’s Tan, kneeling between my legs. With my dick in her hand, I better get to explaining and I best do a damn good job!

  “Well, I thought I was dreaming. I mean that’s the only sex that I’ve been having for a few months. Besides, what’s with you and the blowjob? I thought we were holding off on sexual relations.”

  She tells me how sexy I looked lying in her bed in my boxer briefs and she couldn’t help herself. “Besides, it’s time,” she says with a look in her eyes I’ve never seen before. She pushes me back down and flattens her tongue on the underside of my dick. She slowly slides her tongue up and down the shaft. It’s been so long that I feel like I’m going to bust off already. The head is magnificent. She swirls her tongue around like she’s trying to taste every inch of it. Then she reaches over to the dresser and grabs a small cup. She has warmed up some scented oil and she is massaging my scrotum with it. At the same time she has the length of dick in her mouth, moving her tongue around frantically.

  I sit up and hesitantly ask her to stop. After all, this is a special event, our first time together. I stand her up and kiss her deeply. Our tongues do the rhythmic dance that they have done so many times before, but it is much more intense now. I help her out of her clothes, down to her underwear. I stand there and visually feast on the sight of my Tan’s lovely body. It was like I had met the Jet beauty of the millennium! She leaves me speechless, so I’ll express myself through my actions.

  Circling her like a vulture, I decide to caress her from behind. I kiss and lick her neck as I stimulate her breasts through her silk bra. I run my tongue down the center of her back as I undo her bra. Down to the small of her back, sliding her panties off. Now I’m kneeling down behind her, her picture-perfect ass right in my face. Her perfume fills my nose while I skim my tongue over her ass. I spread her cheeks and give her ass a little lick. I can tell she’s down when I hear the deep moan she lets out. She’s leaning forward to let me know to lick harder, faster. Soon she’s ready for me to move to more erotic areas because Tan opens her legs and takes a step back. Now I have full access to the pussy.

  Her pussy isn’t totally shaved; it’s nicely trimmed though. I can smell a mixture of bath oils and her natural juices. As I grip both cheeks of her heart-shaped ass, I plunge my tongue deep inside her. I have this thing I like to do. I start out by spelling my name, then running through the alphabet, upper-and lowercase. The swirls and turns that are involved are usually more than enough to send women over the edge. Tan is no exception. Right around lowercase l I hear her breathing pause. She finally lets out a heavy animal-like growl and cums all over my face. I thought I might drown. I had heard of women with an orgasmic release but I had never been with one. It turns me on to feel her hot love running down either side of my face as I try to swallow as much of it as I can. It is running down my neck as Tan bends all the way over and starts to suck my dick again. But I interrupt her. “As gifted as you are orally, baby, I’m ready to fuck.”

  I lay her on the edge of the bed, with her feet on the floor. I stand next to the bed and I slide her closer to me. Her ass is off the edge of the bed. This position gives me total control. I control the tempo, the depth, and direction of every stroke. I
also want to look into her eyes as we cross into the next phase of our relationship. I start with slow circular motions and work my way into deep strokes. She doesn’t seem to mind that I am dictating the pace of things. Hell, she doesn’t care if the building is on fire and I don’t either. I am in ecstasy.

  Clasping my hands together underneath her, I lift her pelvis up a bit.

  “Oooh, damn, Tony. You seem to know a little something, something, huh?”

  “I know a thing or two, or three….” I smile.

  I can feel the ridges of her G-spot rubbing lightly against the head of my rod. She is impressed with my skills. “Well I know a thing or two also, mister,” Tan says seductively. Right then I feel her vaginal walls contract. “Damn!” It’s all I can do to keep stroking. The grip she’s putting on is almost enough to push me out, but she backs off enough to make it pleasurable. While I am holding back a big-ass nut, we switch to the doggy-style position. I slide in easily into her hot wet box. She starts to squeeze me again. “I think I can, I think I can.” I am so close to cumming, it’s insane. I push and push and push. Tan is letting out screams of passion. I can feel my leg starting to shake. I slow down the pace and Tan looks back and asks, “What’s the matter? Can’t hang?” Feeling up to the challenge, I grab her around the waist and go drilling for oil. Sweaty, sex-covered skin-slapping echoes throughout the room. I slap her on the ass and she screams at a high pitch. “Yeah, nigga, that’s what I’m talking about!” She’s pushing back and the slapping is louder, faster. I keep smackin’ that ass, pulling her with the other hand. We made love a position ago; we’re fucking now. “Oh, shit!” she yells out and I feel the hot rush of her cumming all over my dick. She got hers, I can get mine now. I lean over and put my arms under her arms and my hands up onto her shoulders. I feel the sweat from her back along my chest and stomach. I am beating it up now, short hard strokes. Bang, bang, bang. “I’m…shhhh…I’m…cuuh, cum…ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” I thrust into Tan as far as I can go. My back is arched and my face is buried into the nape of her neck. This is the biggest orgasm I have ever had. It feels as if I am never going to stop cumming. I relax for a moment and push right back in.

  I am totally drained. I fall asleep almost immediately. After drifting off for what seemed like a minute or two, I realize how inconsiderate that was. I spring up to see if Tan is still awake, only to find I am alone in the bed, boxer briefs soaked in cum. I have been asleep for four hours. I don’t know if it’s the chronic or the sex, but whichever it is, it has me dog-ass tired. Wait a minute, the TV is on in the living room. As I turn the corner in a bit of a daze, I am embarrassed to see Tanisha pointing and laughing at the wet spot in my briefs.

  “I thought you stopped wetting the bed around twenty-five years ago?” she jokes.

  “Ha, ha. I did, but I thought you would remember how it got here. Besides, it’s not piss, it’s cum,” I said, slightly annoyed.

  What the hell is going on here? Was I having another one of my sexually starved, horny-ass dreams?

  “I have no idea why you’re having wet dreams. Maybe you should ask Janet.”

  Selena the Sexual Healer

  Victor DeVanardo

  Part I

  “What we need is a master of sex,” the man said.

  “A master of sex and finesse,” the woman added.

  “That’s good, Margaret,” the man agreed. “Sex and finesse. Someone who can fight in the hot arena of passion but remain cool. Someone who can wield the sizzling instruments of eroticism with the sure, dispassionate hands of a surgeon, who can walk over the flaming, red-hot coals of sexual intrigue without the slightest singe to her littlest toe. Someone…”

  “…who can fuck the yolk out of an egg without cracking the shell,” Margaret said.

  “You do have a way with words, Margaret,” the man said.

  “Yes I do, Ted,” Margaret replied.

  Ted sat behind a large oak desk, piled high with files, ledgers, and books. Margaret stood by his side, hands folded in front of her. They wore identical gray flannel business suits, white shirts, black ties, gold wire-rimmed glasses, and prim, business-like facial expressions.

  Their office was small, austere, and decorated plainly and in black and white.

  “I’m your man—woman—person,” Selena said. She sat in a high-backed leather armchair across from them. She wore a Burberry trench coat, a black fedora pulled low over one eye, and polished, high-heeled black leather boots. She sat with her big fine legs crossed. The bottom coat buttons were unfastened, revealing a sleek, brown, sexy thigh.

  “You came highly recommended,” Ted said, fiddling with some folders, eyes riveted to that luscious expanse of thigh. Selena idly kicked her foot. As she did, her trench coat opened and more and more of her leg was exposed. Ted swallowed hard; despite himself he felt warm stirrings in his crotch.

  “But we have to be sure!” Margaret said, slamming a fist down on the desk. “You must not fail. How do we know you have the right stuff?”

  Without a word Selena stood up, unbuttoned her coat, and opened it wide.

  Ted and Margaret gasped. Selena was totally nude. She let the coat fall slowly to the floor, threw back her shoulders and her head, and let them get a load of all her sexy assets: her firm, flawless breasts, her flat tummy, the hot, dark, triangular woman patch of her loins, her lush hips.

  Slowly she turned and as she did she seemed to glow, to throw off an aura of sexual heat, as though her skin was the warm, living, metal surface of the statue of an African-American hoodoo goddess of love and sensuality.

  Ted gasped. The stirring in his loins exploded tight against his trousers. His vision blurred. His heart pounded and sweat trickled down his back.

  “Well? Whatchoo think?” Selena asked.

  Ted gulped. “You got my vote.”

  “I don’t know,” Margaret said. “We are dealing with a smart, dangerous, and slippery character here. Suppose you should be talking to him, minding your own business, and somebody slips up behind you and does this!”

  Margaret suddenly grabbed Selena by her waist, pulled her close, cupped one of her shapely breasts in one hand and stuck her tongue in Selena’s ear.

  Selena giggled. “I’d just parry that thrust like this!” and she flicked her tongue like a hot whip across Margaret’s.

  Margaret jumped like she’d tongue-fucked a thousand-volt electric cable. She stood there trembling. Her eyes were moist and her mouth was a wet O.

  “That’s enough!” Ted shouted. Any more and he was sure he was going to shoot a big wad in his pants. He didn’t want to have to walk around the rest of the day with cum stains at his crotch. Any more of this briefing and he was sure he’d starch his briefs.

  Margaret walked stiffly back to Ted’s side. She laid a hand on his shoulder, smiling dreamily.

  That’ll show them they ain’t dealing with no buster, Selena thought. She picked up her coat, put it back on, buttoned it up, and sat cool as a cucumber.

  Ted shook his head to clear it, then reached into a file and took out a photo. He passed it to Selena.

  “You know him?” Ted asked.

  “Yes. William G. Gaddys. Ex–pro football player. Businessman. Pillar of the community. Anti-porn crusader—”

  “Hypocrite!” Ted shouted. “He hides behind a mask of propriety while engaging in behavior that he condemns himself! Look at this.”

  Ted got a remote control and clicked on a VCR. Margaret softly stroked his shoulders and whispered to him.

  It was a tape of William G. Gaddys speaking to a woman’s group about the dangers of dirty literature.

  Selena saw a bald, square-jawed man, handsome and serious looking. Even now, years after retiring from the gridiron, his shoulders and neck were massive and muscular. The cloth of his expensive suit jacket bulged with his biceps.

  Not bad, Selena thought, licking her full lips. She wondered if those arms and shoulders were as firm as they looked. She imagined kneading them like dough under h
er strong fingers until he begged her not to stop.

  She was gonna like this job.

  “Quit it!” she heard Ted say. Margaret was straightening back up, but not fast enough. Selena could see that she had leaned over and nipped Ted on his ear. He was trying to act irritated, but Ray Charles could’ve seen that Ted was likin’ it.

  “His kind is dangerous,” Margaret said. “Even when they are sincere. But they are especially so when they are fakes. We aren’t perverts or libertines, Selena. We’re for free, healthy expression and discussion of sex, and against any attempts by anyone to make it unnatural and nasty.”

  “Those people—the bluenoses, the self-appointed censors, the anti-sex people—they are just trying to control everybody,” Ted said. “And what better way to control people than to dictate what they should do in private, behind closed doors, in their own bedrooms. Where would it all end? Why—”

  “I’m a big girl and totally aware of what is at stake,” Selena said. “Say no more! I’ll help you!”

  “Good!” Margaret said. “Bring him down! Neutralize him! Get him by the balls!” She made a squeezing motion. Ted involuntarily winced and clapped his knees together. Margaret put her hand back on his shoulder, then slid it lower and rubbed his chest. Ted’s knees opened again.

  Yes, by the balls, Selena thought. She wondered about Gaddys’ balls. Was he packing cannonballs or sweet peas? She wondered what he would do when she had them in her hand, when her fingers closed around them, whether he liked them gripped soft and tender, or whether he liked ’em grabbed rough. She had a special trick—she could tickle and prick a man’s balls lightly, oh so lightly, with long red fingernails until he screamed with ecstasy.