Page 25 of Chocolate Flava

  Carlotta spoke first. “Miguel, Miguel, what’s wrong, what do you want?” She reached out her hand to touch him. It seemed like the closer he got to them, the more inaccessible they became. It was if they were dissolving into the fog or mist that seemed to surround Miguel. He got closer and it was at that moment that Carlotta’s voice became more pronounced and the mist disappeared.

  “Miguel!” she said. “You’ve been standing here all this time?” It was Carlotta without Ciao. He was still in line. The bartender had an impatient look on his face; Miguel had one drink in his hand. The bartender spoke.

  “Is that all you want, sir? I thought you said you wanted three drinks. Will that be all?”

  Carlotta reached out her hand, and as she finally touched Miguel it all became clear. He had allowed his imagination to get the better of him. It was all in his head. Carlotta, not knowing what was going on in Miguel’s mind, was attempting to communicate with him.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” she inquired again. “Are you feeling okay? You seemed to take so long coming back, and Ciao had to talk with some potential investors, so I figured I’d just find you.”

  And then Carlotta added the kicker when she said, “When I couldn’t find you at first, I thought you had been captured by one of these hot-assed women.” Her eyes began to sparkle. “And I had this overwhelming fit of jealousy that just had me fantasizing all kinds of shit about you and some other woman. So I was really trying to find you.”

  Even though he hadn’t yet returned completely to reality, Miguel was relieved on some level to hear what Carlotta had just said. This synchronized incident of jealous imagination reinforced the desperate situation these two lovers found themselves in. On the surface, they would verbally boast their willingness to allow each other a wide range of freedom.

  For example, in Carlotta’s case, because she was married and still maintained this long-standing relationship with Miguel, she really believed she allowed him to have all the freedom of a single man while accepting his declaration of allegiance to her.

  On the other hand, Miguel would claim he had no problem with Carlotta’s marriage. Initially, that might’ve been true. It was all about providing her with what she wasn’t getting at home: attention, romance, and real good loving. She needed to be appreciated and Miguel would do that for her. But as the relationship transitioned from its innocence of emotional irresponsibility to something possessive, controlling, and literally boiling over with lust, it became obvious to them that their hearts were between their legs. At this point their commitment to pleasure outweighed anything else.

  It had all been a dream, and Miguel had his Carlotta back as opposed to being caught in some perverse fantasy that had yet to manifest itself. He pulled her close to him and as he ignored the now exasperated bartender, they began a mini-make-out session right in line.

  “My goodness, can’t you two wait until you get alone?” It was Ciao. “I’ve been looking for you. And Ms. Carlotta, I’m surprised at you. Here I thought you were going to be my little plaything for the evening, and here you are taking up with the likes of him!” She then broke out in a high-pitched combination of giggling and cackling.

  The two lovers seemed a little embarrassed. They quickly took their drinks and, with Ciao, moved out of line. “I am a frank woman,” Ciao began. “I like both of you. But”—she approached Carlotta as she continued, reaching her hand out to stroke Carlotta’s bare arm—“I really like you.”

  At that moment Carlotta surprised herself as well as both Ciao and Miguel as she took Ciao’s hand in hers, swiftly raised it to her open mouth, and sensuously licked the tips of Ciao’s first two fingers with her tongue. Carlotta’s eyes darted to her left where Miguel stood in amazement, mouth agape as he nearly spilled his martini. Ciao’s expression mirrored Miguel’s as she instinctually tried to withdraw from Carlotta’s brazen oral display.

  Carlotta became the aggressor, as she refused to give Ciao her hand back. Her eyes gleamed as she took Ciao’s index finger deeper into her mouth and sucked it as expertly as she had Miguel’s shaft earlier that evening. By this time she was fixated on Ciao’s eyes as she amused herself with the reaction she was eliciting from both her lover and the lady.

  This exhibition continued for what seemed to be longer than the few seconds it actually took, but it was still long enough for Carlotta to have shifted the delicate balance of sexual power from Ciao to Carlotta.

  “See, this is what I like to do…I have this oral thing, and I love putting things in my mouth,” she said to Ciao. “I get especially oral when I am deprived. See, on the way here, I was able to almost satisfy this urge because I had Miguel deep inside my mouth. As he drove, I sucked him deep…he kept getting harder and harder and I loved that. I had total control. I was getting off on him getting off and I almost came. But we got here before I could get what I wanted. So,” she continued as she released Ciao’s hand and reached to her side where she grasped Miguel and brought him close to her, “I was getting a little antsy. I was getting a little hungry. Do you know what I’m talking about, honey?” And with that she tilted her head toward Miguel and kissed him.

  After they kissed, Carlotta again reached over and pulled Ciao over to her and began to whisper in her ear. Miguel noticed how Ciao’s eyes lit up at what she was hearing. Ciao’s lips parted and she wetted them lightly as Carlotta continued.

  “Yes,” Ciao replied, “I think that can be arranged. Come with me.”

  Miguel was completely in the dark. He didn’t ask any questions as Carlotta took him by the hand. They both followed Ciao upstairs to the top floor. As they walked, Miguel felt his stomach begin to hatch butterflies, and as they fluttered around down there a strange thing began to happen even farther down…he began to get an erection. These stairs led them to the absolute top of the barn. The space was a magnificent maze of divided partitions, each featuring the artwork of Cameron, another one of the members of the art consortium. By this time, Miguel was basically following both women as they walked ahead of him a bit. They were like two high school girls, giggling and talking under their breath.

  Ciao took them in and around the front of the art exhibit. None of the guests were allowed on this level as it was for buyers only, and the art sale was scheduled to take place in a few days. So for now the space was empty. As they walked through the area, Miguel noticed the huge windows that ran from the top of the barn to the floor. They were huge panoramic windows that seemed to surround the entire floor. The soft lighting was a calming mix of blue and white. The music wafting from the sound system was much more subdued and sensual than the music playing downstairs. It was an ambient reggae flavor.

  “You see this is the place, don’t you think?” Ciao asked as she led them. Her black knitted dress took on a different appeal than it had downstairs. In the subdued light, the dress appeared to hug her ample hips as she guided and glided through the labyrinth of artwork. Watching both women walk kept Miguel’s erection intact. It wasn’t one of those “so hard I got to have it now or I’m going to die” erections. But watching the women walk and interact was a turn-on. It played into the fantasy he’d had earlier that evening while standing in the drink line.

  The corridor-like passageway emptied out into an enclosed lounge area, complete with overstuffed couches and chairs. Unlike the hardwood floors that covered most of the gallery, this area boasted soft plush carpet. It was obviously an area where the buyers and non-buyers could relax, have a drink, talk, and probably write out their checks.

  “Oooooh, I like it,” squealed Carlotta. “You did good. This is perfect.” And as she expressed her approval, she reached out and pulled Ciao to her, wrapped her arms around her, and kissed her. She started at her forehead. She gave her small pecking kisses. She descended to her cheeks and ended up with an open-mouthed kiss to Ciao’s full lips. Ciao grabbed Carlotta’s face and hungrily returned the kiss. As one might expect, the sight of these two women kissing increased the erection Miguel already had. T
he kiss was real this time.

  As Carlotta broke it off, she gently pushed Ciao aside. Pointing to one of the overstuffed chairs, she nodded her head. “Now, you’ll get your reward. Make yourself comfortable and watch closely.” She turned around and looked at Miguel. She could tell he was hard without even looking down. She reached down and felt the bulge in his pants. “You poor dear, do you feel left out? Or are your intuitive powers working a little overtime? Do you know what we’re going to do, baby?”

  She moved closer to him and flicked her tongue out, licking the side of his neck and the lobe of his ear as she continued to massage the now rock-hard dick vainly trying to escape from his black linen pants. “We’re going to kill two birds with one stone. Sit down.”

  She pushed him down on the sofa. The huge royal purple pillows seemed to claim him like the crashing waves on the Pacific Coast outside claim anything that dares to attempt to navigate them.

  As he settled in, he saw Ciao had pulled down the front zipper to her dress. Her legs were beginning to open as she pulled the dress up until her caramel-colored thighs were all but exposed. “She likes to watch,” Carlotta said. “And me, you know I’m still hungry and now I’m thirsty, too. You owe me, remember?”

  Carlotta had that look in her eyes: the look of a woman consumed with lust.

  “So just relax, we’re all going to get off. Right, Ciao?” She turned around to look at the beautiful Brazilian who by now had her hands between her own open legs. “Oh, it looks as if you might need some assistance.”

  With that, Carlotta imitated a jungle cat as she crawled over to Ciao, who was smiling nervously with one hand between her legs and the other unconsciously massaging her right breast. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her medium-sized breast was peeking out from underneath the dress that she had unzipped to her waist. Carlotta arrived in time to take Ciao’s hand from under her dress.

  “Hmm, what have we here?” she teased. “We’re a little wet. Perhaps you might need me to clean that off those fingers. We wouldn’t want to get pussy juice on that fine dress, or better yet, this couch. Here, allow me.”

  Carlotta moved from in front of Ciao, and while on her knees moved to the side so Miguel could see her put Ciao’s fingers in her mouth.

  “Mmmm.” Her mouth engulfed Ciao’s slender fingers past her knuckles, all while Carlotta continued looking at Miguel. Her wet pink tongue slithered under Ciao’s fingers as she sucked on them the exact same way she had sucked Miguel earlier that evening.

  “Oh, my God.” Ciao was squirming around in the chair, her dress riding farther up her thighs. Miguel was watching all this transpire with rapt attention as he became more aroused.

  The fact that Carlotta simultaneously had sexual control over two people was somewhat overwhelming. She removed Ciao’s finger from her mouth, looked over at Miguel, and smiled.

  “I’ll be with you in a bit,” she whispered as she turned to face Ciao. She bent forward, spread Ciao’s legs farther apart, and did a face-first dive in between them.

  Miguel saw the expression on Ciao’s face go from excitement to almost sheer terror. She threw her head back and screamed. Her arms shot straight down as she tried to brace herself in the soft material of the chair. At the same time Miguel saw Carlotta pull her black chiffon dress up to gather around her waist. And as she continued her assault on Ciao, she slowly rotated her fat ass as her head bobbed up and down, apparently heaping waves of passion on her victim and driving Miguel crazy. By now Miguel’s dick had escaped from his unzipped pants and he was stroking it in anticipation of Carlotta finishing with Ciao and returning some of her attention to him.

  “Damnit, Carlotta!” he shouted. “Come over here and take care of this!”

  Carlotta abruptly took her head from in between Ciao’s legs, as if she were anticipating Miguel’s demand. Before she made her way over to him, she bent over, looked Ciao in the face, and said, “Here, this is what I tasted. Try some.”

  All the various juices combined to form sexual foam boiling between their lips. Ciao hungrily attacked Carlotta’s mouth as if it were some life-giving substance. But Carlotta didn’t allow her to get too comfortable. She said, as she broke away from Ciao, “This is fun but the reason I came up here is for some dick…remember?”

  And as dramatically as any movie scene might have been, Carlotta slowly slid off Ciao, who was still writhing and clutching at herself, and like a panther crawled back to Miguel. As she got closer, she looked approvingly at him. She nodded her head. “I see you’re ready. I didn’t even have to tell you what to do with those pants. You are a good boy, aren’t you?”

  The personality of this Carlotta was unfamiliar to Miguel. She was usually lusty, aggressive, and nasty. Now she was spontaneously calm, eerily in control. Miguel was nervous. While they’d often fantasized about the various ways they would engage in threesomes, Carlotta always contended that she could not see herself being comfortable in one.

  “Perhaps if I didn’t have to know the woman, and she could do me. But I’m not about to do anything to another woman.” The thought of another woman performing on Miguel while she watched was a little more intriguing. But regardless, it was usually just talk. Until now, when he sat across from another woman, a woman whom his woman had just brought to the edge of a climax and was sitting there wanting more, but knew she would have to wait and observe someone else being brought to a climax first.

  Miguel felt Carlotta’s mouth kiss his ankle, first the right one, then the left one. While her mouth slowly traveled up the inside of each muscular calf, her hands performed a deep massage on his bare thighs…her thighs. She could feel the muscles in his well-developed thighs start to tense. It was his body’s way of letting her know she was turning him on. He loved her warm hands. The more she kneaded his flesh, the more he responded with low groans and muscle spasms of pleasure. It was just starting.

  “Mmm, you like this don’t you, baby?” she whispered to him as she made her way up between his thighs. Her lips kissed and licked almost every inch of his torso. She teased the area under his balls. While she gently licked and sucked at each firm nut, she began to moan also. At the same time, Miguel was having trouble deciding whether he should instead focus his attention on Ciao, who had inserted three fingers deep into her own sopping wet hole while her other hand manipulated her pointed nipple.

  The room seemed to be swirling with lust. As Carlotta was about to surround Miguel’s dick with her wet mouth, she placed both hands on his chest. Her nails sank deep into his skin, and as she began to suck him, she got so excited she started jerking her hips and rotating her ass. It was an orgy of sounds, images, and movements. Miguel’s dick was as hard as it had ever been as he took Carlotta’s head between his hands and forced her mouth farther onto his cock. She obliged by opening her mouth even wider, nearly gagging on this pulsating, vibrating monster deep in her throat.

  She’d been wanting this all evening and now she had what she wanted. If she could, she would have consumed the entire thing, but the head of his dick was so fat and delicious, she became fixated on letting her tongue create ice cream-like swirls of saliva around it. Finally the taste of it, coupled with the intense passion of the moment, caused her to plunge her mouth all the way down, gag on it, come back up to admire her handiwork, and repeat the process until the hairs in his crotch, her face, and the soft fabric of the couch were all soaking wet.

  There were no words spoken, even when Ciao, who could no longer function as an observer, made her way over to the two lovers. At first she simply sat next to them intently watching as Carlotta maintained her fierce assault on Miguel’s cock. Then she replaced Miguel’s hand around Carlotta’s head with her own, furiously forcing Miguel’s turgid rod down Carlotta’s throat. Miguel had never seen his dick so wet in all the years he’d been with Carlotta. Ciao was so taken by the exhibition she couldn’t help but join in.

  “You are so messy, Carlotta!” she exclaimed. “Here, let me help you clean this up.”
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  All of a sudden, Carlotta took Miguel out of her mouth and shook her head from Ciao’s grip, took Ciao’s head, and forced it down on Miguel.

  The sight of this beautiful Brazilian woman’s mouth virtually impaled on his love stick drove Miguel almost to the brink of orgasm. If that weren’t enough, the sight of his lover’s mouth covered with saliva, making it look as if she’d taken two huge loads of cum, did the trick. Carlotta rushed to swap her juices with Miguel. At that exact moment Miguel’s hips jerked and bucked. He was on the brink of an earth-shaking orgasm. Carlotta knew it and quickly joined Ciao down on him.

  He grabbed both women’s heads in time to shoot his load. He watched in awe as both women took all of his cum. It was if they were battling to see who could get the most: two beautiful women drinking his cum and eventually swapping it between them. It was too much and he collapsed. He lapsed into an orgasmic stupor and with his eyes closed all he could do was feel both mouths running all over him. He was too weak to tell them to stop. They wouldn’t have listened anyway.

  Zane Last

  I Have Treats for You Tonight

  I was so excited. I’d barely gotten through the day at my office. Who cares about crunching numbers for less-than-appreciative clients anyway? I’d made a serious mistake by accepting the job offer from Frasier and Meridian straight out of college. It was time for a change and I planned to make a career move before 2001 rolled around.

  First things first, though. I was anxious to get home to my baby. Errin and I were celebrating our fifth anniversary and it was a big day. When I first “came out” to my parents, expressing my undying love for Errin over Thanksgiving dinner, they’d given me less than a year to go back to men.