Portal, Charles, 309, 310–11
Porter, USS, 154
Portland, USS, 163
Port Moresby, New Guinea, 13, 19, 20, 68, 120, 126, 203, 220, 224
Pownall, Charles A. “Baldy,” 368, 369, 372, 380, 418
Clark and, 341
in Kwajalein raid, 377–78
in refusal to order second strike on Kwajalein, 378–79, 381, 382–83
relieved of Task Force 50 command, 383
President Polk, USS, 360–61
Preston, USS, 169–70
Prince of Wales, HMS, xxii, 324
Princeton, USS, 237, 301, 399, 484
propaganda, Japanese, 114, 116, 180, 187, 196, 443–45, 507–8, 526, 527, 529, 532, 538
prospective commanding officers (PCOs), 260
Psalm 23, 3
Puffer, USS, 453
Pyle, Ernie, 192, 519
Quebec Conference (1943), 235
Quincy, USS, 25, 44, 46, 48
Quonset huts, 15, 518–19
Rabaul, New Britain, xxi, xxvi, 9, 13, 16, 20, 29, 33, 38, 40, 53, 59, 62, 76, 78, 98, 99, 100, 101, 121, 122, 156, 157, 179, 181, 182, 202, 205, 222, 224, 311, 340, 368, 401, 408, 412, 419
Japanese evacuation of, 242
Japanese morale problems at, 238–39
U.S. bombing of, 236, 237–38, 240, 420–21
U.S. bypassing of, 232, 235, 240
Rabi, 68
racism, in British Empire, xx
Radar Plot, 233
radar systems:
night attacks and, 412
U.S. superiority in, 233
see also fire control systems
radio packs, 515
Radio Tokyo, 107, 520
Rainbow, War Plan, 436
Raines, James Orvill, 518
Ralph Talbot, USS, 43, 45, 49, 60, 234
Ramage, James D., 404, 407, 408, 410, 411, 489, 495
Ramsey, DeWitt C., 56–57
Rand, Hazen, 374, 375
Rau, Pappy, 272
Raymer, Edward C., 290
Read, W. J. “Jack,” 30, 37, 38, 39, 99–100, 157
RECKLESS, Operation, 242
Red Army, 94–95, 308
Redman, John R., 198
Reeves, John W. “Black Jack,” 477
Reminiscences (MacArthur), 232
Rendova Island, U.S. landing on, 231
Republican National Committee, 87
Republicans, 88
Repulse, HMS, xxii, 324
Rhoades, F. Ashton “Snowy,” xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, 183
Richardson, Robert C., 321, 434, 440
Riefkohl, Frederick Lois, 48–49, 50
Ries, Robert E., Jr., 140
Riley, Herbert D., 305
Riley, Marion, 82
Ringgold, USS, 344
Ring of Fire, xvii–xviii
Rochefort, Joseph, 75, 203
Rocky Mount, USS, 465
Rogal, William, 24–25, 61, 64, 344, 347–48, 353, 354, 508
Roi-Namur Islands, 378, 389, 390, 393, 397, 398, 400, 401
airfield at, 381, 382
landings on, 390–95
Rommel, Erwin, 97
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 94, 328
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 6, 196, 217, 235, 311, 434, 437, 439, 457, 514
as assistant navy secretary, 91
and Battle of Savo Island, 56
chaotic leadership style of, 85–86
as commander in chief, 90–97
Ghormley and, 143
Guadalcanal campaign and, 158–59
Navy given personal attention by, 91
Nimitz and, 297
TORCH and, 97
wartime critics of, 87–88
Rosenblatt, Herman, 382
Rota Island, 461, 462, 470, 474
ROUNDUP, Operation, 95, 308–9
Royal Air Force (RAF), xxii
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), xxvi
Royal Australian Navy (RAN), 20
coastwatching service of, xxiv–xxv, xxvi, xxvii, 37–38, 66, 99–100, 157
Royal Hawaiian Hotel, 259, 287
Royal New Zealand Air Force, 222
Royal New Zealand Army, 8th Infantry Brigade Group of, 236
Russell, Jim, 301–2
Russell Islands, 27, 183, 203
U.S. forces on, 220–21
Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 204, 536
Ryan, Michael P., 355, 357
Ryujo, 69, 76–77
S-38 (U.S. submarine), 41, 42
Sado Maru, 105
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 87
Saipan, Battle of, 362, 462–65, 500, 530, 532
civilians in, 506–7, 508–9
ground campaign in, 470–76, 497–98, 499, 500–503, 515
landings in, 465–69, 467
mass civilian suicides in, 534–35
surrender leaflets in, 509–10
U.S. casualties in, 466–67, 474–75, 510
Saipan Island, 412, 437, 438, 449, 456, 458, 459–60, 461–62, 516, 531
civilians on, 459
defensive works on, 460
Japanese troops on, 459–60, 466
Saito, Yoshitsugu, 449, 459, 460, 466, 467–68, 503–4, 505, 506, 530
Sakai, Saburo, 115–16, 426, 429, 430–31, 432
in dogfight with Southerland, 32–33
Sakonju, Naomasa, 454–55
Salamaua, New Guinea, 222, 239
Salt Lake City, USS, 135, 228–29
Samoa, 11, 190
Sampson, William, 69
Samurai (Sakai), 32
Sanada, Joichiro, 181, 182
San Bernandino Strait, 456, 469, 471
San Cristobal, 13, 107, 148, 160
San Diego, Calif., 287
San Francisco, Calif.:
African Americans in, 247–48
defense industry in, 246–49
as key supply center for Pacific War, 244
naval facilities in, 246
servicemen in, 244–46
San Francisco, USS, 155, 161, 379, 380
in Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 162–65
San Francisco Bay, 252, 287
San Juan, USS, 25, 35–36, 43, 154
Santa Cruz Islands, 13, 16, 22, 76, 107, 133, 146, 190
Santa Cruz Islands, Battle of the, 59, 148–54, 148, 160, 416, 419
Santa Isabel, 27, 57, 182
Saratoga, USS, 17, 20, 22, 30, 31, 37, 59, 60, 76–77, 78, 103, 105, 107, 143, 154, 237, 340, 387, 399
in Battle of Eastern Solomons, 79–80
torpedo attack on, 108
Sato, Kenryo, 181
Savo Island, 13, 24, 27, 31, 35, 38, 42, 134, 166, 168, 169, 170, 178
Savo Island, Battle of, 41, 43–51, 47, 56
Hepburn’s report on, 56–57
U.S. losses in, 55, 124
U.S. losses in, Japanese exaggeration of, 67
Savo Sound, see Ironbottom Sound (Savo Sound)
SB2C Helldivers, shortcomings of, 304–5, 331, 424–25
SBD dive-bombers, 304
Schmidt, Harry, 391, 398, 401
Schwartz, Harry, 87–88
Scott, Norman, 134–35, 160
Seabees, 70, 103, 190, 192, 426, 517, 518
and Espiritu Santo base, 14–15
in Guadalcanal campaign, 70, 103, 135, 190
in Solomons offensive, 221
Seahorse, USS, 471
Sealark Channel, 38, 43, 51, 52–53, 161, 165
Sea of Japan, 284
Searaven, USS, 410
2nd Marine Division, 457, 468, 498–99, 508, 510
in Tarawa campaign, see Tarawa, Battle of
2nd Marine Regiment, 133–34
in Guadalcanal campaign, 53
Second Amphibious Brigade, Japanese, 454
Second Division, Japanese, 184, 465, 500
Second Fleet, Japanese, 188, 447, 448, 531
First Battleship Division of, 450
Second Infantry Division, Japanese, 184
bsp; Seeadler Harbor, Manus, 242
Segond Channel, 15, 129
Selfridge, USS, 234–35
Senken Butai, 41–42
Senshin (warrior spirit), 430
seppuku, 504
Service Forces, Pacific Fleet (SERVPAC), 333
Service Squadron Four, 333
Service Squadron Ten, 385, 387, 398, 516
708th Provisional Amphibian Tractor Battalion, U.S. Army, 400
Seventeenth Army, Japanese, 40, 41, 122, 176, 183, 224
7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, 229, 390, 444
in Kwajalein battle, 390, 395–96
7th Marine Regiment, 107, 109, 133
Seventh Air Force, U.S., 342
Seventh Amphibious Force, U.S., 239
Seventh Army, Japanese, 155
Seventh Fleet, U.S., 242
as “MacArthur’s Navy,” 218
Seventh Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force, Japanese, 345
77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, 511, 512
SG search radars, 168, 177
see also fire control systems
Sheeks, Robert B., 466, 509–10
Sheridan, USS, 338
Sherman, Forrest P., 314, 325, 383
Sherman, Frank P., 109, 111
Sherman, Frederick “Ted” C., 389, 399, 411, 474
Sherman tanks, 351
Sherrod, Robert, 344, 349, 351, 354, 358
Shibasaki, Keiji, in battle for Tarawa, 345–46, 352–53
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 536
Shima, Kiyohide, 531
Shimada, Shigetaro, 423, 449, 451, 530, 531, 533, 534
Shinyo, 531
shipbuilding industry, Kaiser and, 248–49
Shokaku, 69, 78–79, 82, 147, 149, 150, 155, 419, 423, 473, 485–86
Shortland Island, xxv, 105, 178, 203, 235
U.S. air strikes on, 178–79
Shoup, David M., 352, 357, 358
in Tarawa battle, 349–50, 354, 356, 359
“shuttle-bombing” tactics, 451–52, 470
Singapore, xxii, 447, 448
Japanese capture of, xxiii
Sio, New Guinea, 239
Sixth Division, Japanese, 179
6th Marine Regiment, 352, 357, 359
67th Fighter Squadron (USAAF), 102
SJ radar, 258, 263
Skate, USS, 413, 452
Skon, Andy, 374, 375, 376
SLEDGEHAMMER, Operation, 95–96
Slonim, Gil, 471
“Slot, the,” 38, 42, 43, 57, 83, 103–4, 133, 161, 166, 167, 174, 176, 183, 236
Smith, Harold, 85
Smith, Holland M. “Howlin’ Mad,” 8, 229, 321, 334, 335, 352, 386, 390, 398, 401, 434, 458, 466, 467, 468, 469, 475, 497, 498, 499, 500, 510, 511
Army’s methodical pace criticized by, 396
as Fifth Amphibious Corps commander, 317
in GALVANIC chain-of-command dispute, 318–19
Kwajalein landing opposed by, 384–85
and Makin battle, 361–62
as passed over for promotion, 433–34
Tarawa battle criticisms of, 362–63, 365–66, 367
touchiness of, 317–18
Turner and, 318, 339–40, 433–34
Smith, John L., 70, 100
Smith, Julian C., 320, 322, 352, 354, 357, 359, 360, 362
in Tarawa battle, 334, 335, 336, 338, 366–67
Smith, Ralph C., 320, 321, 362, 364, 458, 498, 499, 500
Smoot, Roland, 23, 24
Snowden, Ernest, 479
Soliloquy (Hirohito), 536
Solomons archipelago, 11, 13, 27, 419, 514
air reconnaissance of, 62, 76
British protectorate of, xviii–xx, xxiii
daily life in, 190–92
disease and dangerous conditions in, xx
exotic beauty of, 191
geology of, xvii–xviii
headhunting and cannibalism in, xviii
illegal slave trade in, xviii
Japanese buildup in, 62
Japanese counteroffensive in, 147–48
Japanese I-Go aerial counteroffensive in, 202–3
Japanese pullback in, 182
Japanese underestimation of U.S. troops in, 68
KA-Go offensive in, 68–69, 75–83
Melanesian inhabitants of, xviii
white exodus from, xxiii, xxv
Solomons offensive, 14, 16–17, 190–91, 223–24, 313, 346
air war in, 222–23, 224–25, 242, 419–21
ammunition shortages and, 12
Bougainville landings in, 236, 340
CARTWHEEL in, see CARTWHEEL, Operation
chain of command in, 220
Espiritu Santo as base for, 14–15, 129, 142
fuel problems and, 12
Guadalcanal and Tulagi landings in, see Guadalcanal campaign
Japanese aircraft losses in, 242
New Georgia campaign in, see New Georgia campaign
political importance of, 158
submarine warfare in, see submarine warfare
Task Force 17 in, 107
Task Force 18 in, 107–8
Task Force 61 in, 107–8, 111–12
Torpedo Junction in, 108, 109–11
U.S. aircraft strength in, 127
Sommers, Sam, 482, 495
Sorong, 454
Soryu, 9
South China Sea, 255
Japanese advances in, 11–12
South Dakota, USS, 56, 81, 146, 151, 154, 160, 478, 480, 495
in Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 168–69, 170–72
Southeast Asia, Japanese conquests in, 114, 119
Southerland, James J., 31–32
in dogfight with Sakai, 32–33
Southern Amphibious Group, 333
Southern Attack Force, 395, 511
Southern Attack Group, 338
South Pacific, 13
Allied counteroffensive in, see Solomons offensive
South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command (SCAT), 190
South Solomon Trench, xviii
Soviet Union:
Allied convoys to, 95
Nazi Germany and, 11, 94, 96, 308–9, 530
Special Naval Landing Forces, Japanese, 29, 345, 459
Sperry, USS, 265
Spruance, Raymond Ames, 123, 198, 336, 361, 362, 367, 385, 386, 390, 398, 405, 433, 436, 458, 461–62, 463, 469, 471–72, 473, 474, 475–77, 478, 480, 488, 493–94, 497–98, 500, 511, 513, 515, 516, 530
appointed Fifth Fleet commander, 315, 325
carrier operations and, 341–42
central Pacific offensive overseen by, 315–16
command philosophy of, 316
as compulsive walker, 316, 336–37
GALVANIC and, 325
Gilbert Islands invasion proposed by, 314
Kwajalein landing opposed by, 384
Nimitz and, 315
as Nimitz’s chief of staff, 297, 298–300
Tarawa campaign and, 339
Towers’s conflict with, 325
and Truk raid, 410–11, 413
“Spruance haircut,” 397
Stalin, Joseph, 95
Stalingrad, Battle of, 94, 443
Stark, Harold “Betty,” 143
Stassen, Harold, 198
Stearns, Chester M., 110
Stebbins, Edgar E., 377, 378
Sterett, USS, 162, 163
Sterling, Forest, 260–61, 263, 266, 267, 269, 270, 273
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 319
Stimson, Henry L., 5, 91, 96, 434, 439
English Channel invasion as priority of, 308
Stingray, USS, 475
Strategic Bombing Survey, U.S., 67
Stump, Felix B., 328, 329, 371
submarines, U.S., Gato-class, 250, 252, 259
see also Wahoo, USS
submarine warfare, 63, 233, 416
bad torpedoes in, 255
blockade of Japanese home islands in, 284
in central Pacific offensive, 368?
??69, 402, 413
crew cohesiveness in, 250–52, 256–57
“friendly” attacks in, 253
increased U.S. success in, 452–53
interwar doctrine of, 252, 254–55, 262, 277
Japanese inattention to antisubmarine warfare in, 259, 282–83
King on, 253
merchant shipping attacks in, 253–54
more aggressive tactics demanded in, 255, 262, 283
mounting Japanese shipping losses from, 283–85
Nimitz and, 255, 257
prospective commanding officers (PCOs) in, 260
shore leave and, 259
sinking of Japanese oil tankers in, 285
“skipper problem” in, 255, 256, 277
sonar improvements in, 284
surface-search radar in, 283, 284
in Torpedo Junction, 109–11
U.S. disappointments in, 277–78
U.S. dominance in, 417
U.S. losses in, 285–86
see also specific submarines
Sugiyama, Hajime, 417, 422–23
Sulu Archipelago, 405, 449
Sulu Sea, 447
Sumatra, oil fields of, 282, 285, 416, 448
Sutherland, Richard K., 125, 126–27, 216, 217–18, 219, 221, 439, 440
Suwannee, USS, 327
Suzuki, Hiroshi, 448
Sydney, Australia, 211
Japanese submarine raid on, 114
Taft, Robert A., 87
Taiho, 427, 447, 450, 471, 473, 484–85
Taiyo, 531
Takahashi, Aiko, 443, 446, 513, 532, 535, 540, 541
Takanami, 177
Takasaki, 453
Takashina, Takeshi, 512
Takeyama, Michio, 542
Tales of the South Pacific (Michener), 190–91
Tanaga Island, 227
Tanaka, Raizo, 68–69, 76, 77, 105, 133, 135, 155, 156, 167, 172, 174, 189
“drum method” resupply efforts of, 176–77, 178–79
Guadalcanal troop convoys of, 68–69, 76–77, 82, 105, 133, 135, 155–56, 167–68, 172–73, 174, 176
in KA-Go counteroffensive, 82–83
withdrawal from Guadalcanal urged by, 179
Tanambogo Island, 25, 53
Tanapag Harbor, 500, 510–11
Tanikaze, 453
Tani, Masayuki, 180
Tapotchau, Mount, Saipan, 459, 465, 498, 500
Tarakan, 453
Tarawa, Battle of, 320, 322–23, 333–37, 338–68, 345, 439, 440, 459, 502
aircraft carrier in, 356
air and naval support in, 335–36
banzai attack in, 359
burial of dead from, 360
first day of, 347–53
Japanese losses in, 360, 367–68
landing craft in, 334–35
lessons of, 362–65, 367–68, 400–401
mopping up operations in, 360
operations plans for, 334–37
public response to losses in, 365–66
resupply operations in, 357, 358
second day of, 353–59
third day of, 359–60
U.S. ammunition and equipment shortages in, 354