Page 100 of Alone, 1932-1940

48. Günter Grass, On Writing and Politics 1957–1983, trans. Ralph Manheim (San Diego, 1985), cited in NYT Book Review 6/23/85.

  49. Times 2/18/33.

  50. Times 2/24/34; WSC V, 545; Christopher Hollis, The Oxford Union (London, 1955), 184–193.

  51. Churchill, Storm, 85 fn.; WSC V, 504–505.


  1. Fodor’s London 1984 (New York, 1984), 152.

  2. WM, personal information (1/30/53).

  3. WM, personal information (1/30/53); Sir John Colville, The Fringes of Power: 10 Downing Street Diaries, 1939–1955 (New York, 1985), 36.

  4. Sir David Hunt, On the Spot: An Ambassador Remembers (London, 1975), 30–31.

  5. Lord Boothby, I Fight to Live (London, 1947), 38.

  6. Telford Taylor, Munich: The Price of Peace (New York, 1979), 549, 550, 555.

  7. WM/Lady Soames, 10/9/80.

  8. Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston, 1948), 83.

  9. Thomas Jones, A Diary With Letters, 1931–1950 (Oxford, 1954), 239–265.

  10. Frank Owen, Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George, His Life and Times (London, 1954), 737; Daily Express 9/16/36.

  11. DBFP series 2, vol. IV, no. 265; Vernon Bartlett, Nazi Germany Explained (London, 1933), 517–522.

  12. Telford Taylor, 217 fn.; New York Herald Tribune 5/19/33, 5/12/33.

  13. München Süddeutsche Zeitung 9/26/30; Frankfurter Zeitung 9/26/30.

  14. Fritz Hesse, Hitler and the English (England, 1954), 11–12; WM/R. A. Butler, 12/5/80.

  15. Strand 11/35.

  16. Sir John Wheeler-Bennett, ed., Action This Day: Memoirs by Lord Normanbrook, John Colville, Sir John Martin, Sir Ian Jacobs, Lord Bridges, Sir Leslie Rowan (London, 1968), 11.

  17. Lord Vansittart, The Mist Procession (London, 1958), 482; WM/R. A. Butler.

  18. NYT 7/30/31; Lord Moran, Churchill, Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran: The Struggle for Survival, 1940–1965 (Boston, 1966), 65; Virginia Cowles, Winston Churchill; The Era and the Man (New York, 1953), 285.

  19. WM/A. J. P. Taylor, 12/1/80; WM/Harold Macmillan, 12/4/80; Harold Macmillan, Winds of Change (London, 1966), 291; Charles Eade, ed., Churchill by His Contemporaries (London, 1953), 67.

  20. Elizabeth Longford, Winston Churchill: A Pictorial Life Story (Chicago, 1974), 84; Macmillan, 437; Victor Wallace Germains, The Tragedy of Winston Churchill (London, 1931).

  21. WM/Lady Soames, 10/9/80; Macmillan, 113.

  22. Kenneth Young, Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in Friendship and Politics (New York, 1966), 120–122.

  23. WM/Malcolm Muggeridge, 11/25/80.

  24. Hansard 11/23/32.

  25. DBFP series 2, vol. IV, nos. 263, 30.

  26. DBFP series 2, vol. V, nos. 5, 2229.

  27. DBFP series 2, vol. V, no. 2229.

  28. William E. Dodd, Ambassador Dodd’s Diary, 1933–1938, edited by William E. Dodd, Jr., and Martha Dodd (London, 1941), 239 (4/15/35); Foreign Relations of the U.S., 1937, I, 84.

  29. Jones, 180; Josiah Wedgwood, Memoirs of a Fighting Life (London, 1941), 225.

  30. WM/William L. Shirer, 7/5/83.

  31. WM/Shirer.

  32. Vernon Bartlett, 242–243.

  33. Churchill, Storm, 207.

  34. Winston S. Churchill, While England Slept (New York, 1938), 35.

  35. Claud Cockburn, The Week, No. 166, June 17, 1936; Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years (London, 1981), 165; CAB 23/86.

  36. Stephen Roskill, Hankey: Man of Secrets, vol. III, 1931–1963 (London, 1974), 53.

  37. A. L. Kennedy, Britain Faces Germany (London, 1937), 83–86; Gilbert, Wilderness, 136.

  38. Hansard 6/29/31; Gilbert, Wilderness, 37.

  39. Hansard 6/29/31.

  40. WSC V, 445; Daily Mail 5/26/32.

  41. ChP 18/75; Daily Mail 5/26/32.

  42. Hansard 11/10/32.

  43. Len Deighton, Fighter (New York, 1977), 39.

  44. Daily Mail 11/17/32; 11/23/32.

  45. Alistair Horne, To Lose A Battle (Boston, 1969), 22; WM/Lady Soames; WM/R. A. Butler.

  46. ChP 9/103; Times 4/13/33.

  47. Hansard 4/13/33.

  48. Birmingham Post 4/19/33.

  49. WSC V, 460–461.

  50. Macmillan, 354; Hansard 3/23/33.

  51. Hansard 3/23/33.

  52. Hansard 11/5/29 (Lords); Telford Taylor, 249.

  53. Birmingham Post 3/28/33.

  54. Jones, 129; Murray Papers.

  55. Martin Gilbert and Richard Gott, The Appeasers (Boston, 1963), 11.

  56. ChP 2/266; Times 9/27/33, 6/17/36; J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian (London, 1960), Appendix IV, 354–362.

  57. Cowles, 293.

  58. Times 6/26/33.

  59. Times 6/26/33.

  60. Vernon Bartlett, 242–243.

  61. Gilbert, Wilderness, 161; Norman Angell, The Defence of the Empire (New York, 1937), 183–184; Kennedy, 83–86.

  62. Eade, ed., 44.

  63. Kay Halle, The Irrepressible Churchill: A Treasury of Winston Churchill’s Wit (New York, 1967), 37, 181, 323.

  64. Halle, 268, 322.

  65. Hansard 7/10/35, 6/25/41.

  66. Colin Coote and Denvil Batchelor, eds., Maxims and Reflections (London, 1947), 53–54; Hansard 12/8/44.

  67. Halle, 269; Coote and Batchelor, eds., 142.

  68. Hansard 1/21/31; Halle, 125, 257.

  69. Halle, 131, 133.

  70. William Safire, “Banned Words,” NYT 10/28/84.

  71. Gilbert, Wilderness, 132.

  72. Telford Taylor, 205; CAB 23/76.

  73. John Baker White, True Blue (London, 1970), 161.

  74. ChP 2/201.

  75. BSCP 8/31/29.

  76. Cowles, 296; Gilbert, Wilderness, 15.

  77. Foreign Office Papers 371/16733.

  78. Harper’s, March 1946.

  79. Gilbert, Wilderness, 120.

  80. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed. (Chicago, 1974), VII, 4, 597.

  81. DBFP series 2, vol. V, no. 127; NYT 2/17/85.

  82. Vansittart, 478.

  83. Gilbert, Wilderness, 118, 119.

  84. Hansard 5/11/35; Sir John Colville, Foot-prints in Time (London, 1976), 95; WM/Sir John Colville, 10/8/80.

  85. Epping West Essex Gazette 8/13/33; Hansard 8/23/33.

  86. Horne, 38 passim.

  87. Oswald Spengler, Jahre de Entscheidung (Munich, 1935), viii; TMWC XXXIV.

  88. Völkischer Beobachter 5/18/33.

  89. Hermann Rauschning, Gesprache mit Hitler (Munich, 1940), 55; Franz von Papen, Der Wahrheit eine Gasse (Munich, 1953), 330–333.

  90. Beaverbrook Papers.

  91. Blomberg’s directive, TMWC, XXIV, 487–491.

  92. William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (New York, 1960), 212.

  93. Gottfried Benn, Der neue Staat und die Intellecktuellen (Stuttgart/Berlin, 1933), 576.

  94. André François-Poncet, De Versailles à Potsdam (Paris, 1948), 107; ND 2001-PS; Alan Bullock, Hitler—A Study in Tyranny (New York, 1952), 199; ND EC-419.

  95. Wolfgang Foerster, Ein General kaempft gegen den Krieg (Munich, 1949), 70–73.

  96. NCA, VII, 335; Foerster, 122; Völkischer Beobachter 8/20/34; Frankfurter Zeitung 8/20/34; Berliner Tageblatt, 8/20/34.

  97. ND C-100.

  98. Telford Taylor, 205; CV V/1, 306, 307.

  99. Robert Rhodes James, Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900–1939 (New York, 1970), 262; “How Wars of the Future Will Be Waged,” News of the World 4/24/38.

  100. Ronald H. Bailey and the editors of Time-Life Books, The Air War in Europe, 1940–1945 (Chicago, 1981), 26.

  101. PrP 1/237; Bailey et al., 43; Deighton, 78.

  102. Churchill, Storm, 116, 127, 128.

  103. WSC V, 553.

  104. Hansard 3/11/35; Vansittart, 509.

  105. Wheeler-Bennett, ed., Action This Day, 11.

  106. Lord Eustace Percy, Some Memories (London, 1958), 187.

  107. General Georg Thomas, Basic Facts for a History of German War and Armament Economy (mimeographed) (Nuremberg, 1945), cited in Shirer, Rise and Fall, 259; NCA, I, 827–830.

  108. Walter Görlitz, History of the German General Staff 1657–1945 (New York, 1953), 299.

  109. Vansittart, 226; Gilbert, Wilderness, 108; Telford Taylor, 591–592; CAB 23/83–86.

  110. ChP 2/271; WM/Kathleen Hill 11/4/80.

  111. Templewood Papers.

  112. Times 11/17/34; WSCHCS 5433 (verse form added).

  113. Hansard 11/28/34.

  114. Hansard 11/28/34.

  115. Frances Stevenson, Lloyd George: A Diary by Frances Stevenson, edited by A. J. P. Taylor (New York, 1971), 294.

  116. Hansard 11/28/34.

  117. Hansard 3/8/34.

  118. Telford Taylor, 246.

  119. BSCP 3/8/35.

  120. Foreign Office Papers 371/18828.

  121. White Papers Cmd. 5107; BSCP 3/8/35.

  122. Foreign Office Papers 371/18828.

  123. NYT 3/17/35; Telford Taylor, 98; Shirer, Rise and Fall, 284.

  124. Strand 11/35.

  125. Hansard 3/19/35.

  126. ChP 4/143.

  127. Hansard 3/19/35.

  128. Hansard 3/19/35.

  129. Foreign Office Papers 371/18828.

  130. BSCP 4/5/35.

  131. Telford Taylor, 218.

  132. Hansard 5/2/35.

  133. Hansard 5/22/35.

  134. Vansittart, 497–498.

  135. BSCP 5/11/35, 5/13/35.

  136. Daily Telegraph 4/26/35; Daily Express 5/3/35.

  137. ChP 8/503; BSCP, 4/11/35.

  138. Churchill, Storm, 126; Coote and Batchelor, 158–159.

  139. Telford Taylor, 123.

  140. NYT 5/23/35; Times 5/23/35.

  141. John Evelyn Wrench, Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times (London, 1955), 361.

  142. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 287–288.

  143. Telford Taylor, 222–223; CAB 23/82, 6/19/35.

  144. CAB 23/82, 6/19/35; Hansard 7/11/35.

  145. Telford Taylor, 223.

  146. Hansard 7/11/35.

  147. Daily Herald 3/27/36; Halle, 299.

  148. Telford Taylor, 97.

  149. Telford Taylor, 222.

  150. Hansard 3/19/35.

  151. Churchill, Storm, 123.

  152. Birla Papers; Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s Political Philosophy (Oxford, 1981), 85–88; Peter Stansky, ed., Churchill: A Profile (New York, 1973), 201.

  153. Robert Keith Middlemas and John Barnes, Baldwin (London, 1969), 868; WM/Macmillan; Macmillan, 395–397; A. W. Baldwin, My Father: The True Story (London, 1956), 242.

  154. Middlemas and Barnes, 867; Times 11/1/35; L. S. Amery, My Political Life, 3 vols. (London, 1953), III, 75, 170; Middlemas and Barnes, 369.

  155. Strand 11/35; Hansard 10/24/35.

  156. Strand 11/35.

  157. Foreign Office Papers 371/18878, 371/18880; ChP 2/237.

  158. Foreign Office Papers 371/18880.

  159. WSC V, 680; ChP 2/237.

  160. Eade, ed., 171; DNB 11/8/38, 11/6/36, 9/9/38.

  161. Henry Pelling, Winston Churchill (New York, 1974), 373; ChP 4/141.

  162. Vansittart, 497.

  163. Churchill, Storm, 128, 200; Baldwin Papers, 47, 113.

  164. Hansard 5/2/35.

  165. Wrench, 322.

  166. Isaiah Berlin, Mr. Churchill in 1940 (Boston, 1964), 16.

  167. Jones, 157.

  168. Jones, 203.

  169. Brian Gardner, Churchill in Power (Boston, 1970), 6; WM/A. J. P. Taylor, 12/1/80; A. J. P. Taylor, Origins of the Second World War (New York, 1961), 116.

  170. Churchill, Storm, 181; Longford, 86; Boothby, I Fight to Live, 137; WM/Lord Boothby 10/16/80.

  171. Churchill, Storm, 181.

  172. Robert T. Elson and the editors of Time-Life Books, Prelude to War (New York, 1976), 149.


  1. Francis Paul Walters, A History of the League of Nations (New York, 1952), 648.

  2. Harold Macmillan, Winds of Change (London, 1966), 383; Robert T. Elson and the editors of Time-Life Books, Prelude to War (New York, 1976), 150–151.

  3. Hansard 10/24/35.

  4. Lord Moran, Churchill. Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran: The Struggle for Survival, 1940–1965 (Boston, 1966), 692.

  5. Macmillan, 386; Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston, 1948), 133–134, 166–169.

  6. Templewood Papers; Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years (London, 1981), 137.

  7. Robert Rhodes James, Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900–1939 (New York, 1970), 286; Times 9/27/35.

  8. Telford Taylor, Munich: The Price of Peace (New York, 1979), 233.

  9. Times 10/4/35; Hansard 10/24/35.

  10. Rhodes James, Failure, 283; Macmillan, 402; Elson et al., Prelude, 152; Earl of Avon, Facing the Dictators (Boston, 1962), 303.

  11. Paris-Soir 12/9/35; Macmillan, 408; Times 12/18/35.

  12. ChP 2/238.

  13. Churchill, Storm, 183.

  14. Vincent Sheean, Between the Thunder and the Sun (New York, 1943), 30, 42.

  15. BSCP 12/30/35.

  16. BSCP 1/7/36; Churchill, Storm, 181; BSCP 12/26/35.

  17. Hansard 6/10/36; Telford Taylor, 232-233.

  18. Telford Taylor, 169; NYT 11/2/36.

  19. Templewood Papers; Avon, 355.

  20. ChP 1/284.

  21. Gilbert, Wilderness, 145; Harold Nicolson, Diaries and Letters, edited by Nigel Nicolson, 3 vols. (London, 1966), I, 228; WSC V, 709.

  22. CAB 21/424; Templewood Papers; ChP 2/251.

  23. BSCP 2/21/36, 2/27/36, 3/3/36.

  24. Randolph Churchill Papers.

  25. BSCP 1/8/36, 1/15/36; WM/Malcolm MacDonald, 11/6/80.

  26. Beaverbrook Papers; ChP 2/28.

  27. ChP 2/251; Edinburgh Evening News 2/13/36.

  28. Time 3/16/36.

  29. White Papers Cmd. 5107; WSC V, 711–712, 727; Hansard 3/10/36; A. J. P. Taylor, Origins of the Second World War (New York, 1961), 117.

  30. Hansard 3/10/36; Churchill, Storm, 190.

  31. Churchill, Storm, 191–192; NYT 5/22/35.

  32. BSCP 1/17/36.

  33. William L. Shirer, The Collapse of the Third Republic (New York, 1969), 251–252; General Maurice Gustave Gamelin, Servir, 3 vols. (Paris, 1947), II, 194–195; Événements, I, 138.

  34. André François-Poncet, The Fateful Years: Memoirs of a French Ambassador in Berlin 1931–1938 (New York, 1949), 188–189; ND C-159; William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (New York, 1960), 288, 291.

  35. Shirer, Collapse, 253.

  36. Shirer, Collapse, 250; Avon, 373, 376.

  37. Avon, 373–376.

  38. Time 3/16/36.

  39. William L. Shirer, Berlin Diary (New York, 1941), 52–53.

  40. Telford Taylor, 99–100; NYT 3/8/36.

  41. Shirer, Berlin Diary, 51–54.

  42. DGFP series D, vol. XI, no. 411.

  43. Paul Schmidt, Statist auf diplomatischer Buehne 1923–1945 (Bonn, 1945), 320.

  44. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 294; TMWC XV, 352.

  45. François-Poncet, Fateful Years, 192–193.

  46. NYT 3/8/36.

  47. Événements, III, 722.

  48. Événements, I, 157–158; Gamelin, II, 212–218; Shirer, Berlin Diary, 49–50; Événements, I, 201; François-Poncet, Fateful Years, 190, 194–195.

  49. Telford Taylor, 135.

  50. Churchill, Storm, 193; Événements, I, 20.

  51. DDF, I, Doc. No. 301, 413–414; I, Doc. No. 316, 426–427.

  52. Avon, 385.

  53. Avon, 388, 387.

  54. Événements, III, 591–592.

  55. Times 3/9/36.

  56. Thomas Jones, A Diary with Letters, 1931–1950 (Oxford, 1954), 180; Nicolson, I, 248–249.

  57. Hansard 3/9/36.

  58. Avon, 394.

  59. Pierre-Etienne
Flandin, Politique française 1919–1940 (Paris, 1947), 202–204, 207–208.

  60. Gilbert, Wilderness, 148–149; CAB 23/83.

  61. CAB 23/83.

  62. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 779, 828.

  63. Churchill, Storm, 192–193.

  64. Hansard 3/36.

  65. N. Chamberlain Papers, diary; Hansard 3/36; Evening Standard.

  66. WSC V, 712–713; Churchill, Storm, 195.

  67. Foreign Office Affairs Comm. minutes; PrP 1/194.

  68. N. Chamberlain Papers, diary, 3/12/36; WM/R. A. Butler, 12/5/80.

  69. Gilbert, Wilderness, 152–153.

  70. Gilbert, Wilderness, 152–153.

  71. Churchill, Storm, 196.

  72. Nicolson, ed., Diaries and Letters, I, 249–250.

  73. Churchill, Storm, 195–196.

  74. Churchill, Storm, 198, 197; Flandin, as quoted in Shirer, Collapse, 277; Shirer, Berlin Diary, 55; WM/William L. Shirer, 7/5/83; NYT 3/20/36.

  75. Hansard 3/26/36.

  76. Macmillan, 291; Elizabeth Longford, Winston Churchill: A Pictorial Life Story (Chicago, 1974), 84.

  77. ChP 2/252.

  78. Martin Gilbert and Richard Gott, The Appeasers (Boston, 1963), 48.

  79. Alistair Horne, To Lose a Battle (Boston, 1969), 41.

  80. Hansard 4/6/36.

  81. Hansard 3/26/36; WM/Harold Macmillan, 12/4/80.

  82. NCA, VII, 890; ND I-150.

  83. Lord Vansittart, The Mist Procession (London, 1958), 497, 499; Gilbert, Wilderness, 268; Churchill, Storm, 152–153.

  84. WSC V, 833–834.

  85. Churchill, Storm, 198.

  86. Churchill, Storm, 200.

  87. Gilbert, Wilderness, 146; BSCP.

  88. Sir Keith Feiling, The Life of Neville Chamberlain (London, 1946), 278.

  89. Macmillan, 431; Iain Macleod, Neville Chamberlain (London, 1961), 193; Gilbert, Wilderness, 146.

  90. Feiling, 278.

  91. Feiling, cited by Churchill, Storm, 200; Macleod, 193; Brian Gardner, Churchill in Power: As Seen by His Contemporaries (Boston, 1970), 5.

  92. Macmillan, 432; Macleod, 193, Robert Rhodes James, Memoirs (New York, 1970), 410; Times 3/16/36; Inskip, quoted in Gilbert and Gott, 365.

  93. Churchill, Storm, 200.

  94. Gardner, 5; Churchill, Storm, 200; Macmillan, 432; WM/Lord Geoffrey Lloyd, 11/27/80; ChP 2/330.

  95. Churchill, Storm, 201; Gardner, 5; Evening Standard 5/4/36.

  96. Hansard 3/26/36.

  97. ChP 2/268.

  98. Hansard 7/20/36; Nicolson, I, 269.

  99. Hansard 4/23/36.

  100. Glasgow Forward 10/3/36; Times 10/6/36.

  101. Times 10/9/36. Ibarruri (born 1895) was still alive in 1988.