Oz’s breaths came fast, his thigh muscles twitching. Ducking his head, Jax rubbed his jaw and cheek over Oz’s balls, then gave them a wet kiss. He licked the crease of Oz’s groin, loving the taste of his skin, his sweat. One hand making a lazy stroke on Oz’s dick, Jax used the other to raise the sac to his mouth. Oz jerked, then groaned.
His fingers slid through Jax’s hair, lifting his head. Not the yank of a top who demanded control, but firm suggestion.
“Too much?” Jax pressed a kiss at the top of Oz’s pubes.
“Not in a bad way.” Oz’s hand petted Jax’s cheek, settling on his jaw, a thumb caressing his lips. Jax lapped that rough skin. Oz’s taste was fainter there, but it still made Jax want to open his mouth and suck off every bit of it. “Come up here.” Oz followed the direction with a tug on Jax’s chin.
Jax kissed his way up, taking time to flick his tongue over Oz’s nipples.
“They don’t do much for me,” Oz said when Jax was lying on top of him, their faces together.
Even the motion of Oz’s breathing made the crisp hair on his chest tease Jax’s nipples enough to make him shiver. Jax rubbed his chest over Oz’s, ramping up the sensation.
“So what does?”
Oz smiled and kissed him, using his hold on Jax’s ass to slide their dicks together. “That.” Oz sucked Jax’s tongue in, jolting him with sensation. “And that.” Oz’s hands moved, gripping lower, prying Jax’s ass apart and stroking the crease between his cheeks. “And especially this.” Oz tipped Jax onto the mattress. “Roll over and get that sweet ass in the air for me.”
Jax shuddered and scrambled to shove a pillow under his hips.
“Yeah.” Oz ran his hand down Jax’s spine, breathing in his ear. “I’m going to eat your ass until you lose your mind.”
It hadn’t been a question, but Jax wanted to be clear that he approved wholeheartedly. “Yeah.” He arched his back. Fucking perfect idea.
Oz lifted Jax’s hips enough to draw his cock down between his legs. The stretch was a little uncomfortable with the pillow there.
He didn’t complain, but Oz said, “Don’t want you to come too soon. And I can do this.” He licked Jax’s nuts before running his tongue up and over the thin skin behind, then flicking over his hole.
“Mmm.” Oz pinned Jax’s legs open with those broad shoulders and dragged his cheeks wide apart. “Taste soap. I think you were counting on this.”
“Yes, God yes.”
Oz licked him again before settling in for some serious rimming, tongue and lips and a hint of teeth. Jax groaned and pushed up harder, wanting more of everything. Oz gave it to him. Sensation overload: wet, hot, soft, hard, beard scraping under his balls.
Jax did lose his mind. Tongue then fingers, over and over. He tried to grind his dick against the sheet, but Oz tugged at Jax’s balls and squeezed the base of his cock, making him hang there, desperate. His throat ached from the sounds pouring out of him. Jax was pretty sure he’d been growling.
Oz whispered to him when he used his fingers, grunts of his own, breath panting and then humming against Jax’s slick skin. “So good. So hot. Gonna feel so good on my dick.”
Jax stopped trying to come and just floated on the pleasure, drunk with it. No, better than drunk. High. God, if this was what it felt like on heroin, no wonder his costar Ren had killed himself with it.
Oz lifted his head, then sucked a bite into Jax’s cheek that didn’t hurt, only became part of the rush of good flooding through him.
“Yeah. You’re ready now.” Even after Oz stopped, the feeling stayed. “Think you can take me on your back?”
“Oh yeah.”
Oz was already rolling him over, settling Jax’s hips on the pillow, grinning down at him. “Lube?”
Jax waved at the nightstand and felt the mattress shift under Oz’s weight.
“Fuck.” The sharp frustration in Oz’s voice hauled Jax out of his daze.
“What’s wrong?”
“Condoms. Must have fallen out of my pocket in the other room.”
Jax forced himself up on his elbows. “There have to be some—”
“I don’t have much faith in your selection.”
Jax swallowed and glanced down at the ridges and veins of Oz’s dick. He wanted to feel that. Now. Bare texture and friction. Feel Oz lose it inside him. Jax was already going on the damned PEP. Why shouldn’t he get some fun out of it?
“I—I’m taking the meds. For post exposure. So we don’t really need one.”
Oz stared down. The sexy half-lidded gaze had been replaced by something sharp, all business. “Yes, we do. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I’ll be right back.”
Jax flopped back down on the mattress after Oz had left the room. How much risk was there for a top anyway? The guy had had his tongue up Jax’s ass, for Christ’s sake. Having to do a search and rescue for missing condoms had killed that amazing feeling. He was still horny as hell, but some stupid part of him wanted to tell Oz to take his precious wrapped dick and fuck himself with it.
With a sigh, Jax stroked his cock and waited. He wouldn’t actually say that. He never said shit like that out loud, and he really did still want Oz to fuck him. Unlike a lot of tops, Oz didn’t seem to feel the need to create some weird hypermasculine dynamic about getting in Jax’s ass. Jax had gotten over any shame issues about loving to be fucked by the time he left college. A guy who psyched himself up by calling Jax a whore and a butt slut and made him beg got old fast. Oz was just matter-of-fact about it. Want it, do it, done.
And damn, could he get it done. Jax had never been rimmed like that in his life. He paused his stroking to slide his fingers down, skimming his balls to brush the soft, wet skin around his hole.
“Miss me?” Oz’s voice held a laugh.
“Thought maybe you took your business elsewhere.”
“Not a chance.” Oz rested a knee on the bed and crawled to straddle Jax. “Don’t want to waste the work I put in here.”
“Work, huh?” Jax tipped his hips up to throw Oz off-balance, but he stayed in place.
“Very hard work.” Oz leaned over him, breath suggesting he’d detoured for a splash of mouthwash on his way back. “But I take a lot of pleasure in a job well done.”
It was corny as fuck, but somehow, with the grin—or maybe the straight-to-the-nuts tingle from his fingers working Jax’s tits—Oz pulled off the line.
Rubbing his cock over Jax’s abs, Oz made a deep, satisfied sound in his throat. “Damn, you’re hot.”
“Thanks.” Was it stupid to like the cheesy flirting more? Jax spent hours at the gym and watched every bite of food that went into his mouth in order to stay hot. He could at least take a compliment from a guy about to fuck him. He smiled and pulled Oz’s head down to kiss him while sifting through and discarding responses. You’re hot too—lame. You make me feel hot—pathetic. You said I was your type—idiotic.
Oz deepened the kiss, tongue teasing, then sweeping inside Jax’s mouth. Like he’d done to his ass, and Jax could feel him there again. He rubbed his fingers across the satiny base of Oz’s skull, feeling the planes and curves of his head under the warm skin. So soft compared to the crisp drag of his beard on Jax’s face, against his balls when he’d tonguefucked him.
Jax pulled his mouth free. “Oz, fuck me. Now.”
Jax’s pulse throbbed in his chest and his throat, his dick and his ass as he waited for Oz to slip on the condom and lube up. He wanted to drag him forward and in. Now. But Oz paused to smear Jax with a thumbful of lube, pressing it in, and despite remembering how much those first few minutes had stung, Jax couldn’t control a teeth-grinding moan of frustration.
Oz shook his head but smiled as he lifted Jax’s legs to hang over those broad shoulders.
Thank God, there it was, a deep press, stretching, making him want more. He tried to pull Oz down, but despite—or maybe because of—the two hours of legwork Jax had put in this morning, Oz didn’t
He drove in with that fat head. So good. Then a side of too much good, and with his legs, and Oz pinning his thighs with his hands, Jax couldn’t get the leverage to either retreat or push past it.
“Wait.” Great. All that waiting and his ass was going to wimp out on him. Oz was going to sigh like a casting director about to holler Next. Jax could do this. Hell, he loved doing this. They’d managed it in the Explorer with a lot less of everything. “Okay.”
Oz slid out slowly, creating almost as much of an ache as having him in there. “Not okay. Your muscle was clenching. We can wait.” No impatience, no condescension either. His palms soothed the tension in Jax’s thigh muscles. Did the guy always do everything right?
Jax’s body relaxed. “I’m good.”
Oz squeezed Jax’s cheeks before lining up again. “Do me a favor?”
Jax almost burst out laughing, but that would have meant another long pause. “Strange time to ask.”
“Not really. Let me set the pace, okay?”
The look Oz shot back suggested he saw right through Jax’s surface compliance, knew 90 percent of the time Jax’s okay or sure meant I’ll do what I want anyway.
“Jax, man, I get it. We both know what we’re doing. But I’ve been driving this dick for a long time. Trust me. You’re trying too hard.”
No way Oz could know, but that hint of a snap in Jax’s tone was how he said it when he meant it. He dropped his legs open and tried to let it happen.
“Thanks.” Oz scraped his nails down Jax’s chest, settling thumbs into the grooves over his hips, stroking, petting.
Jax didn’t have any issues with being a dick-hungry bottom. If anyone thought it made him less of a man to have a strong man’s fat cock in his ass, they were welcome to try taking it and then boast about how tough they were. But he’d never been one for a display of overly attentive care. He didn’t need seducing when he already had his legs over a guy’s shoulders.
Oz rubbed a thumb over Jax’s asshole. He was relaxed, ready. Really, really ready, but he didn’t try to meet the pressure. Oz nodded and lined himself up. Just a tiny bit of the tip. In and out. Slow then fast.
There was none of that aching stretch like before. Jax kind of missed it, but he knew no way Oz was getting all the way in without some burn. It would be fine, as long as Jax’s ass didn’t slam the door on him again. Oz rocked deeper, pressure easing a little as they worked past that thick rim. So damned good, Oz in far enough, angled enough to press on Jax’s prostate and start the sweet connection that rolled all the way to the tip of his dick.
Gimme. The word died in the back of Jax’s throat. He’d agreed to wait, but his body ached to haul Oz down, every inch of him. Until he filled Jax in all the ways Jax needed it.
“Don’t.” Oz was damned good at reading Jax’s face and body.
Jax exhaled slowly. This was the part that had hurt almost too much Thursday night. That thickness right before the base, that incredible width forcing Jax so open he’d bit back a scream—and not in the fun way.
Oz’s fingers rubbed the so-tight skin under Jax’s balls, then the rim of his hole. Just on the edge of no, too much, and then God yes. Oh God yes. Oz slid all the way in, and Jax was full. So full. Like Oz had more than his dick inside because Jax had never been this full before. Oz was wearing him like another skin. Moving through him. Through all the parts that needed the hot, hard pressure to feel right.
Oz thrust, balls slapping Jax’s ass softly. He’d thought he was full before. Now… his eyes rolled back in his head. His hands twisted in the sheet, seeking some kind of anchor. Oz stared down, lips parted, breath rough.
“Damn you feel good on my dick.”
It was the kind of thing people said during a fuck. You’re so big. Sweet ass. Fuck me harder. Feels so good. But Jax let the praise warm him from the gut out. The guts that felt impaled on the solid, throbbing weight inside him. He let the pleasure show on his face, felt the smile spread dimples into his cheeks.
Oz dipped his head. “Hang on.”
The headboard was smooth, nothing to really grab.
“To me,” Oz suggested.
Jax gripped Oz’s thighs, anticipation building as sweet as its own little orgasm in his belly. This was going to be one hell of a ride. Nothing hurt. Just fullness everywhere, Oz’s dick making sparks fly with every movement.
He started with slow, steady strokes. Jax felt the threat of too much, that edge of a too-sharp burn under the surface, but it was buried under the pleasure pounding through him from Oz’s rub over his prostate and the ever-building friction.
Jax settled into the rhythm, running his palms over Oz’s thighs, playing in the crisp hair. Oz was a tough audience. Nothing on his face but concentration, while Jax’s body wanted him to hurry up and get to the groaning, slamming, ball-slapping parts, the climb-to-orgasm parts where he wouldn’t be this kind of aware of how goddamned full he was right now. Jesus, getting fisted couldn’t go on as long as this.
Guys Jax hooked up with, it was all about efficiency. Fuck, feel good, move on. He squeezed Oz’s ass. “Is this some kind of tantric thing?”
Was that Jax’s voice? Sounded like Oz’s dick actually was in deep enough to hit Jax’s throat.
Oz laughed, and damn, Jax really felt that.
“No. This is an I-really-like-to-fuck thing.”
Oz made a full retreat and then a solid push in, then timed his words with more strokes like that. “In you. Feels. Too Good. To rush.”
Jax didn’t want to argue with that. Oz’s hands on Jax’s hips moved him, tipped him, and a whole new round of sensation made Jax buck against that grip.
“God.” From the rough edge in Oz’s voice, it felt pretty amazing on the other end too.
He leaned over Jax, bending him completely in half, spearing him on that slow-moving, oversized load, bust-out-the-hazard-lights cock, while pinching his nipples and kissing him tongue-to-tonsils deep.
Oh, shit. This is really out of my league. Jax reached over his head, trying to find a grip on the smooth wood, then gave up and hung on to Oz wherever he could.
Oz fucked Jax with hips, arms, tongue, hands, thighs, and yeah, that solid, pounding dick. Sometimes it ached, and Jax loved it anyway, loved the times when Oz was nailing Jax to the mattress, hard and fast, pinning him with that cock and the just-as-piercing stare from his dark eyes.
Jax was almost sorry when his body tipped over into the frantic, God-I-have-to-come sensations, but the constant jolts to his cock from the grind inside and out were too much to take. He reached for his dick, and Oz pushed him there with another kiss, hard twists on his nipples, and a jackhammer pounding in his ass.
The first shot landed in Jax’s hair, then his chin, his chest, and belly. And when he thought it was over, another spasm wrung through his nuts, spat from his dick. He got his eyes focused just in time to see a little surprise in Oz’s face, his mouth in a slack O, then he fucked and shuddered and groaned before sagging over Jax, pressing their foreheads together.
“You want me out?” Oz’s whisper was thick.
“Not yet. I’m still kinda twitchy.”
“Mmm. I noticed.”
Nice to be able to wait until everything calmed down. Because sometimes getting a good-sized dick out hurt a lot more than getting it in as it scraped against overly sensitive nerves that weren’t riding the sex train anymore.
Oz shifted and kissed where the come had landed on Jax’s chin, lapping it up, then nipping along his jaw.
Jax’s heart rate dropped to something under 120. “Now would be good.”
“Exhale,” Oz told him, and Jax didn’t waste the breath explaining he knew that already, thanks.
It hurt, a lot, but it was over fast, and then there was just a nice postfuck ache in his ass. Oz dropped the condom on the floor, and they arranged themselves on the mattress, side by side, shoulders touching. Jax cou
ld drop off like this. Sated, so well fucked, easy to ignore the start of his body asking for some fuel. Or, he could take another shot at the best fuck he’d ever had.
Jax leaned up on an elbow, looking down into Oz’s face. Jax couldn’t get a read. He should have said something while they were still in the zone. What the hell. No way to get a part without auditioning for it.
“So. How many condoms are in the box?”
Chapter 4
OZ TILTED his head, a half smile on his lips. He was pretty sure Jax was a total bottom, but better to check than assume. “What did you have in mind?”
“Rinse and repeat?”
“Really? We’ll see what your ass says about that.” It was still at least an hour before Joaquín and the girls could be back from a movie, and a long way from the 9:00 p.m. deadline. In the meantime, Jax’s ass wasn’t the only thing that would need recovery time.
There was a distinct rumble, and it wasn’t from Oz’s stomach, though he could use something to eat. “Throw food into that suggestion and you’ve got a deal.”
“I can swing that. What do you like?”
“Pizza’s good.”
Jax winced, then hid it behind a smile. “Sure.”
Who didn’t like pizza? Oz watched Jax climb out of bed, stretch, and then tug on a pair of sweats. How could Oz have forgotten? Sculpted abs, gym-perfect body. That didn’t happen on carbs. He’d heard the lecture about the evils of bread often enough from Joaquín.
Oz was about to suggest something else when Jax looked up from his phone.
“Pellizzari’s delivers. Ever heard of them?”
Oz shrugged. “Sounds fine.”
Negotiating toppings was painless—especially in comparison to the same process first with Joaquín and now with the girls. Nothing only on half. No worries over whether the pepperoni was beef or pork based. And no disgusting pineapple.