Page 4 of Be My Temptation

  Kate sniffed and grabbed a new tissue. “It’s Brock. I caught him in a lie. A huge lie.”

  “I know he’s not married. Did he cheat on you? If he did after what your husband put you through, I’ll twist off his left testicle and hand it to him.”

  Kate sniffed and looked up. “That’s an oddly specific threat.”

  “That’s because I mean it.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kate folded another tissue in her hand. “He didn’t cheat. But he hasn’t been honest with me.”

  Angie put a hand on Kate’s arm. “Is he broke?”

  “No, as far as I know his company is doing really well.”

  “Is he dying?”

  Wiping away a tear with a tissue, Kate said, “I wouldn’t be angry with him if he were.”

  Angie slapped her hand on her thigh. “He has kids he never told you about. If Mike knew about them and didn’t tell me, I’ll kill him.”

  Kate smiled reluctantly. “No. No kids. Well, none that I know of. That’s my point. If you catch someone in a large lie, how do you know that they’re not lying to you about everything else?”

  Angie sighed. “I give up—spill it. What did he lie about?”

  Kate looked away. “It’s not really something I’m comfortable sharing the details of.”

  “You had a threesome with someone he said was a stranger, but he already knew her and lied about it.” Angie looked half excited by her guess. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Shaking her head, Kate said, “It’s more complicated than that.”

  “More complicated than a threesome? Like an orgy?”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “Seriously? An orgy?”

  Angie shrugged. “Hey, I’m guessing wildly because you’re being vague. We’re friends, Kate. Just tell me. I won’t judge.”

  Kate stood up and buried her hands in her coat pockets. “I was sort of seeing someone before I met Brock.”

  “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “He actually encouraged me to ask Brock out.”

  “Okay, that’s a little strange.”

  “And today I found proof that he was Brock.”


  “The man I was seeing before him.”

  “Whoa, you lost me. How could you not have known he was Brock?”

  Kate grimaced. “Because I never met the other man in person?”

  Angie stood and crossed the room to study Kate’s expression. “You look way too upset for this to be a joke, but let me see if I have this straight. You were talking to someone—online?”

  Kate shrugged one shoulder. “Texting on a phone, mostly.”

  “And he was Brock, but you didn’t know who you were talking to.”

  Kate nodded. “Essentially.”

  “And he told you to ask Brock out. Come on, that’s sweet.”

  Folding her arms in front of her, Kate shook her head vehemently. “Not sweet. Totally fucked up. You have no idea how guilty I’ve felt this whole past month. I was getting ready to confess everything to Brock. But I don’t have to confess anything, because he was Mr. Elf.” As memories of what she had done with Mr. Elf came flooding back to her, Kate went bright red. “That bastard.”

  “Mr. Elf? Kate, I don’t want to pressure you when you’re in this state, but you can’t leave until you tell me the rest of the story. Why were you talking to a man who called himself Mr. Elf in the first place?”

  Suddenly hot, Kate took off her coat and dropped it on the chair beside her. “If I tell you something, you have to swear you’ll never tell anyone.”

  Angie’s eyes rounded. “Who would I tell?”


  “Okay, okay. It stays between us.”

  Once Kate started, the story poured out of her. She started with how she’d always written to Santa Claus with her mother, and how after her mom had passed away she’d vented her unhappiness in a letter to him. “I ended the letter by asking Santa for some pretty crude things for Christmas. I decided at the last minute not to mail it. When I got home I realized I had somehow lost it. The next morning I found a prepaid phone on my doorstep with a card that was signed ‘Head Elf in charge of the Naughty List.’ ”

  Angie burst out laughing, then sobered when Kate didn’t laugh with her. “Sorry. Go on.”

  “I was sad and angry and lonely. He started leaving gifts for me with instructions, and I did what he asked me to.”


  Kate shrugged again. “Ben Wa balls. Stuff like that.”

  “He’s the guy you said introduced you to toys?”


  “But you didn’t know who he was at the time?”


  “Wow.” Angie raised her hands, biting her lip in an obvious attempt not to smile. “I’m just imaging how Brock must have felt when he found your letter. He must have thought he’d hit the lottery. Then he started sending you naughty gifts, and you liked them?”

  Kate covered her face with her hands. “It was a game, and for a while it was fun. When I think about what he had me do, in front of Brock, in a way that Brock wouldn’t know, I could die. He knew. He knew exactly what I was doing. Oh, my God, he must have been laughing at me the whole time.”

  “Laughing? Doubtful. More likely he was having difficulty hiding his perpetual hard-on. That was every man’s wet dream. He told you what to do to him, and you did it.”

  “I can’t ever look at him again.”

  Angie was quiet for a moment, then said, “I could be wrong, but when we talked about Mr. Elf—” Angie chuckled, then stopped and continued, “Sorry, I can’t say that with a straight face. When you mentioned the man who introduced you to sex toys, you sounded grateful to him.”

  Kate lowered her hands. “I was. I felt like I was sinking before I met Mr. Elf. I know it sounds insane, but he jolted me out of a depression I didn’t realize I was falling into. He challenged me to do things I wouldn’t normally do, to not care what people thought of me. Mr. Elf was partly the reason why I said hi to you the first day we met. I used to be very shy. I normally would have looked away and walked by without saying anything.”

  “So Brock did you a favor.”

  Grudgingly, Kate nodded. “Yes, but he lied about it.”

  “Did you ask him if he was Mr. Elf?”

  “No, but come on, that’s a pretty big thing to keep to yourself.”

  “I understand why you’re upset, but I don’t think you should break up with him over this.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  Angie smiled. “You’re beginning to sound like me.”

  Kate half smiled at that comment. “Well, then you can blame me when your sons start saying it.” In a more serious tone, Kate added, “My ex-husband lied about everything. I don’t know if I can forgive Brock for this.”

  “Brock didn’t technically lie. He didn’t tell you everything, but that’s not the same thing.”

  “He played me, Angie.”

  Angie sat back down on the couch. “Yes, but it was a game you admit was good for you. So, where’s the harm? He obviously cares about you. Anyone with two eyes can tell he’s in love with you—he’s even said it himself.”

  Kate went to sit beside Angie on the couch again. “So, I just pretend I don’t know? I don’t think I can do that.”

  Angie laughed and rubbed her hands together. “Oh, hell no. He thinks he outsmarted you. You need to give him a taste of his own medicine. Good, harmless fun, laced with a little bit of payback, sounds like just what he deserves.”

  “How would I do that?”

  “You need to text Mr. Elf.”


  The next day Brock sat at his desk and attempted to work. He hadn’t slept at all; not talking to Kate was driving him crazy. He had to read every email twice, and his headache, which no amount of over-the-counter pills could rid him of, wasn’t helping.

  The door to his work trailer swung open and slammed shut as Tyler burst in. “Hey, good
news, it was Summer the other night. Or is that bad news? I just realized something: On one hand, I didn’t accidently sleep with both of them. On the other hand, I didn’t sleep with both of them. Shit, I was really happy when I got the text from Summer saying she enjoyed the other night, but now I’m a little bummed at the same time. You know what I mean?” He sank into a chair across from Brock and said, “What happened to you? You look like crap.”

  Brock shook his head and gritted his teeth. “Nothing. What do you need? I emailed you my okay on the latest plans you sent over.”

  “I was in the area and thought I’d drop by to see you. Nothing, huh? I know I told you I liked you better miserable, but just looking at you is bringing me down. Want to go for a beer?”

  Brock glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s ten in the morning.”

  “Why be the boss if you can’t do what you want, when you want? That’s why I freelance. I could fly off to Europe for a week, right now, if I wanted to. Nothing to stop me.”

  “Or hit a bar on a Thursday morning.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who looks like you need a drink.”

  Brock leaned back in his chair. “Kate’s not taking my calls.”

  “Want me to get you a box of tissues or go ask her for your balls back?”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m serious. I may have really screwed it up with her.”

  Tyler crossed his legs at the ankles. “So you came to me for advice.”

  “Actually, you came here. But I probably should ask you what you think. Anything is better than what I’m doing now.”

  “Which is?”

  “Waiting for my new phone to come in. I smashed mine this morning when I tried to call her and it still went straight to voice mail.”

  Tyler nodded sympathetically. “Tell me what you did, and I’ll tell you how to fix it.”

  “I told her I love her.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “I did. And now she’s not answering my calls.”

  “Fuck. There’s no coming back from that.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk,” Brock said bitterly. “We should do this again. I feel so much better now.”

  “Hey, if I thought it would work out, I’d tell you to send her flowers. But when women run from those three words, it’s over. Done.”

  “So going over to her house after work today is a bad idea?”

  “Unless you like living dangerously. I believe the legal term is ‘stalking.’ ”

  Brock laid his head down on his desk. “It was going so well. Why did I have to open my mouth and fuck it up?”

  “I ask myself that all the time, but then I remind myself there are millions of women in the United States, so chances are I’ll meet another one I like. That cheers me up.”

  Brock sat back up and shook his head sadly. “I’m not going to find another Kate.”

  Tyler stood up and sighed. “Brock, forget her. Seriously. She was pretty and nice, but you can find that combination again.”

  Brock slammed his hand down on his desk. “I don’t want to find it again. I want Kate.”

  “Want me to date her and be an absolute dick? That might send her running back to you.”

  Brock stood. “You touch her and I’ll kill you.”

  “Okay, so that’s out. I’m just tossing ideas out there. Don’t flip out on me.” Tyler rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You’re right, if you’re not ready to move on, there really isn’t anything you can do besides go see her and hope for the best.” He headed toward the door. “Coffee run?”

  Brock nodded. “Sure.” He was putting on his coat when he heard a beep deep within his desk. At first he dismissed it as his imagination. Then, realizing what it was, he knew he’d lose his mind if he didn’t check his prepaid phone. “I just remembered I have something I need to do. How about lunch tomorrow? I’ll head down your way.”

  Tyler shrugged. “Tomorrow works. Hey, good luck with Kate. I mean it.”

  “I know you do.”

  As soon as Tyler was gone, Brock whipped open his desk drawer and pulled out the phone. It was on, which was strange, but since he had checked it recently he figured he must have left it that way by accident. It still had a charge.

  And one new message.

  Brock dropped into his chair with the phone still in his hand.

  One new message from Kate to Mr. Elf.

  Why would Kate contact me—him—now?

  He opened his messages and read her text:

  Mr. Elf, I have a problem, and I need your advice.


  Chapter Six

  “What if he doesn’t answer?” Kate asked from her seat at the island in Angie’s kitchen.

  Angie had her back to Kate while she washed out baby bottles in the sink. “He’ll answer.”

  Kate put the phone down on the counter in front of her and stood. “We haven’t used the phones in over a month. He might have forgotten he even has it.”

  Angie turned, wiping her hands on a towel beside her. “The phone was charged when you found it, right?”


  “That means he’s still checking it. What phone do you know that would hold a charge for a month?”

  Kate sighed and sat back down. “None. Mine was dead. I can’t believe I dug it out of the trash—for what? What are we doing, Angie? What do we hope to get out of this?”

  “If you don’t know, then you need to think this through. I thought we were going to have some harmless fun with him. What are you planning?”

  “I don’t know. Part of me wants to throw this phone away for good this time and never talk to either of them again—to pretend none of this happened.”

  “You can do that. It’ll be awkward at first, but denial is a well-populated place. I’ve met many people who live there.”

  “But whenever I think about never seeing Brock again I get really sad. I don’t want to lose him. I want him to fix this. I want to trust him again.”

  “So, this is about getting him to prove himself?”

  Kate met her friend’s eyes. “Yes, I guess that’s what I’m hoping will happen. That and . . . I’d like to make him squirm a little before I tell him I know what he did.”

  Angie smiled. “I like the squirm part. Mike and I came up with some fun ways to do it.”

  “You told Mike? You swore you wouldn’t tell anyone.”

  “It’s just Mike. Plus, oh, my God, thank you. We were laughing like kids last night when I told him your story. It didn’t matter that we were both exhausted—we had the best night together. Talking about what you did with your Mr. Elf gave Mike a few ideas. He said he’s going shopping today after work. Toy shopping. I may have to take you up on that offer to babysit after all. It was wonderful, Kate. Really wonderful.”

  Kate wanted to be upset with her friend, but the sincere gratitude on Angie’s face made that difficult. “I’m glad something good came out of this.”

  “Of course Mike started off saying we should sympathize with Brock. He thinks Brock really loves you. It’s amazing, though, how good sex can sway a man’s loyalty. Mike is totally on our team now.”

  “We have teams?” Kate’s eyes rounded.

  Angie raised both hands as if shaking invisible pom-poms and said, “Go, Team Kate.”

  Kate closed her eyes and covered them with one hand. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this.” Just then the prepaid phone beeped, announcing an incoming message. Kate’s eyes flew open and her mouth rounded with shock.

  Angie rushed over to the counter. “What are you waiting for? Check it.”

  “Do you think he knows that I know?”

  “How would he?”

  “I was upset when I left his office. His sister might have said something.”

  “There’s only one way to find out, Kate. You’re killing me. The twins are going to wake up soon. Check the damn message.”

  Kate picked up the phone and opened the messages folder.

  I thought you had made you
r choice, Kate. Having second thoughts?

  Kate held out the phone to show Angie the text. “How do I answer?”

  Angie pursed her lips. “Remember, you’re actually talking to Brock. So, make sure whatever you say is what you want him to hear. He’s listening, Kate. Tell him how you feel.”

  Kate texted: Brock said he loves me.

  That was soon.

  Yes. Too soon. I don’t believe him.

  Sounds like something you should discuss with him and not me.

  I can’t ask him if he loves me. He’ll simply say yes. Even if he doesn’t. People lie. All my ex-husband did was lie to me. He said he loved me, too, but he didn’t. Those three words don’t mean as much to me as they used to.

  Do you love him?

  I don’t know. Sometimes I think I do. Sometimes I get scared and never want to see him again. It would be different if I believed he really loved me. How do I find out the truth?

  They say love is a leap of faith.

  People who say that haven’t crashed and burned. Fuck leaping. I want proof.

  Angie bent so she was shoulder to shoulder with Kate. She gave Kate a thumbs-up. “You tell him, Kate.”

  What would you consider proof?

  There are areas of our relationship that I’m not entirely happy with. If I told him what they were, do you think he would change for me?

  A man who loves you would at least try.

  Even if it’s about how he is in the bedroom?

  Angie whistled as she read what Kate was typing. “You’re good. I would have told him that nothing short of a cock piercing would prove he loved me, but this is sheer genius.” When Kate looked up from her phone in surprise, Angie continued, “Don’t let me break your stride. You’re doing fine. Piercings take too long to heal, anyway. This is awesome. Hit him where it hurts—his performance pride.”

  You’re not happy with the sex you’ve been having?